Splatoon 3 general issues


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Yeah, I am seeing so many splattershot pro and aerospray, combine that with a hydra and it is just misery every game, definately gonna be a huge nerf to specials in the next patch, also I feel there should definately be a nerf to special charge up in general, because there are some kits that can abuse it wayy to much and it makes it boreline unfair (like aerospray RG). Only issue is some desperately need it in order to have a chance to ever get special.

So something Prochara said in his analysis stood out to me, the range isn't there for you to be a anchor but moreso to make it easier to follow up as enemies try to escape.
I think that is one of the reasons I am ok with it because I am basically treating it like a squiffer that 2 shots using range to finish picks, and using the strafe speed to just stare down enemies like most do with the H-3
I will admit I do have some frustrations with it though, especially in rainmaker where I hit oneshot then an enemy body blocks the second hit (legit cost me a game yesterday)
I do see tons of potential I really do, but its feels like out of fear of what it could be capable of they sent it in weaker than normal, it takes 9-10 shots to break crab, and bubble shield. Has no pierce property and no stored charge.
Even in spite of all that it is fairly good, but I do feel it need a buff at very least to its object shredding chargers all are known for their ability to take out shields and this charger lacking that makes it harder for a team overall to counter hard engages

Yeah I feeling it more an more so I am just going to say it give ink vac booyah bomb armor, there is a huge delay in vulerablitiy and you can't support any ally within it if a crab tank aims at you for 3 seconds, or a tenta missle is lanuched, and if you try to use it at a slight distance a aero or splash just walks up and disable the protection you were giving you allies and splats you both before you can even fire
It just unfair that this weapon to support is just hard counter by basic weapons let alone ever special in the game

Oh I just realized you been in Salmon Run, yeah team synergy is insanely high in SR I love it, though I do feel it all goes out the window the moment anyone sees a cohozuna pop up lol


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Are you seeing the squids that just vanish, too? Like you chase them down a dead end and they're simply not there anymore?
I assumed they just added invincibility frames to superjumping. Interesting new information, though...

So having actually played through the new nasty meta last night...
Have to agree the Swig is the new Dynaslow. Trollface intensifies.
Suffered a literal one-shot from an Aerospray that really shouldn't have been possible since I know the ttk on that isn't 1.
Why they gave the Nova the firing range of a Dual Squelcher is anyone's guess.
Still getting pinged/Point Sensored by absolutely nothing from all the way across the map, and nobody's been able to explain why this happens.
Triple Inkstrike acting like S1 Inkstrike and having insane deployment range.
I can deal with the new weapons and their spam when I have the room to maneuver. The anemic maps making that next to impossible nine times out of ten in a two-hour session is entirely the fault of Nintendo. As a support player who doesn't normally go straight to scrimmage, I really don't appreciate this forced funnel-to-mid close-combat flow they have going on in S3. Especially with the rampant player-movement issues.
Which come to think of it, Ink Resistance should be buffed considering as long as you're within three feet of a single fleck of the other team's ink, you can't so much as turn on the spot.
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Yeah, I am seeing so many splattershot pro and aerospray, combine that with a hydra and it is just misery every game, definately gonna be a huge nerf to specials in the next patch, also I feel there should definately be a nerf to special charge up in general, because there are some kits that can abuse it wayy to much and it makes it boreline unfair (like aerospray RG). Only issue is some desperately need it in order to have a chance to ever get special.

