Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced


Apr 26, 2014
Tried every new weapon except the Chargers. I liked all of them except for CoroCoro Roller and Sploosh-o-matic 7, but that's mostly due to my dislike of the Inkzooka. Would've preferred any other special. Aero PG and N-ZAP '83 are probably the ones I'll be using the most.

Kinda related since it happened while trying out these new weapons too: I have a bad habit of accidentally going into Ranked without thinking, even if I'm meaning to play Turf War, so sorry to anyone who happened to be in my team when I was testing the Grim Range Blaster and N-ZAP '83 for the first time:oops:


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
I love the bento! yes I already mentioned that but oh my god! it's so good!!!
curls up into a salt shaker
but it don't matter that I go 14:6 or whatever great score I've been getting with it (better than what I average with kelpscope), because for some reason, some, unfathomable reason, my teammates are potatoes. Potatoes that allow the entire enemy team to spawn camp us. And no, no one game, not just one game or two, I'm talking 8 games back to back to back to back........

I'm s+ btw, and I repeatedly think I'm the little charger that could, but I couldn't.........I couldn't.....


Senior Squid
Jun 12, 2013
Loving the Bento and "Kelp" Heavy Splattling.

Like many charger mains, I have crap understanding of splash walls...I've thrown one down as a sprinkler so many times.

Ecolocator is a dream.

Splash wall question: can you still stand beneath the splash wall safely, with part of you character sticking through the front? Used to be that way, buts its been tweaked since I last used one.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
Definitely liking the Cherry H-3 and how I can actually get close up to the enemy effectively. That's my style, getting all up in their business and challenging them head on, so this is definitely the best H-3 for me! This was also really useful during Splatzones for keeping the zone, making me useful even during those off games where I only get two kills hehe. Also Wall -> Bubbler -> Wall is legit! I once forced the enemy team all the way into a corner while we had the zone, and then I didn't even bother splatting them, just stood there for the final 3 seconds! xD

Haven't used any others in ranked yet (I quit after getting Flounder Heights 12 times in a row), but man the Sploosh 7 I wish I had. The kit is really awesome of course, but it also perfectly compliments the Sploosh. Definitely gonna be using it more! Aerospray, eh yeah, I'd rather L-3D naturally, but I'm still glad the Aerospray finally has an overall good kit. Grim Range Blaster, oh yes I love this thing, Burst Bombs are so awesome here! With essentially 3 mains of damage up, Burst Bomb direct/near hit + Blaster hit from any range is a guaranteed kill, otherwise with a Burst bomb far hit you just the Blaster hit to be a bit closer. Burst bombs also provide much needed improvements to mobility and close combat. Well that's it so far, but I'll be trying the rest out soon.

Oh, man, this drives home how little I stray out from my usual favorites. I barely use burst bombs, and using one before I shot at them with the Aerospray gave me the delighted realization of "Oh! I just learned something!"

Also, yoooooooooooooo @Lonely_Dolphin I just played against you! I was playing as Jacob, AKA that squid that forgot squishing isn't that easy and tried to roll over you as you shot at me. (Why do I have that instinct? It's not helpful on any roller!)
Ayyyyyyy! But I don't remember! Dx


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
Oh sweet update. Matches are nothing but splash walls, krakens and bubblers today. Well that's... annoying. But I still appreciate that people use Aerosprays and H3s now. They were heavily underused before. Can't say the same about the new influx on Range Blasters.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2014
I felt like a literal brick wall with the Cherry.
I like it.

NZAP 83 is throwing Point Sensors all over so you know where there are no enemies so you can charge Kraken there.
Sheldon nailed it with the description, throw Point Sensors all over to cut paths.

Also tried CoroCoro and Bento, but wasn't impressed.
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Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
I was getting kills with a indirect burst bomb and indirect with the grim using 1 main and 5 subs of damage. I still sucked with the weapon and will probably never use it again...

I typically used my trusty custom jet squelcher last night because I figured it'd be good to outrange everyone using the new weapons (minus the bento). It worked for the most part (until I went on a 5 game losing streak before I turned the game off). I did try the grim and the PG. The blasters just aren't my playstyle - too slow and hard to cover turf. The PG was nostalgic, but the lack of range and terrible time to kill still bothered me. It amazes me that I used to main the RG and gets kills with it....

