Splatoon 3 general issues


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Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I actually came accross this not to long ago, there is a new glitch found on the map Eeltail alley that people can take advantage of.
this glitch can actually affect your match severely so keep a eye out when you are on this specifique map!

If you see someone do this glitch go to the console, and where you go to watch your replays... press - and then you can report any player who is using the glitch


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
You don't always need to throw the eggs. You can swim up to the basket and deposit them without using ink. Managing ink is very import in SR because you don't get abilities to help with it. Throwing eggs too much also means you don't have enough ink to throw splat bombs. As splat bombs are very useful for reviving teammates and thinning lessers; not just for dealing with Flyfish and Maws. I will say that at Eggsecutive VP people tend to play better and utilize their weapons effectively e.g. people don't shoot Scrappers as they come out of the water or chargers don't miss their shots on Steelheads/Eels etc.. So I don't know if your Profreshinal experience is different in that regard.

Also yes, Cohozunas can be hard to take down. Although the amount of scales you get from defeating it at the buzzer as opposed to losing when only 10% health remains is only 1 scale. So it's not a big deal imo.

You can thank Last-Ditch Effort for that.
I do think teams in salmon are really no less a mess than ranked. I can hold in place at +2 and almost get +3 for a day or so, and then get terrible matches that wipe out in wave 1 for numerous matches down to part time where I'm comfortable carrying and then move up again.

But. Even on good teams I still keep looking at egg counts and thinking I'm doing it all wrong. Like 3-6 for me much of the time, 20-40 for others. But I still can't figure out what I could do differently. I'm doing most of that you said, though slaying dangerous bosses near the shore but not gathering eggs is newer for me. I'm just spending the match slaying bosses and when I'm not I'm suppressing trash mobs. I just haven't time or ink to spend on eggs. That doesn't seem to be high level player consensus but I can't figure out what to do different that's not detrimental. I've tried what the hlm players do with luring bosses to the basket but that mostly gets us overrun, as teammates can't handle the swarm and that means I get killed to as we can't move away from maw, end endless missile barrages get us, so I think the luring thing must only work in high level lobbies.

I will say that lag is a factor. There's many times I'll go to pick up an egg and swim through it, and then I don't have it, someone else does. That happens often. But I still seem to be the one with least eggs most of the time, so I have to be doing something wrong, but the only way I could get more eggs is stop splatting salmon so much and ignore them.... I must be missing something.

Also the more I play the more I genuinely feel this is the don't rush me charger, playing as a charger and then going super aggressive when flanker try to jump you.
But..... That's how I play eliter.......... :P

Also trying out a few different builds I do like thermal but run speed is a definate, and ink saver or ink recovery help immensely
I think my universal default is to build everything with saver/recover/swim speed by default unless the weapon benefits from something special (drop roller on eploosh, object shredder on carbon (maybe, might remove that actually.). Thermal is definitely good on it and bamboozler but I'm still not sure it's actually useful enough to replace something else. I don't have thermal available on the alt still, so I've been playing with various things. Kinda just have run/swim speed and recovery ATM.

wavebreaker would help the main weapon shine more and allow it to play more mid range backline anchor where I feel it does thrive
It won't get wave breaker since elite already has it. And bamboo has wail. I say it should get booyah. Nintendo thinks every high inking weapon should have Norah Booyah, so it's appropriate, and what the game most needs is lobbies with 6 chargers played by kids that can't aim turfing and spamming booyah. :P.

Actually crab might be a good special for it. No charger has it and it suits the style of the weapon. But they'll probably give it reef slider. :P

Also you gave me a new goal....imma do it no special reeflux and aero let's see how good the weapon is
Booyah! I don't think I can stand more aero, it was my splatfest try hard weapon in s1 lol. But lux is really pretty awesome as a main weapon without the special. Squiffer like, really. Even though nobody uses it. :)

The Salamander King

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Jun 23, 2016
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My enjoyment of this game has actually gone down the drain after this new seasonal update because they did something to the netcode and now I dc from like half of all games I play. Disconnections were frequent before, but they weren't 50% frequent. I've grown extremely frustrated and angry at how the online experience of this game has turned out. I know Nintendo sent out for a new networking engineer last month, so hopefully things will improve. Right now the game is borderline unplayable to me because of the dreadful online.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
My enjoyment of this game has actually gone down the drain after this new seasonal update because they did something to the netcode and now I dc from like half of all games I play. Disconnections were frequent before, but they weren't 50% frequent. I've grown extremely frustrated and angry at how the online experience of this game has turned out. I know Nintendo sent out for a new networking engineer last month, so hopefully things will improve. Right now the game is borderline unplayable to me because of the dreadful online.
Yikes, you haven't had the lag induced phantom squids, teleporting squids, or invincible squids I have, but you get flat out disconnected which is rare for me, but infuriating because it always costs me a series, and multiple times a rank up series.... Though many matches end because someone else gets disconnected.

I played a cb round the other day where I could not pick up clams the whole match, I'd just swim through them.....

