Splatoon 3 general issues


Dec 11, 2022
I find that suit color can determine the rough skill, but most players seem to be decent, with a few not so great ones and a few really good ones. I'd say I'm pretty average at Salmon Run, maybe slightly above average, but that's my own opinion/judgement so I could be wrong. It really is the luck of the draw for who you get as your teammates, some players work better with others, and some people favor certain weapons and are better if they get them. I think the most important things to do when playing with randoms is making sure to target the bosses that are the biggest threat (flyfish and stringer usually) and to make use of the "This Way!" ping when it is beneficial to do so.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
My problem with ignoring the Flyfish is that more than one of them can spawn, which makes the higher ranks more miserable because of the huge number of bosses that already spawn. I just despise multiples of anything Tenta Missiles-related, thus that's what I will always target.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
My problem with ignoring the Flyfish is that more than one of them can spawn, which makes the higher ranks more miserable because of the huge number of bosses that already spawn. I just despise multiples of anything Tenta Missiles-related, thus that's what I will always target.
So much this!! It's not one flyfish that's a problem with both turrets, it's 2-4 of them with both turrets and 3 stingers, plus a drizzler cloud or big shot wave.

I have a feeling big run has kind of messed up the "everyone in Salmon knows what they're doing" for a while. When I started playing it the week before, team cohesion was amazing, and I shot up the ranks in days. Big run itself was 50/50. Now yesterday, the lobbies remind me a lot of ranked. I'm down to part timer and either wiping out in 3rd wave and not moving, or wiping out in first wave and dropping hard.

It's really hard to tell if you're doing well or are the weak link though. Wish I could figure out if I suck, or if I'm doing the best I can with what I'm working with. I had the least eggs and the most deaths in several of those rounds, but I also had by far the most orange power eggs meaning I was doing most of the killing. One round I had teammates with 50-75 orange eggs...like, they basically managed to kill nothing the entire match. I had 0 eggs and was out of ink the whole time just trying to keep up with the horde. I MIGHT be the weak link, but I can't tell! I had the most eggs when I had a squiffer though.

The biggest problems I'm seeing isn't that the players don't know how to play salmon (with better suit colors and more silver badges, they've played salmon more than me by a longshot, and they seem to know where the enemies will spawn faster than I do), it's just that the teams overall can't keep up with the bosses as they spawn (maybe spending too much time running eggs?) or, it's that they don't seem to prioritize (or go after at all!) those dangerous flyfish, bigshots, and stingers, at the coast, instead sticking with killing what comes near the basket for fast egg retrieval, but that means the buildup of bosses becomes unsurvivable by the end of the wave. I've had a lot of rounds where I have 0 eggs, but am out of ink the whole time just trying to keep up with splatting which usually gets me knocked into the water. I try throwing eggs back, but in those cases I just don't have enough ink to put into egg throwing and keep up with pushing back enemies. Last week everyone stormed fish stick towers immediately and I was always a third wheel swimming up the pole too. Yesterday, everyone ignored the fish sticks, I'd be spamming "this way" but everyone still ignored it so I'd be up on the pole trying to take them out with a squiffer for like 25 seconds while dodging missles and stingrays. I tried ignoring them too, and that went bad because we had no turf and even flipper flippers became dangerous. Add the missile barrage and it was a fast end. But you'd think blue/pink suit players would be so salmon experienced they'd being doing this stuff much better than me! Maybe they are? I can't tell.

At least it's faster to work back up from a hole when you get good teams than anarchy!
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2022
So much this!! It's not one flyfish that's a problem with both turrets, it's 2-4 of them with both turrets and 3 stingers, plus a drizzler cloud or big shot wave.

I have a feeling big run has kind of messed up the "everyone in Salmon knows what they're doing" for a while. When I started playing it the week before, team cohesion was amazing, and I shot up the ranks in days. Big run itself was 50/50. Now yesterday, the lobbies remind me a lot of ranked. I'm down to part timer and either wiping out in 3rd wave and not moving, or wiping out in first wave and dropping hard.

It's really hard to tell if you're doing well or are the weak link though. Wish I could figure out if I suck, or if I'm doing the best I can with what I'm working with. I had the least eggs and the most deaths in several of those rounds, but I also had by far the most orange power eggs meaning I was doing most of the killing. One round I had teammates with 50-75 orange eggs...like, they basically managed to kill nothing the entire match. I had 0 eggs and was out of ink the whole time just trying to keep up with the horde. I MIGHT be the weak link, but I can't tell! I had the most eggs when I had a squiffer though.

