Ranked Battle (Splat Zones, Tower Control and Rainmaker) Discussion


Inkster Jr.
Jun 15, 2015
I'm stuck around B+/A- after what I can only assume is a lucky streak but am now having a weapon crisis. I don't have the mind to perfectly figure out if a weapon is bad on certain rotations or what. Sometimes I'm in places like Urchin Underpass and have no idea what I should be using to break through there, as someone always manages to get the jump on me there.

Once you get to the high Bs/low As, what should I focus on improving/what weapons and tactics should I be using to help my team secure victories? Should I be playing more aggressively, or defensively? I tend to like supporting my team but because of the nature of going in alone with silent randoms, I feel that my usual playstyle of support is useless where it was great up until the ranks I'm at now. I used the Aerosprays and Custom Jet Squelcher to get where I am but sometimes I feel like something's wrong as high skill rollers and gal users blow me up before I ever know what's going on. I either like being really mobile and using tricks/ambushes to help my team (Aerospray) or taking enemies on from a distance to guard teammates/points (Squelcher). I'm generally not too directly offensive of a player, as I don't like gambling my decent but imperfect aim against others abilities.


Is Splatoon an E-Sport or just a meme?
May 13, 2015
I'm stuck around B+/A- after what I can only assume is a lucky streak but am now having a weapon crisis. I don't have the mind to perfectly figure out if a weapon is bad on certain rotations or what. Sometimes I'm in places like Urchin Underpass and have no idea what I should be using to break through there, as someone always manages to get the jump on me there.

Once you get to the high Bs/low As, what should I focus on improving/what weapons and tactics should I be using to help my team secure victories? Should I be playing more aggressively, or defensively? I tend to like supporting my team but because of the nature of going in alone with silent randoms, I feel that my usual playstyle of support is useless where it was great up until the ranks I'm at now. I used the Aerosprays and Custom Jet Squelcher to get where I am but sometimes I feel like something's wrong as high skill rollers and gal users blow me up before I ever know what's going on. I either like being really mobile and using tricks/ambushes to help my team (Aerospray) or taking enemies on from a distance to guard teammates/points (Squelcher). I'm generally not too directly offensive of a player, as I don't like gambling my decent but imperfect aim against others abilities.
I have seen the short range weapons do good... but in the higher ranks, its about covering their ink at a safe distance. That's a big reason you don't see everyone and their mom using the Aerosprays in rank. You'll wanna stay on the mid/long range stuff... Unless you are awesome with said short range weapon. From my own experience, if you wanna use short range, you might as well learn the roller.
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Pro Squid
Jun 12, 2015
I can't wait to play it, I'm constantly watching it on youtube when I just wanna get to Level 10 and play Splat Zones lol... can't wait! BTW, I take it Inkstrike owns on it?


You guys made me ink!
Apr 23, 2015
West Chicago, IL
I can't wait to play it, I'm constantly watching it on youtube when I just wanna get to Level 10 and play Splat Zones lol... can't wait! BTW, I take it Inkstrike owns on it?
Inkstrike is good. I wouldn't say it "owns" but it does what it's supposed to do. Personally I think Inkzooka and Kraken are both better. Inkzooka can really give your team an advantage if you know where to place your shots to secure at least a couple kills or put a lot of pressure on the other team. Kraken is great for securing kills or pushing enemies away from the zone.

The best that Inkstrike does on most maps is maybe neutralize the zone, and a lot of the time it doesn't even do that. It mostly serves as a distraction to the other team. I think there's other specials that can also be as or more useful than the Inkstrike, but Inkzooka and Kraken are the two that strike me as REALLY good.


Full Squid
Jun 21, 2015
For me I found Inkstrikes, especially on higher levels, are more 'useless' because the other team generally has a good eye to avoid and then quickly and easily repaint over the lost territory whether its the zones or a random spot.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 23, 2014
I have noticed that on Port Mackerel, you really have to be fighting offensively, or you're going to lose. The only reason you should be at the zone closest to your spawn point is if it's getting attacked of if there's nobody else there, otherwise, you should spend all your time trying to cut into the other zone. Am I being right about this?

