Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
Here's my stance on the abilities here... A lot of the abilities that people find useless or say that they suck, is because they are too situational, or it just adds extra things to pay attention to. They can end up being useless because it depends too much on what the other team has.
(e.g. Cold Blooded can be totally useless if people don't have Point Sensor or Ink Mines... you know it by now)
People would much rather have passive boosts that will help them throught the whole game without adding too much thought into it and some people can't or don't want to get used or play differently to get the most out of their perks.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Here's my stance on the abilities here... A lot of the abilities that people find useless or say that they suck, is because they are too situational, or it just adds extra things to pay attention to. They can end up being useless because it depends too much on what the other team has.
(e.g. Cold Blooded can be totally useless if people don't have Point Sensor or Ink Mines... you know it by now)
People would much rather have passive boosts that will help them throught the whole game without adding too much thought into it and some people can't or don't want to get used or play differently to get the most out of their perks.
Very true. Honestly I wouldn't even mind having to get used to different features or abilities if it offered a substantial benefit. I.E. if there were a "scoped chargers can store charges" shirt, that would involve major relearning for a worthwhile result. But the "useless" abilities are SO situational that you need to play different to use them, and in most cases that means "play worse" rather than respond to the situation. Though I do imagine in actual competitive teams the "useless" ones can become very useful if it's part of a planned strat. It's just that that doesn't apply to most players. Maybe they had competitive in mind when they included them.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
"Dominant Strategy
A strategy is dominant if, regardless of what any other players do, the strategy earns a player a larger payoff than any other. Hence, a strategy is dominant if it is always better than any other strategy, for any profile of other players' actions. Depending on whether "better" is defined with weak or strict inequalities, the strategy is termed strictly dominant or weakly dominant. If one strategy is dominant, than all others are dominated."

Here's a lazy copy-paste because it's relevant, for both abilities and weapons. As Goolloom said, abilities that are persistent and require no additional thought on the player's part are always going to be more popular than anything even remotely situational. Still, some abilities, like quick super jump, have additional uses players might not expect, and there's always new possibilities to be found as the rise of Quick Respawn/Stealth Jump in the last game showed us. Some abilities are indeed pretty useless much of the time, but keep an open mind and try new things. Splatoon 2 is far from a solved game, as limited as the meta gets.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I think QSJ would become more popular if there would be a strong weapon with beakons as sub. Right now the closest thing we have is the Dapples and even then that's a niche pick, and neglecting the meta entirely you have a grand total of 4 weapons (5 if you count variants) that have it.

I only ever SJ when it's absolutely crucial for me to do so OR if there are actual beakons on the map to ensure a safe landing. Which, if you have read my text above is a rarity.
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Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I think QSJ would become more popular if there would be a strong weapon with beakons as sub. Right now the closest thing we have is the Dapples and even then that's a niche pick, and neglecting the meta entirely you have a grand total of 4 weapons (5 if you count variants) that have it.

I only ever SJ when it's absolutely crucial for me to do so OR if there are actual beakons on the map to ensure a safe landing. Which, if you have read the text above is a rarity.
It's more useful for escape than approach. With combat-focused map designs and QR being worthless, being able to instantly leave a bad situation with a pure of QSJ does have value. Jump time to spawn + travel time is still better than 8.5 seconds out of the action. This is also useful for those people that like to jump to spawn to use tenta missiles or sting ray (not that I think that's the best idea).

QSJ makes for a good example because it DOES have applications, even if it's a matter of taste for most players.


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
I’m ready for Mr. Squishy to be used for 2 hours after launch and disappear never to be seen again unless it gets a buff :P

Seems like it’ll keep the Splash Wall/Sting Day kit, which could be quite interesting all things considered, but I scarcely play the game anymore so it doesn’t matter for me lol. Also is anyone else experiencing major issues with Ballers now? On 2 occasions I saw someone lose their Baller, swim through ink (or run around in the case of the other), then heard an explosion sound and seen the Baller reappear frames before it blew up, resulting in my death. If that doesn’t scream bad netcode I don’t know what will, but I wouldn’t pay for Splatoon 2 online unless they actually bother to improve it because this seems to be getting worse rather than bettter.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm interested, I just hope it doesn't share the same fate of, well, every single brand new weapon except for the Splat Brella.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Yeah, I find most of the new weapons introduces in S2 pretty bad as well. I only play Splat Brella and Splat Dualies out of the new ones.

This one looks interesting. IDK if I'm correct, but it looks closest to a Nozzlenose maybe? Too bad about the kit though.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Speaking of abilities, I have to take a moment to rail against the ridiculousness of being able to stack any ability with perfect shinies, but especially swim speed. Faced a sploosh in clam yesterday with every single slot but one sub loaded with swim speed. They could move 2-3x faster than anyone else and could even run down rolling inkbrushes. We basically couldn't leave the spawn area because there was no escape, flanking or anything. I get that "anyone can do it" but it really messes up the game when one player can move at Sanic speed to the point the match feels hacks are running due to stacked abilities and coupled with a high mobility weapon, the slower weapons can't really hit them at all. I was the only one taking him out ever only because I had Clash Blaster....but even that was near impossible. Got a crack for that too just as the rotation ended. Just like with DMG up in S1, there really ought to be limits on some of the stacking. Don't nerf the first 3 mains worth but after that it gets ridiculous, and since the majority of players don't have stacked shinies like that it's a "free" version of pay-to-win that those that grind a ton can play differently. Nintendo thankfully doesn't charge, but if EA influences the industry too much I can foresee Splatoon 3 using that system and offering a "shortcut" by paying Spyke/Murch/Pricky to bypass the grinding for only $4.99 to buy that shiny shirt of your choice....or $13.99 for the full shirt/shoes/hat set, making a legit pay to win when C- players all have shiny swim speed sets. The groundwork is there with the current system, they just need to add the credit card slot.

