Actually alot of the weapons from the sheldons pick were kinda great, I remember the grim range, (the op) cherry H-3, the berry splattershot pro, and the Fresh Squiffer, nzap 83, and the sploosh o matic 7Well, I don't think I ever called them bad, did I? In fact, during the final moments of S1, pretty much all I played was Refurbished and Wasabi.
All I'm saying is that when it comes to bringing more attention to unloved weapons, they kinda failed.
Splash Wall on a short ranged roller *chuckles*And some of them, while having nice designs, had kinda..... weird sets. Like the soda slosher and the corocoro roller
Oh don’t get me wrong, I loved using the sheldon’s picks weapon. My last “main” in splatoon 1 was the corocoro roller (so i secretly kinda like the vanilla flingza’s kit LOL)I like that the Sheldon Picks sets were a little weird. That's what made them so cool. Then again, I'm always a fan of anything idiosyncratic -- books, movies, music; Splatoon weapons. Even if the idiosyncrasies aren't for me, I respect the weird too much not to like strange stuff as an *idea.*
I often had fun with the CoroCoroCoroCoroCoroCoroCoroCo*moves record needle*orCoro Roller, but then most find me a fool as is. ¬¬;Oh don’t get me wrong, I loved using the sheldon’s picks weapon. My last “main” in splatoon 1 was the corocoro roller (
Yeah. A lot of the fun of those weapons was knowing that they were mediocre and rolling with it. It was a fun challenge and I didn't get salty when I lost because I could blame it on the weaponOh don’t get me wrong, I loved using the sheldon’s picks weapon. My last “main” in splatoon 1 was the corocoro roller (so i secretly kinda like the vanilla flingza’s kit LOL)
It’s just that usually the weird stuff was objectively worse than pretty much anything else. It was a nice challenge, but tbh I feel like splat 2 has the opposite problem. Most weapons don’t have kits that jive with them, probably to keep them “balanced”.(rip custom range blaster)But this means that usually the better main weapons become op, and a lot of the meta weapons are the only weapons whose kits actually complement the weapon. So from this game’s hypothetical sheldon’s picks I’d like to see some... idk, some weapons that feel fluid and fun to use, bc imo there aren’t enough of those
What weapons are you referring to when you say mediocre, cause irrc almost every weapon in Sheldon's picks got a great kit. Bombs, Inkzookas, and Krakens galore! The Mini though was redundant having the same kit as another very similar main weapon in Splattershot, and Splash Wall on Roller is unsynergistic, but otherwise solid kits. Bombs/Inkzooka/Kraken work well on anything afterall! Though I hope this time they're more diverse and creative with their kits like my Soda Slosher example.Yeah. A lot of the fun of those weapons was knowing that they were mediocre and rolling with it. It was a fun challenge and I didn't get salty when I lost because I could blame it on the weapon
Actually as far as I remember the competitive scene figured the Coro Coro to be the best standard roller, even seeing some use in a few matches.and Splash Wall on Roller is unsynergistic,
Now you’ve brought up corocoro, I’m remembering when in the original I didn’t quite know how to play yet... it’s all I ever used. Fun times.And some of them, while having nice designs, had kinda..... weird sets. Like the soda slosher and the corocoro roller
We are getting the Zink Mini Splatling this weekend. Since I am a Mini main I am interested about new strategies. I am not that excited, because the kit (which by the way is Curling Bomb and Ink Storm) I don’t feel like it compliments it well. First time both that sub and special has been on a SplatlingMy day-glow 90's punk shooter can't be complete without weapons that are soda and berry-flavored.
Just look at this 1993 Super Soaker nightmare. I love it.
Also, are we getting a new weapon this weekend? I know new weapon's are being released as large packs now, but that's post-3.0, right?
Have to say though it looks amazing for a variant
Pretty happy with this one releasing all things considered. Don’t expect Neo Splash any time soon because it’s the last conventional shooter to release and we still have numerous dualies, blasters and brellas to burn through first. Same goes for the Tri Slosher Nouveau, last bucket to release.
@SpaceswitchmarsI just played my first game ever as a mini and I kind of love it. Now I'm pumped. All hail the mini and its changeling variants.
EDIT: For those who are really into this gun, it seems like burst bombs are perfect for it. Is there any use for the curling bombs over burst? I kind of don't see the point of curling bombs on it.