The biggest problems I'm seeing isn't that the players don't know how to play salmon (with better suit colors and more silver badges, they've played salmon more than me by a longshot, and they seem to know where the enemies will spawn faster than I do), it's just that the teams overall can't keep up with the bosses as they spawn (maybe spending too much time running eggs?) or, it's that they don't seem to prioritize (or go after at all!) those dangerous flyfish, bigshots, and stingers, at the coast, instead sticking with killing what comes near the basket for fast egg retrieval, but that means the buildup of bosses becomes unsurvivable by the end of the wave. I've had a lot of rounds where I have 0 eggs, but am out of ink the whole time just trying to keep up with splatting which usually gets me knocked into the water. I try throwing eggs back, but in those cases I just don't have enough ink to put into egg throwing and keep up with pushing back enemies. Last week everyone stormed fish stick towers immediately and I was always a third wheel swimming up the pole too. Yesterday, everyone ignored the fish sticks, I'd be spamming "this way" but everyone still ignored it so I'd be up on the pole trying to take them out with a squiffer for like 25 seconds while dodging missles and stingrays. I tried ignoring them too, and that went bad because we had no turf and even flipper flippers became dangerous. Add the missile barrage and it was a fast end. But you'd think blue/pink suit players would be so salmon experienced they'd being doing this stuff much better than me! Maybe they are? I can't tell.

At least it's faster to work back up from a hole when you get good teams than anarchy!
I agree, it's pretty hard to tell precisely why you failed besides, "Oh we never killed that particular boss and it then caused massive chaos." Sometimes the waves you get are structured better than others, and sometimes you get a weapon that you really like, so it can be incredibly hard to judge your Salmon Run game sense. I at the very least try to kill high priority bosses when I see them!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I agree, it's pretty hard to tell precisely why you failed besides, "Oh we never killed that particular boss and it then caused massive chaos." Sometimes the waves you get are structured better than others, and sometimes you get a weapon that you really like, so it can be incredibly hard to judge your Salmon Run game sense. I at the very least try to kill high priority bosses when I see them!
Glad it's not just me. I was convinced for a while yesterday that I simply suck at salmon run and my early rise up the ranks was beginner's luck, with a second day of solid losses either in the third wave so no drop, or the first wave total collapse where Pro Part-time seemed to get overrun more easily than pro+2 did. I thought for sure I'm just doing it wrong (those blue/pink suit players surely are better than me!)

Then I got a team that we just cleaned up every round, no problem except for a glowfly wipe, and when we were done I got 2 friend invites out of it. So maybe I don't suck? Or it's RNG based. Or it's just the typical matchmaking issues. So hard to tell!

There's probably also some pot luck of getting teams that know how to use the less common weapons (tristringer and squeezer yesterday, the kit was op along with luna, but a lot of players won't know how to take advantage of tristringers and squeezers. Having two charger-like weapons to take on steelheads was great, if at least one player knew how use it. Otherwise it was trouble.)

I have been trying to prioritize boss slaying or crowd control over egg harvesting, so I tend to not have great egg counts unless I happen to be the one near the basket that round.

@Saber So, yesterday I dipped a toe into regular ranked again on my alt playing some new weps. First time I took bamboozler into ranked....ever maybe? It did ok. First was SZ with one win one loss, the usual matchmaking mess. Then was clam blitz....I should have trusted my bias but played anyway. Bamboozler did pretty well, but of course it's clam blitz and taking on mutiple squids with ultra clams and inkbrushes with a bamboozler, alone, isn't going to be a good time, same with any charger in clam blitz. That mode should be so fun, but I hate it so much. If you don't have a brush or maybe carbon you just can't play it. Maybe that's where that stupid tent comes in handy :P

Then I played some open since TC was up, and bambi did quite all right! I noticed that team balance seems a lot...like....a LOT better in open! I had more wins than wipes. You'd think open would be worse since you can be up against voice chat teams, but somehow it actually seems better than series by a lot. I wasn't the kill leader with bambi in those rounds, we had a hydra with like 25-35 kills several rounds to my paltry 16, but the constant pressure bambi can put on the tower between shots and bombs is just incredible. My biggest problem was running out of ink before that second tap too often. The S3 kit with the autobombs is just so, so good, and wail really helps. It's one of the least played weapons in the game I think, but it's honestly extremely good. Range, ttk, throwable, good special, mobility.....there's not much to not like there. It might replace splacharger as my main main. I'm surprised it hasn't gone meta actually. Even if you can't get the kill as fast as splacharger the unending pressure from autobombs plus shots really helps keep objectives clear in a way a slow charger can't.

I haven't tried the 5H or carbon deco ranked yet. I will. I'm thinking RM+deco is a good bet. I've done 5H a lot in TW but I don't have a handle on it vs bambi in ranked. Deco is still a beast in TW, but that doesn't always translate to ranked. Should have played it in clam.

But I'm a salmon addict now :)

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
What's up thread? Long time no see.

I guess I'm just going to give my thoughts on the three new main weapons.