We've all been waiting for the squeezer for so long, and at least it's a fun new wep but now that I look at it I'm getting bad vibes of the tentabrella *brrr* Still, it can't be as big a letdown as the gloogas, right? Right? Back me up guys....

I imagine "3.0" will make glooga and tentabrella meta OP though. That's just now Splatoon 2 rolls. #justrollwithit

. Splatoon 2 is far from a solved game, as limited as the meta gets.
Green bucket? Check. Gold aerospray? Check. OHKO splattershot? Check. Nerfbaler, nefballer, nerfballer, nerfballer.

It's more useful for escape than approach. With combat-focused map designs and QR being worthless, being able to instantly leave a bad situation with a pure of QSJ does have value. Jump time to spawn + travel time is still better than 8.5 seconds out of the action. This is also useful for those people that like to jump to spawn to use tenta missiles or sting ray (not that I think that's the best idea).

QSJ makes for a good example because it DOES have applications, even if it's a matter of taste for most players.
I haven't used it much in S2, but yeah I used to run a QSJ kit with Celiter (back before it had a bubble blower....) and it was a blast shooting around the map. I've done it with dapple and it works ok (waiting for Sploosh Neo (which will always be OG sploosh to me!) still to make better use of that), and krakon. QSJ does have merit as a mobility build. I think there are two kinds of frequent super jumpers. Those that main weapons with beacons, and those that main quick respawn :p Most people just see QSJ as suicidally jumping to squad mates surrounded by enemies after they respawn, but the beacon lovers tend to use QSJ more tactically for escapes and beacon jumps. QSJ isn't useless, but mostly only if you're using beacons (or someone else is.) I don't mind abilities that are weapon-specific....there's a place for that. Maybe more of that would be cool actually.

With tentamissiles, especially nzap I do SJ back to spawn.....they getting 3-4 is so critical with that special it's kind of a waste not to. But not stingray....that doesn't really benefit much from the huge range if the enemies aren't near spawn, and it's hard to control at such range.

I’m ready for Mr. Squishy to be used for 2 hours after launch and disappear never to be seen again unless it gets a buff :p

Seems like it’ll keep the Splash Wall/Sting Day kit, which could be quite interesting all things considered, but I scarcely play the game anymore so it doesn’t matter for me lol. Also is anyone else experiencing major issues with Ballers now? On 2 occasions I saw someone lose their Baller, swim through ink (or run around in the case of the other), then heard an explosion sound and seen the Baller reappear frames before it blew up, resulting in my death. If that doesn’t scream bad netcode I don’t know what will, but I wouldn’t pay for Splatoon 2 online unless they actually bother to improve it because this seems to be getting worse rather than bettter.
I saw something like that back in August or September, but I haven't seen it recently. I've seen lots of teleporting and enemies that magically survive standing in the middle of my bomb blasts and then kill me. And the other day in clam I got a weird match where someone DC'd at the start, but then they were back, and then EVERYONE but myself and 2 enemy inkbrushes DCd. And then they were back. And then 1 inkbrush on either team was DC'd and that's how it ended.

Also, I got 'the connection is unstable" yesterday.......from the splat app on Android..... :p
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Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
I'm liking the kit =0
Only thing that I can think of that could kill this weapon is if the accuracy of the power tap shooting is horrid.
If the accuracy is decent(or really good), Squishilicious will see competitive use.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I be putting the squeeze on the this weapon to see how good it is, but it's kit looks promising, tailored to suppression the semi auto nature of the l-3.

The only thing I can think of so far that might be bad is it will likely either have low ink effiency, and lag from firing shot, or the rng of the .96 gal (cause this is nintendo)
If they don't do any of these things we got a pretty good weapon that looks like it'll have great coverage, decent kill power, and a kit that'll make it good for sustaining a push.

But I think either way I am going to enjoy this weapon a lot, just hope it isn't as disappointing as some of the other weapons we see entered the game so far (cough pre-buff tenta)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I be putting the squeeze on the this weapon to see how good it is, but it's kit looks promising, tailored to suppression the semi auto nature of the l-3.

The only thing I can think of so far that might be bad is it will likely either have low ink effiency, and lag from firing shot, or the rng of the .96 gal (cause this is nintendo)
If they don't do any of these things we got a pretty good weapon that looks like it'll have great coverage, decent kill power, and a kit that'll make it good for sustaining a push.

But I think either way I am going to enjoy this weapon a lot, just hope it isn't as disappointing as some of the other weapons we see entered the game so far (cough pre-buff tenta)
pre-buff? Is post-buff really that much more usable? (For anyone but you, me, and Ansible, anyway? :P )


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I’m ready to squeeze my long bottle, and spread ink all over the place...

Er, sorry. Looks like it can be a decent weapon. From what I can tell, I’d be surprised if it had much RNG, but the one pull one shot nature of it doesn’t immediately appeal to me. Splash walls in S2 aren’t exactly my cup of tea either. But oh man, it’ll be fun using Stingray again!


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
At the very least i'm happy that we finally get another weapon with Splash Wall. So far we only had 3(4 if you count variants) weapons that use it.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Faced a sploosh in clam yesterday with every single slot but one sub loaded with swim speed. They could move 2-3x faster than anyone else and could even run down rolling inkbrushes.
A Sploosh with that much swim speed up is 19.9% faster than Sploosh with no bonuses and about 40.8% faster than, say, a Dynamo with no bonuses. I don't have the exact speed of an Inkbrush handy, but that Sploosh wasn't double the speed of anything.

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