Mr. Bad Guy

Jun 5, 2015
I have noticed that on Port Mackerel, you really have to be fighting offensively, or you're going to lose. The only reason you should be at the zone closest to your spawn point is if it's getting attacked of if there's nobody else there, otherwise, you should spend all your time trying to cut into the other zone. Am I being right about this?
Pretty much, once your team gets control the other team is more likely to try and take back the one closest to them so focusing efforts there can be a major deciding factor. My personal strategy is to actually stay OUT of their zone with a decent ranged weapon, and just keep an eye out for where they're approaching from.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
I have noticed that on Port Mackerel, you really have to be fighting offensively, or you're going to lose. The only reason you should be at the zone closest to your spawn point is if it's getting attacked of if there's nobody else there, otherwise, you should spend all your time trying to cut into the other zone. Am I being right about this?
I actually just play defense all the time, stay back and chuck Seekers down the lanes. Usually I can ensure our zone never once gets capped. Hopefully my teammates will cap theirs, if not I can at least force a draw.


Jun 10, 2015
I dropped back to B- last night. Does anyone know what the scoring system is in B-? It randomly ranged between losing or gaining 8, 10 or 12 points for a loss or win with no logic behind it. Is it random?


Inkling Commander
May 31, 2015
I believe it has to do with the rank of your team Compared to the other team. Anybody correct me if I am wrong, but the points gained or lost increases if you face a higher rank team or the other way around.
I dropped back to B- last night. Does anyone know what the scoring system is in B-? It randomly ranged between losing or gaining 8, 10 or 12 points for a loss or win with no logic behind it. Is it random?


Inkster Jr.
Jun 3, 2015
Anybody have any tips on good places to put beacons down? Secluded hallways and out of the way spots are a given, but I feel as though I could be putting them to way more use than I am.


Full Squid
Jun 12, 2015
Please help! This is my 6th go at trying to climb out of the C ranks, but every time I get to C+, I suddenly can't stop losing, regardless of the map or where the players come from..!

I use the Splattershot and occasionally the Ink Brush, and I place at the top of my team a lot; thankfully I almost never end up in last place. I capture the points, try to co-ordinate the team, support allies in fights, make lots of alternative squid-routes and push the front-lines, but we still lose every time.

Am I just not cut out for ranked? I keep hearing how people reached A+ "easily." Meanwhile I can consistently win Turf Wars and enjoy speed running the story, but Ranked battles never go well for me. I don't want to blame the team either like most others, so it must be me at fault right?
If you're not at A+ its on you. Stop using the Ink Brush for one; it has almost no redeemable qualities. Try the Tentatek Splattershot. Try to think about how you die every time you die and how you could have changed it. Are you playing with stick or gyro?

Honestly I think it's like a 50% chance of winning the ranked matches, you can be a really good player but get stuck with 3 people that just suck. I've seen people that are extremely good at the game lost because they're teammates are just horrible. I just see it as a 50% chance of winning. Oh not to mention sometimes someone will get dc'd then your'e really screwed.
If you're not at A+ don't blame your teamates.


Full Squid
Apr 25, 2015
If you're using weapons that get you good kill scores, but still end up losing, it's probably because your loadout is too centered on PVP and not enough on area control. Try reworking your strategy towards map control over combat--Splat Walls are good for this, as are sprinklers and ink mines. Focus more on denying approaches and less on pushing out, if that makes sense. Use Inkstrikes and Killer Wails to flush out sniper's nests instead of splat zones, and manually fill the zones in.

For the most part, it's more of a matter of priorities than actual changes in gameplay. But when you have an option to chase kills or control zones, choose control.

...meanwhile, I'm stuck at B-, and not even because of outright losses. T_T Every time I approach 90pts so far, I hit multiple disconnects and lose 10 at a time...
I recently realized that this is the way I need to play if I want to get an A rank. I enjoy chasing and splatting my opponents much more though. Sometimes going for kills is fine if you know your teammates are reliable.