Splattershot Nova:
When this weapon was announced, Splatoon 1 veterans like myself were very excited for the spiritual return of the Dual Squelcher. It's a midrange, high-painting weapon with good mobility and a Killer Wail. The Nova is even listed under the same name in the code that Dual Squelcher was back in S1! It was a dream come true.... Until it wasn't. The Splattershot Nova is dreadful. There is no reason to use this weapon besides the fact that it's the only real support-oriented Killer Wail that we have in the game right now (and even then Bamboo debatably fills that role). Unlike it's Dual Squelcher predecessor, Nova has painfully bad accuracy and requires 5(!) shots to kill. Those two factors alone make the Nova near-useless as a mean weapon. It doesn't even paint any better than its peers (Jet Squelcher, Splattershot Pro, 96 Gal) do. I'm serious, go into the testing room and look at it. Nova is a long range Aerospray, except unlike Aerospray it gets paints no better than weapons that either outrange or outdamage it. I'll be fighting a Splattershot at Nova's max range and before I can land all 5 of my shots, the Splattershot will walk forward into its range and kill me. That is just pitiful. If Nintendo wants Nova to be used while keeping its intended midrange paint playstyle, they need to crank that paint stat tenfold. Nova is a disgrace to the legacy of the Dual Squelcher.

Big Swig Roller:
I will come right out and say it; I think Big Swig Roller could potentially be the least-viable main weapon in the game. Big Swig emphasizes the painting and steamrolling capability of the roller, AKA the worst and least-useful aspects of the roller class by far. This is a Turf War only weapon. I can only see it being a hinderance in all other modes and circumstances. It has the exact same issues as Nova does, except at least Swig can paint better than most other rollers with its horizontal flick. I get the impression that they gave Swig Splash Wall and Vac in an attempt to keep it alive when put under pressure. It stands no chance killing the enemy, so they gave it tools to strictly protect itself. I actually think Line Marker would have been a better sub for it than Wall, as the 30dmg Marker can pair with the 70dmg flick for a quick kill. Burst Bomb or Torpedo would also do this, and much better at that.

Snipewriter 5H:
This is the tricky one. Nova and Swig have big, obvious downsides that make them unviable. Snipewriter is much harder to judge. On one hand, Snipewriter kind of solves the charger problem. What's the charger problem, you ask? Imagine all of the other weapon classes in the game. What can they all do that chargers can't? All other classes can get multikills while chargers are locked, by design, into only being able to kill one enemy at a time. Every other class either shoots fast enough to take out multiple targets in quick succession (shooters, splatlings, dualies, etc.) or deals damage in a wide area that can damage multiple enemies at once (stringers, blasters, rollers, and so on). Multikills are important because it's more effective to take out the entire team at once than to gradually pick them off. Chargers can't do this because they have to charge up, kill one guy, then charge a second shot. They tried to remedy this in S2 by making the charger shot pierce enemies, but getting a multikill like that happens 1/100+ games. This is why Snipewriter is potentially very strong; it's the only charger that can get 2 kills on a single charge. It paints a whole heck of a lot with those 5 charges too. The only thing really holding it back is the kit (and the high skill floor, but that theoretically isn't really an issue). If I were making a Snipewriter Deco I'd give it a more aggressive kit. Maybe something like Fizzy/Autobomb and Inkjet/Inkstrike.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
What's up thread? Long time no see.

I guess I'm just going to give my thoughts on the three new main weapons.

Splattershot Nova:
When this weapon was announced, Splatoon 1 veterans like myself were very excited for the spiritual return of the Dual Squelcher. It's a midrange, high-painting weapon with good mobility and a Killer Wail. The Nova is even listed under the same name in the code that Dual Squelcher was back in S1! It was a dream come true.... Until it wasn't. The Splattershot Nova is dreadful. There is no reason to use this weapon besides the fact that it's the only real support-oriented Killer Wail that we have in the game right now (and even then Bamboo debatably fills that role). Unlike it's Dual Squelcher predecessor, Nova has painfully bad accuracy and requires 5(!) shots to kill. Those two factors alone make the Nova near-useless as a mean weapon. It doesn't even paint any better than its peers (Jet Squelcher, Splattershot Pro, 96 Gal) do. I'm serious, go into the testing room and look at it. Nova is a long range Aerospray, except unlike Aerospray it gets paints no better than weapons that either outrange or outdamage it. I'll be fighting a Splattershot at Nova's max range and before I can land all 5 of my shots, the Splattershot will walk forward into its range and kill me. That is just pitiful. If Nintendo wants Nova to be used while keeping its intended midrange paint playstyle, they need to crank that paint stat tenfold. Nova is a disgrace to the legacy of the Dual Squelcher.

Big Swig Roller:
I will come right out and say it; I think Big Swig Roller could potentially be the least-viable main weapon in the game. Big Swig emphasizes the painting and steamrolling capability of the roller, AKA the worst and least-useful aspects of the roller class by far. This is a Turf War only weapon. I can only see it being a hinderance in all other modes and circumstances. It has the exact same issues as Nova does, except at least Swig can paint better than most other rollers with its horizontal flick. I get the impression that they gave Swig Splash Wall and Vac in an attempt to keep it alive when put under pressure. It stands no chance killing the enemy, so they gave it tools to strictly protect itself. I actually think Line Marker would have been a better sub for it than Wall, as the 30dmg Marker can pair with the 70dmg flick for a quick kill. Burst Bomb or Torpedo would also do this, and much better at that.

