Never did I say winning isn't a worthwhile goal. I said it's unnecessary in an unranked mode in a video game, not that it's not desirable. Nor did I ever say you should let your opponent win or "go easy on them." I fact I specifically said to play competitively and fiercely.
Now you're just openly contradicting yourself. Throughout this entire argument, you've been complaining that spawn camping "doesn't give opponents any chance to fight back" (which is an exaggeration, but that's what you yourself said), and that players shouldn't do it. You're even acknowledging that refraining from spawn camping gives the opposing team more of a chance to win (hence your need to justify your code of conduct by claiming that losing is no big deal). And yet, despite all that, you still claim that you're not telling players to go easy on their opponents? Even when you're directly advocating behavior that makes it easier for them to win?
I've said several times that I'm specifically not talking about a spawncamp that results from normal play but rather the deliberate tactic of setting out to hold a spawncamp, which is what the OP started the topic discussing. If you are talking about spawncamps that result from natural play where mid presses all the way to spawn, then we're talking about two different situations.
Rushing the enemy base from the start is not a cheap tactic either; on the contrary, it is very risky. If a team attempts to seize the enemy base early but fails to do so, they will very likely be the ones being pushed back into their base, as the enemy will have established control of the center of the map by the time they respawn, but if their gambit succeeds, they will have a very favorable position.
Well first we'll back up a bit. If such an exceptional player was mixed with teammates that are unskilled and opponents that are so unskilled that one strong enemy should spawncamp them, the flaw indeed lies in the game that created that match to begin with. It shouldn't be existing form the start (I'm not saying it doesn't but it's a flaw in the game no matter how you slice it.) Your example is so extreme (not to say it's not a real example in this game, sadly it is), that if there was SUCH a mismatch that one single player could box in the entire enemy team to a spawn point at any point it was a game so absurd from the start, that no matter what happens its a joke. In that situation, is ANY player except maybe Mr. Hero (if his spawncamp succeeds) having any fun at all? So the team joins in the spawncamp and succeeds in crushing opponents so bad (so long as they're right in front of them) that one player boxed them in all alone?
Have you already forgotten that that was not, in fact, originally my example? You're the one who first imagined that situation, not me. Right here, if you don't remember:
I'm also saying this tactic tends to ONLY work for them if their team consists of another player that IS a more skilled player than the rest of the lobby, including themselves whom they can rely on as a crutch to box in the better players or set up the situation to begin with. It's "cheap" because it is not achieved through their skill, it relies on someone ELSE'S skill.
All I did was point out that the so-called "cheap" behavior of the less skilled players was actually just their duty as good teammates. And suddenly, now that you have to acknowledge that their behavior is justified, you're asking to "back up a bit"? You have no one but yourself to blame if you don't like where your own example led you.
But that's what the spawncamp is. Not so much the squidbagging though that does happen. The hopping and shield pelting however, and sometimes the squidbagging is all that accompanies the spawncamp in most cases. You've stated precisely my point. IT IS TAUNTING. It is showboating and a disgusting display of arrogance. It allows no attempt at pay nor an attempt at a comeback. It is literally shooting fish in a barrel.
Setting aside the fact that you're going right back to the very first point I ever addressed in this thread (because "yes it is," "no it isn't," etc. is a pointless "discussion" to have), a lot of what you've been saying seems to contradict that claim. Weren't you the one accusing spawn campers of taking things too seriously--of going too far in a desperate attempt to eliminate any possibility of losing? If that's the case, then how could they also be "taunting" at the same time? You cannot be desperate and at the same time be "taunting" the enemy. Taunting is a sign that you don't view the enemy as a threat. Doing everything in your power to ensure victory is a sign that you do view the enemy as a threat. You can't have it both ways.
And on the subject of taking things too seriously, I have to wonder about you. Your response to my explanation of the reasons for spawn camping was that such behavior is "all too serious." But as someone who has both spawn camped and been spawn camped, I can say with confidence that terms like "ferocious villains," "bloodthirst," "life and death," "total warfare," and "prison guards" have never once come to my mind as terms relevant to the situation. It's a children's video game, for crying out loud! Even the actions of those who really are taunting and trying to irritate people as much as possible can't possibly be compared to the atrocities of real-life warfare. And it was you who used all that imagery. You are the one who is apparently deeply offended whenever you happen to lose in this manner. And I have to wonder... why? Why can't you just let it go? I understand that losing by spawn camp can be a humiliating experience in the sense that it means you got beaten rather badly, but that's no reason to make people out to be monsters. They're not out to make you feel bad. They're just doing their best to win the game, as they should be.
I implore you: Stop scrutinizing every move the opponent makes so you can cry foul when you think they've "gone too far." Just try to win, try to improve, and don't let a few bad losses get to you. You will have more fun that way.