Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
I'm still hoping for the Tetra Dualies. The world needs more idiots like me dodge rolling off the stage.

Here's an idea. Why not allow us to trade in drink/food tickets? I have so many useless tickets piling up, and I'd like to do something with them. Maybe trade in 5 of them for a super sea snail or something?


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom

Yet another variant! Foil Flingza with Tenta Missiles and Suction Bombs (based on leaked kits that is). More bad news on weapon fronts, we’ll be getting 1 weapon a week every week. Flingza is weapon 18 with 33 unreleased to go (plus the 3rd version of Brella for 35) so 18 + 35 = 53 weeks which equates to their one year of content updates. Well that’s frankly more depressing news with the announcement of this week’s weapon release (I see I got beat to posting first because I was adding more to my post, oh well though lol).


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Even if i were a Flingza main this set hardly sounds interesting to me, not to mention the flingza rarely gets used as is. But i suppose it's a new variant set... hooray.

Talking about that, when's the next patch gonna be?


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Even if i were a Flingza main this set hardly sounds interesting to me, not to mention the flingza rarely gets used as is. But i suppose it's a new variant set... hooray.

Talking about that, when's the next patch gonna be?
With 1.4.0 SplatoonJP said the next patch (addressing abilities mainly) will come at the end of November. Given how slow they’re being with all kinds of updates I’d wager it’ll be at the very end of November around the 27th-28th given that Splatoon 2 usually gets patched Tuesday/Wednesday.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
4 weeks of variants in a row, 3 of which are rollers. I joked last week that they might release every roller variant before moving onto other weapons, this isn't something I want to be right about.


Inkling Commander
Jul 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
haha, this is completely fine. totally acceptable. ABSOLUTELY okay to hold back on a main weapon from the first game for 4 whole months. totally fine, im not blood-boilingly livid or anything. I am DEFINITELY not furious it isn't the Hydra Splatling again. Can't wait for Carbon Roller Deco next week!


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
Huh. I'm not a Flingza nor a Roller main but it does seem interesting to try. The bombs will be too ink-consuming to be a commonly used thing, but Missiles can make for some funny harassment strategies; on paper, that is. Regardless, I'm a little bummed it's yet again not the Hydra (though I'm not surprised there). Gool needs his beast stat.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I just want international+more stable matches. Then I'm more than down for $20 bucks a year.
It still bites *** that game price is going up, but then we're into bone hard, "talk about price inflation" territory.
Yeah, I mean I get that games cost more every year to make than the year before but the price has remained the same for decades....so they need to either sell a lot more of them (which they've been doing), or increase the price, or both. And since there's consumer backlash every time they even hint at raising prices, they've found all these sleazy ways to raise price substantially while claiming the same price. And consumers somehow buy into it.

It's like the $1000 cell phones that you can get from your carrier for $40 down and $29.99/mo for 32 months......and people seem to think they're getting a deal, while they're paying the same exact sticker price as if they just paid now.... :P Only the game companies realized they can get you to pay MORE than $100 per game by nickel and diming their way to it. At least Nintendo's doing $20/yr for the privilege of providing all new never before seen content in the free June 2018 DLC, like the Hydra Splatling :P

It's somehow a weapon that even less people care about than the Inkbrush Nouveau
Even if i were a Flingza main this set hardly sounds interesting to me, not to mention the flingza rarely gets used as is. But i suppose it's a new variant set... hooray.

Talking about that, when's the next patch gonna be?
So, guys, Skyrim comes out today! I'm super stoked, are you? As of today we get a 6 year old game with *ALL* it's content on DAY ONE. FUS RO........it's better than waiting for Hydra!

Winter is coming, hydra is not!
I was going to main hydra but then I took a Nintendo to the knee....

Actually, I'm a flipping Flingza main (Flingza/Sploosh (zones), Tuber/GDynamo(/Hydra?) (tower), VanBlaster/Brush (RM), right now) and I couldn't care less about the thing. :P Half of what makes the flingza awesome is the bomb rush to turn the tide of SZ in a jiffy. Suction bombs are no more ink friendly than splashwall, though arguably more useful....but the special...though missiles can be quite good (and extremely annoying)...just pale in comparison to splat bomb rush on a weapon that charges it fast.

I'll certainly be trying it out....always fun to get a variant of one of your "main mains"....but I'm not terribly enthused by it, at least if the rumored kit is true. If it's something different then it could be a good week for me. RnB surprised us with an unexpected kit, so there's hope?

At least this alt is better than whatever the tuber alt will be for me. Each of these flingzas has their own strategy and utility, where any alternate version of the tuber will just be the "bad one" :P

4 weeks of variants in a row, 3 of which are rollers. I joked last week that they might release every roller variant before moving onto other weapons, this isn't something I want to be right about.
Don't be silly. The other carbon, you know, the one that doesn't suck, will be released next May. :P


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
Wow. Two tra...unpopular releases in a row. On the bright side, we won't have to deal with these releases again.

I'm REALLY hoping these releases are meaning something big when the patch comes out. Either that or we'll get the Custom Gootuber next week.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Wow. Two tra...unpopular releases in a row. On the bright side, we won't have to deal with these releases again.