I'll probably try the PG out again at some point, but I think the L-3D is probably just better with the same kit. And the Neo Splash/Splattershot are better automatic shooters with burst bombs.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2014
I have used the following gear set up for pretty much all weapons:

2-Stripe Mesh Cap (Special Saver) with 2x Run Speed + 1 Swim Speed
Krak-On 528 (Run Speed) with 2x Swim Speed +QSJ
Punk Whites (Special Charge Up) with 2x Run Speed + BRU

Currently using Sploosh.
Oh my you can actually force reactions outside of the range of a toilet flush, this weapon definitely surprised me.
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Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Wait wait wait, you give a heavy splatling a sprinkler and killer wail then slap it with a light depletion? Time to remix some ear drums into mush!

The Bento is my new main. And I mean, not one of many mains, but my actual main that I will be using the majority of the time in ranked.
Amateur. That's not how mains work! You must list multiple weapons/characters as yours mains. Having only one main is like having a guy call himself the Lone Ranger instead of having a crew that call themselves the Lone Rangers. Utter nonsense. /sarcasm =p


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
Honestly am quite infatuated with the Cherry. The thing is a flippin tank, and the range on that bas.tard is godlike. Splashwalls honestly was all it really needed, the bubbler is a plus though.
The Aerospray leaves much to be desired... Its a bit weird to say that the aerospray itsself is really weak considering I am an avid Permabrush player but I feel like im playing a worse sploosh when i try to use the PG. I personally think the MG is better with zooka but the PG really didnt need kraken.
CoroCoro roller... literally my most hated weapon in the set. I honestly cant wait till someone masters this weapon so i can actually see how the wall should be utilized outside of putting it up before a zooka... and to think some people said the Permabrush should have had walls...
Bento, eh, it leaves much to be desired. Call me crazy but I honestly think this set would have benefitted from having the weakest sub in the game:mines. There is not a single long range charger with mines which is funny considering how practical it seems for the two to be together. Mines and echo? Find where they are then place a mine and control your area. Walls take up so much ink and i just find myself going back to use the kelp or the vanilla.
The nzap 83 was literally boring, like actually boring to me. It was nice, it did its job and did it well but it didnt bring anything exciting to the table for me. Probably because everything and its mother has kraken.
Lastly, dat Remix. The name, the color, the set, i honestly love everything about this weapon... unfortunately i am not used to using heavies so i was fairly a s s with it.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I'm still not sure I understand sprinkler on the heavy TBH. I haven't got to try it out yet, but the heavy was already a pretty reliable inking weapon without it, unlike hydra that can really benefit from the sprinklers.

Sad to hear about the PG though. I had very high hopes for it!

I should have been excited for a new set of chargers, but I don't see it replacing my vanilla scope. Splat bombs are so reliable. I CAN see it supplanting some eliters for perch sniper duties though. And I might pick up the unscoped version to replace Bambi Mk1 as it now kind of shares the role but can do more.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
I'm still not sure I understand sprinkler on the heavy TBH. I haven't got to try it out yet, but the heavy was already a pretty reliable inking weapon without it, unlike hydra that can really benefit from the sprinklers.
I think it's because it can charge up the killer whale so fast without the sprinkler that the sprinkler just makes it better.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I think it's because it can charge up the killer whale so fast without the sprinkler that the sprinkler just makes it better.
True, though sprinklers carry a pretty big ink cost. On something like hydra or kelp it's worthwhile as it's the only way to get some turfing done and get the special charged. I wonder if the ink cost on the sprinker is worth more or less "p" in ink coverage than using the same ink via the main weapon?


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
Now that I've had a bit more time with it, I'll definitely still keep the other two H3's in my rotation and switch based on Stage/Mode Rotation.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
I'm actually pretty happy with the depletion rates for the new weapons. Except for the Aerospray. Should have been light instead of medium if you ask me. The ability to use Kraken and charge it up easily in return for the awful kill potential this weapon has is something that should be furthered rather than limited.

By the way @Shun_one, have you been around Moray Towers Turf War this week with the custom E-Liter by any chance?


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
I'm actually pretty happy with the depletion rates for the new weapons. Except for the Aerospray. Should have been light instead of medium if you ask me. The ability to use Kraken and charge it up easily in return for the awful kill potential this weapon has is something that should be furthered rather than limited.

By the way @Shun_one, have you been around Moray Towers Turf War this week with the custom E-Liter by any chance?
I have indeed. Were we in the same match?!
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