I still think it stems from the PRIOR patch, actually. Ever since they "improved data transfer rate" (I assume is bad translation for increased tick rate?) Things got really funky lag-wise. All the bad netcode including squids resetting to before jumping from ledges from s1 returned. I'm not optimistic they'll fix it. They seem proud of how it works. I'm guessing the net engineering post has more to do with switch 2 then Splatoon 3.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Nobody believes me about the lag advantage of having brush mains on your team and I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my mind. The no-buff super speed thing was super apparent tonight. Or it could just be Eeltail, which we saw about 14 out of 15 matches. Mahi only popped up after I left the lobby. Eeltail is either becoming the new Hammerhead nightmare or people are just becoming incredibly aggro. I don't like it.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Nobody believes me about the lag advantage of having brush mains on your team and I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my mind. The no-buff super speed thing was super apparent tonight. Or it could just be Eeltail, which we saw about 14 out of 15 matches. Mahi only popped up after I left the lobby. Eeltail is either becoming the new Hammerhead nightmare or people are just becoming incredibly aggro. I don't like it.
When were people not super aggro in this game? :P

The brush thing sounds a lot like what I've reported about ultra stamp a few times, actually. I haven't observed it on brushes, but I would bet it's similar.

@Saber I'm messing with 1 main ninja and 2 main SSU with reef lux. Not sure about the build totally because when you charge hold you are visible with the circle on the ground, but positioning is key since everything outranges you and ninja helps with that. And since it lays down so much ink you can use that. But I'm not totally sure it needs Ninja much.

One thing with lux is you will be targeted by EVERYONE relentlessly because you're the most hated player in the game. :P.

One other issue is I think it's very very harmed by lag. I can do that ohko jump shots at range pop, pop, pop on the dummies. (Hint: aim LOW) In battle though, so many shots that SHOULD hit enemies just don't. High miss rate. Especially from above for some reason that I've had better luck at times spamming uncharged wide did Shots from above, un aimed. Then I get a lobby where it works just fine and I'm pulling off ohkos easily. It made me realize just how much "I suck at this weapon/game" is actually "this lobby is playing 3.5 frames ahead of me at all times ". No wonder everyone just spams specials.

I did break the code and used my missiles twice. Both in mako mart. One was a charger, one a heavy splatling, no perched on the left hump. The other 3 we're swarming below my platform and throwing bombs and arc fire, and the charger/splatling kept me from flanking and dealing with them and my team was not stopping them so I did use the missiles on the sniper.... We didn't win, and it was only TW, :p


Octarian Storyteller
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
It seems (from my experience at least) that the Salmon Run error has been fixed, so I can finally let it go.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
With salmon run, I still can not tell what's what. I thought I was bad at it, I always had low egg counts, but yesterday I had the highest egg counts, and everyone killed decently (red eggs), but we were still losing a whole lot. I think teams are just really bad at slaying bosses so they end up accumulating to the point that it's just not survivable. The kills must be mostly trash mobs.

But here's the weirdest one I don't get. I had 3 matches with this one team. It included a player in blue gear, and a player in black gear, with a silver salmon run badge meaning meaning they've grinded a LOT of hours in Salmon run. I've only ever seen black/white gear once or twice before. But we're getting overwhelmed, I'm running around reviving everyone relatively a lot. We're getting overrun. We failed to collect enough eggs just keeping up with the swarm on wave 2...Ugh. Almost dropping from +1 again. Then we play another round with the same team and manage to win. Then we get cohozuna. The team manages to stay amazingly alive....I'm largely staying away from the big guy, I happened to get splacharger so I just stayed in anchor position by the basket and did my splacharger thing away from the bosses, reviving the crew periodically, and hitting coho with the charger shots to do decent damage over time rather than getting into the egg fray. And we actually took him down, which I've only ever done once! (only one silver scale though...stingy...I want my blue suit!) Then the next round with the same crew, everyone's getting overwhelmed, the player in black is dead quite a lot....I'm boss slaying and reviving....we fail to get enough eggs in the first wave... How can a team that in two rounds wipes out early with lots of deaths and little egg collection be the same team that was only the second team ever to beat cohozuna with me?? The black-clad player obviously has played a LOT to get that clothing, and to be able to take down coho. How is he dead non-stop with 2 eggs total the other rounds? And me that usually has the least eggs kept getting more than everyone with the rest getting 2-5 eggs each. ?

Salmon makes no sense at times.

@Saber Actually, either Lux is VEEERY lag affected, or the lag issues affect everything more than we realize. I swear it was more accurate back before the last few patches when I last tried it. I've been running it in TW mostly, but, there's just sooooo many shots it should not be missing that it is. It's weird. Very hard to control, and a weapon that short ranged should not be that hard to control. I don't recall the regular large tristringer having such a problem with missed shots even from a distance, though I haven't run that in a while, either. That's not to say it's not still decent, but there's just something wrong with how hard it is to hit something. Other chargers don't miss so much. Even large tri. I almost wonder if there's a hitbox problem with lux shot detection. Yet against the dummies it's just fine. So it has to be netcode related.

Which reminds me of the wonky thing I saw on TC yesterday. The tower has always been kind of wonky since S1, but there was an opponent on or next to the tower, coming up the side edge of museum, as the tower entered our base on the left. A roller, that was mid-jumpflick, then suddenly they just vanished from mid-air....no idea where they went/really were. But it's just bad if you can be attacking an enemy that's mid-attack against you that simply vanishes mid-air and ends up somewhere else. It's actually visible on the replay, just -blink- gone, mid-leap-attack. It was otherwise a great match though (open, obviously, great matches don't happen in series :confused: )

The Salamander King

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Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
So it looks like we've discovered how Nintendo matches players together by weapon in X rank. I suspect this system is used in the other modes as well, or something similar.

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