Splatoon 3 general issues


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Yeah I hit S rank too close to S+ (while using goo tuber, squiffer, and L-3 I might add :cool:)

Though after some analysis here is what is contriubting to the issue

Map layout: simply put each and eye map has a choke point that funnel into multiple flanks...brcause of this holding the area mean you only have 1 maybe 2 routes in most times making it easy for a team to predict your movement and camp these area once they push in
Also Splatoon never had coordination in solo queue so enemy had to play passive or keep an eye on their top of the screen at all times to see who was up
WIPEOUT means just lets them know they can rush these chokepoint and once they do welp it can be gg

Special charge:
For some reason Splatoon is really really balanced around this but right now special charge rates are super super low weapon even charger are building special very quickly making it easy for team to build up charge quickly

Special are overtuned
Every special in the game that is meta all take fpcus on map control
1.Rainmaker 5.Killer wail. 9.Triple Inkstrike
2.Spiderman 6.Octotank. 10.Wave Breaker
3.Ink storm. 7.Booyah bomb. 11. Ink Vaccum
4.Reef slider. 8.Tentamissles.

*only 4 don't have an effect on map control inkjet, zipcaster, taticooler and big bubbler
All have the ability to prevent and even control over huge areas of the map, and in a game with a heavy focus on positioning and map control it is easy to dominate since most team can just maintain map control with speicals.

The original counter balance was shields shields to allow players to sucessfully push back out of disadvntage....which no longer exsist making it hard to come out of disadvantage.
Again normally this isn't a problem cuz special shoud charge much slower but again they can be built wayy to quick rn.

**Booyah bomb: it is providing huge amount of special charge if a whole team booyahs they get 1/4 their special back with 1 special charge up main

**Taticooler: QR was meta was torture in S1 and now with taticooler an enemy team basically can ful dive with 0 consequence since they have 0 respawn timing on death meaning even when you take them out they still are in a 3v4 if they take even 1 teammate of your out.

Respawn punisher:
This though is the biggest problem right here
Respawn punisher increase the time to respawn and cuts a huge chunk out of your special at the cost of the same happening to you if you die.......expcept everyone has taticooler which take precident and reduces you respawn to 0

Most high level team have 1 RP at least ranged weapon or 1 taticooler weapon (running Respawn punisher/ special charge) this build special really quick while simultenously keeping you out of battle for long periods of time and take 75% of your special charge in the process with 0 downsides

So yeah....I am a bit annoyed that this was overlooked


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Aside, @Ansible I know you're lurking there like a forum carbon roller main :p How on earth did you hit S through this?! And BCL hit S+! I didn't think you guys were playing ranked at all, your cards didn't show any rank like others in my lobby, and suddenly yesterday your cards started showing ranks. And why are your S/S+ TW lobbies less brutal than "A" ranked lobbies?! :p
"'ey! Oh! I'm lurkin over here! Yuse can't go point sensoring people in public like that y'know?!</bad fake New York accent>

How'd I make it to S rank in this current mess? Hell if I understand how!

Started rank last week so I missed the initial, chaotic climbing rush—however I've still ran into highly skilled players and/or players possessing some level of competitive experience all throughout the grades working their way through ranked as well. And other than that chaotic element I feel like I exploited the poor habits of legit lower ranked players (e.g. standing still to shoot, poor stick aim, straight line movement, etc.) to breeze by.

Only real roadblock I've faced is the rank up battles into S rank. Handedly won the first two then immediately lose the next three. Single series for another promotion chance. Handedly won the first two then immediately lose the next three. Single series for another promotion chance. Third try I bought a 96 gal then unga bunga my way to three wins.

And in case any of yall are uninformed yet, or anyone you know: you can't rank down until the end of the season. Until then you just fall into point debt. You can still queue for rank, but still have to pull yourself out of the negative if you want to climb higher. I first came across that info skimming through Splatoon twitter and eventually found my way to some hololive vtuber who, last I checked, was S rank with -2,000+pts in the hole! o_O

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Yeah I hit S rank too close to S+ (while using goo tuber, squiffer, and L-3 I might add :cool:)

Though after some analysis here is what is contriubting to the issue

Map layout: simply put each and eye map has a choke point that funnel into multiple flanks...brcause of this holding the area mean you only have 1 maybe 2 routes in most times making it easy for a team to predict your movement and camp these area once they push in
Also Splatoon never had coordination in solo queue so enemy had to play passive or keep an eye on their top of the screen at all times to see who was up
WIPEOUT means just lets them know they can rush these chokepoint and once they do welp it can be gg

Special charge:
For some reason Splatoon is really really balanced around this but right now special charge rates are super super low weapon even charger are building special very quickly making it easy for team to build up charge quickly

Special are overtuned
Every special in the game that is meta all take fpcus on map control
1.Rainmaker 5.Killer wail. 9.Triple Inkstrike
2.Spiderman 6.Octotank. 10.Wave Breaker
3.Ink storm. 7.Booyah bomb. 11. Ink Vaccum
4.Reef slider. 8.Tentamissles.