So something Prochara said in his analysis stood out to me, the range isn't there for you to be a anchor but moreso to make it easier to follow up as enemies try to escape.
I think that is one of the reasons I am ok with it because I am basically treating it like a squiffer that 2 shots using range to finish picks, and using the strafe speed to just stare down enemies like most do with the H-3
I will admit I do have some frustrations with it though, especially in rainmaker where I hit oneshot then an enemy body blocks the second hit (legit cost me a game yesterday)
I do see tons of potential I really do, but its feels like out of fear of what it could be capable of they sent it in weaker than normal, it takes 9-10 shots to break crab, and bubble shield. Has no pierce property and no stored charge.
Even in spite of all that it is fairly good, but I do feel it need a buff at very least to its object shredding chargers all are known for their ability to take out shields and this charger lacking that makes it harder for a team overall to counter hard engages

Yeah I feeling it more an more so I am just going to say it give ink vac booyah bomb armor, there is a huge delay in vulerablitiy and you can't support any ally within it if a crab tank aims at you for 3 seconds, or a tenta missle is lanuched, and if you try to use it at a slight distance a aero or splash just walks up and disable the protection you were giving you allies and splats you both before you can even fire
It just unfair that this weapon to support is just hard counter by basic weapons let alone ever special in the game

Oh I just realized you been in Salmon Run, yeah team synergy is insanely high in SR I love it, though I do feel it all goes out the window the moment anyone sees a cohozuna pop up lol
It's really painful. Just in TW I had a round with 10 booyah bombs between both teams. That's roughly one every 18 seconds, but, they didn't get evenly spaced so it was like 3 back to back every 49 seconds with another straggling between. I guess the good part is missile spam is gone. The bad part is booyah spam is worse, and half the time there's a missile spam mixed in with them :P I honestly am not sure I'm going to touch ranked AT ALL since I can already see what the meta is going to look like and it's not going to favor enjoyable matches and mostly just result in screen rage. I didn't think they could make it worse, but they certainly gave it their all! Allowing the aero to endlessly spam the worst special in the game almost was ok. Allowing it to endlessly spam the best special in the game is a whole other problem. And somehow the "bad at inking" Pro seems to spam it more than aero!

Totally agree on an all around nerf to special charge up. Actually, forget special charge up, I think just overall special charging needs a drastic reduction. Across the board a lot of these weapons charge it so much it's just a second sub rather than a once or twice a game defining power move. It seems like every match it's just waves of specials and lack of minute to minute gameplay. I know it was said before it was reduced from 2, but somehow it's not really helping, if you can get wiped by specials, respawn, get back to mid, just in time to be wiped by specials again.....the special charge balance is all wrong. I'd just like to see special frequency in general heavily reduced so that they really have to be carefully used as game changing plays rather than spamming them throughout the match as another main weapon.

I'm hardly anyone in a position to challenge someone like Prochara....but I actually disagree with some of that opinion. Now, I'm one that uses most chargers as on the ground, pushing weapons more than dedicated perch anchors. Only with hydra and scopes do I stick to perching, and I rarely use them. Weirdly I find I'm more prone to perch with 5H than with stock splacharger. I'm more prone to use eliter as a squiffer than 5H somehow. Not that I don't try rushing down with 5H (and eliter), but personally it works well at the range, especially with the rapid additional shots. Up close, it's too easy to run dry and get in trouble, and it can't really hold a candle to bambi at near-range, so there's no real incentive to use it aggresively. If doing that, bambi's just the better choice, bar none.

Plus, what enemies try to ESCAPE a charger by running away in relatively straight lines (Ok, my anarchy teammates do, but nobody else would! :) ), any fast weapon would rush TO it to take it out instead of running away. Now the 5H is more dangerous to rush like that than a ohko charger, but it still has a hard time pivoting and taking the shot, like any charger, and can't dynamically reposition anywhere instantly like babmi.

I like the weapon a lot....it's right in my wheelhouse. I'm not sure if I should say it's a forgiving charger that forgives poor accuracy that allows missing since it has 5 shots, or an unforgiving charger where once is not enough so you need to be accurate enough to hit twice. But the speed, damage, etc holds it back. The bambi actually takes down bubblers faster (!!!), and that's just bad. Bambi can do it in 3 or 4 charged shots at the top. 5H can unload a 5 clip and it's still not down. It's a fun weapon. Maybe a good weapon even. But the fact that thermal ink is GOOD on it is telling as to how slow it is to actually kill anything at all. I'm very mixed in my thoughts on it. I like it in general. But IDK. Bambi can just be so good, range aside. They work similarly, but the range and speed makes 5H the better perch weapon, and bambi the better rushdown charger (maybe the only true rushdown charger other than the bomb equipped splacharger.)

