Splatdashing, An Advanced technique


Apr 25, 2015
Splatdashing is spamming the turn-into-a-squid-button while shooting at the ground beneath your feet. It isn't very useful, so it isn't worth learning. And even then it's not really "learning" as it just uses the basic mechanics in the game. Basically don't worry about it.
I think you are being confused with this (since you mention spamming squid button):

The above isn't splat dashing, it's called being useless and not going fast or spreading ink effectively. Even I don't know what they are trying to accomplish here. Not to be confused with real splat dashing in the video below:

When you swim out of your ink you continue your momentum for a short while, real splatdashing abuses this by timing the moment before momentum ends to turn into a human and shoot some ink to begin swimming again, to emulate the speed a squid would go if it was just swimming normally. It doesn't emulate that speed perfectly, but it's still pretty fast, much faster than any variant of a splatterhopping video has shown so far.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
I think you are being confused with this (since you mention spamming squid button):

The above isn't splat dashing, it's called being useless and not going fast or spreading ink effectively. Even I don't know what they are trying to accomplish here. Not to be confused with real splat dashing in the video below:

When you swim out of your ink you continue your momentum for a short while, real splatdashing abuses this by timing the moment before momentum ends to turn into a human and shoot some ink to begin swimming again, to emulate the speed a squid would go if it was just swimming normally. It doesn't emulate that speed perfectly, but it's still pretty fast, much faster than any variant of a splatterhopping video has shown so far.
ah i think i understand how optimized splatdashes are faster than splatterhopping

thanks for this, i wonder if there's going to be any use for splatterhopping now that it's agreed upon that splatdashes are faster though


Inkling Cadet
May 9, 2015
Ok so there are two conflicting statements. Hope says that splatdashing isn't very useful, while splathopping is. While Flying_Tortoise says the exact opposite. So, which is it?
Okay from what Snacks has posted it looks to me like s-dashing is actually perfectly optimized s-hopping. You have the lowest altitude jump possible which cuts down the time it takes to perform each cycle of the technique. He was right that I was operating under the assumption that the first video he posted was s-dashing. But honestly I feel like un-optimized s-hopping would be better for combat situations for the following reasons:

In combat you can use it to shoot at opponents while dodging their shots at you, as well as traversing un-inked territory in a way that opens up a lot of options for you. It's like in Tennis (or any other sport really) when they move back and forth before a serve. Their body is already in motion so they can react to their opponent faster. It is the same with s-hopping. You are changing from squid to kid to squid while you are moving, letting you react faster to opponents than if you simply were moving regularly, or doing it all in a split-second like in s-dashing.


Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
I think you are being confused with this (since you mention spamming squid button):

The above isn't splat dashing, it's called being useless and not going fast or spreading ink effectively. Even I don't know what they are trying to accomplish here. Not to be confused with real splat dashing in the video below:

When you swim out of your ink you continue your momentum for a short while, real splatdashing abuses this by timing the moment before momentum ends to turn into a human and shoot some ink to begin swimming again, to emulate the speed a squid would go if it was just swimming normally. It doesn't emulate that speed perfectly, but it's still pretty fast, much faster than any variant of a splatterhopping video has shown so far.
Honestly, thank you. I was done trying to explain it

@Hope well I made the video showing optimized s-dash. So I would know that I didn't s-hop. It was s-dash. Perhaps you just worded it weird and I interpreted someway different than you intended. As for the in battle thing. maybe? I ain't a pro. I'll actually test that in tutorial mode then, it makes sense what you say but the only problem is that your horizontal movement as a human isn't that much so a good player would still follow you through the air. The s-dash gets to where you want quicker, but yah a good player will still find you

edit: change "mb" to maybe
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Inkling Cadet
May 9, 2015
Honestly, thank you. I was done trying to explain it

@Hope well I made the video showing optimized s-dash. So I would know that I didn't s-hop. It was s-dash. Perhaps you just worded it weird and I interpreted someway different than you intended. As for the in battle thing. mb? I ain't a pro. I'll actually test that in tutorial mode then, it makes sense what you say but the only problem is that your horizontal movement as a human isn't that much so a good player would still follow you through the air. The s-dash gets to where you want quicker, but yah a good player will still find you
I wasn't accusing you or anything. It was mere speculation in reply to what you posted; you don't have to say "mb" for participating in a level-headed discussion. : )

Yeah I meant that perfectly optimized s-hopping is s-dashing. You are essentially taking the jump out of s-hopping, which makes it as fast as possible. Sorry was just some stuff I though was cool if you think about it.

