Dope. Have a great night.Ignoring my post and then giving a sarcastic response that in no way refutes anything that I said? Pathetic. Immature. Sophomoric. Honestly I shouldn't expect better, but I really want to.
Dope. Have a great night.Ignoring my post and then giving a sarcastic response that in no way refutes anything that I said? Pathetic. Immature. Sophomoric. Honestly I shouldn't expect better, but I really want to.
Excuse me? So a parent cannot call their child immature without being immature themselves? I cannot call my little sister immature without being immature myself? That makes zero logical sense. Also how mature I am is completely irrelevant to my argument, you are changing the subject because you do not want to respond to the points I made. You cannot expect people to take you seriously if you bail at any good argument anyone makes against you, and then resort to backwards logic to defend yourself. That bs doesn't fly with me sorry, I will always call people out like Nia that pull stunts like that.Yeah, sorry, but you can't call someone something like sophomoric without being immature yourself; that's some extreme projection right there..
And hey, Ranked Battle is happening right now, yet you're on here calling people names. What's up with that?
Yeah, I was kinda talking specifically about using the word sophomoric? What's your reading comprehension, dude?Excuse me? So a parent cannot call their child immature without being immature themselves? I cannot call my little sister immature without being immature myself? That makes zero logical sense. Also how mature I am is completely irrelevant to my argument, you are changing the subject because you do not want to respond to the points I made. You cannot expect people to take you seriously if you bail at any good argument anyone makes against you, and then resort to backwards logic to defend yourself. That bs doesn't fly with me sorry, I will always call people out that pull stunts like that.
It peaked at page 3.![]()
Goddamnit, this thread just gets more hostile by the minute. I don't see it going anywhere anymore.
Sophomoric and immature are synonyms. Try again.Yeah, I was kinda talking specifically about using the word sophomoric? What's your reading comprehension, dude?
Yeah, I was kinda talking specifically about using the word sophomoric? What's your reading comprehension, dude?
Yup. Calling him out for being disrespectful is totally namecalling. Get out of here.
One was released as advertised. One is on patch 6 in the first 2 weeks of release to fix its problems.
I'm not arguing that its pointless anymore, I was wrong about that. But I WILL argue that it might not be the best method. Is it the worst thing that has come from nintendo? Not even close, not even to the top 1000 nitpicks. But there are many players that would rather buy the game used later BECAUSE of withheld features, you cannot pretend this isn't true. And calling those players out, Or telling them that they wont play the game anyway doesn't solve the problem.Since OP made it apparent he has an agenda against the game and doesn't own it, I'm not sure why this thread is even open still.
Splat Zones were locked for several reasons:
-New IP
-New spin on the genre. Gives people time to understand what the game is.
-Server testing
-Allowing people to play and learn the game properly
-Allowing people to test different guns and strategies instead of rushing for a FOTM meta
-Prevention of dead lobbies if the game did not sell well. Ranked unlocked quickly so obviously this game sold well.
-Most importantly, because Nintendo chose to do so
They're testing a new method of content distribution to keep people enticed, and for the game to feel fresh whenever they boot it up. It's a new IP, why not test the waters here?
There is the promise of content that is free. This is not a shady company that the Reddit meme of "B-BUT THEY'LL PATCH IT" applies to. The content will be there. The content will be free. Whether later content has already been completed or not, we don't know, but that's irrelevant because we'll get it when we get it at no cost. If anything, less maps right now is better than more. Why? Because you get a LOT of time to play them, learn them, and master them. Over the next several months, we'll be given even more maps to do the same with. This is perfectly OK with me because even now I have 1 out of every 50 games where the other team can even hold me under 1000 points, and that's because my team dies the entire match. This game would be completely boring if majority of people didn't know their heads from their *** on a map, let alone the objective of the game yet. Giving people even more maps when they don't understand the objective of the game just leads to frustration and negative opinions of the game, which could hurt the IPs future.
Since when has Nintendo ever listened to the non-fans, the people who aren't pleased with the game's design? Smash? Nope. Mario Kart? Nope. Zelda? Nope. Pokemon? Nope. Hell, you could argue they don't listen to the real fans.If you really think Cuddlefish is the only person waiting to get it used you are sadly mistaken. There are plenty of people waiting til the big update or to get it used based on how barebones this game is. Nintendo fans are so divided they are willing to spread their cheeks and take this incomplete game up the rear. There are others who will buy it but still voice their complaints and that is a good thing. I got it new but even with that said the game has major flaws and people should hold Nintendo to the same standards they hold 3rd parties to. Nintendo screwed up if you compare Splatoon to other Nintendo titles when it comes to content on launch (WE ALL GOT ROBBED) don't pretend you're any different not specifically LancerStaff but a majority of the fans who think this 3rd party tactics Nintendo is pulling is okay. People should just stop being apologist Nintendo has more apologist fans than any other publisher. It is okay to be pissed just saying we wont consider you less of a fan just because you are pissed at your favorite publisher. :)
Hi LancerStaff. Good to see you here. And yeah, this is what I am trying to say. From a business standpoint, it is a great tactic. And I mean, it is all coming anyway.Since when has Nintendo ever listened to the non-fans, the people who aren't pleased with the game's design? Smash? Nope. Mario Kart? Nope. Zelda? Nope. Pokemon? Nope. Hell, you could argue they don't listen to the real fans.
