Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I chose Sweater because red.

Also, I am loving this new N-Zap. It takes the autobombs from the Custom Jr, but puts it on a letal N-Zap chassis. And those dismissive tentamissiles are just the perfect evil sprinkle on top. Might very well enter my main rotation


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Can't wait to try the N-Zap '89. I used to love playing the various Zappers in S1, but the kit of the '85 Zapper doesn't really do it for me this time around. Autobombs, while not netting me a lot of kills usually, is a great thing to annoy people with and to see where they're going, and Tentamissles are IMO tied as the best special, so this will surely replace the '85 for me.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I'm not sure why people don't think missiles are great. I mean when i use them they don't seem great... But when used against me I'm a fountain of explatives. :p


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
That sure were a lot of mirror matches this Splatfest. I guess I can at least consider popularity in the pocket.

This Fest's Shifty Station was pretty interesting. It has a pretty neutral design for the most part, but not the middle. This makes it very fun to try and control the middle, and to try to slip through to the enemy's side. Too bad that once again it was only playable for such a short time. I would've loved to try some different weapons on it.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Loving the new N-zap, it has unique bait and trap style combined with a semi-aggressve style make it such a enjoyable weapon... but it does remind me of the try hard days and how much I missed Flounder Heights

Also speaking of maps huge adjustment to multiple maps, adjusting Inkblot, sttarfish mainstage, and Humpback pump TC? Adjusting the inkrail flanks in Moray Towers?
AND on top of that nerfing the brella (just before the new brella too....:mad:), and buffing the duelies range, I have to admit this should be an interesting patch, can't wait to see it implemented


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
Okay, so
  1. Who is this Craig character,
  2. What did he do to get himself banned, and
  3. Why the hell is there a plaza movement to get him unbanned?
Not that I'm intensely interested in this at all, but it certainly is the strangest plaza movement I've seen in a long time.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Bit of a late reply, but I love love LOVE the N-Zap 89. My favorite subweapon and my favorite special on the same weapon? Hell yes! I know tenta missiles aren't the most popular special and I don't care because they are FUN. The Custom Splattershot Jr. is dead to me, this has taken it's place :P

Also, autobomb spam is delightful. Unlike any other explosive, the enemy is FORCED to react to the autobomb in some way, it's fun tripping up even top players with them :D


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Loving the new N-zap, it has unique bait and trap style combined with a semi-aggressve style make it such a enjoyable weapon... but it does remind me of the try hard days and how much I missed Flounder Heights

Also speaking of maps huge adjustment to multiple maps, adjusting Inkblot, sttarfish mainstage, and Humpback pump TC? Adjusting the inkrail flanks in Moray Towers?
AND on top of that nerfing the brella (just before the new brella too....:mad:), and buffing the duelies range, I have to admit this should be an interesting patch, can't wait to see it implemented
Notice that map change just seems to be about reinforcing the awful meta? Less obstacles, more access to funnel everyone to mid?
Bit of a late reply, but I love love LOVE the N-Zap 89. My favorite subweapon and my favorite special on the same weapon? Hell yes! I know tenta missiles aren't the most popular special and I don't care because they are FUN. The Custom Splattershot Jr. is dead to me, this has taken it's place :p

Also, autobomb spam is delightful. Unlike any other explosive, the enemy is FORCED to react to the autobomb in some way, it's fun tripping up even top players with them :D
It's not my usual style but i think it's going to be my splatfest main! Unless i want to troll my randoms and use glooga :p


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
Oh I don't doubt it's a good weapon....that's what's bad about it. Nzap was already too good and too everywhere due to it's high mobility (which honestly the excessive run speeds is just a joke against slower weapons), and it has range that's just obscene for it's rate of fire. It was in S1 too. I've found myself splooshing less in this game, mainly because it was a tryhard weapon for me in S1. So was eliter but it's so addictive and in S2, counter-cultural. :)

But with a trillion nzaps with runspeed running around, eliter's going to suck badly this weekend.

Another OU shooter is probably what we needed least right now to cement the meta.
Oof, it did, so did playing any kind of charger during my Splatfest dilemma, frankly. Haven't seen so many N-Zaps in ages and they've been spammed heavily this Sunday. Nothing like a wall of Splattershots, N-Zaps 89 and one vanilla N-Zap for that extra ink armor to make things even more annoying. Needless to say, I had to use the Bambi this time around in order to keep up with their speed. I'm not one to complain (much) anymore but sometimes I just loathe how they keep reinforcing the shooter-based meta and slapping additional "kick me" signs to the backs of charger mains. :D Stay strong, brotha.