Snipewriter 5H:
This is the tricky one. Nova and Swig have big, obvious downsides that make them unviable. Snipewriter is much harder to judge. On one hand, Snipewriter kind of solves the charger problem. What's the charger problem, you ask? Imagine all of the other weapon classes in the game. What can they all do that chargers can't? All other classes can get multikills while chargers are locked, by design, into only being able to kill one enemy at a time. Every other class either shoots fast enough to take out multiple targets in quick succession (shooters, splatlings, dualies, etc.) or deals damage in a wide area that can damage multiple enemies at once (stringers, blasters, rollers, and so on). Multikills are important because it's more effective to take out the entire team at once than to gradually pick them off. Chargers can't do this because they have to charge up, kill one guy, then charge a second shot. They tried to remedy this in S2 by making the charger shot pierce enemies, but getting a multikill like that happens 1/100+ games. This is why Snipewriter is potentially very strong; it's the only charger that can get 2 kills on a single charge. It paints a whole heck of a lot with those 5 charges too. The only thing really holding it back is the kit (and the high skill floor, but that theoretically isn't really an issue). If I were making a Snipewriter Deco I'd give it a more aggressive kit. Maybe something like Fizzy/Autobomb and Inkjet/Inkstrike.
Yeah, definitely agree with most of that. I don't really play shooters so I didn't know much about Nova, but when they handed it to me in salmon I learned everything you've said. The amount of time it takes just to kill a cohock is hilarious.

Big Swig I had a brief love affair with. The turfing is possibly the best in the game, outshined by dynamo in sheer paint, but without being hindered by dynamo's exceptionally slow speeds. I was getting quite a lot of kills with it after finding out it can ohko on the vertical, making it kill like a slightly slow carbon and turf almost as well as dynamo. Seemed like the answer to teams never having enough turf in anarchy modes. But it didn't last. The more time I spent with it, the less kills started being reliable, it suffers from dynamos seeming RNG-based ability to actually consistently do damage, and whether lag, or magic aim based, too many attempts to kill were missing, too many squids were surviving 2-3, even 4 hits from it randomly. What had seemed good briefly became a liability. Then I got it in salmon and it was useless for anything but steamrolling the trash mobs. Spent more time with carbon deco and haven't looked back since.

Snipewriter I'm still very unsure of. I like it, quite a lot really, but......every time I compare in TW I keep coming back to thinking it's a slower, slightly longer ranged bamboo that's less versatile and with a worse kit. I've been meaning to try it ranked but trying to wait until I find a thermal ink shirt for my alt. I do technically like it but I can't find any reason to justify using it when I could use bamboo which share most of the strengths with less hindrances. Bamboo can't multikill on a single charge but it's ttk is fast and it combines with its bombs well. The delay between 5h shots makes it a similar or lower kill than bamboo's double tap with less room for error/retry.

Looking at all 3 new weapons as a collection it seems like the main theme here was introducing significantly more turf control focus. Everything here seems to center around new painting weapons, implying they recognized turf control problems and tried to fix it with these, except it fell short. Nova's based around painting yet doesn't actually paint well, big swig is an amazing painter that's otherwise helpless when threatened so nobody will use it, and snipewriter that already paints very well with a full charge 5-shot gets a neutered sub in a sprinkler....so it can spend a ton of ink to paint even more.

@Saber Seriously, matchmaking in Open ranked is a whole different world from series. It should be objectively worse and just isn't. I played a few series games again and it was the usual bipolar lopsided lobby where one side gets steamrolled and half the enemies are Japanese with absurd pings. Played probably 15+ matches in Open and it played really well really consistently. I mean it would take like 175 wins and no losses to get to a rank up battle via open at 8p a piece, yet I can't help but think that wastes less time than playing series, since you actually CAN win. Something is seriously, seriously wrong with anarchy series, specifically. Granted even in open I had a match where I was the only one carrying the RM and had to dunk it myself.....but the difference is, I actually COULD! Enemies were dying, turf was covered, I had room to run it rather than just diving with an RM into 100% enemy ink against at least 3 squids shooting at me like in series. :)

FWIW, in series I'm seeing a ton of S+ badge-wearing players in A+. I know from S I got knocked down to A+, Maybe S+ got knocked there too? Othewise I'm assuming a lot of these are players that somehow floated to S+ and reset their rank and it put them in A's, or they've already worked up from B's. But I may not really ever play series again and change ranks again, it remains so bad, and open is surprisingly decent.

Currently I'm running bamboo in TC and SZ and really really liking it. I'm never the kill-leader anymore except if we lose, but that's mostly down to splattershots and hydras with very high counts. Which...is what you should expect from splattershots and hydras but never see in Series... :) Ran carbon deco in RM a few rounds....also really liking it. It's definitely higher risk with more deaths than I'm used to, but OTOH it can create openings like nothing else. I swapped one of my sub savers for an object shredder though and kept one SSU main. Good for carrying RM too.