*only 4 don't have an effect on map control inkjet, zipcaster, taticooler and big bubbler
All have the ability to prevent and even control over huge areas of the map, and in a game with a heavy focus on positioning and map control it is easy to dominate since most team can just maintain map control with speicals.

The original counter balance was shields shields to allow players to sucessfully push back out of disadvntage....which no longer exsist making it hard to come out of disadvantage.
Again normally this isn't a problem cuz special shoud charge much slower but again they can be built wayy to quick rn.

**Booyah bomb: it is providing huge amount of special charge if a whole team booyahs they get 1/4 their special back with 1 special charge up main

**Taticooler: QR was meta was torture in S1 and now with taticooler an enemy team basically can ful dive with 0 consequence since they have 0 respawn timing on death meaning even when you take them out they still are in a 3v4 if they take even 1 teammate of your out.

Respawn punisher:
This though is the biggest problem right here
Respawn punisher increase the time to respawn and cuts a huge chunk out of your special at the cost of the same happening to you if you die.......expcept everyone has taticooler which take precident and reduces you respawn to 0

Most high level team have 1 RP at least ranged weapon or 1 taticooler weapon (running Respawn punisher/ special charge) this build special really quick while simultenously keeping you out of battle for long periods of time and take 75% of your special charge in the process with 0 downsides

So yeah....I am a bit annoyed that this was overlooked
I was confused about what you were talking about here so I took it into my own hands to check it.
About Respawn Punisher and Tacticooler, you are incorrect. Having soda does NOT change the time it takes to respawn while wearing Respawn Punisher.

Normal respawn time: 8.5 seconds
Respawn time when buffed by Tacticooler: 4.5 seconds
Respawn time when wearing a respawn punisher shirt: 9.63 seconds
Respawn time when buffed by Tacticooler while wearing a respawn punisher shirt: 9.63 seconds

Source: https://sendou.ink/analyzer?weapon=0&build=U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U&lde=0&effect=TACTICOOLER
(also fact checked in-game)

When wearing a respawn punisher shirt, drinking a soda will not allow you to respawn faster than the normal penalty applied to you when you are splatted wearing respawn punisher shirt. When wearing a rp shirt your respawn will always be 9.63 seconds, unless you were splatted by another player also wearing rp, in which case your respawn will be longer at 10.4 seconds.

About special usage in this game: Special output in Splat 3 is actually lower on average than in Splat 2. In Splat 2 the default points for special was 180, whereas in Splat 3 the default is 200. Compared to the hundred of missiles fired off per game at the end of Splat 2, this game is considerably less special spammy. Besides Missiles (which is basically the one major blunder so far in this game), all of the other specials are very difficult to spam constantly throughout the game, and are mostly ineffective even if they are somehow spammed.
Of the specials you mentioned as being meta, only Booyah Bomb, Ink Vac, Tentamissiles, Killer Wail, Crab Tank, and Wave Breaker are used consistently in comp right now, with Trizooka and Big Bubbler being the meta specials from your non-map control list (this is a list I very much disagree with but I don't want to be here all night dissecting something that's mostly unimportant). With the exception of Missiles and maybe Booyah Bomb, none of these specials can be effectively spammed at all. Overall the specials in this game take longer to build, are more vulnerable when used incorrectly, and have a more pronounced impact on the game. A lot of players, myself included, prefer this over Splat 2's approach of hyper team-oriented specials that are useless when used by themselves and obnoxious when used together and can be used extremely safely (think Armor, Missiles, Sting Ray), but this is a matter of opinion.

Your idea of the Tacticooler QR meta is what we all thought the game was going to be like before the game released. Skip to present day and you hardly ever see any Tacticooler weapons in comp. I made sure to watch the finals of a few tournaments to make sure (including tonight's Swim or Sink). Cooler is strong, heck, potentially very strong, but there's a big reason why you won't really see in in top level right now; Ninja Squid. When you pick up a soda the enemy can see the big purple arrows floating around your inkling, even while you're swimming. We are currently in a meta where every non-backline has to run Ninja Squid or else they get insta-sniped. As a result, playing in top level with a Tacticooler is literally throwing.

