Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I don't get to play it until tonight....it started up too late last night. From what I'm hearing....I'm not sure I want to. :P


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
You just gotta let go and embrace the chaos. If you rank up, you rank up. Just don't expect even veteran players to understand what they're doing or even do more than go for splats to get more clams then lose them all anyway.

Or you can also join me for a tour in league.
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Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Honestly I went into Splatoon 2 tonight expecting to be mightily let down by the new mode between what I heard and what I saw of the gameplay. What I left with tonight was a completely different viewpoint of the mode. It's far too early to tell, but this might be my favourite Ranked mode in the game. I think the way you can pass clams and rugby balls (I won't stoop to American terms of their game of "foot"ball :P) really makes a nice way of changing the tactics and makes it more fun. "Only got 2 clams?" Throw them to a teammate with 6, 7 or 8 and help them get a way to open the barrier.

It's a fair mode too, the team that concedes gets given a pity rugby ball to help them get a shot of scoring some points (though they have to get it across the entire map). It also works more like Turf Wars in the sense that map control really helps, any clams that spawn in your ink or get dropped are picked up with glowing circles on your screen and the Turf map to help you grab them faster. I particularly love trying to dash across the map and get a few sneaky points in when the goal is open. People are still getting to grips with the mode but I enjoyed it a lot, and the Hydra is amazing at being a goalie and denying people, especially on Kelp Dome and The Reef. I also like how being ballsy and throwing loads of clams in when it's open is a risk that pays off because the other team can't score until the shield reactivates on their goal. It really makes this mode more of an attack vs defence thing seen in other games, which is rather refreshing. The best thing is everyone can contribute when the goal is open and a teammate only has 2 clams, whereas Rainmaker forces only 1 person to carry it to the goal, or Tower's dangerous huddle strat that usually ends in a team wipe.

As for the special gauge auto fill mechanic, how it works here is the team with a rugby ball (Power Clam) will get their specials auto-filled, but if neither team have one or they both have one the team in the lead will get special auto-fill. This mode has actually given me a spark back in the game, and I'll be bringing my rank up to where they are elsewhere (Splat Zones S+10, Tower Control S+12, Rainmaker S+12, Clam Blitz B+). I'll just end off with these 2 quick clips:



Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I wonder if Clam Blitz is what led them to make changes to some stages, because so far I don't feel they really add anything necessary. Well, Moray Towers' change is pretty significant, and it's nice that mid is now more notable, but it's still a bit weird.

And isn't this like the 4th incarnation of Moray Towers at this point? Didn't it get changed in Splatoon 1 or am I misremembering that?


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
I think the way you can pass clams and rugby balls (I won't stoop to American terms of their game of "foot"ball :p)
*grumble grumble overbearing murikan grumble* :p

Since pigs no longer seem to exist, would they still refer to it as a pigskin?

But besides that, does the power clam grant a speed boost? At least a swim speed boost?

I'm just now recalling that while using heavy weapons I would randomly start zooming across the stage whenever I was trying to rush a power clam to the goal. And none of my gear was swim speed at any time either.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
This new mode is turning out to be s***.

I can't play it solo.
It's a chore doing it in leagues as is, with voice comms so you and your buddy can both keep tabs on the entire map.
I'll be in the salt thread if anyone needs me ._.


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Looks like we're getting Walleye Warehouse for an early Xmas present~ ♪!

We have an accompanying weapon too, one @Lonely_Dolphin might still be interested in:

Slosher Deco with Sprinkler and (I guess it still is?) Baller. I’ve wanted this variant for a long time now, Tenta Missiles are boring, but Baller is still the most fun special to run around with. Sprinklers will help maintain map control and make up for the poor ink output of the main weapon.

I sense no traitor, just someone who merely has the common sense to know footballs are the one you mainly move with your feet and can’t touch with hands. Seriously, why call it Football if you spend the entire match running with it in your hands? Talk about a wimpier version of Rugby with that padding and head guard :P


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I was told there would be clam blintzes. I am disappointed!

