This is kinda off topic, but this thread gets derailed so much anyway. XD
The best part of this thread is how after some new idea pops into someone's head, we all go crazy. It's a roller coaster of hype, and I will be simultaneously happy and sad once we get Octolings. This thread is too fun to read.
like i said, there's a pattern... hype, silence, agitation. rinse and repeat.
I created this thread to collect all the info we could about octolings, and hype them up to no limit. it seems collectively, through our love for this game, the octolings, and the community, we have accomplished that. this thread is like no other. a place where people can speculate. get frustrated. laugh. make amends. discuss things, and do so much more, based on one concept alone. that is a powerful topic, and this thread encompasses all of squidboards. we've even made a group around this thread.
some of us have made friends, some have seen things from a different perspective, and some have laughed to no end. this thread is very special, and means a lot to me that everyone would come here to discuss, what ultimately boils down to a well proven dlc skin, to a game we all love.
i'm glad it brought you some joy. and this train won't stop until we hit that octoling wall. please stay tuned, and enjoy the ride. ;)