They should be charging a lot more. The idea behind this is that it brings in money to enhance the online experience and users get to have a membership that includes having old gameshey sup? :D
i am sure most of you know..but soon we gotta pay to play online T~T at first i wasn't to happy about it but since it is really cheap for a year compared to xbox and PS4,only 20 dollars/euros,i don't find the price a problem..but what still bothers me is how it currenly goes for online playing..i mean many of us have or had issues were you randomly gety kicked out a match because of a ''communication error'' or the teammates disconnecting at the first half of a match? if they expect us to pay to play online then shouldn't they be fixing these issues as well? >-> because it's not fair to pay for something if it's half broken,know what i mean? x.x
what do you people think? o:
The good
This kind of thing enables you to play multiplayer in so many classic games
Legend of Zelda classic games will be playable! As well as other major names down the line like the classic smash bros games (would not be surprised if they are released near the new smash bros release)
Nintendo is finally making a serious inviestment in online play
Now while all of that is jolly. Here is the bad
It’s overwhelmingly underfunded. There needs to be a three bracket style of service
$5 a month for basic
$10 a month for enhanced access and access to back catalogue
$20 a month for supreme access and unique content
The whole problem is that currently no one even pays for the online service (it’s amazingly well for a free service)
And while this does indeed improve things, players are gonna be pissed when it’s not a major leap like any free to payment transition should be
In short. It’s nintendo. They always find a way to royally **** up a grand opportunity. They used to openly be at war with their own gaming community, so this really bad underfunded roleout is either a huge missed opportunity that Nintendo just didn’t see. Or Nintendo has taken the war on gamers covertly and intentionally does a bad job
There is no joy in life. Only misery and woe
All I care about is playing majoras mask on my switch