Okay, so
  1. Who is this Craig character,
  2. What did he do to get himself banned, and
  3. Why the hell is there a plaza movement to get him unbanned?
Not that I'm intensely interested in this at all, but it certainly is the strangest plaza movement I've seen in a long time.
This person and he got himself banned for using an inappropriate IGN and for some reason, people are going crazy about it, so I'm guessing he has a large following.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Oof, it did, so did playing any kind of charger during my Splatfest dilemma, frankly. Haven't seen so many N-Zaps in ages and they've been spammed heavily this Sunday. Nothing like a wall of Splattershots, N-Zaps 89 and one vanilla N-Zap for that extra ink armor to make things even more annoying. Needless to say, I had to use the Bambi this time around in order to keep up with their speed. I'm not one to complain (much) anymore but sometimes I just loathe how they keep reinforcing the shooter-based meta and slapping additional "kick me" signs to the backs of charger mains. :D Stay strong, brotha.
Yeah, I was practicing eliter and it just got worse and worse. Shots were missed. Salt was had. Console-bannable obscenities were spewn.

I imagine next-next patch they'll nerf the NZaps. They already gave them a runspeed buff last patch. But that seems to be their thing. Remember when they buffed inkstorm radius 10%? And then they nerfed its radius 20%? Overcompensating both directions seems to be the current trend. But it's just sooo bad right now trying to snipe rooms full of NZaps and splattershots. Or worse, numerous times I get a team of 3 chargers and 1 nzap against 2 splooshes, a splattershot, and an nzap or some other ridiculous combination. I'm NA so I haven't done splatfest yet....but that's going to really suck if not using nzaps and splattershots.....

"I had to use the Bambi".....really...does any more need to be said? :p

This person and he got himself banned for using an inappropriate IGN and for some reason, people are going crazy about it, so I'm guessing he has a large following.
Ahh, that explains it. Wow, so "Bike Cuck" is bannable. But apparently "HentaiLord", "mike_oWo_hunt", and I forget what the third one that was even more direct that caught my attention was. Great detective work there, Nintendo!

(argh the forum sripped the image after showing it on my end again: Link for those that want it: https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u...07/detective-pikachu.jpg?resize=818%2C430&f=1


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
I'm disappointed with Nintendo (again, to the delight of many here no doubt). Remember in Splatoon 1 where new modes were introduced and got thrown on rotation for about 30 hours so everyone got to play them? Well take a look at the rotation starting from Clam Blitz' introduction in Ranked:


The rotation after 8am is Splat Zones. Yep that's right! Nintendo is still rotating around the other modes like a new mode doesn't matter and we don't deserve to play it. So any of you guys who can only play Ranked or League or are limited to a certain hours in the day may miss out on Clam Blitz' debut day. It does seem to stay on for 24hrs, but it alternates between Ranked and League every other rotation, because just slapping it on for a full 24hrs on both modes was too simple and easy, we have to force people to hop in at certain times to be able to play! I really don't get Splatoon 2 at all. It's very much a "1 step forwards, 2 steps back kind of game". We get all the nice and exciting improvements, but then some utterly bizarre choices of game design come along to ruin everything. I'm just baffled with Splatoon 2, a game with so much potential and it's being squandered in the silliest ways possible. Anyway, hope you guys have fun breaking in Clam Blitz on its first rotation of Blackbelly Skatepark and Musselforge Fitness on Ranked! I'm gutted I can't see how badly everyone will perform since it arrives at 2 in the morning (so unfriendly to Europe, as with every release and update), but go nuts guys :P


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016

Looks like most of my evening's plans were told to go jump in a fire with an armful of fireworks.

So much for it being a special occasion. =/


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I mean, it's debuting in the middle of the week, so I won't be able to get too many hours in. Having it be available the whole day wouldn't do any good anyway. And it would only last one day or maybe one-and-a-half like S1. So, ultimately, not the best way to handle it, but not a big deal.