@Firework Salmon may well be matchmaking like everything else, yesterday, it was back to great teams and lots of winning, back into +2, which seemed easier than pro full time seemed for a while. It won't last, but at least I can figure I'm probably not the weak link (maybe.)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Is it just me, or did the new update mess up something internet-related? Because I had lag spikes a lot more than usual.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2020
Switch Friend Code
One problem I have with salmon run is I can't actually figure out if I suck or not. In normal modes its easy to tell. k/d, objective pushing etc. In salmon I can't figure it out. I rarely have the most eggs, or the least deaths. Often have the least eggs, or next to least. Yet I'm generally on the front line throwing eggs back, so I wouldn't necessarily have the most.
If by frontlines you mean the shore where salmon spawn, uhh yeah, don't do that. That's a good way to get yourself killed, and dying is something you should try to avoid as much as possible in SR. Yes Stingers, Flyfish, and Big Shots spawn near the shore and are high priority targets. However it's just better to scout around for those bosses and approach them accordingly to take them out, and ignore their eggs as they're often too far away from the basket to be worth while. If you are needing eggs; it's often just better to lure non-shore bosses towards the basket. Also snatchers might fly close to the basket with a lot of eggs. So if you can take them out to get them to drop their eggs.

What's up thread? Long time no see.

I guess I'm just going to give my thoughts on the three new main weapons.

Splattershot Nova:
When this weapon was announced, Splatoon 1 veterans like myself were very excited for the spiritual return of the Dual Squelcher. It's a midrange, high-painting weapon with good mobility and a Killer Wail. The Nova is even listed under the same name in the code that Dual Squelcher was back in S1! It was a dream come true.... Until it wasn't. The Splattershot Nova is dreadful. There is no reason to use this weapon besides the fact that it's the only real support-oriented Killer Wail that we have in the game right now (and even then Bamboo debatably fills that role). Unlike it's Dual Squelcher predecessor, Nova has painfully bad accuracy and requires 5(!) shots to kill. Those two factors alone make the Nova near-useless as a mean weapon. It doesn't even paint any better than its peers (Jet Squelcher, Splattershot Pro, 96 Gal) do. I'm serious, go into the testing room and look at it. Nova is a long range Aerospray, except unlike Aerospray it gets paints no better than weapons that either outrange or outdamage it. I'll be fighting a Splattershot at Nova's max range and before I can land all 5 of my shots, the Splattershot will walk forward into its range and kill me. That is just pitiful. If Nintendo wants Nova to be used while keeping its intended midrange paint playstyle, they need to crank that paint stat tenfold. Nova is a disgrace to the legacy of the Dual Squelcher.

Big Swig Roller:
I will come right out and say it; I think Big Swig Roller could potentially be the least-viable main weapon in the game. Big Swig emphasizes the painting and steamrolling capability of the roller, AKA the worst and least-useful aspects of the roller class by far. This is a Turf War only weapon. I can only see it being a hinderance in all other modes and circumstances. It has the exact same issues as Nova does, except at least Swig can paint better than most other rollers with its horizontal flick. I get the impression that they gave Swig Splash Wall and Vac in an attempt to keep it alive when put under pressure. It stands no chance killing the enemy, so they gave it tools to strictly protect itself. I actually think Line Marker would have been a better sub for it than Wall, as the 30dmg Marker can pair with the 70dmg flick for a quick kill. Burst Bomb or Torpedo would also do this, and much better at that.

Snipewriter 5H:
This is the tricky one. Nova and Swig have big, obvious downsides that make them unviable. Snipewriter is much harder to judge. On one hand, Snipewriter kind of solves the charger problem. What's the charger problem, you ask? Imagine all of the other weapon classes in the game. What can they all do that chargers can't? All other classes can get multikills while chargers are locked, by design, into only being able to kill one enemy at a time. Every other class either shoots fast enough to take out multiple targets in quick succession (shooters, splatlings, dualies, etc.) or deals damage in a wide area that can damage multiple enemies at once (stringers, blasters, rollers, and so on). Multikills are important because it's more effective to take out the entire team at once than to gradually pick them off. Chargers can't do this because they have to charge up, kill one guy, then charge a second shot. They tried to remedy this in S2 by making the charger shot pierce enemies, but getting a multikill like that happens 1/100+ games. This is why Snipewriter is potentially very strong; it's the only charger that can get 2 kills on a single charge. It paints a whole heck of a lot with those 5 charges too. The only thing really holding it back is the kit (and the high skill floor, but that theoretically isn't really an issue). If I were making a Snipewriter Deco I'd give it a more aggressive kit. Maybe something like Fizzy/Autobomb and Inkjet/Inkstrike.
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks Nova is a piece of trash. Out of all weapons that would be appropriately balanced, you'd think that it would be the bog-standard shooter. How the devs managed to miss the mark this badly is astonishing. On the bright side at least it should be simple to buff this thing. Big Swig is pretty much in the same boat as Nova. It's unsurprising that a weapon that trades killing power for painting isn't very good. Especially not when you have Walls and Ink Vacs that do nothing to address its lack of lethality. I'm more disappointed about Nova more than Swig because I really enjoyed Dual back in Splat1. So seeing it's spiritual successor be so weak is unfortunate.

