I'm going to add something about the new patch and the state of the meta in general right now. I know this can be kind of a touch subject and that a lot of people want the .52 gal nerfed right now, but I really don't think it should be and I'll give my reasons. It hasn't been touched since last game and in that time a ton of other options around it have been buffed, on top of which a lot of weapons just got better against the vanilla kit's splash wall.
However, my main concern is that if you nerf the .52, you open the door for the Glooga Dualies to take its place. I know this might sound crazy, but hear me out. In their entire history, the Gloogas have gotten nothing but buffs without a single nerf and on top of that, the vanilla kit is identical to that of the hated K52 kit. On top of that, the Deco Gloogas have the exact same kit as the Neo Machine, which is Sensor and Zooka. And like I said earlier, I believe power creep is starting to catch up with the .52. That advantages it has over other shooters and even other weapon classes has narrowed considerably, with a bunch of weapons getting huge buffs, and a few overtuned weapons getting some nerfs. In conclusion, I basically think it would be a big mistake to nerf the .52 just because it's considered meta right now.