Anybody have any tips on good places to put beacons down? Secluded hallways and out of the way spots are a given, but I feel as though I could be putting them to way more use than I am.
If you have chargers on your team, place beacons behind them so they can get back quickly if they're splatted from below.
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Azure J

Inkster Jr.
Apr 24, 2015
For me I found Inkstrikes, especially on higher levels, are more 'useless' because the other team generally has a good eye to avoid and then quickly and easily repaint over the lost territory whether its the zones or a random spot.
I actually feel like Inkstrikes are a strange given in most ranked matches. The obvious benefit is to have something to establish a win condition, defend it or just swing the tide in your team's favor by generating more overtime for the other team in the event that you can't hold on to the ground from where you are. Since everyone expects it however, you can't rely solely on the thing itself. The subtle (and underutilized) benefit though is in area control. I've been using Inkstrikes lately to block passageways to the main event (most notably on Arowana Mall and Urchin Underpass) whenever I feel as though my team has gotten deep enough into the Splat Zone area before the other team comes to bat. Even with the multiple ways in that the other team has, by virtue of locking down the primary way in even for a short amount of time, it controls the options they have and allows for some interesting counter play. Do you wait by the "main gate" and listen for their weapon fire to clear out the freshly dropped ink [confirmation that they're going in regardless]? Do you get an ally to come with you and go down any side entrances and scout their activity?

This is also on top of interesting inkstrike uses like casting Ink-aga on a cheeky sniper/roller.

It's pretty cool stuff.


Full Squid
Apr 25, 2015
Using the recon ability allows you to safely super jump to your teammates as well as save teammates from being ambushed. It's extremely useful.


Splatin' through Inkopolis with my woes....
Jun 1, 2015
Anybody have any tips on good places to put beacons down? Secluded hallways and out of the way spots are a given, but I feel as though I could be putting them to way more use than I am.
Besides the obvious of a hidden from plain view near a splat zone, when its momentarily safe, use them as a decoy. Especially in a splat zone, an enemy will try to take them out which can be used as a distraction, especially if you are hiding nearby ready to splat


Pro Squid
Jun 24, 2015
I didn't want to start a new thread. I'm new to the game, can someone tell me the meaning of that green box with the forecast in it.

I just got promoted to C from 5 wins to 1. I'm expecting to cap out at B level until I learn more.


Inkling Commander
Jun 19, 2015
I didn't want to start a new thread. I'm new to the game, can someone tell me the meaning of that green box with the forecast in it.

I just got promoted to C from 5 wins to 1. I'm expecting to cap out at B level until I learn more.
The green box is for many games you have won in a row. If there is a .5 decimal that means you lost once.


Jun 25, 2015

Welcome to the Multiplayer Discussion Board's Ranked Battle Discussion Thread!

Ranked Battle's current mode is: Splat Zones

In Splat Zones, each team of four attempts to capture zones (like King of the Hill) by spreading paint in the zone. The first team to have zone control for a total of 100 seconds or has the least amount of time left to be in control wins the match!
This thread is for general discussion regarding Ranked Battle (Turf War). Be sure to keep discussion in this thread about Splat Zones, playing in Ranked Battle, and related topics.
Best Strategy to have is to keep the enemy suppressed into their base. 2 suppressing the enemy/ 2 guarding the point.


Splatin' through Inkopolis with my woes....
Jun 1, 2015
If you're not at A+ don't blame your teamates.
I sure can blame them for a loss if as a charger I've gotten more kills than the other team combined and only died once and between them they've only gotten 2 kills and 6-8 deaths.

Carrying a team isn't a 1 vs 4 match. Your teammates still support you. Sure a "bad team" isn't the ONLY reason (nor the primary reason) a person isn't climbing the ranks. Level of skill of the person with the weapon and the variety of weapons on your team vs the other for the map sure makes it easier or harder. People try out new weapons in rank all the time which can easily make a B+ player a C. Also, I've gotten some of my best K/D ratios on losing teams. It's not unfair to say because a teammate missed an easy shot, fell off a ledge or failed to hold their position is the reason you lost the match. Everyone has been that reason, even A+ folks.

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