"I'm finding myself actively avoiding coolers when they're up because having ninja squid is much, much better than the swim/run speed I get from the cooler and with ninja I can just, like, not die instead of having a fast respawn." --flc

That being said I would like to see one major change to Tacticooler, being the special saver. It should not save 100% of your special. Drop it down to like 50% and I think cooler will be fine.

The Salamander King

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Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm comparing my gameplay to those screens and I'm wondering if the replays paint the full lines in while the live play doesn't. In live play the lasers don't fully extend across the map, when you see 3 charges charged, there's not 3 lines streaking across the map covering the range of the charger, and it only seems to show it when you're looking at the charger from the player perspective. yet in the replay/screens, there they are. In the first game you'd see all the lines streaking across, but they were kinda broken and bouncing around in real time, and with Japan lag it was a funny mess. I need to compare it directly sometime.
Got this screenshot from my own gameplay. Charger lasers seem the same to me.


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
**Taticooler: QR was meta was torture in S1 and now with taticooler an enemy team basically can ful dive with 0 consequence since they have 0 respawn timing on death meaning even when you take them out they still are in a 3v4 if they take even 1 teammate of your out.
Someone finally figured it out here. This is why I consider the current splattershot kit to be hot garbage (trizooka is slow, easy to counter with ranged weapons, and cannot ink space under itself, meaning that you have to have a really good position to fire it, which rarely happens when you're a slayer). The idea of a special that lets you get a weapon that has range to it on something like a splattershot is nice, but the execution is awful. I figured out that the n-zap is overpowered very quickly in the testfire, and the possibility to go full send with no consequences, or even super jump into a fight and turn tides even if you die makes it overpowered. I don't see myself using any other special with the current meta. Tacticooler is overpowered, especially in TC and turf war, while the insane paint output of the n-zap (the only main that can get close is the aerospray) makes it powerful in SZ.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
@The Salamander King

Oh ok guess I was wrong then when I was looking at it it felt like there was little to no punishment for running respawn punisher every tacticooler in S rank and low S+ has running it lately (causing a bit of salt that might have blinded my analysis)....but haven't had a chance to test it fully so thats at least somewhat comforting
I still feel in spite of the indicator tacticooler will probably become more meta again as time goes on. Again the idea of being able to rush in an still have advantage if you manage to take a player out is a dangerous special, just probably will come more into play as meta changes

Also as for specials....even with it being longer it feels like there are still alot of weapon that need a changes to special charge cap
Had a reeflux replaying the S2 glory days with their tenta spam (not meta but was just funny seeing 12 tenta missles cast)

I have noticed an uptick in Ninja squid, but never considered it at 1st but it makes makes sense with my previous comment maps have tons of choke points, no shields and flat maps making weapon with long range viable.

Still my biggest gripe got to be map layout though, Clam blitz, turf war and Tower control maps designs all have these issue with balancing the momentum of the teamfights.
It feels like a team in disadvantage just usually remain at a disadvantage usually getting spawn camped or well more like objective camped


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Is it just me or does Salmon Run becomes impossible at times? It feels like it's a lot easier to be splatted this time around.

Steelhead bombs for example, take a shorter time to explode, Cohocks do a lot more damage and there doesn't seem to be a limit to how many Flyfish spawn.

Now I know it's crucial to take down the Flyfish and Stinger right away, but it feels like even without them, it can become too hard because even the Smallfry can easily splat you even when there's only one or two of them, which is not really what a Smallfry should be. Smallfries are supposed be weak but fast, Chums being the middle of both power and speed, and off course Cohocks are supposed to be slow but strong.

I think Salmon Run needs some balancing so players would be able to recover even from something like that more often.


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Is it just me or does Salmon Run becomes impossible at times? It feels like it's a lot easier to be splatted this time around.
It's definitely harder this time around. As someone who played at a somewhat high level and enjoyed doing HLM shifts, I appreciate them building up on top of what existed and making it even harder, so there's new stuff to learn, new specials to figure out, and a higher difficulty ceiling.

Also, I've had a match that ended pretty abruptly, with 2 DCs on my team and one on the other. The match ended due to an error, everyone got booted, and I got a loss to my series that doesn't even show in my list. It wasn't a connection error on my side, as I didn't even get the warning, yet I still have this ghost match that influenced my series, consumed a charge off my meal ticket and effectively costed me progress in anarchy.

Also, there seems to be a pattern of lobbies with Japanese players having insanely bad connections, because of sheer distance. I can't really play against someone with ping that feels like at least 800. There's no way to actually fight against these people, and trades are basically forced by Nintendo not figuring out how to split people into regions. I pay $20 a year for "new" matchmaking servers that are somehow worse than NEX, and netcode that is even more broken. Seriously, hire a non-Japanese (these people seem to be delusional and think that every network is like a wired LAN, probably don't test things outside of that scenario) team, and implement a proper client-server solution, which could enable more strict anti-cheat for those paranoid, and offload some computations from clients, not to mention reducing the amount of bandwidth going in and out of each client.

