Patch 7.2.0 is here!


Inkling Cadet
Apr 4, 2018
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I'm glad the Dapples are getting a mobility buff, and I hope this can help them move up a little in the tier list. The perception right now is that they're considered the worst Dualies by a lot of people in the competitive community. Their closest competitors both have more range and that's a big sticking point. The Splat Dualies have gotten a buff to their roll speed which while they're still not as fast as the Dapples, they compete with them a lot more in that department. And while the Dapples can roll a lot faster, the Tetras still have twice as many rolls to compensate which is perceived as them having better mobility despite having slower rolls and a lot more end lag on them.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
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The things they did change are steps in the right direction. They just need to change more. I don't know why they've let Zooka and Tacticooler stay so damn dominant for so damn long and all they'll ever do is +10p.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Ohio, USA
Switch Friend Code
My thoughts:
  1. No Special Nerfs to Zooka or Cooler which is ok just not what I expected. I am still hoping for a Zooka startup nerf in the next patch though.
  2. All of the changes were really good, nothing jumped out at me as being really drastic.
  3. As a Splatoon player who didn't play S2 I really appreciate the direction they took Tri-Splashdown, it was annoying and underpowered all at once but hopefully it should be better.
  4. I might try playing more S-Blast now that Range got that little nerf, and it got that buff.
  5. Biggest complaint is no nerf to Splash Wall, I feel like that still needs so tweaking.
Overall great patch!


Inkster Jr.
Feb 21, 2024
I have a lot of thoughts so I'll list them here.

  • The buffs seem good honestly. I don't know much about those shooters so I don't know how good the buffs are for them but the rest of the weapons will definitely feel better to use. It seems like they increased the blast radius for S-Blast's long range mode as well so I'm happy about that.
  • I don't like that they buffed Big Bubbler by making it take less damage on it's weak spots. It won't help against specials shredding it so all it does is make it harder to shred for main weapons with slow DPS. It'll also be better on Tower than before.
  • Splattercolor Screen damage buff is good but I'm worried that they're going to start trying to give it to weapons just for a potential damage combo which isn't what the point of the special is.
  • I think the Kraken change is fine but I would have preferred that they got rid of super jumping with the power clam in general. I still say that jumping with it should make it drop when you land the same way it drops after using Reefslider. Either way, this should still be a good change so Kraken can't brute force into an area and take its team with it.
  • N-Zap '89, Carbon Roller, Splat Charger, and Dapple Dualies all shouldn't have had their pfs decreased. I have a strong opinion on no weapon in this game being below 180p regardless of the weapon class. SCU already makes it easy for a lot of weapons to become focused on special spam so having a 170p weapon means we're now playing a game where you can have someone with a 150p special which is insane. It also seems like a bandage for the real reason a lot of these weapons struggle, their kit. Chumps is just not a great special right now, Carbon Roller with Zip/Autobomb isn't amazing, and Dapple Dualies is doomed with a kit it'll never work with even if it's sub and special is good. They can't lower their pfs to fix that.
  • Pencil getting its pfs increased is great but why did they make RB 210p and Squeezer 220p?? Similarly to how I said that I don't think any weapon should be below 180p I also think that no weapon should be 220p. Also RB isn't even good because of Wavebreaker? Why did they nerf the amount of times it'll get its special like it was an important part of why its strong??
Because Squeezer is the best shooter if you put the effort in, and it’s one of the primary culprits in zooka farming. Range Blaster is just so the strong main weapon gets an ink refill less often, unless the second kit gets something like crab tank that takes away the main weapon it’ll probably also be 220p for the same reason:


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
Alright I got school in like 10 minutes so let speedrun this

Main weapons: Overall pretty good buffing the more underpower/ lower playrate weapons is a good thing especially like the buff to pain and dapples. I dropped dapples for about 6 months at this point and this might be the thing that make me pick it back up

Specials: big bubbler being more tankier is a good thing and makes it able to survive the likes of crab tank for longer, Screen buff is whatever I don't really like the special due to again the problems it has but doing more damage and being able to combo better is ok, I understand the nerf to TSD somewhat because the buff is making it faster and having a big raidus on top of that can make the special become annoying so ok with TSD changes. KRAKEN CHEESE IS DEAD LET'S FREAKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

PFS changes: PFS are good with a few exceptions like Shot, Squeezer, Pencil having a higher PFS charge is a great thing, Sploosh, Gold dynamo, and the Splat chargers being cheaper won't make the weapon Meta defing but it's helpful. I don't like Carbon and N-zap 89 PFS decrease because I don't like any weapon being cheaper than 180p I mean these weapons aren't great so it's not going to do any damage but I still don't like it. Range blaster 210...... why?