You are so right that good players will still track you as you are moving, s-dashing/s-hopping or not. But in order to do this they have to predict what you are going to do, because if they simply react then you will always get your shots off first and win the 1v1. So it would be some good mind games to mix in some s-hops into several fast s-dashes to confuse your opponent and throw off where they think you will be, since s-hopping is slower.


Inkster Jr.
Apr 23, 2015
I found quickswitching between squid and human while firing splattershots in front of me allowed me to advance forward faster, cover the ground in ink, all while retaining ink because of the switching to squid form
seems to cover ground almost as well as the roller. to do this all you have to do is quickly splatt, then quickly go into squid to move, then get out.

This works for Splattershot Jr as well!

oh damn.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
anyway the way i see it, perfected (or at least optimized) sdashing > s-hopping > regular sdashing

if splatterhopping is more useful for something like turning corners or crossing gaps, which i imagine it will be since you don't have to keep your camera down constantly and you can turn easier in the air, the tech won't be fizzled out of practical use for sure. and since you can sdash into an s-hop, it's not like your options are restricted


Semi-Pro Squid
May 20, 2015
Okay ladies and gentlesquid, it is time for your basic movement mantra. readily copy-pasted from my guide which you should all read 'cause seriously I see some bad advice being flung around.

Shoot, squid, jump and shoot again.
Make it your mantra, make it part of your soul. It is the only way to ink.

So what does it mean?
Shoot means that you expel a line of ink from you ink dispensing apparatus.(5 or 6 plops or so)
Squid means to turn into a squid and follow that line at lightning speeds!
Jump means to expel yourself vertically(in squid form), defying gravity and maintaining slight momentum from squiding. Also you are harder to hit from opposing ink and it looks cool. Another advantage is that in midair it doesn't matter what color the ink underneath your feet is.
Shoot again (still in midair!) means a repeat of the former steps.
Make sure you ride your ink line all the way! Or else you are wasting precious time and ink by inking what you already inked!
This technique also keeps your inklevels high at all times. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!.
Don't worry about small holes in your ink you'll swim right through 'm. And you shouldn't worry about those anyway
Also many young Inklings make a habit of inking their feet. Many a time I have doubt these Inklings' sanity. Have they not heard about diminishing returns?
Why would you waste your precious ink on the same spot? So wasteful! So inefficient! A proud Inkling always holds his/her Inker straight or aimed high!


Inkling Commander
May 7, 2015
Ontario, Canada
ah i think i understand how optimized splatdashes are faster than splatterhopping

thanks for this, i wonder if there's going to be any use for splatterhopping now that it's agreed upon that splatdashes are faster though
Lol now you see why i said this before. And Why i was glad that s-hopping is faster up inclines. That way it can't fade away completely, since it should be use every time you're going up an incline. Places like the skate park map should have you switching between the two pretty ferequently.

ok @Flying_Tortoise @FunkyLobster @Snacks Would you guys be interested in making a new thread for Splatdashing, and maybe asking the mod if they can merge this one with ours after or something? Cause people are going to keep coming in and telling us that splathopping is faster and stuff until we can get the video in the first post, and it doesn't seem like OP has any interest in doing that. The first post is giving the whole technique a bad rep. I have 4 people in Shoutbox right now trying to tell me why this tech is completely 100% useless. That's not only incredibly annoying, it's also a problem because their reasoning comes out of ignorance.
Additionally we should probably talk about why having options almost purely for movement and not just covering turf can have their uses, since that's another thing people don't understand.