It's also proven to be a successful business model. Ever hear of Minecraft? Game was even more bare-bones for it's price at release, and content was released over years of time. Many advertised features simply vanished, others are unrecognizable, and those that do make it are often buggy. And yet it's one of the most successful video games ever. I really don't care what you think of it, and nether should Nintendo because it's working.
When Nintendo makes a design decision which impacts gameplay like this, they're not going to change it. People tried to remove AC's time-based features by not buying, but now we're technically six full games in with no signs of it disappearing. People tried to get Snaking back and have failed. People tried to make current Smash games more like Melee and are actively resisted. People boycott Zelda for just about any reason, and yet we haven't seen big changes because of it.
Your strategy has been proven to not work, so naturally it won't work now. Last time it did was the Xbox One, and that was an internet wide ****-storm, not a few guys patting each other on the back in an obscure internet forum.
Wasn't aware I had fans with how most people treat me as the resident puppy kicker. :pHi LancerStaff. Good to see you here. And yeah, this is what I am trying to say. From a business standpoint, it is a great tactic. And I mean, it is all coming anyway.
I just wanted to say thank you for not stating your opinion as if it's fact.I really like the idea of locking content like that, especially maps and stuff. Maybe it''s because I'm busy nowadays but when everything unlocked yesterday I had finally beaten storymode and was looking for something different than turf wars to do. In my experience I tend to power through my games and put them done after getting 100% super quickly. This is a great way to keep interest in the game going and strategies developing IMO. If we would have had all the content at once people would have already put it down and be bored. I wish more companies would do this honestly. I understand how it might piss people off who have tons of time or was planning on marathoning it but its for the best imo
Its not evil, It just didn't make sense at first. If you are at a bakery, and you buy a cookie, does it make sense for the baker to split the cookie and say "If 20 people buy this cookie I will give you the other half?"Not gonna comment much on the actual topic at hand since it's been beaten to death, except that I didnt mind the content lock and was excited when ranked got unlocked
I don't mean to offend you Cuddlefish, or anyone with this similar line of thinking (I mean, when a sentence starts like that one naturally prepares to be offended, but, I really don't mean this to be confrontational) isn't it a little.. ungrateful of us to refuse to give Nintendo money for a great game they worked hard on that we have the privilege to play, and their first new IP in years that needs our support, because we disagree with how it was offered to us? I can see the complaint that they're holding stuff back when you feel we deserved it now, but if someone offers you half of a delicious cookie and promises you'll get the other half of it later, is that really an evil thing?
But see, to me Splatoon is a delicious cookie someone baked for me that is missing key ingredients, was spat on, split into pieces, and sold at full price. No I don't feel like supporting someone that would offer such a cookie.Not gonna comment much on the actual topic at hand since it's been beaten to death, except that I didnt mind the content lock and was excited when ranked got unlocked
I don't mean to offend you Cuddlefish, or anyone with this similar line of thinking (I mean, when a sentence starts like that one naturally prepares to be offended, but, I really don't mean this to be confrontational) isn't it a little.. ungrateful of us to refuse to give Nintendo money for a great game they worked hard on that we have the privilege to play, and their first new IP in years that needs our support, because we disagree with how it was offered to us? I can see the complaint that they're holding stuff back when you feel we deserved it now, but if someone offers you half of a delicious cookie and promises you'll get the other half of it later, is that really an evil thing?
That makes sense I guess, I can't really blame you for not wanting to fully support it if it has so many things that rub you the wrong way about it. though i will say, I think you should worry less about that stuff; Nintendo's been pretty good with patching known issues with its games on the Wii U lately, like with the patches to mario kart and smash. I think theyre probably aware of the lobby complaint by now and will fix it. Also when you look at the list of stages available to play, there's actually room for a third stage, so I bet when there's more stages to play on they'll start offering 3 every four hours, and then maybe even 3 every 2 hours eventually maybe. (and so far, turf war and splat zones have each featured a different selection of stages from eachother at the same time, so I think this will become much less of an issue than it is now)But see, to me Splatoon is a delicious cookie someone baked for me that is missing key ingredients, was spat on, split into pieces, and sold at full price. No I don't feel like supporting someone that would offer such a cookie.
Splatoon still needs voicechat, it's still beyond stupid that you can't back out of lobbies, and it's completely ****ed that there's only two stages to play on every 4 hours because of how little content the game launched with. The pure gameplay of Splatoon is worth experiencing, and even praising, but there's too much nonsense surrounding that gameplay for me to justify supporting the devs.