I don't know about this new mode. Nintendo saw fit to make sure it was not running in solo ranked during east coast prime time, and @Ansible stood me up :P, so I played with someone who's not very good at the game just to try it. However, what I saw was horrifying. Granted it took the first 7 rounds just to figure out what to do. The first 6 rounds my team scored zero points. On the 6th round I managed to open the barrier twice. On the 7th we won, I did throw about 4-5 clams in and opened the barrier once. But my other two teammates get credit for the other 60 clams. In most rounds I was the kill leader most of the time. But it was just chaos, and I found the other team generally had 3-4 squids guarding their base and we could never get in. One we were nearly spawncamped from the start.

Most distressing of all, I found I was able to dominate with the Inkbrush Nouveau above nearly all other weapons. How *********** is that? I was racking 20+ kills with the "worst weapon in the game" and it makes clam gathering a cinch.

The concept is great, but I feel like this was a mode designed around voice chat, and it may not work very well without it.

Honestly I went into Splatoon 2 tonight expecting to be mightily let down by the new mode between what I heard and what I saw of the gameplay. What I left with tonight was a completely different viewpoint of the mode. It's far too early to tell, but this might be my favourite Ranked mode in the game. I think the way you can pass clams and rugby balls (I won't stoop to American terms of their game of "foot"ball :p) really makes a nice way of changing the tactics and makes it more fun. "Only got 2 clams?" Throw them to a teammate with 6, 7 or 8 and help them get a way to open the barrier.

It's a fair mode too, the team that concedes gets given a pity rugby ball to help them get a shot of scoring some points (though they have to get it across the entire map). It also works more like Turf Wars in the sense that map control really helps, any clams that spawn in your ink or get dropped are picked up with glowing circles on your screen and the Turf map to help you grab them faster. I particularly love trying to dash across the map and get a few sneaky points in when the goal is open. People are still getting to grips with the mode but I enjoyed it a lot, and the Hydra is amazing at being a goalie and denying people, especially on Kelp Dome and The Reef. I also like how being ballsy and throwing loads of clams in when it's open is a risk that pays off because the other team can't score until the shield reactivates on their goal. It really makes this mode more of an attack vs defence thing seen in other games, which is rather refreshing. The best thing is everyone can contribute when the goal is open and a teammate only has 2 clams, whereas Rainmaker forces only 1 person to carry it to the goal, or Tower's dangerous huddle strat that usually ends in a team wipe.

As for the special gauge auto fill mechanic, how it works here is the team with a rugby ball (Power Clam) will get their specials auto-filled, but if neither team have one or they both have one the team in the lead will get special auto-fill. This mode has actually given me a spark back in the game, and I'll be bringing my rank up to where they are elsewhere (Splat Zones S+10, Tower Control S+12, Rainmaker S+12, Clam Blitz B+). I'll just end off with these 2 quick clips:

Don't worry, Americans don't watch football anymore either :p

Please. I'm an American and even I know that THIS:

View attachment 5967
Is a REAL football.
Ohh ooh, that's the final flag for a NASCAR race, right?! :p *plays Garth Brooks loudly*


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
I don't know about this new mode. Nintendo saw fit to make sure it was not running in solo ranked during east coast prime time, and @Ansible stood me up :p
*pearl clutching gasp* I don't recall getting a "no" or "yes" from you! :p

The mode needs quite a bit of work, some kinks that need ironing out, but I am currently enjoying it! And it's nice that it seems to break from some of the conventions we've established or become accustomed to and I'm hoping it stays that way instead of being beaten into a mold that it must adhere to than be its own thing.

Most distressing of all, I found I was able to dominate with the Inkbrush Nouveau above nearly all other weapons. How *********** is that? I was racking 20+ kills with the "worst weapon in the game" and it makes clam gathering a cinch.
Yeah... first thing I went with when the mode first opened. I did it for the lulz but it turned out shockingly well. Zooming around to snatch clams then pass them to teammates for multiple power clams on the field at once, pulling off Splatoon 1 Rainmaker-style snail trails and follow-the-kraken pushes with baller, making an early warning system with ink mines, and swooping in for defensive saves or offensive rebounds. And your only greatest enemies (thus far) are other brushes followed by rollers. I think the brushes, and rollers, are doing well currently is due to the mishmash of skill levels, a brand new mode with a different playstyle, and lack of group coordination.