Okay ladies and gentlesquid, it is time for your basic movement mantra. readily copy-pasted from my guide which you should all read 'cause seriously I see some bad advice being flung around.

Shoot, squid, jump and shoot again.
Make it your mantra, make it part of your soul. It is the only way to ink.

So what does it mean?
Shoot means that you expel a line of ink from you ink dispensing apparatus.(5 or 6 plops or so)
Squid means to turn into a squid and follow that line at lightning speeds!
Jump means to expel yourself vertically(in squid form), defying gravity and maintaining slight momentum from squiding. Also you are harder to hit from opposing ink and it looks cool. Another advantage is that in midair it doesn't matter what color the ink underneath your feet is.
Shoot again (still in midair!) means a repeat of the former steps.
Make sure you ride your ink line all the way! Or else you are wasting precious time and ink by inking what you already inked!
This technique also keeps your inklevels high at all times. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!.
Don't worry about small holes in your ink you'll swim right through 'm. And you shouldn't worry about those anyway
Also many young Inklings make a habit of inking their feet. Many a time I have doubt these Inklings' sanity. Have they not heard about diminishing returns?
Why would you waste your precious ink on the same spot? So wasteful! So inefficient! A proud Inkling always holds his/her Inker straight or aimed high!
You see what I mean, right? What was that like 5 posts? We're never going to get anywhere with this thread. 20 pages fomr now we'll have had 2 more posts of actual dscussion, and hundreds of "y no splathop?" and/or" this is useless lol:
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Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
@Snacks you don't mind if I post the new thread?
The posts you made I'd appreciate if you repost em in there. I thought they were thoughtful and great for discussion.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
ok @Flying_Tortoise @FunkyLobster @Snacks Would you guys be interested in making a new thread for Splatdashing, and maybe asking the mod if they can merge this one with ours after or something? Cause people are going to keep coming in and telling us that splathopping is faster and stuff until we can get the video in the first post, and it doesn't seem like OP has any interest in doing that. The first post is giving the whole technique a bad rep. I have 4 people in Shoutbox right now trying to tell me why this tech is completely 100% useless. That's not only incredibly annoying, it's also a problem because their reasoning comes out of ignorance.
Additionally we should probably talk about why having options almost purely for movement and not just covering turf can have their uses, since that's another thing people don't understand.


You see what I mean, right? What was that like 5 posts? We're never going to get anywhere with this thread. 20 pages fomr now we'll have had 2 more posts of actual dscussion, and hundreds of "y no splathop?" and/or" this is useless lol:
having a new thread for theorycrafting about shops and sdashes would be great since this is just 4 pages of people getting really overwhelmed and confused, yes :P


Jun 9, 2015
With this tech, yes you are fast, and yes you cover territory. But...! You don't cover much territory. I would go as far as saying you might even cover less then you would by playing without this tech at all. If I'm wrong please explain to me how. By a minute into the game, the player had only cover 100p of territory! Personally, that's *Horrible*!


Senior Squid
Apr 23, 2015
With this tech, yes you are fast, and yes you cover territory. But...! You don't cover much territory. I would go as far as saying you might even cover less then you would by playing without this tech at all. If I'm wrong please explain to me how. By a minute into the game, the player had only cover 100p of territory! Personally, that's *Horrible*!
Lol if thats the only thing you do then you don't understand what this is for. This is NOT for covering territory. It is for getting to an important area quickly while your team covers up your tracks and backs you up while you get the initiative.


Inkling Commander
May 7, 2015
Ontario, Canada
With this tech, yes you are fast, and yes you cover territory. But...! You don't cover much territory. I would go as far as saying you might even cover less then you would by playing without this tech at all. If I'm wrong please explain to me how. By a minute into the game, the player had only cover 100p of territory! Personally, that's *Horrible*!
*Ahem* I think you missed something:

Thought I should post this here since it was only discussed and never actually linked:
Further discussion on this technique has moved to this thread: http://squidboards.com/threads/splatdashing-correctly-the-advanced-movement-option.1119/#post-22031

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