Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Inkling Commander
Jul 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I'm absolutely not looking forward to Saltfest with the Foil Flingzas running about. It was pure misery the short while I was stuck with Custom E-Liters. Send help.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm absolutely not looking forward to Saltfest with the Foil Flingzas running about. It was pure misery the short while I was stuck with Custom E-Liters. Send help.
So team with friends, I didn't see a single Custom E-liter. It's not like you don't have options :P

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
The Europeans were very correct, this Shifty Station was terrible. It's very small and cramped in battle (recon made it look much better than it was in practice) and it was way too easy to get into the other side and spawn camps were super possible if you lost a lot of ground.

I was playing with three friends who I trust in the toughest league matches, and we had so many iffy matches when we fought any halfway decent team. Mainly on this stage any way, which we thankfully got less and less as the session went on.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
@Hero of Lime
Burst bombs + some aggressive front line teammates is a very solid way to hold mid on this Shifty. (sub power up)

These 2 recent Shiftys have been horribly bottlenecked, but when you're expirimenting like this in a live game(thank goodness these maps are temporary) you are bound to make mistakes like this... which is oddly reassuring.

I am glad the splat devs are willing to do these weird map tests. I really liked the Shifty from... 2 splatfests ago? the one with 6+ shifting platforms. The constantly shifting mid made defense very dynamic and dissuaded static camping, unlike these past 2 where you are pretty much required to stay in one spot on constant vigil.
I'm looking forward to when Splat devs get another win like that map, assuming pay to play online doesn't blow this game to hell, for me, before then.

PS: Despite the map being pretty horrible, in my opinion, I thought the spinners over pits/OOB and the glass wall were pretty interesting design choices, I'd like to see these features reused in a less choke point map.


Inkling Commander
Jul 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I absolutely loathe Shifty Station now. I HATE having my Splatfest ruined because the Splatoon 2 team is just giving us these terrible maps that completely characterize the event. I no longer even appreciate the concept of Shifty Station. Splatfest is absolutely ruined because of Shifty Station, I hate it so much. The devs should be experimenting with these hellscape maps by themselves with private play testers, not with literally the whole world who must experience these absolute messes of maps. I want Shifty Station to go away and never come back.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
@Hero of Lime
These 2 recent Shiftys have been horribly bottlenecked, but when you're expirimenting like this in a live game(thank goodness these maps are temporary) you are bound to make mistakes like this... which is oddly reassuring.

I am glad the splat devs are willing to do these weird map tests. I really liked the Shifty from... 2 splatfests ago? the one with 6+ shifting platforms. The constantly shifting mid made defense very dynamic and dissuaded static camping, unlike these past 2 where you are pretty much required to stay in one spot on constant vigil.
I'm looking forward to when Splat devs get another win like that map, assuming pay to play online doesn't blow this game to hell, for me, before then.
This isn't early access or a beta. We didn't pay money to test the game FOR them. Nintendo has employees for that, as foreign as the concept of companies testing their games properly can be in this cruddy industry. If they wanna experiment, great, but not at our expense.


Inkling Commander
Jul 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
You know, here's an idea. I would totally dig it if Nintendo REALLY wanted us to play these maps, they would just add them to the private battle selection and we can test them out and play with them there with friends. Then, we could give them feedback on a little survey on their Splatoon 2 section of the site. That would never happen I bet, but that would be MUCH more desireable than forcing us to play these messy stages on Splatfest.


