So I just went on Turf today to see whats up, taking my trusty Splat Brella with me, It. Was. Awesome! So each match was filled with good players around my skill level, even my team for once (I’m so glad too) we won so much too, I was always top of my team too, I would protect my team, aid them in battle, ink so much turf at once, drop 1-5 inkstorms per match, kill 4-10 times a match, I had fun playing a more patient playstyle and trying new tactics too, team would save me when I’m being ganged up on too, it was absolute perfection, there was even a lvl 81 using the new version of the splat brella with the autobombs and splat bomb launcher, I kept outplaying him with my brella which was even more awesome since I’m just a lvl 54, I beat my highest score of 1300 (minus the win points) by getting to 1446 pts! Today is the best day to do turf!