Meanwhile, having another chance at solo queue last night I went bamboolzer and elitre 3k to try my hand at goalkeeping and clam provider in these formative days. Ouch... Unless your team actually bothers to turf and push forward you're wasting your time just staving off the inevitable. Others times you become some odd de facto rally point for the team. But often you wind up having to jump in with them and get your hands dirty.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
*pearl clutching gasp* I don't recall getting a "no" or "yes" from you! :p
Don't clutch Pearl, yo! :P

*pearl clutching gasp* I don't recall getting a "no" or "yes" from you! :p

The mode needs quite a bit of work, some kinks that need ironing out, but I am currently enjoying it! And it's nice that it seems to break from some of the conventions we've established or become accustomed to and I'm hoping it stays that way instead of being beaten into a mold that it must adhere to than be its own thing.

Yeah... first thing I went with when the mode first opened. I did it for the lulz but it turned out shockingly well. Zooming around to snatch clams then pass them to teammates for multiple power clams on the field at once, pulling off Splatoon 1 Rainmaker-style snail trails and follow-the-kraken pushes with baller, making an early warning system with ink mines, and swooping in for defensive saves or offensive rebounds. And your only greatest enemies (thus far) are other brushes followed by rollers. I think the brushes, and rollers, are doing well currently is due to the mishmash of skill levels, a brand new mode with a different playstyle, and lack of group coordination.

Meanwhile, having another chance at solo queue last night I went bamboolzer and elitre 3k to try my hand at goalkeeping and clam provider in these formative days. Ouch... Unless your team actually bothers to turf and push forward you're wasting your time just staving off the inevitable. Others times you become some odd de facto rally point for the team. But often you wind up having to jump in with them and get your hands dirty.
You got a "like" :P I actually got in late as well so I didn't start playing until after the league rotation was well under way.

LOL, I think that says something about both of us that nouveau was the first thing we tried :P WWSD (What would @Saber do? :P )
I think it's a mix, the brushes being kill demons are partly due to the lack of coordination, but also the nature of the mode. It forces stray stragglers, distances apart and cut off from support which is where a brush thrives, it requires rapid movement from place to place to catch every approach to the goal and to gather clams rapidly. The brush's ability to cancel enemy ink and high mobility make it almost OP for the nature of clam blitz....and yet nerfing it would kill it in other modes. I'm still debating if tuber is useful in the mode or not. At times yes, at times no. But at least brushes aren't shooters. I tried splash and it played super well but sooo boring. May have to add nouveau to my mains for this mode if I can't make tuber work. :P Or bambi/squiff.

Bambi could be useful for clam collection with it's quick long pathing. 3k...I never even considered taking it. That's just the wrong mode for it. I used tuber though with mixed results. But I use tuber as an assault-charger, so it's a little different.

Also, eff the duelie range buff.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Don't clutch Pearl, yo! :p

You got a "like" :p I actually got in late as well so I didn't start playing until after the league rotation was well under way.

LOL, I think that says something about both of us that nouveau was the first thing we tried :p WWSD (What would @Saber do? :p )
I think it's a mix, the brushes being kill demons are partly due to the lack of coordination, but also the nature of the mode. It forces stray stragglers, distances apart and cut off from support which is where a brush thrives, it requires rapid movement from place to place to catch every approach to the goal and to gather clams rapidly. The brush's ability to cancel enemy ink and high mobility make it almost OP for the nature of clam blitz....and yet nerfing it would kill it in other modes. I'm still debating if tuber is useful in the mode or not. At times yes, at times no. But at least brushes aren't shooters. I tried splash and it played super well but sooo boring. May have to add nouveau to my mains for this mode if I can't make tuber work. :p Or bambi/squiff.

Bambi could be useful for clam collection with it's quick long pathing. 3k...I never even considered taking it. That's just the wrong mode for it. I used tuber though with mixed results. But I use tuber as an assault-charger, so it's a little different.