Ink vac.....
it's so bad. Salamander wasn't wrong about it's uses, but it's just so bad because of how many times using it just assures your death because you used a special, and it's too easy to smurf. When I go zergaloosh, that's one key thing is neutralizing all the vacs, just stand in front of them when they activate and they're doomed, and capable of doing nothing. Wasted special. I'm ok if it's vulnerable from the back, or the sides....but a crab tank can unload seconds of raining death and is unstoppable from the front with most weapons, while the inkvac can just be walked up to and shot at point blank.....that's not a good special. Yes, you can strategically use it from special angles from special situations.....but realistically, it may be the game clinching special that right moment in RM/TC, but that's 20% of the time, and the other 80% it's a wasted special that teleports you to spawn.

Big Swig Wide
Partly because of vac, and partly for other reasons, right after I said how much I like the wide roller, I started running into trouble with it. The vertical shots are so useless with any lag at all due to their slow fall rate and thin line. Which makes it so you fling like a madman over and over and over and over yet really accomplish nothing so much of the time. It's so good at pushing the turf line forward but that mostly counts as support for the team to use the new turf and push. I do really like it, but I'm finding if splatting is a must, carbon deco still reigns above it, while wide is definitely better at support. It's unfortunate that it's problem is lag related. I can nail the dummies perfectly over and over....but out in the field, it just misses squids over and over more than is realistic to miss. So I'm kinda back in deco's camp. With the bombs that thing is just so good....unless your problem is turf control, then you're screwed.

Salmon: Seriously teams are so coordinated there. I really think that's what's wrong with anarchy. The good players play salmon. The bad players just grind up the anarchy ranks. "S+" means "I suck too much for Salmon run so I just play this." :P Seriously. I bet if they went back to slamon not being available all rotations anarchy would vastly improve. I noticed most of the time the "best" players in anarchy do not have an anarchy rank badges on their tag.....they have salmon run badges.

I actually skipped a rank in Salmon! It was going well in general, and then suddenly I jumped from Profreshunal Part-Timer to Profreshunal +1! Sadly my first match in +1 was with a team of 3 because one DC'd in the chopper, and they still counted it against us when we died in round 1. I never even played it till Friday night and now I'm +1 lol. If only anarchy treated me to such good teams! Someone sent me a friend request after the last winning round too....so good all around!

Cohozuna...lol, yeah, the coordination goes, though I think that's a mix of the game not really explaining WTF is happening at all, so it's learn by failure, plus....it's really hard to stay alive and not get cut off from your team to help them....too much on the screen at once and one sumo fish blocking half the tiny map. We got close once...but not quite. We died by timeout not squad death though! Plus weapon comp isn't the best for cohozuna. We had what, jet, blaster, nova, and brella, lol. The only player with any mobility was the nova, and that thing is so weak it's hard to take down bosses!

I assumed they just added invincibility frames to superjumping. Interesting new information, though...

So having actually played through the new nasty meta last night...
Have to agree the Swig is the new Dynaslow. Trollface intensifies.
Suffered a literal one-shot from an Aerospray that really shouldn't have been possible since I know the ttk on that isn't 1.
Why they gave the Nova the firing range of a Dual Squelcher is anyone's guess.
Still getting pinged/Point Sensored by absolutely nothing from all the way across the map, and nobody's been able to explain why this happens.
Triple Inkstrike acting like S1 Inkstrike and having insane deployment range.
I can deal with the new weapons and their spam when I have the room to maneuver. The anemic maps making that next to impossible nine times out of ten in a two-hour session is entirely the fault of Nintendo. As a support player who doesn't normally go straight to scrimmage, I really don't appreciate this forced funnel-to-mid close-combat flow they have going on in S3. Especially with the rampant player-movement issues.
Which come to think of it, Ink Resistance should be buffed considering as long as you're within three feet of a single fleck of the other team's ink, you can't so much as turn on the spot.
I had two fun lag issues yesterday that made me think of this conversation. One was a player shooting at the ground and standing still, then I shoot them, then suddenly they zip around and instantly kill me. The other was "crushed by splat roller" AFTER I splatted them with a bamboozler. Sorry, you can't roll over someone after you're dead..... Really makes you wonder how often your deaths are completely unfair.