I'm REALLY hoping these releases are meaning something big when the patch comes out. Either that or we'll get the Custom Gootuber next week.
The only keys on my keyboard that are working right now are the 'F' and the 'U'......I don't understand why..... :P

But you're probably right :(


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
The only keys on my keyboard that are working right now are the 'F' and the 'U'......I don't understand why..... :p

But you're probably right :(
You might want to recheck the 'N' key, because that's all we'll be having with the Foil Flingza!


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
inb4 Nintendo are 2 levels deep into this and don't want to release the meme nuke by releasing the Hydra.
Because let's face it people are all memeing about the crappy weapon releases and whatnot but it absolutely will go nuclear when Hydra's going to be announced. Just look at all the memes about the Hydra. It's an H-bomb waiting to be dropped.

The hype is mostly about that it is the last weapon to be released... but to top this off I know a handful of people that are legit getting annoyed at people complaining that the weapon is not out yet... so we get people complaining about the people complaining! Everybody is losing in this situation!
So we'll get some ''finally the Hydra mains can shut up!!!1!!one!!!!1!!!!!!111!!!!!!one''.
then i proceed to utterly destroy them with it


Inkling Cadet
Jun 17, 2015
inb4 Nintendo are 2 levels deep into this and don't want to release the meme nuke by releasing the Hydra.
Because let's face it people are all memeing about the crappy weapon releases and whatnot but it absolutely will go nuclear when Hydra's going to be announced. Just look at all the memes about the Hydra. It's an H-bomb waiting to be dropped.

The hype is mostly about that it is the last weapon to be released... but to top this off I know a handful of people that are legit getting annoyed at people complaining that the weapon is not out yet... so we get people complaining about the people complaining! Everybody is losing in this situation!
So we'll get some ''finally the Hydra mains can shut up!!!1!!one!!!!1!!!!!!111!!!!!!one''.
then i proceed to utterly destroy them with it
Well on the serious note on the new weapon, the kit actually does look pretty decent (at least better then the vanilla kit, but I'm no fan of Splash Walls so I'm probably being a bit bias about it). Looks like it would be pretty decent for most situations.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
Well on the serious note on the new weapon, the kit actually does look pretty decent (at least better then the vanilla kit, but I'm no fan of Splash Walls so I'm probably being a bit bias about it). Looks like it would be pretty decent for most situations.
Yeah gotta give it that, but I highly doubt a slightly better kit will make people use it more, the main weapon itself is trash to begin with. It's still the Flingza roller, which is arguably the worst roller at this point in time.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
inb4 Nintendo are 2 levels deep into this and don't want to release the meme nuke by releasing the Hydra.
Because let's face it people are all memeing about the crappy weapon releases and whatnot but it absolutely will go nuclear when Hydra's going to be announced. Just look at all the memes about the Hydra. It's an H-bomb waiting to be dropped.

The hype is mostly about that it is the last weapon to be released... but to top this off I know a handful of people that are legit getting annoyed at people complaining that the weapon is not out yet... so we get people complaining about the people complaining! Everybody is losing in this situation!
So we'll get some ''finally the Hydra mains can shut up!!!1!!one!!!!1!!!!!!111!!!!!!one''.
then i proceed to utterly destroy them with it
Someone needs a pair of official Nintendo employee earplugs. There are no complaints. The plan is perfect. Players just don't know they like it better this way until they're made to wait. They'll appreciate it later.

Yeah gotta give it that, but I highly doubt a slightly better kit will make people use it more, the main weapon itself is trash to begin with. It's still the Flingza roller, which is arguably the worst roller at this point in time.
*Ahem* hi? Flingza main?
It's not about the quality of the weapon, it's about how you weild it..... :P

@Saber no love for tacticians it seems ;)


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
*Ahem* hi? Flingza main?
It's not about the quality of the weapon, it's about how you weild it..... :p
Oh I'm not taking anything away from the people who actually do use it, just that when I put this into a competitive perspective, there's no reason at all to use the Flingza over the Splat Roller.
(hell, I use the Goo Tuber some people would tell me I have no right to speak... though that's a bit backwards, when I think about it)
Even then this Flingza with Suction Bomb and Tenta Missles, some people have pointed out... Might as well go Vanilla Slosher, it paints better than Flingza's vertical swings and it has a very reliable two hit kill, instead of the wonky and inconsistent 1-3 hit kill on the vertical flick. Guess Flingza has a upper hand when someone gets close but even then the rollers have weird hitboxes... but that's about it. When compared to other rollers it hasn't got much, is my point


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Y'know what, I think I might join in on the hype/meme train further by editing pics and clips of this weapon we all hallucinated as well.

As for the Flingza, played it yesterday... ugh, screwy hurtboxes and long vertical flick load times.

Ansible: *aims*
*preps v-flick*
*holds roller overhead*
*leans back*
*maintains aim*
*body leans forward*

Teammate: *looks over* I got you fam! *splats foe* Booyah! *swims away*

Ansible: *roller finally swings down*
*roller FINALLY hits ground*
Uh... *sigh* booyah...

Splatfest is gonna be scientifically magical with this thing around. ¬_¬

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