Snipewriter is almost there as a weapon. I think it's rather awkward to use. It's like a Splat Charger, Splatling, and Bamboo got mixed in a blender and this was the result. I do want to give it a bit more time, but man Sprinkler/Tacticooler do nothing for it. I think I'll just hold off on the Snipewriter until it's second kit comes out.


Dec 11, 2022
Snipewriter is a cool weapon in concept, but a bit cumbersome to use in practice. I'm sure we'll find a use for it 'though.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
@The Salamander King
So Splattershot Nova yeah I dislike alot of things about it you can't jump with it, its rng is so off even with IA, and it just doesn't do anything particularly solid to make it worth while.
You also are super dependent on you special when you use it...which to be fair it does generate quickly.
But considering how they mentioned they want to decrease sub and special spam
*even after releasing aero rg and custom jr :mad:

The Big Swig has 1 niche and it fills that niche well...SZ cheese, this weapon can easily fill in the split zones in a single swing so on those maps I see it being good but again it is such a small niche

Honestly it is a bit odd I have to treat the snipewriter as almost a seperate class from the charger due to its mechanics.

Also on the subject
-Custom jr is anti nija squid which is ok but the torpedo spam is welp
-Dulies Noveu is just a worse tetra
-Slosher Deco....is my favorite so far, the fact that you burst combo with angle shooter is so funny I love it
-Carbon Deco is and will continue to be one of my favorites
-Tentatek is tentatek and everyone is using it despite the base splattershot having imo a better kit
-Forge is again the exact same as kensa and like the kensa it is fun to play but I dislike it
-Luna blaster looks fun but everyone I see just spams fizzy bombs and ignore the main weapons and special
- Zink is honestly super fun and I like its kit alot
-Aero....( cold sweat begin as I hear the booyah echoing in the distance) srsly why give aero booyah bomb like the reeflux before it this weapon is s

Yeah I might try out... especially during CB cuz cuz Clam Blitz is terrible no matter the rank, legit had a teammate hold on to a ball and never tossed the ball despite making a path for them 3 seperate times and them BEING AT THE BASKET TWICE
Also in a seperate game had a team get a huge lead so their ally just kept taking making Clam balls and tossing them off the map so we never had enough clams.
Was annoying for my team but equally as annoying for his teammates because they unnecessarily delayed the game just to BM.

As for the A+ S+ badge rank players for some reason the rewards for S rank have been slow somewhat due to the mix of various players in this rank...I basically have been stuck around high S low S+ with just not enough to qualify. It is likely some other S+ rankers were less fortunate or less skilled and got sent back to A+


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
@The Salamander King
So Splattershot Nova yeah I dislike alot of things about it you can't jump with it, its rng is so off even with IA, and it just doesn't do anything particularly solid to make it worth while.
You also are super dependent on you special when you use it...which to be fair it does generate quickly.
But considering how they mentioned they want to decrease sub and special spam
*even after releasing aero rg and custom jr :mad:

The Big Swig has 1 niche and it fills that niche well...SZ cheese, this weapon can easily fill in the split zones in a single swing so on those maps I see it being good but again it is such a small niche

Honestly it is a bit odd I have to treat the snipewriter as almost a seperate class from the charger due to its mechanics.

Also on the subject
-Custom jr is anti nija squid which is ok but the torpedo spam is welp
-Dulies Noveu is just a worse tetra
-Slosher Deco....is my favorite so far, the fact that you burst combo with angle shooter is so funny I love it
-Carbon Deco is and will continue to be one of my favorites
-Tentatek is tentatek and everyone is using it despite the base splattershot having imo a better kit
-Forge is again the exact same as kensa and like the kensa it is fun to play but I dislike it
-Luna blaster looks fun but everyone I see just spams fizzy bombs and ignore the main weapons and special
- Zink is honestly super fun and I like its kit alot
-Aero....( cold sweat begin as I hear the booyah echoing in the distance) srsly why give aero booyah bomb like the reeflux before it this weapon is s

Yeah I might try out... especially during CB cuz cuz Clam Blitz is terrible no matter the rank, legit had a teammate hold on to a ball and never tossed the ball despite making a path for them 3 seperate times and them BEING AT THE BASKET TWICE
Also in a seperate game had a team get a huge lead so their ally just kept taking making Clam balls and tossing them off the map so we never had enough clams.
Was annoying for my team but equally as annoying for his teammates because they unnecessarily delayed the game just to BM.

As for the A+ S+ badge rank players for some reason the rewards for S rank have been slow somewhat due to the mix of various players in this rank...I basically have been stuck around high S low S+ with just not enough to qualify. It is likely some other S+ rankers were less fortunate or less skilled and got sent back to A+
They actually said they want to decrease special spam? I know they had that note about some secret way of dealing with players that hang back and just throw subs and specials, but I haven't seen them say anything about the amount of special spam, which the game really needs, there's just too many specials going off too often. Specials are supposed to be a game ender, not a third primary attack. The idea of saving your special for the right moment to make it a turning point should be intrinsic to the game. That's the whole point of special saver after all. As it is, specials are so abundant there's no need to use special saver, ever, everyone just constantly builds specials as a main weapon.

