Since OP made it apparent he has an agenda against the game and doesn't own it, I'm not sure why this thread is even open still.
Splat Zones were locked for several reasons:
-New IP
-New spin on the genre. Gives people time to understand what the game is.
-Server testing
-Allowing people to play and learn the game properly
-Allowing people to test different guns and strategies instead of rushing for a FOTM meta
-Prevention of dead lobbies if the game did not sell well. Ranked unlocked quickly so obviously this game sold well.
-Most importantly, because Nintendo chose to do so
They're testing a new method of content distribution to keep people enticed, and for the game to feel fresh whenever they boot it up. It's a new IP, why not test the waters here?
There is the promise of content that is free. This is not a shady company that the Reddit meme of "B-BUT THEY'LL PATCH IT" applies to. The content will be there. The content will be free. Whether later content has already been completed or not, we don't know, but that's irrelevant because we'll get it when we get it at no cost. If anything, less maps right now is better than more. Why? Because you get a LOT of time to play them, learn them, and master them. Over the next several months, we'll be given even more maps to do the same with. This is perfectly OK with me because even now I have 1 out of every 50 games where the other team can even hold me under 1000 points, and that's because my team dies the entire match. This game would be completely boring if majority of people didn't know their heads from their *** on a map, let alone the objective of the game yet. Giving people even more maps when they don't understand the objective of the game just leads to frustration and negative opinions of the game, which could hurt the IPs future.