Yep, swig is DEFINITLEY reminiscent of S1 dynamo! Though the thinner lines aren't quite as brutal, but playing it feels like old dynamo. And dynamo feels like.....garbage? :)

Aero rushdown deaths are very common now. Salamander says it's the worst shooter, and you shouldn't die to them much, but dang those things seem to quickly kill from range all of a sudden. Nova is basically ranged aero, but aero suddenly feels ranged. I'm guessing they're killing from outside their range (on our screen) but not on their.s They can kill from below ledges in moments.

But you hit it on the head with the maps. They're almost all so small. And these weapons are very big. You can try running but most of the time you'll bump up against terrain and not be able to get away.

Also good call for ink resistance buff. I used to always equip it but I find i'm rarely using it in S3...it just seems to do too little. If you're stuck at all, it's as bad as being totally stuck so it doesn't matter much.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Now, I'm one that uses most chargers as on the ground, pushing weapons more than dedicated perch anchors.
That makes you automatically my favorite breed of charger player, Award. The mobile snipers are so much more fun to hassle than perch-addicts who have teammates to back them up.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
That makes you automatically my favorite breed of charger player, Award. The mobile snipers are so much more fun to hassle than perch-addicts who have teammates to back them up.

Haha, you say that until you realize I'm a swim speed up, charge hold abusing, escape artist bait and punish ink mine layer that double taps eliter like a bamboozler at sqiffer range ;).

I don't actually play eliter often but it's always fun when I do to see the reactions when squids think rushing down/flanking the eliter will be easy, then abandon the objective to chase me down forever and/or get splatted when the eliter starts rushing them down. We still lose, but that trick never gets old :)

But who gets teammates to back them up and how do I get them on my team?. Usually I have 3 squids circling me and running me into the corner. :P


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
There are some weapons that really ought not be in Salmon Run though.... As a former S2 Goo Tuber main.....that thing just sucks amazingly horribly in Salmon run to the point of being unusable. :D It's whole strength is hiding in wait....which can not be done in Salmon! Only played like 5 rounds, but lost almost all of them yesterday....I'd say "my team" but it was really a 3 player team because whoever had goo tuber really couldn't play, myself included, and I guaranteed have more experience with it than almost anyone else.

@Saber I'm coming back around on the big swig roller. IDK, I keep going back and forth testing how it and carbon deco do. I do really like them both. Deco is the better pure hunter killer, but big swig is really good and intimidating/zoning, moving the front line and does half decent as a killer too. I'm still kind of liking 5H too. IDK, bamboozler is IMO the most practical of the two, but there's a lot of good play in the 5H too. This new patch is total garbage and Chill Season was dead before it started, but at least two of the new weapons are super cool additions! The Nova....IDK about that one, only used it in salmon and....its....ok?


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
But who gets teammates to back them up and how do I get them on my team?. Usually I have 3 squids circling me and running me into the corner. :p
I think it's either you need to be teamed up with friends and have voice chat going, or you need to be up against a Splash like me who gets tunnel vision the second a charger's squid toes touch the ground :p


Inkling Cadet
Apr 29, 2018
the only weird thing i noticed is that my octobrush suddenly can kill enemies from further away now...was this on purpose ooor...no?

and lag kills are a thing too, there is alot going on with the brush currently 😅


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
the only weird thing i noticed is that my octobrush suddenly can kill enemies from further away now...was this on purpose ooor...no?

and lag kills are a thing too, there is alot going on with the brush currently 😅
I think that's probably part of the lag and not the actual brush. If you try it on the dummies and it doesn't seem longer range, then it's lag in play or a hitbox issue and not technically the brush reaching more. Like my 5H getting kills when I miss.

