Random balance changes you want


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Squid Surge being a bit faster without any IA would be pretty good.
You'll still barely find any situations where you would want to use it but if you do, it'll at least be faster than before.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 4, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Glooga are not just .52 with a dodge roll, and killing .52 would not suddenly make them rise up. The fact that they have the kGal kit and still see almost no representation should tell you that the main weapon really isn't that good.
I strongly disagree with your assertion that the main weapon isn't that good. That may have been true when they were first released, but the main weapon is in a way better position now than when it was release. As to your other point of it not being just a .52 with a dodge roll, I would say you're right, but at the same time, it's still intended to be in the same family as both the .52 and .96 from a design standpoint. All three weapons are made by Deco, all of them have splash wall on one of their kits, and all of them can 2 shot. I think the Gloogas would fit the theme of being thematically related to the gals just like the Dualie Squelchers are related to the Jet. The Gloogas just happen to fall in between the .52 and .96 range wise.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
They may be thematically connected, but that's just flavor, the meta does not care about flavor. Mechanically, they do not play like .52 and would not just seamlessly take over the same role.


Full Squid
Jun 27, 2024
Curling bomb
  • Now explodes on direct hit.
    • It can now be used as a weapon, as well as a mobility tool
  • Ink cost down to 55%, from 65%
    • This puts it at the same price point at autobomb, and allows it to be used more freely.
+1 even if it's just the explodes on direct hit
Splattercolor Screen being semi-transparent to the user's team.
Yes Please! it's like putting up a blindfold

also would be cool if we could keep sprinklers and mist alive longer by shooting them with our own ink. or would that be too OP area denial?


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
i've had a lot of really random ideas about weapons over time, will probably come back to this thread a lot since i don't think i'll remember them right now. but since goo tuber was discussed a bit, i want to share an idea i'd been thinking about

the main inspiration for my idea is how chargers interacted with splatoon 1's damage up ability. never played the game myself, but having watched some people play chargers in it (namely DUDE), that seemed to be an important aspect of the backlines for that class (or at least e-liter, unsure about others); you could get 1-shot damage with a partial charge if you stacked enough damage up. goo tuber resembles this mechanic to me, though i don't necessarily think this was an intentional choice on the devs' part; after all, the damage gimmick wasn't even something the goo tuber released with

this got me thinking about what goo tuber really is, at its core. and the answer is a sorta unsatisfying "i guess it's a midline?". it doesn't really feel like it excels at any particular range value. squiffer and bamboozler both get lethal damage faster than it, and do much better at their ranges than goo tuber does (heck, goo tuber only barely outranges bamboo in the first place; only by about 0.2 units, according to inkipedia)
so, my proposal is: rework goo tuber's charge time and range to let it function as a true backline. something along the lines of, just about the same range as splat charger (maybe slightly less), with a slightly longer charge time than it. this transforms the weapon from being kinda just a worse bamboozler, to being something more along the lines of the ballpoint of chargers; something that can stand alongside the class's other backlines as equals, while having more complicated mechanics to allow it to confidently defend itself in close quarters combat

i feel like its kits would translate nicely into this new playstyle too; torpedo / missiles would be, uh, maybe a bit "splatoon 2 jet squelcher"-y, but it would work naturally as a good well-rounded kit for a backline, and would work even better if the goo tuber can actually reach decently far with a partial charge for the sake of comboing off of its missiles after launching them. and the fizzy / stamp kit would still be bad. but it would feel pretty similar to the wellstring's stamp kit, which, while still also being bad, does have good synergy. fizzy would combo better with its longer range (you could presumably still get 65 damage very fast even if charge time is nerfed), and you could hold the ground you gain with ultra stamp reasonably well still, but use your new position in the way a backline could

i feel like goo tuber really just needs to strive to be something more than it is. at the moment, i think it's weak because it's direction is rather aimless; i don't know what the devs want it to be, and i honestly don't think they do either. you could give it stat buffs and it could probably turn out alright without changing what it currently is (buffing the time it takes to get 100.0 damage would be an easy way to make the weapon okay), but i'm much more interested in the idea that it could fill a new unique role that isn't filled by very many weapons in the game right now