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I said it last time, and I'm going to say it again, but I actually really enjoy having weird maps for Shifty Station. Even though they have qualities that would make them terrible for a serious match, I feel that the nature of Splatfests is a time for us all to just relax a little, and have some fun. The maps still have lots of good design effort put into them, you can think of them as us getting a little taste of the rejects bin. I say that as someone who absolutely loves Belly Flops (The weird-shaped jelly bellies that result from imperfections in the production process)

Could they have given us these maps as specials for private battles? Sure, maybe they could, but that would also mean that it would be a lot of effort to get to check them out, and having them as a map in the rotation for the splatfests means that there are lots of players that I can be readily matched up with for the maps. And if you don't like it, you always have the option to do private battles on other maps ;)


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
I absolutely loathe Shifty Station now. I HATE having my Splatfest ruined because the Splatoon 2 team is just giving us these terrible maps that completely characterize the event. I no longer even appreciate the concept of Shifty Station. Splatfest is absolutely ruined because of Shifty Station, I hate it so much. The devs should be experimenting with these hellscape maps by themselves with private play testers, not with literally the whole world who must experience these absolute messes of maps. I want Shifty Station to go away and never come back.
Kind reminder that the devs released Moray Towers in the past and brought it back. I doubt them testing them beforehand would help alleviate the squissue.


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Kind reminder that the devs released Moray Towers in the past and brought it back. I doubt them testing them beforehand would help alleviate the squissue.
Hey! I like Moray Towers!


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
Hey! I like Moray Towers!
Hey, good on ya! Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of Moray for a variety of reasons. The verticality is a good concept on paper, but ends up being rather tedious because of the weird angles you're getting when trying to defend yo'self once you're being invaded. I have little issues with Moray on Ranked modes, but it can go die in a hole in turf. :D

I said it last time, and I'm going to say it again, but I actually really enjoy having weird maps for Shifty Station. Even though they have qualities that would make them terrible for a serious match, I feel that the nature of Splatfests is a time for us all to just relax a little, and have some fun. The maps still have lots of good design effort put into them, you can think of them as us getting a little taste of the rejects bin. I say that as someone who absolutely loves Belly Flops (The weird-shaped jelly bellies that result from imperfections in the production process)
Turf is the casual mode in general, so going in with a more relaxed mindset instead of a more competitive one is the way to go, but I can absolutely understand people being displeased with how the last two stations turned out. When you're trying your absolute best and land on top of the team K/D and inked points-wise neigh constantly and yo randos still end up being spawncamped because of how easy the maps make it out to be, then funtime's over for most people.


Inkling Commander
Jan 4, 2017
Inkopolis Square.
Switch Friend Code
Wait, you guys are complaining about this Shifty Station? I loved it! Lots of good, close battles that often came down to the final 30 seconds. Plus the ink rail off to the left of either spawn point was GREAT for getting behind enemy lines, jumping off of it, and landing a sick Splashdown to get into the enemy base. Had a LOT of fun with it and my first Splatoon 2 Splatfest.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Wait, you guys are complaining about this Shifty Station? I loved it! Lots of good, close battles that often came down to the final 30 seconds. Plus the ink rail off to the left of either spawn point was GREAT for getting behind enemy lines, jumping off of it, and landing a sick Splashdown to get into the enemy base. Had a LOT of fun with it and my first Splatoon 2 Splatfest.
All joking aside, I'm glad SOMEONE enjoyed it, but you're kind of a minority :P Still, thumbs up!


Senior Squid
Oct 11, 2015
uh ignore this post, I added to the wrong section :p

but here have this.


Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
It's somehow a weapon that even less people care about than the Inkbrush Nouveau
Hey! I would have cared it if had a good kit, but the Splat Bomb Launcher too good to pass up and by too good I mean it carries the weapon entirely.
As for the Flingza, played it yesterday... ugh, screwy hurtboxes and long vertical flick load times.

Splatfest is gonna be scientifically magical with this thing around. ¬_¬
Welcome to the world of Flingza Roller users. Please join us by the campfire as we desperately wait for buffs, if you wish...
The Europeans were very correct, this Shifty Station was terrible. It's very small and cramped in battle (recon made it look much better than it was in practice) and it was way too easy to get into the other side and spawn camps were super possible if you lost a lot of ground.
I warned y'all but ya didn't listen, now look what's happened!
So you guys did get the Front v Back roll Shifty Station after all, I was not expecting that.