How have you been getting along with it with that different play style? I've liked it in TW, but took it into open ranked on a whim instead of bamboo to see how it did, and honestly I don't think it did very well at all. When I took that I started losing like a rank up series. ) I "like" the weapon. In TW it's fun. As a concept it's in my wheelhouse. And the main gun is pretty interesting. But I think with the kit it has it's almost useless. More turf is one thing it didn't need, and that's the sub it has. Without a real throwable for pressure, it's reliant on nothing but it's charged shots, and like salamander said, it's a better assister than it is a splatter, and it's ability to assist is painfully limited with no sub and a 5 shot payload that everyone on the map can hear and know when you're empty. I think it's really fun to play, but it just seems to be worse at actually playing than almost anything (except Nova and Big Swig :P ) I love the concept though, and the next kit may make it great. But as is, all 3 new weapons seem like a massive whiff.

New meta:
If I had to define Splatoon 3 season 1 in a single phrase, it would be:
"A communication error has occurred."

If I had to define Splatoon 3 season 2 in a single phrase, it would be:

As champions of the anti-meta I have a new proposal for us: We should main Aero and Reef Lux! AND FOCUS ON USING THE MAIN WEAPON! It would be the single most unused weapon duo in splatoon!! Does anyone even use reef lux charged shots? It's actually a good weapon, but you'd never know it, because nobody uses it. :P

Carbon deco....I just love that thing. Even clam blitz (open, not series, gawd never series again....) was fun with deco, though I somehow ended up being the base defender with a carbon. But amazingly it actually worked well. Better than chargers because you need rushdown speeds to defend in CB which is counterintuative. Usual backline defenders are useless.

LOL at your experiences. That second one was just plain griefing, but that first one actually sounds like 75% of RM rounds I've ever played. My CB problem isn't usually teams that won't throw the ball. My problem is teams that are in front of the enemy base or gathering clams while 3 balls are coming into their undefended base so carriers can just run right past me and dunk it knowing I'll splat them a second after they throw it and it won't matter. Yet somehow the other team shreds our team whenever we approach with a ball.

I still don't get how in the high ranks CB is filled with players that can't throw a ball, meanwhile C's and B's all had totally competent teams that know how to play CB. I still swear "S+" means "CoD shooter that has no idea how to play Splatoon." :P

But I do have to say open has been a breath of fresh air. Maybe that's why series sucks, nobody plays it because they're all playing open. Teams have been shockingly well balanced in general. I see more S and S+ badges in open than I ever saw in S series. I had to laugh one round had 2 S and 2 S+ badges on the teams just like a rank up battle....but it was balanced...unlike a rank up battle. I'm not used to it. I don't even get gold badges many rounds. I'm not carrying. It's amazing. CB: Plays well, I can get the ball, I can throw the ball, I can defend the basket....and it works. RM, I can carry the RM. I can dunk it. It works. SZ, I can hover around the zones, shoot bamboo, throw rediculous quantities of autobombs to interfere with everyone and it works. I think I'm almost at the S rank-up battle having played nothing but open 8p at a time. The only series I played was 1 win 3 losses..... open is like 5 wins to every loss. It's a different game, and it's a lot more fun.

Is it just me, or did the new update mess up something internet-related? Because I had lag spikes a lot more than usual.
The lag has been....interesting. I know I'm seeing rounds where I'll double tap someone with bamboo, it makes the sounds, but they're still alive and dodging and then a second later they splat and a second after that, I get the kill credit , possibly after they've killed me. I had one where a nova of all things was shooting at me, missed, I saw the shots go right behind me, and none of them made a hit sound. And then I exploded and it said the nova killed me. But it's also hard to pinpoint because there's a lot of Japanese players in my lobbies, too. Though moreso in series than in open or TW or salmon.

If by frontlines you mean the shore where salmon spawn, uhh yeah, don't do that. That's a good way to get yourself killed, and dying is something you should try to avoid as much as possible in SR. Yes Stingers, Flyfish, and Big Shots spawn near the shore and are high priority targets. However it's just better to scout around for those bosses and approach them accordingly to take them out, and ignore their eggs as they're often too far away from the basket to be worth while. If you are needing eggs; it's often just better to lure non-shore bosses towards the basket. Also snatchers might fly close to the basket with a lot of eggs. So if you can take them out to get them to drop their eggs.
Yeah that's the thing I can't tell if I'm doing well or not. I actually had a ton of good rounds yesterday, almost up to +3, but settled back at mid +2. But I feel increasingly guilty seeing my 6 eggs to their 25. I'm busy, I'm slaying non-stop, but it's either shooting, or eggs, not enough ink for both, and even though it's working, it still feels like I'm doing it wrong. I do spend lots of time at the shore, and it does lead to getting killed. And yet, if I do not do that we just get a buildup of stingers and flyfish and big shots bombarding it, almost always leading to a wipe or not enough team egs as everyone is dodging or dying, and then the base is overrun by eels and the rest. I've seen out there on reddit the idea of luring the bosses near the basket, but I feel like in practice that always leads to failure by both getting the basket overrun with bosses, and more importantly leaving all the ranged heavy hitters hammering us from the shore WHILE the base is overrun. So far it's working out ok if I'm focused on taking out the ranged hitters and flyfish leaving the team taking the floppers and the like and running eggs, but we're also not getting crazy high egg counts, and still wipe or get insufficient eggs more often than I'd like.

