...Then the loser of popularity and win rate would recieve 0 snails even though they played for 3 hours plus. That is horrible.
IMO, people are overstating the popularity thing, especially in this specific case. I also think from a Nintendo perspective if the rounds were a virtual tie (2% difference), then if somebody has to win, the smarter option is making the largest part of your player base happy. Again in this specific case, 18 snails out of 24 instead of 18 out of 36 snails and a small win differential doesn't bother me.
Don't get me wrong, the popularity part is not quite fair but I think people are overstating a bit. I have two ways of evening it out.
1) Don't pick themes like Cat VS Dog. To me I was surprised by how many people thought Cats was more popular in America. If Dogs had less than 55% popularity, I would have been shocked. In Japan, due to housing constraints I can see Cats winning, but US for the most part is Dog Country. Thus they should have future events like Snail VS Slug or String VS Thread, as they don't have that much popularity leanings. Not sure how fired up one could get about those themes though.
2) Have bonus snails for the loser if they have the better win differential. If the loser, loses in totality, then IF they have a better win rate they get 2-3 extra Snails. So the loser could get anywhere between 18-21 Snails. The problem is, if people are complaining about 6 snails, they are going to complain about a 3 snails loss. And if they are complaining about a 2% differential, they will complain about pretty much any % difference.
Removing the value of popularity is basically ranked mode and considering the varying levels of skill level of the player base, I highly doubt Nintendo will remove as it would ruin thier view of Splat Fest.