Octolings vs. Inklings RP (Reboot)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam says, "That's great! While our General is the commander, he isn't our leader, the leaders of the neighborhood are a male Octoling and a female Octoling so we might have to send them to meet with the old man that you mentioned."

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
upload_2019-5-13_8-47-0.png “Perhaps..” He sighed before thinking back to the start of his life, it was always training, training for the very situation, but yet he still felt unprepared...why?..


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral and Kelp are seen hanging out near an ink battle practice area where much like Inkopolis's ink battle areas, there are two Spawn Points so that both teams of Octolings are able to battle without needing to worry about being permanently splatted. Coral reminisces the time before Octavio's loyalists attacked, "I miss being able to do battles for fun and not to fight for our lives." he says, to which Kelp replies "Yeah, remember that first fun battle that we played on New Albacore Hotel? Kind of funny that it was a little intense for us, but then again, it was our first battle that we played for fun." she said, Coral then replies "At least we earn money from playing it, remember how much funding we contributed to this neighborhood before this real war mess started?", Kelp then says "It was actually so much, glad that other Octolings helped out in order to give our tentacle friends somewhere aboveground to live."

Coral then starts talking, "Which is why I'm trying my best out there to prevent anyone from taking this life away from them, our tentacle brethren protected us so much when we were underground, so it is my goal to protect their aboveground sanctuary from anyone with bad intentions. I have a sneaking suspicion that OGMO has sided with the enemy, a powerful enemy is never going to stop attacking unless something permanent is done.", Kelp then starts to worry "Wait, is OGMO really siding with our enemy? Are they still angry that they couldn't capture a single Octoling?" she asks. Coral answers, "Unfortunately, afraid so, if Shade does not come back as himself where he is willing to help us instead of harm us, then we will have to ask our leaders to declare war on OGMO, this will be especially necessary if they are siding with the enemy."


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
(Yeah, I try to make them adorable as a couple, with Coral being the one to take initiatives and Kelp agreeing with him.)

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
upload_2019-5-14_8-9-50.png “so, I gotta ask..” he says as he turns to clam “How did you guys get here? Like, set this entire place up I mean. I’m sure it took a lot of work.”


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"We salvaged a lot of the debris from Octo Valley and used them to build this neighborhood in a place of Inkopolis where no one would suspect the wrong thing, so we decided to build it on the abandoned part of the city." Clam explains, "Once this was built, we tried our best to make it look like something from Inkopolis itself from both the inside and outside. One so this place wouldn't stick out like a sore tentacle and two so that we can forget about the depressing times we faced in Octo Valley."

Clam then continues to explain, "It took us a lot of work to salvage materials and to actually plan out the size before building it, we wanted to make this a growing population-friendly neighborhood. Once planned, it also took a lot of work to build all of this and while the Octolings went to see the sights of Inkopolis, they still came back here to help, once this was complete, the next step was to actually fund the neighborhood to make sure it can stand on its own for the time being, reuniting both Octarian species and finally to get us tentacle folk accepted in Inkopolis before we reach the population limit in the neighborhood."

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
upload_2019-5-15_9-55-41.png Joseph was unsure how to respond, all this hardship that they went through to build such a place, all of the work and cooperation, all the blood and sweat. “That..That sounds..Like you all had a very difficult time, I truly am sorry about your peoples situation clam, really.”


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam replies "But it's all worth it, the reunification process is almost done, it's just put on hold since the last step would be for our leaders, a Crimson Octoling and a Ringed Octoling to have an Octoling child together and they agreed that they don't want to bring one into the world where the current setting is a war that's currently taking place. The funding became very successful before this war started, so we just have enough to hold out, not indefinitely, but for as long as we need in order to give us enough time to end this war."

Coral and Kelp finally arrive at where Agent and Clam are, "Hey guys" Coral said while Kelp says "Hello!"
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral has introduced Kelp, "This Octoling's name is Kelp, she is my girlfriend and General Anemone's niece.", Kelp says "I hope everything out there works out in the end."

Coral then remembers "Oh! We came here to tell you that Shade went to the OGMO facility that's the closest to here.", Clam seems to be disgusted at remembering at even the mere existence of OGMO, "Blegh, that stupid organization who captures victims to experiment on them seems to be at it again, but it would be even worse if they are siding with the enemy again. I knew we should've destroyed their facility to end their harsh experimentations there."


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral then says "I saw him talking to his communicator in response to someone calling him to go over there, so I assume that he had a team to meet. It sounds like they are planning to defeat whoever is behind these dark experimentations that turn people into monsters."

Clam quickly starts talking, "OGMO tried to take our Octolings time and time again, thankfully they ignore the tentacle folks. This is why our General is hesitant on sending a lot of our Octolings to face our enemy. OGMO is just waiting for when one of our Octolings is alone outside this safe space. We were lucky that they did not know Coral and I left this safe space."


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
(I’ve missed a lot :O Also I’m not going to be very active the next week(s) because I got finals. Apologies in advance)

Shade walks up to the building with a confidant stride. He walks up to a vehicle of some sort and knocks twice on the side door. He is greeted by his two friends, Parallax and Yin. “Took you long enough. ” Shade shrugs. “Had to stop to get a bite to eat. ” Yin laughs. “Classic, Shade. Never change, bud.” The three friends start to walk towards the complex, ready for whatever comes at them.

(Will post more later, but I gotta take a test first)
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
(That's cool, but hey, at least you will have more time to RP once finals are over.)

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
upload_2019-5-17_8-2-16.png “OGMO?” He thought aloud before deciding to ask the Octolings brothers “What’s OGMO? I mean, In detail, what do they do specifically?” He sat up straight as he listened, wondering if they might need to help shade or not.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral replies, "I don't know what the name means, but OGMO became our enemy on the day they started to interfere with our Octoling repopulation goal back when we first arrived." as he said that, he had a little bit of an aggression at the thought of them using their experimentations to attack the neighborhood, "Why don't they just leave us alone already?! They keep going after defenseless Octoling children, that's just horrible!"

Clam decided to explain so Coral wouldn't be any more upset, "Basically, OGMO captures victims and essentially turns them into monsters, from what we can gather of the file we stole from Octavio's army back when we were halfway through in escaping Octo Valley, OGMO helped him by capturing anyone who would get in the way of his plans, which could explain why they go after ink-based beings. If we don't put a stop to them, our neighborhood, as well as Inkopolis, are doomed to be the breeding grounds for horrible experimentations."

Kelp decided to talk now, "We asked my uncle if we could destroy their facilities, but he said no because they would lie to Inkopolis officials to cover the ugly truth. Time and time again, they sent both figurative and literal monsters to attack our neighborhood, but thankfully our elite group of male Octolings called the Octospartans fought those monsters back, but we could tell that even as elites, the battle against the literal monsters was tough to them.", she then wondered if now is a good time to attack the facility in order to provide the distractions needed for Shade and his team, "You know what if we surround the facility from the outside and start attacking it once they are inside? This could provide the distraction that would give Shade and his team the advantage to take it down from the inside."
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
After Coral felt the stress from worrying about two threats that would attack the neighborhood, Kelp hugged him in order to comfort him so that he can calm down. Kelp then kisses Coral so that he can stay calm in this time of need. Kelp knows that she needs to support Coral as much as she can to not let his anger get the best of him.
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