All these infuriating experiences make me want to retire from playing anything but Salmon Run (which has egg lag that didn't exist in the previous game).

Also, I have very little incentive to play tableturf war, as it doesn't level up my catalog. Any battle pass system means I become extremely cynical and avoid doing anything that doesn't contribute to it. I see all my time spent in the game as either counting towards leveling it up, or being a waste.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I don't think your experience has anything to do with hacking at all. I follow this scene very closely and I haven't heard a peep about hacking from the casual or competitive sides. I think your experience is due to how the special design changed between S2 and S3. This game is definitely more snowball-y than the last one. With fewer strong defensive specials (aka no Stingray and Missiles only being on 3 weak weapons) and no Ink Armor to help keep you alive after you break formation, your team is more likely to be punished harder for smaller mistakes. You talk about pushing up, dying on the push, and then losing to a counter push and this is why. Successful defense in this game requires multiple people on your team to stay alive and pop specials in order to stop a push, not just one guy with a Stingray from spawn. This is also why Booyah Bomb is considered one of, if not the best special in the game, as it's the best way to quickly stop TC/RM pushes.
You have such good analyses of these things! There's a lot of things I can get a sense of in general, but can't identify details about. I've noticed ninja squid appearing a lot. I've just kind of learned from habit to NOT run Ninja since the first game, but maybe when I play roller and brush I should try bringing it out, though minus the speed up to counter it since I also depend heavily on ink. I'm not sure, since I'm not often just hiding, it seems fairly dangerous to run and take the speed hit in solo since you're having to alternate so much between defense and offense. That's the one place I do have to disagree with some of your analysis, is a good chunk of that I can see applying in real squads, but not in solo. The advantages of cooler and booyeah for example evaporate a lot when there's not a strategy to use them (heck I run cooler on dynamo most of the time in SZ...doesn't help) I actually have NOT seen respawn punisher in my lobbies much at all. Coolers and ninja are becomming very common, but punisher not so much. I strongly considered running it myself since the majority of the time I have a good positive k/d, most of the time the best on my teams, but when I looked at the numbers, the penalty against yourself is so severe that in solo, you never know if you're going to need to be splatted a lot, and me staying off the map for so long, so often seems extremely high risk without necessarily that much benefit.

I've also always had reservations about ninja squid. The swim speed spit is very dangerous if you're being chased down, and a hinderance if you're doing the chase down (and I often am), and, while it's valuable, it only works well if your team has solid turf control (and is defeated easily by inkstorms if they're around), and when you're in those clutch positions, it's precisely because your team does not have ink control. I've become more prone to flank than to hide. "Sharking" - is that what the kids are calling it these days? Back in my day that was camping, and sharking was zooming around under the ink looking for unsuspecting victims :P

I've not noticed much LDE in play at all, actually. I suspected at first it was in heavy use, but I'm not actually seeing it. Maybe I should give that a try myself though. I was playing around in TW yesterday with a "splat bomb main" splat charger build, where I rarely ever took a charger shot and just threw splat bombs like a crazy person. IDK if I really like it for ranked, but maybe with LDE I'd become a machine. But every push in a solo q is going to end in a near wipeout or wipeout. It's not always a wipeout because the first splat is often back on the board before the last splat, but a push is going to keep being attempted until you can't squeeze one more point out of it. Even if I hang back and stay on the board alone to defend, as you said, it's just going to mean I get overwhelmed by specials moments later, and then it's up to the other 3 to hold the line while I respawn. The cycle loops.

I do disagree that Flinga (a tenta weapon) is weak....personally I feel in S3 it's the most capable of the rollers. It's pretty much my meta main when I want to go super ultra mega tryhard (and fail.) IDK if it would hold up in comp, but in solo, it's just such a good all rounder. Carbon is too risky, dynamo too slow (but I main it in SZ because of it's ability to both cover the zone, use cooler, and "shark", somewhat, if needed), and splat has the same horizontal more or less but less vertical zoning. And no tentamissles.

Chargers: I went and looked at an S1 video and it doesn't look different either. Why do I remember it so differently and vividly? Remeber the Japanese charger bucket hat meta? The lasers seemed so prominent and bouncing everywhere in real-time. Maybe S1 changed later on and I'm remembering the early days?

