With salmon run, I still can not tell what's what. I thought I was bad at it, I always had low egg counts, but yesterday I had the highest egg counts, and everyone killed decently (red eggs), but we were still losing a whole lot. I think teams are just really bad at slaying bosses so they end up accumulating to the point that it's just not survivable. The kills must be mostly trash mobs.
But here's the weirdest one I don't get. I had 3 matches with this one team. It included a player in blue gear, and a player in black gear, with a silver salmon run badge meaning meaning they've grinded a LOT of hours in Salmon run. I've only ever seen black/white gear once or twice before. But we're getting overwhelmed, I'm running around reviving everyone relatively a lot. We're getting overrun. We failed to collect enough eggs just keeping up with the swarm on wave 2...Ugh. Almost dropping from +1 again. Then we play another round with the same team and manage to win. Then we get cohozuna. The team manages to stay amazingly alive....I'm largely staying away from the big guy, I happened to get splacharger so I just stayed in anchor position by the basket and did my splacharger thing away from the bosses, reviving the crew periodically, and hitting coho with the charger shots to do decent damage over time rather than getting into the egg fray. And we actually took him down, which I've only ever done once! (only one silver scale though...stingy...I want my blue suit!) Then the next round with the same crew, everyone's getting overwhelmed, the player in black is dead quite a lot....I'm boss slaying and reviving....we fail to get enough eggs in the first wave... How can a team that in two rounds wipes out early with lots of deaths and little egg collection be the same team that was only the second team ever to beat cohozuna with me?? The black-clad player obviously has played a LOT to get that clothing, and to be able to take down coho. How is he dead non-stop with 2 eggs total the other rounds? And me that usually has the least eggs kept getting more than everyone with the rest getting 2-5 eggs each. ?
Salmon makes no sense at times.
@Saber Actually, either Lux is VEEERY lag affected, or the lag issues affect everything more than we realize. I swear it was more accurate back before the last few patches when I last tried it. I've been running it in TW mostly, but, there's just sooooo many shots it should not be missing that it is. It's weird. Very hard to control, and a weapon that short ranged should not be that hard to control. I don't recall the regular large tristringer having such a problem with missed shots even from a distance, though I haven't run that in a while, either. That's not to say it's not still decent, but there's just something wrong with how hard it is to hit something. Other chargers don't miss so much. Even large tri. I almost wonder if there's a hitbox problem with lux shot detection. Yet against the dummies it's just fine. So it has to be netcode related.
Which reminds me of the wonky thing I saw on TC yesterday. The tower has always been kind of wonky since S1, but there was an opponent on or next to the tower, coming up the side edge of museum, as the tower entered our base on the left. A roller, that was mid-jumpflick, then suddenly they just vanished from mid-air....no idea where they went/really were. But it's just bad if you can be attacking an enemy that's mid-attack against you that simply vanishes mid-air and ends up somewhere else. It's actually visible on the replay, just -blink- gone, mid-leap-attack. It was otherwise a great match though (open, obviously, great matches don't happen in series