I also can't figure out if failing to kill cohozuna is the expected norm. I've seen him defeated only once. The good part is we mostly don't wipe out, we just run out of time.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Also, subs shouldn't be as spammable as they are right now. Subs are supposed to be just the secondary thing, not something to just spam, that's why they use up more ink than the primary weapon.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Also, subs shouldn't be as spammable as they are right now. Subs are supposed to be just the secondary thing, not something to just spam, that's why they use up more ink than the primary weapon.
Yeah, it feels like it's a lot easier to throw a lot of subs than at least in S1, where it was kinda punishing to use. Then again I'm now maining bamboo and carbon deco which really relies on spamming subs, so I'm probably on the wrong side of that :)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Is it just me, or did the new update mess up something internet-related? Because I had lag spikes a lot more than usual.
I found this on the Internet and thought of your post. Need to talk to Murch and equip at least 1 main and 2 subs of this:



Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2020
Switch Friend Code
Yeah that's the thing I can't tell if I'm doing well or not. I actually had a ton of good rounds yesterday, almost up to +3, but settled back at mid +2. But I feel increasingly guilty seeing my 6 eggs to their 25. I'm busy, I'm slaying non-stop, but it's either shooting, or eggs, not enough ink for both, and even though it's working, it still feels like I'm doing it wrong. I do spend lots of time at the shore, and it does lead to getting killed. And yet, if I do not do that we just get a buildup of stingers and flyfish and big shots bombarding it, almost always leading to a wipe or not enough team egs as everyone is dodging or dying, and then the base is overrun by eels and the rest. I've seen out there on reddit the idea of luring the bosses near the basket, but I feel like in practice that always leads to failure by both getting the basket overrun with bosses, and more importantly leaving all the ranged heavy hitters hammering us from the shore WHILE the base is overrun. So far it's working out ok if I'm focused on taking out the ranged hitters and flyfish leaving the team taking the floppers and the like and running eggs, but we're also not getting crazy high egg counts, and still wipe or get insufficient eggs more often than I'd like.

I also can't figure out if failing to kill cohozuna is the expected norm. I've seen him defeated only once. The good part is we mostly don't wipe out, we just run out of time.
You don't always need to throw the eggs. You can swim up to the basket and deposit them without using ink. Managing ink is very import in SR because you don't get abilities to help with it. Throwing eggs too much also means you don't have enough ink to throw splat bombs. As splat bombs are very useful for reviving teammates and thinning lessers; not just for dealing with Flyfish and Maws. I will say that at Eggsecutive VP people tend to play better and utilize their weapons effectively e.g. people don't shoot Scrappers as they come out of the water or chargers don't miss their shots on Steelheads/Eels etc.. So I don't know if your Profreshinal experience is different in that regard.

Also yes, Cohozunas can be hard to take down. Although the amount of scales you get from defeating it at the buzzer as opposed to losing when only 10% health remains is only 1 scale. So it's not a big deal imo.

Also, subs shouldn't be as spammable as they are right now. Subs are supposed to be just the secondary thing, not something to just spam, that's why they use up more ink than the primary weapon.
You can thank Last-Ditch Effort for that.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
The very 1st patch they released they talked about reducing sub and special spam....and immediately forgot about it lol

5H again it is just weird, I will say I found one positive to its sub and that is I basically use it as cover and a shield for getting away. I also do the same with taticooler getting pseudo ink walls
Also the more I play the more I genuinely feel this is the don't rush me charger, playing as a charger and then going super aggressive when flanker try to jump you.
Also trying out a few different builds I do like thermal but run speed is a definate, and ink saver or ink recovery help immensely

As for its secondary kit I feel that this weapon would also benefit great from an bento splatcharger kit Ink wall and wavebreaker would help the main weapon shine more and allow it to play more mid range backline anchor where I feel it does thrive

Also you gave me a new goal....imma do it no special reeflux and aero let's see how good the weapon is


Inkling Cadet
Apr 29, 2018
I actually came accross this not to long ago, there is a new glitch found on the map Eeltail alley that people can take advantage of.
this glitch can actually affect your match severely so keep a eye out when you are on this specifique map!



Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I actually came accross this not to long ago, there is a new glitch found on the map Eeltail alley that people can take advantage of.
this glitch can actually affect your match severely so keep a eye out when you are on this specifique map!

I hope they patch that then, the netcode is already a headache-inducing mess as it is.

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