Either that or it's just simultaneous booyeah nukes making you think your brush is killing 😂


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
the only weird thing i noticed is that my octobrush suddenly can kill enemies from further away now...was this on purpose ooor...no?

and lag kills are a thing too, there is alot going on with the brush currently 😅
I think that's probably part of the lag and not the actual brush. If you try it on the dummies and it doesn't seem longer range, then it's lag in play or a hitbox issue and not technically the brush reaching more. Like my 5H getting kills when I miss.

Either that or it's just simultaneous booyeah nukes making you think your brush is killing 😂
So interestingly enough this was just announced so a update should be coming this week, I wonder if this might be why rollers have been feeling inconsistent
Possible also links back to the bug that coolkid mentioned (btw nice carch)

Also I feel the need to say though I appreciate it being the literal counter meta of ninja squid I despise the custom splattershot jr
LDE Custom jr and all sub jr basically turn this from a supportive no ninja squid weapon to ink torpedo with wavebreaker and I dislike that
I mean base jr was already bad wnough with sub spam and then this was added
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
So interestingly enough this was just announced so a update should be coming this week, I wonder if this might be why rollers have been feeling inconsistent
Possible also links back to the bug that coolkid mentioned (btw nice carch)

Also I feel the need to say though I appreciate it being the literal counter meta of ninja squid I despise the custom splattershot jr
LDE Custom jr and all sub jr basically turn this from a supportive no ninja squid weapon to ink torpedo with wavebreaker and I dislike that
I mean base jr was already bad wnough with sub spam and then this was added
That's interesting. I've been seeing times with both carbon deco and big swig where it it takes way too many flicks to kill and what should be 2-3 hits is like 4-6. I assumed lag, or inheriting the dynamo RNG hit (that even Salamander demonstrated so nicely in the lobby on the dummy in that first vid :) ), but maybe it's this mysterious and undefined problem!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Omg the big run plaza in apocalypse mode is beautiful! I love it! Red skies, eerie music, no store music, no planes or trains running, and helicopters circling and passing like a military zombie apocalypse game with fish. It's beautiful! ❤


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Sounds like it's time to go take some pictures~


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
So far so good, I was lucky enough to exceed 100 total Golden Eggs very early, now I'm just going to use it as a perfect excuse to fight Cohozuna because Grizzco is greedy and unreasonable with the scales needed to get one-time items.

I just wish I wasn't the only one of the few players who found a way to exploit Salmonid AI.
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
By the way nobody mentioned it here but the roller patch they released doesn't seem to have anything to do with what we thought it was @Saber @Slushious

Fixed an issue that caused ink levels to immediately decrease when using a roller or brush close to the ground.

Tbh I play rollers a lot and haven't noticed this issue before or after.

So far so good, I was lucky enough to exceed 100 total Golden Eggs very early, now I'm just going to use it as a perfect excuse to fight Cohozuna because Grizzco is greedy and unreasonable with the scales needed to get one-time items.

I just wish I wasn't the only one of the few players who found a way to exploit Salmonid AI.
There's a way to exploit salmonoid?


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
There's a way to exploit salmonoid?
Yup in Wahoo World, if you swim up the blocks on the little sides where there would usually only have the ability to get there via Inkrail (if played in Turf War, not sure about the other modes), many Salmonids will be stuck, while some lesser Salmonids might be able to make it up there, they will only walk away just looking at you, not even attempt to pursue (though, they will attack if you happen to be in their way).


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Yup in Wahoo World, if you swim up the blocks on the little sides where there would usually only have the ability to get there via Inkrail (if played in Turf War, not sure about the other modes), many Salmonids will be stuck, while some lesser Salmonids might be able to make it up there, they will only walk away just looking at you, not even attempt to pursue (though, they will attack if you happen to be in their way).
That's pretty cool, I tried it a little, though glow fly mode remains almost certain death.