Inkling Cadet
Apr 4, 2018
Switch Friend Code
i've had a lot of really random ideas about weapons over time, will probably come back to this thread a lot since i don't think i'll remember them right now. but since goo tuber was discussed a bit, i want to share an idea i'd been thinking about

the main inspiration for my idea is how chargers interacted with splatoon 1's damage up ability. never played the game myself, but having watched some people play chargers in it (namely DUDE), that seemed to be an important aspect of the backlines for that class (or at least e-liter, unsure about others); you could get 1-shot damage with a partial charge if you stacked enough damage up. goo tuber resembles this mechanic to me, though i don't necessarily think this was an intentional choice on the devs' part; after all, the damage gimmick wasn't even something the goo tuber released with

this got me thinking about what goo tuber really is, at its core. and the answer is a sorta unsatisfying "i guess it's a midline?". it doesn't really feel like it excels at any particular range value. squiffer and bamboozler both get lethal damage faster than it, and do much better at their ranges than goo tuber does (heck, goo tuber only barely outranges bamboo in the first place; only by about 0.2 units, according to inkipedia)
so, my proposal is: rework goo tuber's charge time and range to let it function as a true backline. something along the lines of, just about the same range as splat charger (maybe slightly less), with a slightly longer charge time than it. this transforms the weapon from being kinda just a worse bamboozler, to being something more along the lines of the ballpoint of chargers; something that can stand alongside the class's other backlines as equals, while having more complicated mechanics to allow it to confidently defend itself in close quarters combat

i feel like its kits would translate nicely into this new playstyle too; torpedo / missiles would be, uh, maybe a bit "splatoon 2 jet squelcher"-y, but it would work naturally as a good well-rounded kit for a backline, and would work even better if the goo tuber can actually reach decently far with a partial charge for the sake of comboing off of its missiles after launching them. and the fizzy / stamp kit would still be bad. but it would feel pretty similar to the wellstring's stamp kit, which, while still also being bad, does have good synergy. fizzy would combo better with its longer range (you could presumably still get 65 damage very fast even if charge time is nerfed), and you could hold the ground you gain with ultra stamp reasonably well still, but use your new position in the way a backline could

i feel like goo tuber really just needs to strive to be something more than it is. at the moment, i think it's weak because it's direction is rather aimless; i don't know what the devs want it to be, and i honestly don't think they do either. you could give it stat buffs and it could probably turn out alright without changing what it currently is (buffing the time it takes to get 100.0 damage would be an easy way to make the weapon okay), but i'm much more interested in the idea that it could fill a new unique role that isn't filled by very many weapons in the game right now
I'll keep this short, but I've been saying that the Goo Tuber needs to be a lightweight. In addition to the mobility buffs and everything else it would bring, just look at the thing. It's literally just a bunch of plastic tubing connected to a pump and nozzle. How heavy can it be?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
Ink Mine should cost 55% of the ink tank and deal 60 direct damage because genuinely, why not?


Inkling Cadet
Apr 4, 2018
Switch Friend Code
In my opinion Tacticooler should only negate enemy Respawn Punisher users, not your own. If you're wearing RP gear and are trying to cheat it by having a cooler weapon, especially with something like Zap or Tri-Slosher Nouveau, you should have to suffer the consequences of getting splatted and not have a get out of jail free card like Tacticooler to negate its effects.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
In my opinion Tacticooler should only negate enemy Respawn Punisher users, not your own. If you're wearing RP gear and are trying to cheat it by having a cooler weapon, especially with something like Zap or Tri-Slosher Nouveau, you should have to suffer the consequences of getting splatted and not have a get out of jail free card like Tacticooler to negate its effects.
I don't really think it's too big of a problem on Cooler weapons that have to fight more like Zap or nTri but that strategy of negating RP effects with Cooler still shouldn't be something that can work.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Just remembered another small thing I would like to be changed.
  • Machine can now activate Ink Rails with its aoe hitbox
I can't believe that Machine can't already do this. You can only activate an Ink Rail by hitting it with the direct hitbox which can be very annoying when Machine already doesn't have a lot of sloshes to work with.
It wouldn't be too annoying if it still had its old fire rate but since it doesn't, wasting one or two sloshes on trying to activate an Ink Rail can be a problem.
None of the other sloshers struggle with that either.
Last edited:


Semi-Pro Squid
May 3, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Tacticooler is now a destructible object. It has roughly 400 health, has a map icon that shows to teammates and on 100 health, the drinks become slightly less powerful. I'm surprised making Cooler destructible hasn't really been suggested throughout all the nerf and buff suggestions. Now there's some actual counterplay against it instead of just "the opponents get it and now you deal with it". There's also some more reason to run Object Shredder and adds some more decision making into forming comps and picking kits.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 3, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Tacticooler is now a destructible object. It has roughly 400 health, has a map icon that shows to teammates and on 25% health, the drinks become slightly less powerful. Taking a drink slightly heals it and placing it on a Tower spawns it with 1/2 health. I'm surprised making Cooler destructible hasn't really been suggested throughout all the nerf and buff suggestions. Now there's some actual counterplay against it instead of just "the opponents get it and now you deal with it". There's also some more reason to run Object Shredder and adds some more decision making into forming comps and picking kits.

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