Though that raises the question: Why are we getting Shifty Stations out of order now? Is it related to having separate Splatfest? Will we ever get the Hydra Splatling? When will I stop asking these stupid questions? Find out next time on Squidball Z!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Oh I'm not taking anything away from the people who actually do use it, just that when I put this into a competitive perspective, there's no reason at all to use the Flingza over the Splat Roller.
(hell, I use the Goo Tuber some people would tell me I have no right to speak... though that's a bit backwards, when I think about it)
Even then this Flingza with Suction Bomb and Tenta Missles, some people have pointed out... Might as well go Vanilla Slosher, it paints better than Flingza's vertical swings and it has a very reliable two hit kill, instead of the wonky and inconsistent 1-3 hit kill on the vertical flick. Guess Flingza has a upper hand when someone gets close but even then the rollers have weird hitboxes... but that's about it. When compared to other rollers it hasn't got much, is my point
I think people underestimate flingza (which is good, I don't want it to go meta :) ) , the extended turfing is extremely valuable to lay down charger-like disruption lines, and that splat bomb rush is the best thing to hit splatzones..... Now the foil flingza......I think I'll agree with you on that one :) I'm not really a fan, the generic kit doesn't suit a wonky weapon. The original...the walls were kind of bad (situationally useful though) but it's one of the few weapons with a splat bomb rush, and it's long flicks make it easy to charge. It's better than some credit it. OG....Foil is meh....

Technically I don't think the horzontal flicks are any more wonky than other weapons. It's lag that makes it seem wonky....but it makes other randomly missed bullets happen as well....rollers just put you in a bad position for when they weren't where they ought to have been compared to, say, a splattershot.

Y'know what, I think I might join in on the hype/meme train further by editing pics and clips of this weapon we all hallucinated as well.

As for the Flingza, played it yesterday... ugh, screwy hurtboxes and long vertical flick load times.

Ansible: *aims*
*preps v-flick*
*holds roller overhead*
*leans back*
*maintains aim*
*body leans forward*

Teammate: *looks over* I got you fam! *splats foe* Booyah! *swims away*

Ansible: *roller finally swings down*
*roller FINALLY hits ground*
Uh... *sigh* booyah...

Splatfest is gonna be scientifically magical with this thing around. ¬_¬

Yeah...soo.....it looks like imma' have to school you. :D

First rule of flingza club: There is no vertical flick!
Second rule of flingza club: The vertical flick is only for turfing/area control/disruption.
Third rule of flingza club: There is no vertical flick! :P

Seriously, use it like a carbon roller, smacks to the face only. Vertical is for standing behind laying down ink, laying disruption lines, traversing (like curling bombs), charging the bomb rush (lets just ignore foil.....I know I will be!). Occasionally a well placed vertical can be used to splat a sniper from below, or a fool on the overhead grates on kelp. But generally, though faster than dynamo now, it's too slow for it's damage. It's an ink tool. Killing is with the horizontal. If you treat it like a melee with a sick bomb launcher, long range turf control options, and a splash wall for occasional Laugh-In routines, it will treat you a lot better :) I prefer dynamo for when I'm just aiming to kill anything that moves, but flingza is fantastic where you need to control an area, but may need to flank or assist at any time.

The Europeans were very correct, this Shifty Station was terrible. It's very small and cramped in battle (recon made it look much better than it was in practice) and it was way too easy to get into the other side and spawn camps were super possible if you lost a lot of ground.

I was playing with three friends who I trust in the toughest league matches, and we had so many iffy matches when we fought any halfway decent team. Mainly on this stage any way, which we thankfully got less and less as the session went on.
Shifty station these days is all about a single cramped choke point. I didn't think it could get worse than the revolving door. I was wrong. It's literally one junction to defend at all costs. And I managed to get this map probably 70% of my matches.

