Splatoon 3 general issues


May 13, 2022
Switch Friend Code
I'm going to make this thread for glitches, exploits and etc. that the community finds in game.
I'd like to start with a question for anyone who has played any ranked (series) matches since the latest patch. Ever since that update I have been getting a communication error come through, normally mid-late game and only if our team is currently winning, this has never happened if my team is losing. Since I've got the game my only disconnects have been in series battles (regular anarchy battles and turf wars are fine) and once in Salmon Run. Is this a new exploit or purely bad luck?


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I have been experiencing Communication Errors commonly, most of them happened when waiting for a match, but one happened during a Salmon Run match. I wish Nintendo would just fix the connection issues already, it's 2022, and they shouldn't be using servers that are over two decades old.


Sep 18, 2022
Even after the patch the communication idiots still occur. I have tried everything in my end including reloading the game. I wish they would fix whatever the issues are.


Inkster Jr.
May 15, 2022
Walleye Warehouse, Moray Towers, and Wahoo World
Switch Friend Code
Eh, dunno if this counts, but the gear shop hasn't reset for me for TWO WHOLE DAYS now, when in 2 it would reset at midnight every night. I bought everything in the gear shops around Monday afternoon, and its Wednesday, and nothing's changed.


Inkster Jr.
May 15, 2022
Walleye Warehouse, Moray Towers, and Wahoo World
Switch Friend Code
Ok so I looked into my problem further, even trying Nintendo Customer support, and I figured it out. In the Switch Settings Date and Time, there is a section called "Time Zone". You would think being synchronized with the internet would work everything out, but no, that's not it. The Time Zone section lists Time Zones, but lists them via UTC time, which is a sort of Universal Standard metric used sometimes. Only, here's the problem, if you live in America, you do not use UTC time, you use one of their time zones, me for example, I'm in the Central Time Zone, or CDT. UTC and CDT are NOT the same, they might as well be different languages. So because of this, there is a 5 hour difference between them. And what does the in system Splatoon 3 game use? The normal date and time? No. The normal American version since I picked that region? Nope. No, instead it uses UTC. Meaning, there will always be a 5 hour difference between the in game time, and my time, if I set the time zone correctly. I'm gonna try setting it to either +12 or -12, which would cause it to be my correct time, only a day back or a day forward. I really just want the gear shops to refresh at the normal time they did in 2, which was at midnight, instead of what is happening now, which is the shops refreshing at 7pm? Then I win a match and it tells me "first match of the day win" when its night time here? This is dumb.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Yeah, I had that issue as well. They should've included a sub-region option for the different timezones because not everyone lives in the same time zone.


Full Squid
Sep 4, 2022
Switch Friend Code
Communication Errors before and during the match. Sometimes I would get one during the results as well. These are less frequent for me after the update but still happen too often. One time it told me I disconnected when I use a wired connection. I know my internet is really good as well. I just hope I don’t get a temp ban because of their issues.
There is also an exploit where people go on top of the bridge and no one can reach them. Though I only have seen it once. Cheap Strat.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Yesterday was especially bad for the communication errors for some reason, but that's been how Splatoon has rolled since 2015... A big part of the problem is that unlike a lot of big shooters, Splatoon doesn't have dedicated servers, it's just peer to peer, so someone's Switch on dodgy Wifi is the server. It probably won't get better.

Another big source of problem depending on region is while Japan gets its own region, and EU gets its own region, and Asia in general gets its own region. North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand all are considered the same region. You'd think Aus would be the Asia region because it's geographically nearest, but because Nintendo of America is their distributor/sales office, they're considered part of NA territory. So while everyone in Asia and EU region only have to play geographically local players, NA/SA/Aus/NZ players get stuck playing people on the opposite side of the planet like it was in Splatoon 1 where everyone in the lobby was in Japan and teleported across the map :rolleyes:

Old squids, you still get flashbacks to those Japanese charger lasers right? *shudder* Though I kinda miss the lasers....