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
I mean, it's debuting in the middle of the week, so I won't be able to get too many hours in. Having it be available the whole day wouldn't do any good anyway. And it would only last one day or maybe one-and-a-half like S1. So, ultimately, not the best way to handle it, but not a big deal.
I think the reason it's being thrown out in the middle is because America's having their Splatfest at the weekend, so to do a typical Saturday release would be unfair to those who'd miss the whole day of it being available. Timing is pretty odd, because they could have held it back until a week Saturday and done the whole "here have it available all day for everyone", but they've done it in the middle of the week where most children are still in school, adults are working and on top of that made it harder to access if the time you can play is the time it isn't available. Not a huge deal as you say, but it still sucks and it's reinforcing this sort of confused Nintendo where they aren't sure of how to handle their own game.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I'm disappointed with Nintendo (again, to the delight of many here no doubt). Remember in Splatoon 1 where new modes were introduced and got thrown on rotation for about 30 hours so everyone got to play them? Well take a look at the rotation starting from Clam Blitz' introduction in Ranked:

The rotation after 8am is Splat Zones. Yep that's right! Nintendo is still rotating around the other modes like a new mode doesn't matter and we don't deserve to play it. So any of you guys who can only play Ranked or League or are limited to a certain hours in the day may miss out on Clam Blitz' debut day. It does seem to stay on for 24hrs, but it alternates between Ranked and League every other rotation, because just slapping it on for a full 24hrs on both modes was too simple and easy, we have to force people to hop in at certain times to be able to play! I really don't get Splatoon 2 at all. It's very much a "1 step forwards, 2 steps back kind of game". We get all the nice and exciting improvements, but then some utterly bizarre choices of game design come along to ruin everything. I'm just baffled with Splatoon 2, a game with so much potential and it's being squandered in the silliest ways possible. Anyway, hope you guys have fun breaking in Clam Blitz on its first rotation of Blackbelly Skatepark and Musselforge Fitness on Ranked! I'm gutted I can't see how badly everyone will perform since it arrives at 2 in the morning (so unfriendly to Europe, as with every release and update), but go nuts guys :p
Ouch. My guess is two-fold. They don't want anyone to burn out on the new mode, much like Salmon "if you can't play it all the time you'll like it more" Run. But also, NDGAF outside Japan, at least where Splatoon is concerned, and it's a perfectly fine day to release it in Japan.

I suppose realistically it could also be a limitation of the scheduling system that it won't let them enter duplicate entries to prevent errors, and the only negative side effect is That One Time they released a new mode it didn't let them run it continuously.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
At the very least it seems they're trying to maintain that statement about mid-December but somewhere down the line may have forgot about an NoA splatfest with the following weekend being a Christmas weekend.

I would like to be a spy fly on the wall during those weeks when they started realizing this.

Anyway, here's a Clam Blitz introduction post from their Tumblr account with both video and text details on how the mode works. We get an added button press for passing/throwing the clams!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
At the very least it seems they're trying to maintain that statement about mid-December but somewhere down the line may have forgot about an NoA splatfest with the following weekend being a Christmas weekend.

I would like to be a spy fly on the wall during those weeks when they started realizing this.

Anyway, here's a Clam Blitz introduction post from their Tumblr account with both video and text details on how the mode works. We get an added button press for passing/throwing the clams!
NoA fest scheduling may be down to a late call by NoA to not hold it the same day as Japan/Europe, and not NCL. I doubt Japan would forget Kurisumasu, as while it's not as huge a deal as it is here, it is also celebrated there as well in slightly more than a passing manner (oddly, featuring mostly American music and traditions....I presume a holdover from the occupation in the 50's familiarizing them with it.) So they'd certainly be properly planning around it.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
...Hoooooooo boy, this new mode. This is easily going to be the hardest in solo ranked :P I did two matches to check it out, and my god, the lack of coordination between allies and huge variety of ranks! Utter chaos in a game full of chaos! I'll keep poking at clam blitz but slowly, haha, I want this to sort itself out a bit.

Also, it needs patching. As Goolloom pointed out, you can lose after you've won because the drilling animation on the basket takes long enough for to explode AFTER time's up and give 20 points to the enemy team. Thaaaaaaaat doesn't seem right.


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Also, it needs patching. As Goolloom pointed out, you can lose after you've won because the drilling animation on the basket takes long enough for to explode AFTER time's up and give 20 points to the enemy team. Thaaaaaaaat doesn't seem right.
Isn’t that what we call Overtime?

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