Also, :mad: the duelie range buff.
I probably just roll with it :p
Actually it is funny I used the inkbrush noveau 1st and few times and it worked really decently on most matches until a whole squad of duelies showed up.
(P.S I love the dulies but I feel this was a little much even for my liking)

Then I went carbon and well non-meta with autobombs good coverage thanks to it's special and meme strat abilities, WWSD...?:D:D:D
Also imo I feel the squiffer is probably one of the best chargers for this mode in most cases (unless it's moray)

Lastly I had memorable game yesterday, We'e winning 43 to 68 then out of nowhere my whole team got wiped...as the enemy all got the oysterskin...as a squiffer.... vs dulies and a octobrush...with their specials...on Moray



Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
LOL, I think that says something about both of us that nouveau was the first thing we tried :p WWSD (What would @Saber do? :p )
The thought occasionally came to mind and I would tell myself, "he would love this!"

Spoolshes were somewhat plentiful--not as much as both NZaps--but always announced their approaches and were highly predictable. Bamboolzer felt like a quick all-rounder allowing you to perform support, attack, or defense on a whim. Elitre you can range bully, stall or counter most pushes, and help your team push into mid and a lil further. Trouble is you have to start prepping even partial charges ahead of time almost constantly, your ink tank is almost always near empty, and it's utterly terrible when you have to lead a team push because they want to be babied to the goal--especially when they throw the power clams to you then back to you again after passing it to them! *aims elitre at own head*


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I probably just roll with it :p
Actually it is funny I used the inkbrush noveau 1st and few times and it worked really decently on most matches until a whole squad of duelies showed up.
(P.S I love the dulies but I feel this was a little much even for my liking)

Then I went carbon and well non-meta with autobombs good coverage thanks to it's special and meme strat abilities, WWSD...?:D:D:D
Also imo I feel the squiffer is probably one of the best chargers for this mode in most cases (unless it's moray)

Lastly I had memorable game yesterday, We'e winning 43 to 68 then out of nowhere my whole team got wiped...as the enemy all got the oysterskin...as a squiffer.... vs dulies and a octobrush...with their specials...on Moray

Interesting that all 3 of us immediately thought of nouveau. We seriously need help. :P

Interesting you bring up carbon, there was a REALLY annoying carbon in one of my lobbies....I may have to give it a try....it would be nice if carbon was actually useful for once :P

The thought occasionally came to mind and I would tell myself, "he would love this!"

Spoolshes were somewhat plentiful--not as much as both NZaps--but always announced their approaches and were highly predictable. Bamboolzer felt like a quick all-rounder allowing you to perform support, attack, or defense on a whim. Elitre you can range bully, stall or counter most pushes, and help your team push into mid and a lil further. Trouble is you have to start prepping even partial charges ahead of time almost constantly, your ink tank is almost always near empty, and it's utterly terrible when you have to lead a team push because they want to be babied to the goal--especially when they throw the power clams to you then back to you again after passing it to them! *aims elitre at own head*
Sploosh's inking would be good here, but....I think the short range at least for maps like kelp with the choke points which was on last night, aren't good with a defense-oriented opponent...I love sploosh, but it's better for securing and infiltrating than what clam has us doing. I'm kinda sick of the nzap 89 already...there's too many of them. It's the new bucket. (I'm going to abuse it for splatfest though :P ) But it's just too everywhere. I've been playing a lot of eliter the past few weeks since discovering how to make it viable. Using that thing for clam never occurred to me. Then again, I had kelp like 70% of the time and that map almost always sucks for eliter. Always has. I might change my mind when I get forced to moray 70% of the time instead :P But it's always a bad wep to carry with.

e squiffer is probably one of the best chargers for this mode in most cases (unless it's moray)
This is splatoon 2. It's ALWAYS Moray...... :P


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I made a new discovery....the flingza roller is really good in clam blitz, why I haven't the foggiest clue but it work great for some reason


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Glitch in the matrix


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I made a new discovery....the flingza roller is really good in clam blitz, why I haven't the foggiest clue but it work great for some reason
Nice, one of my existing mains for SZ! I didn't use it because it didn't seem like it would be so good for it. That's cool!

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
Grenades are the secret

A rank clam blitz wasn't too bad today ( I said i don't want to play solo clam anymore, but I want the meaningless S+ so that I can prove. . . something?)

I was still playing the babysitter the whole game,

but, for the most part, squids seemed to know when NOT to push.
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