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Another thing that has been annoying lately is the Errors that close the game. I'm playing it perfectly normal, then some error pops up and closes the game on me, this tends to happen right after a Communication Error.

This is why I didn't want Nintendo to rush out Splatoon 3 because of demands. I have a feeling that Splatoon 3 was meant for Summer 2023 instead.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Daily rotations being globally aligned to midnight UTC is weird to get used to, but I'm pretty sure they did it to make coordinating global events like certain splatfests and season changes easier. It's no longer going to be ambiguous when something will happen in your region - it's always midnight UTC.

I've also been getting somewhat frequent comm errors. It's happened less since the patch, but the situation is still pretty bad.
There is also an exploit where people go on top of the bridge and no one can reach them. Though I only have seen it once. Cheap Strat.
Which stage?


Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Well if I am gonna talk about an issue it has got to be the ink stamp

For those who don't know....inkstamp is severely broken right now to the point where the hitbox will not register and hits that would normally look like they hit just don't
Especially with the toss and jump spin animation I have seen clips of others as well as experience it myself that sometimes the hammer will just go through a person and they will live
Also just an fyi this isn't connection based from what I can tell but like a said and issue with the collision on the inkstamp hitbox


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
They fixed it! It wasn't in the patch notes but the patch must have added "caution" tape markers to the edges of the platforms I mentioned leading to endless deaths at spawn. That was a nice surprise to see! It's already saved me from multiple walks of shame off the side of the map in the first 10 seconds. (Gorge I think is the map.)

Well if I am gonna talk about an issue it has got to be the ink stamp

For those who don't know....inkstamp is severely broken right now to the point where the hitbox will not register and hits that would normally look like they hit just don't
Especially with the toss and jump spin animation I have seen clips of others as well as experience it myself that sometimes the hammer will just go through a person and they will live
Also just an fyi this isn't connection based from what I can tell but like a said and issue with the collision on the inkstamp hitbox
I'm wondering how much of that is inkstamp and how much is collision detection in general. It's more the typical lag related goofiness, but I've had countless times with rollers where I smacked the same squids on the head multiple times and they still don't die and we keep dancing for a while before they eventually splat me. One of the worst was a group of 3 squids. I should have splatted at least 2 and possibly the third, or at least damaged them, and they were all unscathed.

OTOH chargers don't feel as broken in this game as they did in 2. IDK what they fixed but they fixed something. Eliter feels more like S1 again, and I basically never touched it in 2. I still miss the lasers though. And I just realized while playing yesterday with chargers that you don't need to try to hide the laser anymore! All through 2 I played the same way I did in 1 trying to snap-aim because I've been trying to "hide the laser" for the past 5 years!! No wonder I was missing so many shots, lol!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I'm going to bring back a dead horse to beat it some more, though, because I didn't become a Squid Savior from the Future by not talking about matchmaking enough.

Going back quite a few years, we speculated a little about how the matchmaker works, and in yesterday's splatfest on team Fun I saw it really really starkly and I think it confirms an assumption we made all those years ago. It appears pretty definitely like the matchmaker tries to bundle skill levels to create what it sees as "equally powered" teams. It often does so by taking a moderately balanced team on one side, by a team made up of one MVP and 3 scrubs on the other team. Many, many, many battles I played in this splatfest was the exact same motif. The opposing team was very good, everyone seemed to be relatively equal skill or at least 3 skilled players and one scrub. And frequently I'd be put on a team with 3 absolute scrubs that superjump to center and die repeatedly (or stay in the corners painting) while I generally tried to hold the fort alone against 3 opponents at a time (with no allies to be seen.) Even when I could hold the fort for a large portion of the match, inevitably I'd get splatted, and after that, it was impossible to regain ground alone against a push of the opposing team. The problem is a combined "power" of a moderately balanced team and and a team of 1 high level player and 3 scrubs sounds on paper to be equal, but in reality, one squid, no matter how skilled, can't consistently hold off an entire enemy team by themselves a full match, and can't make up lost ground once pushed back. Similarly when there were disconnects, they were overwhelmingly players on my own team, in nearly all cases, indicating it's not just pairing me with unskilled players but also players with dodgy connections fairly consistently.