I think the good luck of salmon run always having good teams doesn't apply to big run lol. I was almost pro +3, and am all the way down to pro part timer after today! Disconnects and team wipes abound!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I think it's telling how the team quality in Big Run went when I got into the top 50%, half-way to the top 20% at 98 eggs. I think I got that total in one of the first 3 rounds I played Friday night. After that every round was like 60-80 at best. The Sunday curse is real, both ranked and big run. I had a ton of wipes on the first wave on Sunday and multiple 3-player groups and communication errors that counted as losses. I think I was 1 win away from Pro+3 when I started, then got knocked back and forth between +1 and +2 on Saturday before taking a dive to pro part-time, and then back to pro +1 where I stayed stuck the rest of the day.

One problem I have with salmon run is I can't actually figure out if I suck or not. In normal modes its easy to tell. k/d, objective pushing etc. In salmon I can't figure it out. I rarely have the most eggs, or the least deaths. Often have the least eggs, or next to least. Yet I'm generally on the front line throwing eggs back, so I wouldn't necessarily have the most. OTOH, I send all the eggs ink capacity allows but seem to have less in general. One thing I've started doing that sacrifices egg counts is trying to prioritize taking out flyfish. Nobody prioritizes that and then we just keep dying to it non-stop. But it involves sitting and waiting the thing out a lot which is obnoxious. I've also been doing a lot of kamikaze runs into the horde to take out stingers that also end up ignored and keep killing everyone. Increases deaths, decreases eggs, but hopefully is keeping the team alive longer even if I have to keep being revived. Worst problem is I'm always out of ink.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I think it's telling how the team quality in Big Run went when I got into the top 50%, half-way to the top 20% at 98 eggs. I think I got that total in one of the first 3 rounds I played Friday night. After that every round was like 60-80 at best. The Sunday curse is real, both ranked and big run. I had a ton of wipes on the first wave on Sunday and multiple 3-player groups and communication errors that counted as losses. I think I was 1 win away from Pro+3 when I started, then got knocked back and forth between +1 and +2 on Saturday before taking a dive to pro part-time, and then back to pro +1 where I stayed stuck the rest of the day.

One problem I have with salmon run is I can't actually figure out if I suck or not. In normal modes its easy to tell. k/d, objective pushing etc. In salmon I can't figure it out. I rarely have the most eggs, or the least deaths. Often have the least eggs, or next to least. Yet I'm generally on the front line throwing eggs back, so I wouldn't necessarily have the most. OTOH, I send all the eggs ink capacity allows but seem to have less in general. One thing I've started doing that sacrifices egg counts is trying to prioritize taking out flyfish. Nobody prioritizes that and then we just keep dying to it non-stop. But it involves sitting and waiting the thing out a lot which is obnoxious. I've also been doing a lot of kamikaze runs into the horde to take out stingers that also end up ignored and keep killing everyone. Increases deaths, decreases eggs, but hopefully is keeping the team alive longer even if I have to keep being revived. Worst problem is I'm always out of ink.
So a few tips for Salmon Run
In Solo queue your main goal is to play for the best interest of the team...basically you need to be a little bit selfish to keep yourself alive and try and guarantee eggs
In voice chat you can depend on allies since you know what they will do...bit in solo queue selfishness helps the team.

