Can I still complain though, because I'm a fan that was on the other team? No? Fine, I'll take my no-bragging-rights-salty-21-super-sea-snail-booty to Murch and begrudgingly gamble them all away for chunks. xPNeato. My team won AND Marina fans can stop complaining. It's a win/win!
In fairness, I got pretty lucky with my wins and losses. Most of my losses, especially towards the end, were in matches where both teams were pretty close in terms of power. Whereas we somehow managed to pull off wins against teams that were way stronger than us, so it kept my Splatfest power decently high.I'll dig through my photo and clip album later. Meanwhile:
Well... now I'm feeling a tinge saltier! Same stats as you but my highest was under 2050. Lost ONE—ONE match after that, which dropped me almost 30 points and eventually ended my run around 1950+. And no matter how many win streaks I had, I could just never get enough points to make up for any single lost.
It's like OG Splatoon ranked points! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Tell me about it. I'm Fantasy this time, but I went Vampires last time and it didn't even really feel like a proper win. It felt like I won because Pearl was untouchable in NA, rather than because of anything I personally contributed. Knowing that it's actually possible for Marina to take proper Splatfests in NA will make future Splatfests more enjoyable no matter which side I'm on; if I pick Pearl's team, I get to feel like I achieved something beyond picking the same team as all the metagamers, and if I pick Marina's team I get to feel like I actually stand a chance of winning.Even as a Sci-Fi player, I still have to say it was about time Marina won in NA! GGs to everyone who played.
Well that's mean, people probably worked hard on some of those.Well, it's once again time for some more splatfest street capturography. Let's see what's to be found.
You fool, that doesn't help me choose! Magic portals or science portals?!
Make believe? Pah! I rather make stuff!
Like making a Pearl-bot with a smaller forehead! =p
Enchantress! *hisssss* You and your chances of winning are both fantasies! *sob*
Bards with stringy lutes by candlelight? Nah, gimme djs with dope beats by laserlight!
Final Splatfest results: 13 wins/11 losses, 147 kills/100 deaths. Final Splatfest Power: 2006.6Before the Splatfest I said:Right, give me about a day and I'll be in fighting form.