This is a problem that's been with Splatoon from the start, but I think this game is really highlighting how severe a problem is. It's not fun to get constantly steamrolled by 2-3 against one entire matches as the rest of the team is either unfamiliar with play, or not very good, or hampered by shoddy connections. I'm certain it's in their power to fix, I was on Fun against Gear, I'm certain there were enough team Gear people to match good players with good players and scrubs with scrubs. All my losses alone probably account for team Fun losing by such a slight margin, lol. Many, many, many matches I was the only one on my team with a positive k/d, and usually much higher k and much lower d. Our opponents weren't that supremely skilled in most cases, just good average teams, it's just that the teams were total mismatches in skill range, and obviously. I give exception to tri-color, but the most hilarious result was against opponents that were really average to below average, I think I was 12/1 and I had a teammate that was 1/10, another at 2/8 and another at 0/4. IDK how they managed to even find living enemies to be splatted by but they did, over and over. And I never even saw them in the center. They kept trying to storm the enemy bases.

Whatever they do in matchmaking, they really shouldn't be trying to pair together a low skill team with one hero to take on an average team. It never can really work. But it happens it endlessly. Splatoon isn't structured so that one hero can play alone, you need a team.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I 100% agree, the matchmaking system needs a complete restart to how it works. It's inevitable that players who once started the game will get better at it if they are willing to put in the work themselves. I for one was a skilless player when I first started playing Splatoon 1, but as I continued playing, I have learned all of its core mechanics.

The matchmaking system needs to put players of similar skill levels together so that they would be able to learn to play the game without being steamrolled.

And can Nintendo just use the server method already? Splatoon desperately needs a central server for everything, not just for matchmaking.


May 13, 2022
Switch Friend Code
A rather silly workaround I've found for the whole "kids on my team" thing is to only play the game when they are in school or asleep according to your time zone. We shouldn't really have to do this at all but I've found it works most of the time, but it does mean I can only really play the game from 1-3pm because I can't stay up as late as kids now! o_O


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I 100% agree, the matchmaking system needs a complete restart to how it works. It's inevitable that players who once started the game will get better at it if they are willing to put in the work themselves. I for one was a skilless player when I first started playing Splatoon 1, but as I continued playing, I have learned all of its core mechanics.

The matchmaking system needs to put players of similar skill levels together so that they would be able to learn to play the game without being steamrolled.

And can Nintendo just use the server method already? Splatoon desperately needs a central server for everything, not just for matchmaking.
Yeah, I mean, I get it that outside Japan the player pool is much thinner, and I get it that right now with S3 as a new game, there's a big mismatch of player skills in general between returning S2 veterans all upgrading, and newcomers buying in with the new release that don't know much about the gameplay. But we know this pattern of matchmaking, we have whole threads on this board with textwalls by me and a few others analyzing and speculating this pattern since 2015. It's disappointing to see the same problem continue. They can't be unaware of the severely imbalanced matchmaking. Realistically it doesn't even matter that much if they mix scrubs and veterans, as long as they do it equally. 2 high skill players and 2 scrubs on each team, ok...the scrubs may have a bad time, but at least it's a balance.

I think S3 confirms some things that some of us spent time here speculating that we were right. It DOES track metrics about your play style. We now get the "badges" at the end of the match - #1 inker, #1 splatter, #1 targeted, base inker, base defender, enemy base inker etc. And it's more refined in ranked (record-setter, score pusher, etc.) And I'm pretty sure they've tracked that since the beginning, we now just get to see that. And I'm certain they use that data in the matchmaker to sort of assign what type of player you are and how to slot you into teams. The vast majority of matches in TW I'm #1 overall splatter, #1 or #2 enemy splatter, #1 targeted (almost always #1 targeted, I must be an annoyance, lol.), often high ink but my weapon choices do tend to be variable on that. Ranked is more of a wildcard, in Zones I'm more heavy on the ink depending on teams because keeping the zones covered tends to be a common weakness on teams so the support role seems most frequently useful. TC I'll end up with double digit deaths because I just keep trying to push the tower. RM is high splats and I usually end up with the RM stopper badge (whatever it's called.)