Basically ask yourself
1. What is my team focusing (is there 2 allies on eggs, or are focused on fighting)
2. Will ___ get me killed, (like in comp positioning is vital) if you are down then you have to rely on 2 other players to keep back the bosses while one comes to get you back up
3. What is my weapon best for? there are usually 4 types
-Boss killer (high dps)
-Aoe fiend (minion control)
-Escorter/ Map controller (highly mobile egg carrier good for regaining map control with )
-All rounder (usually a shooter)
Prioritize bosses your weapon is good at handling (like don't be the charger handling the fishstick when there is a steelhead)
Alot of Salmon run is filling in where your allies need you and staying alive so they can depend on you

Also as heads up flyfish aren't a priority you only need to take out 1 of their turrents if you can take out both good but it isn't as important (the danger of flyfish is more often their crossfire)
Target in priority though are
1. Stingers (they deny walls which is vital)
2. Big shot (1 is ok but they synergy with other boss or multiple big shots can easily wipe)
3. Fish stick, they take huge amts of turf out of your cotnrol
4. Flyfish (again take out 1 and prioritize only if there isn't a more immanent threat)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
So a few tips for Salmon Run
In Solo queue your main goal is to play for the best interest of the team...basically you need to be a little bit selfish to keep yourself alive and try and guarantee eggs
In voice chat you can depend on allies since you know what they will do...bit in solo queue selfishness helps the team.

Basically ask yourself
1. What is my team focusing (is there 2 allies on eggs, or are focused on fighting)
2. Will ___ get me killed, (like in comp positioning is vital) if you are down then you have to rely on 2 other players to keep back the bosses while one comes to get you back up
3. What is my weapon best for? there are usually 4 types
-Boss killer (high dps)
-Aoe fiend (minion control)
-Escorter/ Map controller (highly mobile egg carrier good for regaining map control with )
-All rounder (usually a shooter)
Prioritize bosses your weapon is good at handling (like don't be the charger handling the fishstick when there is a steelhead)
Alot of Salmon run is filling in where your allies need you and staying alive so they can depend on you

Also as heads up flyfish aren't a priority you only need to take out 1 of their turrents if you can take out both good but it isn't as important (the danger of flyfish is more often their crossfire)
Target in priority though are
1. Stingers (they deny walls which is vital)
2. Big shot (1 is ok but they synergy with other boss or multiple big shots can easily wipe)
3. Fish stick, they take huge amts of turf out of your cotnrol
4. Flyfish (again take out 1 and prioritize only if there isn't a more immanent threat)
The part I have a hard time with is figuring out what the team is focusing on and where to fill in. I might be doing it right, but I'm not sure. I doesn't help that I've played salmon for all of 1 week, and more than half the play hours were big run where the map is quite a bit more vast than normal salmon run :) Plus it was harder to figure out weapons when every weapon was random rather than a rotation of set weapons, so normal run is probably easier in that regard. I've mostly been throwing eggs back and on the front, and I haven't seen many situations were there weren't others on the basket rounding it up. The few times we failed because of not enough eggs, it was because everyone was overrun and just couldn't stay alive and cut down bosses more than because nobody was handling eggs. But that's been pretty rare.

I still haven't figured out glowflies. Grillers seem to be 50/50 win or die. glowfiles I think we've only survived like 3 times ever that I've played. Cohozuna....I actually beat him once. That's it, just once.

That's interesting about the priorities. I've mostly found we're destroyed by flyfish + stingers when waves go bad, and nobody is prioritizing them (thus my kamikaze runs to take out stingers) Generally by the end of a wave there's 2-4 flyfish launching continuous missiles everywhere (so, basically, normal splat zones :P ), and at least 2-3 stingers denying, basically, the whole map, and/or crossfire of drizzler rain and bigshot waves at the basket......and nobody is trying to take them out instead getting all the flip flips and lurkers they can. I've seen a few where they left fish sticks untouched as well, but USUALLY people seem to get those. 50/50 on big shots as well.

Some of this may be peculiar to big run by nature, and due to the much larger maps stingers and flyfish can appear on the outside of. I have more big run than non-big-run experience at this point! Though the weird thing is I found a lot of the worst teams were with players in blue/pink gear, meaning they've played enough to rack up a lot of silver scales.....IDK how those are the players most likely to get overrun, but I've had my best runs with all-orange teams (or one amazing team that had a white suit player.) Though I finally spent my few paltry scales on yellow, myself :)

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