So Splatfest on team Sweater was actually better than it's been for a long time. Granted it was a clean sweep, but my longest losing streak was followed by a long winning streak. Sure it took going ultra tryhard spastic, but often on a fest, even that won't cut it! Then again my final fest match consisted of a B, S, A-, A (insert Resident Evil joke here) against myself, a C, a Lv21 unranked, and a Lv10 unranked. So a team of me and 3 noobs against mid-to-upper opponents. And we somehow won.

Also had a fun round where my whole team just non-stop spammed booyah while just wiping the floor with the enemy... in solo.... I also liked this Shifty Station. It's probably the first one since the original with the moving platforms that I think was a really well balanced stage without big obvious flaws. The sweepers kept it constantly in motion. It was a little too small, but generally it played really well. If they ever make a Shifty into a normal map, that one has my vote.
I'm not sure how I feel about the map changes. Mainstage feels kind of butchered. As many times as I've cursed the half-wall out of the "pit" below spawn when I can't get up I'm not sure adding a ramp, and then adding TWO more ramps and removing the inkable half-wall up to the stage was a good plan. Once again they've removed what used to be defensible positions with endless flanking in the round. It's not map destroying but it takes some of the elements that made that map memorable and gave it distinct strategies and generalized it into a general round arena again.
Moray on the other hand....they've simply annihilated it....I don't even know what to say about that monstrosity now. It was bad before, but now it's insufferable. Everything that gave it uniqueness and character has been blended into another map featuring "rectangles at various elevations" and like Mainstage cranked to 11, turned it from a map with defensible positions into "battle in the round", as though the goal of the game is arena deathmatch ala Quake III instead of the varied gameplay that makes the game great. Maybe next month they're remove all the crates from Mackerel. "Removed some objects in center to improve gameplay." :P I just can't comprehend what they're thinking with these map changes. All I can think of is that in Japan, and only Japan snipers are still so dominant that they keep reinventing the game to break them without much thought going into that meta not existing in the West. I'd love to know what Japan thinks of the map changes.
Clam blitz. I technically love the mode overall. Solo is either fun or ghastly (or both.) Matchmaking is going to be a mess (more than usual even) for quite a while. So many teams made of players who in other modes are a mix of C- and S+4. I either end up 70% of the time getting a team that never pushes and never scores, or a team that keeps pushing and never defends (so I try and get swarmed by 3-4 squids.) But I've had maybe 30% of my runs where I get the most organized teams I've ever seen in solo with tons of booyah's and "over here" and general coordination. And a few with miraculous comebacks where they lost down to 6 in teh opening 40 seconds and then pushed hard and won. So more times than not it's a frustrating mess, but when it works, it works really well.
Slosher deco, ok moving right along..... :D
Idk for some reason I do well with the carbon, the flingza I mainly have sub saver and swim speed to keep walls up to solo target a player or block up the ramp/ink rails on Moray so I can keep tossing clams
For solo carry splash s ok, but the splattershot pro and n-zap is honestly the best at solo carrying, it is what I switch to in tryhard mode.
For splashdown and baller you loss all your clams (needs to be balanced), so it is best to either toss them to teammates or get a powerclam then use your special, since it will land 1/2 a space in front of you and you can just pick it up.
Personally splashdown into a beckon right by the basket might a deadly play if you have the power clam
(....great now I have to figure out a way to try this in solo queue

Also if you guys are every a player short I am available, but there will definitely need to be an all goo tube match
Though I am surrised by now I though I would've run into you guys in game, yet somehow I have better rng finding the likes of Dude, Etce, and Rockenburg than any of the Squidboards members
So I took out carbon again and it was faring much better for me. Funny what happens when you're not experimenting against a bunch of competitive teams running VC :P I do actually like carbon for clam, you're right!
Two other fun weapons for it: Rapid blaster, and clash blaster. I've discovered clash is really really really good. I remember everyone saying how bad it is. I don't understand's like top tier! :P And it works so well in clam blitz.
I tried pro, and it just didn't's too slow to kill and clam moves so very fast. And I'm burned out on nzap after fest. I did my primary account with all was fun at first.....then I couldn't take it anymore and switched to vanilla roller and went positively nuts! I've discovered I can be scary good with vanilla roller. :P Still love my gold dynamo though best of all.
LOL splashdown onto a beacon at the basket? How do you actually KEEP a beacon there?
Not sure if Gooloom accepted my invite yet but if we ever set up a tuber match we should be able to join via him now. But yeah it would be fun to join up with you eventually. Between you, me, and Ansi we have a fun anti-meta thing going on. You probably would never see me in game, since I basically play no ranked :P Well with clam blitz maybe I'll work up the ladder a bit....since it's new it's fun to play. But I played enough TC/RM/SZ in S1 to not need to spend time grinding past the B's in S2, so if it's not league or PB I just play tons of TW

I've run into Rockenburg once, but only once (plus some clones.) Isn't Dude on a NoE account? I guess if he's joined someone else's lobby....I never thought about that, there's some amount of cross-region through friend lobbies and league. But only for TW, not sure in ranked that would be possible. I did see a CaptainWoomy (or some spelling) during fest....wonder if it was our Cap'n from SB?