Some of us speculated back in the day that "certain players" tend to get the consistently bad matchups, and it makes sense. With a pattern to my metrics, I must get assigned a certain "role" that it expects I should be able to carry teams of either lower splat or higher ink-based metrics. I agree that Splatoon REALLY needs real servers, but with Nintendo, I doubt that will ever happen. It's just not how they do things. But I can overlook that since this isn't an "esport" game (outside Japan anyway), if only they'd pair fair and balanced teams rather than keep doing this broken pattern. It's not fun for the designated "hero" to be expected to play ultra hard against impossible odds to win the whole thing solo but still lose most of the time, it's not fun for the scrubs who just get mercilessly hunted and destroyed because the hero alone can't protect the whole team in every corner of the map at once, and it's not fun for the other team who just steamrolled an enemy and really had no gameplay except dogfighting with the lone hero (which admittedly offers some fun in a skill challenge way. Keeping 3 squids dancing using only an eliter and inkmines at close range for up to 20 seconds at a time is amusing for all :) )


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2020
Switch Friend Code
These connection errors are just outta control. While they don't happen in-game, thank god, having to wait over a minute to get match only for "a communication error has occurred" is just frustrating. And I know it's not on my end as I've got a stable wired connection with decent internet. Sometimes even when getting connection errors the game will just crash sometimes and I have to start it up again. Neither Splatoon 1 or 2 were this bad when it came to connection issues. Cross my fingers they can fix this and soon too.

Also yeah matchmaking, in turf war at least, still blows. While it's nice to getting into games in 5 seconds. I wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer to actually get a balanced lobby.


Sep 18, 2022
I'm going to make this thread for glitches, exploits and etc. that the community finds in game.
I'd like to start with a question for anyone who has played any ranked (series) matches since the latest patch. Ever since that update I have been getting a communication error come through, normally mid-late game and only if our team is currently winning, this has never happened if my team is losing. Since I've got the game my only disconnects have been in series battles (regular anarchy battles and turf wars are fine) and once in Salmon Run. Is this a new exploit or purely bad luck?
From the shear number of posts on this board, it’s obvious Nintendo STILL has not fixed the connectivity issues in this game. The patch made little difference for me, and I get thoroughly get paired when Nintendo gives me the “Time Out” when in know for fact the issue is on thier end.
I have zero problems with any other online game. Fix it Nintendo!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I have to agree on the connection issues. I actually wasn't fully on the bandwagon about that until yesterday. Communications error in the lobby, squids dropping in the match and it ending apruptly, squids dropping mid-match (only once on the other team, always on my team otherwise!) 4 squids dropped across both teams.

I was playing ranked/anarchy sets and at one point had a few ended matches due to disconnects at the start, a few communication errors in the lobby, then 3 matches in a row in RM we played to completion under brutal difficulty, ending in defeat, only to realize we were down a squid and the match doesn't count. Then after that the game crashed while waiting in the lobby, and the game marked it as a disconnect on my part, and that ended my anarchy series early with a point loss. Then tried dropping in on a friend's TW, waited minutes, match appeared, friend wasn't there. Same thing a second time, third time they were there and we played a few rounds, then communications error. Then tried to join again, waited, communications error when it goes to battle start. Then try and wait again and we play a round.

I haven't seen it that bad before, even in 3, and I'm not sold that it's all just people using Switch on dodgy Wifi. S2 didn't suffer quite so severely on the same hardware. And Xbox and PS also have a lot of people running them on Wifi and online games don't have this kind of frequent issue.

I've committed to playing more solo ranked this time. I stopped at B in 2. May not push to the S's again but we'll see, that's a lot of grind. But I'm bummed they went back to a single rank for all modes. S2's system was better. With a single rank you can tell the squids that are playing a mode they don't normally play and aren't really sure what to do with it. 0/6 squid in Rainmaker, I mean you!

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