@Hero of Lime
Burst bombs + some aggressive front line teammates is a very solid way to hold mid on this Shifty. (sub power up)

These 2 recent Shiftys have been horribly bottlenecked, but when you're expirimenting like this in a live game(thank goodness these maps are temporary) you are bound to make mistakes like this... which is oddly reassuring.

I am glad the splat devs are willing to do these weird map tests. I really liked the Shifty from... 2 splatfests ago? the one with 6+ shifting platforms. The constantly shifting mid made defense very dynamic and dissuaded static camping, unlike these past 2 where you are pretty much required to stay in one spot on constant vigil.
I'm looking forward to when Splat devs get another win like that map, assuming pay to play online doesn't blow this game to hell, for me, before then.

PS: Despite the map being pretty horrible, in my opinion, I thought the spinners over pits/OOB and the glass wall were pretty interesting design choices, I'd like to see these features reused in a less choke point map.
I was thinking similarly this fest. The problem is Nintendo does things based on "ideas that would be fun and surprising". That's their design philosophy. And that's fine in single player. But people are right. Nintendo doesn't "get" online. You can't throw fun and surprising ideas out there with no deference to how it will affect pure competitive environments where the most efficient and reliable gameplay is what counts. The other problem with Shifty is, West coast squids seem to start playing on Friday night. East coast squids can't really play to Saturday morning/afternoon. So by the time the East coast squids get to play the West coast squids are already highly familiar with the ma design, layout, and tactics to win, while we really have no idea where we are or what's going on.....so we just get pummeled our first 20 matches until we figure out the tactics. Then wen we figure it out, our teammates are just seeing it for the first time too.....it makes splatfest day something to dread. Fun and surprising event maps are cool and all. But there is no "casual" TW for splatfest. Fest power ended that once and for all. It's a fully competitive mode now. And anything that introduces knowledge gaps between players makes that problematic. The IDEA was great. But not for competition time.

That first shifty station with the moving platforms was cool in that it brought the single player platforming gameplay to multiplayer just for splatfest. Since then we just get the rejects bin from level design interns.... :P

I absolutely loathe Shifty Station now. I HATE having my Splatfest ruined because the Splatoon 2 team is just giving us these terrible maps that completely characterize the event. I no longer even appreciate the concept of Shifty Station. Splatfest is absolutely ruined because of Shifty Station, I hate it so much. The devs should be experimenting with these hellscape maps by themselves with private play testers, not with literally the whole world who must experience these absolute messes of maps. I want Shifty Station to go away and never come back.
So, I was wondering, what's your opinion of Shifty Station? :P

Turf is the casual mode in general, so going in with a more relaxed mindset instead of a more competitive one is the way to go, but I can absolutely understand people being displeased with how the last two stations turned out. When you're trying your absolute best and land on top of the team K/D and inked points-wise neigh constantly and yo randos still end up being spawncamped because of how easy the maps make it out to be, then funtime's over for most people.
Turf war hasn't been the casual mode since, like, January 2016 :P Splatfest hasn't been casual since about April 2016! Fest Power butchered what was once the most fun event of the month and turned it into a bitter, brutal 12 hour grind of non-stop team carrying and gameplay that makes Tower Control look passive, until your wrists are raw and your blood pressure could run all the elevators in Octo Valley. :P

It doesn't help when it's matching 1750 squads against 1950 squads in a map with a single choke point. :P And you're 2050+ so it gives you a clear idea of how your team is 1750..... :P

If they didn't make you grind relentlessly for all your snails maybe Fest would be casual. Losing your way to victory just drags out the suffering. This fest I actually had a better experience than others. Likely on account of the teams being overall balanced. But this was a lucky break.

Wait, you guys are complaining about this Shifty Station? I loved it! Lots of good, close battles that often came down to the final 30 seconds. Plus the ink rail off to the left of either spawn point was GREAT for getting behind enemy lines, jumping off of it, and landing a sick Splashdown to get into the enemy base. Had a LOT of fun with it and my first Splatoon 2 Splatfest.
Squidboards REALLY needs a "dislike" button :P

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