Overall 9/10 patch adressed some more problematic weapons and buffed the more weaker weapons while some weapons could be buffed a bit more it does buff the weapons that needed it. the only thing I don't like is Carbon. N-zap 89, and range blaster, again why?

DONE with only a minute left, less go.

(Little edit but i thought about TSD a bit more and yea I don’t like how the special changes made it into a slight better panic button. Not a good one but still is one.)
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
i have thoughts on each thing so it’s a long one here, total thoughts at the bottom so you can skip all the yapping

main weapons:
Sploosh got bigger shots, which mitigates its rng problem a bit, but they could have reduced its rng (they are probably scared to).

Shot Pro finally got its damage buff, which is one aspect of it that they could have buffed that wouldn’t make it too good at one thing. it still isn’t that good at all the things it does but oh well.

Luna doesn’t exactly benefit from the explosion paint buff as much as range, but it’s still something.

Nova finally got its shot accuracy increased, so it might actually be able to hit long range shots hooray! those shots still only do like 24 damage or something though, so that kind of sucks. they could have gone the douser dualie route where if you hit falloff shots at all you need an extra shot, but the main damage is still a 4 shot.

H-3 got a bit of extra damage but it really could have used some speed buffs. either the time it takes to fire the 3 shots shortened or the time it takes to enter ink again after firing. still not too bad.

S-blast got a bigger aoe on the long range mode, but it is only for the weak hit, which i think is fair.

Painbrush got better rolling paint which doesn’t do a lot and better white ink frames which is helpful, but it doesn’t do a lot about its harsh wind-up.

Dapple Dualie fans got absolutely trolled this patch though, all they get is a strafe speed buff.. on a dualie class weapon… i was hoping they would get a buff where they can act out of dodge rolls faster but oh well.

Bubble’s change would probably does just make it harder for mains to deal with rather than specials, but that’s a good thing. if it’s harder for mains to deal with it, it becomes a thing where you need specials to deal with it. however, it isn’t something that can make the user that much of a threat so i don’t know how much this really does.

Screen’s now 40 damage is still not that much, the special is still not good and it probably won’t be until teammates can see through it.

Splashdown now goes splatoon 2 speed, but the chip damage area is smaller. still a splashdown, so it’s whatever. they still didn’t give it its big super jump landing back though.

NO MORE KRAKEN CHEESE!! this should have been addressed a lot earlier but at least it happened at all. they also didn’t buff the part of it that kind of sucks but it’s fine, other specials need attention more than this one.

all of the points for special changes are fine, unless we run into the splat 2 situation where specials that suck have low pfs and then they buff those specials to be broken, but that can’t possibly happen again, right..? Shot, pencil, and squeezer got their pfs nerfs, but i don’t get why squeezer is 220 when it already got a paint nerf. it does kind of make sense because the difficulty of the weapon is only worth it because of the special, and the special is broken right now so this somewhat makes sense.

i think they are going to nerf pencil, cooler, and zooka next patch because it’s still going to focus more on balance as well as adding the new stuff, and they at least know that those weapons are dominant. it may be copium, but i really think they just wanted to focus on a lot of stuff that is too weak right now first, and address those weapons in the next patch after they see if the pfs are enough during the next month and a half (it isn’t). overall, it was just barely good. it would have been nice to see the weaker weapons get bigger buffs, but at least they got something.

also can we also talk about how they are still fixing brella bugs? even in the new one they added??


Jan 30, 2024
the 50 damage radius got increased
No I mean they buffed both kits, surely they wouldn't only buff the reefslider one right? 😭
Sorry I thought you said the weak kit, and I was like what, huh??

sorry oops


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
vCarbon at 160p makes me uncomfortable. No weapon should ever be 160p, ever. If a weapon has gotten so bad that that's being considered, consider any other buff instead.

Not saying this is gonna make it broken or anything, but I just don't think that's a healthy thing to exist in the game.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
vCarbon at 160p makes me uncomfortable. No weapon should ever be 160p, ever. If a weapon has gotten so bad that that's being considered, consider any other buff instead.

Not saying this is gonna make it broken or anything, but I just don't think that's a healthy thing to exist in the game.
i think it is fine but only specifically in this instance.
carbon roller is already fine as a main weapon, this kit just does not work at all. if it got buffed, the weapon with the kit that actually does work might be too strong (i think it actually does deserve more buffs though). also, zipcaster is a weapon that mainly depends on the main, but zipcaster doesn’t work with carbon. it also isn’t a very good special

i would have rather taken a buff to both parts that are weak still, but pfs is fine i guess. since neither are too strong i think it is kind of funny, but it could turn into a splatoon 2 situation if zipcaster becomes meta. even then, carbon still might not even be picked for it unless zip becomes as broken as zooka is right now, without taking the main weapon part of it into account. this is more of a problem with the kit though, and not a problem with the main or special itself. when there are so many weapons in the game this is bound to happen, i’m actually surprised this particular situation only happened to one weapon though


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
i think it is fine but only specifically in this instance.
carbon roller is already fine as a main weapon, this kit just does not work at all. if it got buffed, the weapon with the kit that actually does work might be too strong (i think it actually does deserve more buffs though). also, zipcaster is a weapon that mainly depends on the main, but zipcaster doesn’t work with carbon. it also isn’t a very good special

i would have rather taken a buff to both parts that are weak still, but pfs is fine i guess. since neither are too strong i think it is kind of funny, but it could turn into a splatoon 2 situation if zipcaster becomes meta. even then, carbon still might not even be picked for it unless zip becomes as broken as zooka is right now, without taking the main weapon part of it into account. this is more of a problem with the kit though, and not a problem with the main or special itself. when there are so many weapons in the game this is bound to happen, i’m actually surprised this particular situation only happened to one weapon though
On the contrary, I think vCarbon's kit works fine for the weapon. Zipcaster fits well on it, and Autobomb is the same multi-tool it always is. The issue is that Carbon is extremely dependent on combo subs, and so anything that isn't instant damage means that the weapon isn't able to operate at max capacity. Probably the most kit-dependent weapon in the game.

I think this patch was interesting. Both the main buffs and points for special nerfs are both very good. The special changes are interesting, while they may not have, per se, *fixed* Screen and Splashdown, it's good that they're giving the specials attention. The one part that I and I think most people disagree with is the points for special buffs. While I think it does fit specifically for vCarbon, 160p is scary.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
Switch Friend Code
On the contrary, I think vCarbon's kit works fine for the weapon. Zipcaster fits well on it, and Autobomb is the same multi-tool it always is.
The issue is that Carbon is extremely dependent on combo subs, and so anything that isn't instant damage means that the weapon isn't able to operate at max capacity. Probably the most kit-dependent weapon in the game.
It really feels like you're contradicting yourself here.
I don't play sharking weapons, but I do know that they like sharking, and zipcaster is pretty much the opposite of that. It's hard to get up close using the zipcaster because its trajectory is slow and predictable enough that it's not very hard to just back up before it lands. This is why stamper and squiffer like it so much, but not luna blaster.


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I was really tempted to go into a giant rant about vanilla Carbon Roller because I have a close friend who has one-tricked Carbon since Splatoon 1 and has always been better than me at the game but I'll just keep it as short as I can. From what he played of it before the buffs, and maybe before some people might have adjusted to playing against it but I'm not sure, he found Zipcaster to be not bad on Carbon. It's something you need to be extremely cautious while using but is still capable of bullying longer-range stuff which is the biggest thing you want out of a special. There's better stuff out there, but it's not bad.

The real issue is Autobomb. It's technically one of the better things it could get as a subweapon but anything outside of Burst Bomb, Torpedo, and maybe Fizzy Bomb would not be good enough. Carbon technically doesn't mind its biggest downside of it not holding space as well as other bombs and appreciates all of the different stuff it can do but it doesn't play to the weapon's playstyle at all. You cannot shark while throwing Autobombs and Autobombs don't allow you any new openings.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
The thing with Zipcaster and Carbon Roller is that if the player misses the Zipcaster one-hit combo, they can almost immediately follow it up with a roller flick to finish the opponent off. The reason it ends up being popular in some circles is because the special gives the weapon a breath of fresh air from the most sharking-heavy play style in the game, without making it necessarily weak. What with my limited extensive knowledge of Carbon Roller players.

There are two types of good kit; competitively viable and casually fun. vCarbon falls into the second classification.


Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
this patch overall is just
no negative changes
some small positive changes
Clam Blitz is playbale now
Undertow has been improved a bit ig? Clams now seems semi fun to play RM got buffed more which is good cause it was already amazing
Bubble change is positive ig and a nice way to maybe counter zooka? but it feels too slow of a special to feel useful enough

Pencil + shot comps are slightly slower paces at least :D

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