Are you sure the players are Japanese, or just have kana names? I see a lot of kana. I've seen some real Japanese squids, but I can usually tell the difference because the Japanese tend to play VERY differently than other players. I actually love when I get real Japanese players, my play style has always been similar to theirs, so I tend to work really well with them :) I dont' think you're wrong that the player population outside Japan is kind of low in this game, but I also think they try to avoid putting Japanese players outside the Japan servers. Not because they don't want us to have to face the lag, but because they don't want Japan to face the lag. Not only is that the general case for the Splatoon series in general, but also a September launch means that a lot of the player base are the veteran players + Japan where it's a pop culture sensation....the "noobs"/casuals in the West are more likely to enter when kids get the game for Christmas.

Lag, I've started to notice plays a VERY big role in how things turn out. I've been watching a lot of the replays from multiple camera angles. What I'm noticing more and more is that lag is very heavily present. The teleporting is more subtle than in S1, which is actually more dangerous because you don't really see it happen. But I'm noticing a LOT of squids resetting their location, squids that are invincible to direct hits, squids in front of you that are suddenly behind you (which is VERY dangerous with a roller, blaster, charger, something you can't change your attack as it happens) Lag=Ink Armor! An invincible squid, or a squid that's not actually there can not be hit. A charger can not aim at a squid that's shifting positions. Lag is a serious, ongoing, problem for the game, but that can't be solved without real servers, which we've been complaining about since S1, and now that they charge for premium online, we still don't have. P2P works great from Tokyo to Kyoto. P2P does not work great from New York to Aukland. But they don't care because....like you said...most of the players are in Japan.

I don't have a video but you should see the one match I reviewed yesterday, something was *REALLY* wrong with that match. (Hax? Or Nintendo? Hard to tell.) The match did NOT count as a loss because a player DCd. But we were just butchered. There were 2 players on the other team that were a little too accurate. A bloblobber and a splattershot. The k/d on the other team was 22/8, 24/6, 6/7, 10/8. The k/d on my team was 17/12 (me), 4/10, 3/6, ----(disconnect). If you're doing the math, that means the disconnected player on my team got splatted 34 times!! That's every 8.8 seconds, which doesn't make sense, it takes that long to respawn.

Here's where things get really weird: I watched the replay from a few perspectives. I watched the 2 "a little too good opponents". They played well, but a lot of their splats seemed to come from almost instant kills while not really aiming at anything, and from walking right up to touching distance of enemies. Their shots didn't ALWAYS connect, but basically almost instant killed wherever they looked, yet shots against them seemed to never be enough to kill them. Most of the kills against them were from me (weilding flingza.) I then watched the replay from the DC'd player's camera. They DID get splatted a lot, though I did not count 34 deaths. They were not a very good player compared to the rest of the room, and certainly those other two, at all....but, they weren't as bad as the stat's sound. They did get kills in. They were actually pushing the RM. They were underskilled for the room, but not a totally poor player at all. Only near the very end of the match was there instability in their data. They were teleporting (from the view of their camera), shifting back and forth somewhat. Then they were carrying the RM for a while.....nobody was near them. They were swimming through enemy ink with it, teleporting with it. They were essentially invincible, AND keeping the RM off the map. They did eventually get splatted and clearly had an issue out of spawn (a long delay to launch), but....at the time the whistle blew, they were NOT disconnected. I'm grateful the game counted them as a DC because that loss didn't count against us, but I suspect that sort of thing is happening a LOT more than most of us are realizing, and we're up against invincible squids that are both there and not there at the same time, brekaing the game. Maybe some players are even exploiting that. And I doubt that shows up in comp because serious squids are going to be making sure they have solid connections. Especially as a roller main in SZ, RM, and sometimes TC, I'm intimately aware of invincible squids that aren't where they're supposed to be. It's happening a lot.

One problem I mentioned here years ago, is that there's an inherent problem with splatoon which is the game is far too fast a game to actually reliably play on the internet. Let alone P2P with Australia and Canada considered the same region.....

Yeah I hit S rank too close to S+ (while using goo tuber, squiffer, and L-3 I might add :cool:)

Though after some analysis here is what is contriubting to the issue

Map layout: simply put each and eye map has a choke point that funnel into multiple flanks...brcause of this holding the area mean you only have 1 maybe 2 routes in most times making it easy for a team to predict your movement and camp these area once they push in
Also Splatoon never had coordination in solo queue so enemy had to play passive or keep an eye on their top of the screen at all times to see who was up
WIPEOUT means just lets them know they can rush these chokepoint and once they do welp it can be gg

Special charge:
For some reason Splatoon is really really balanced around this but right now special charge rates are super super low weapon even charger are building special very quickly making it easy for team to build up charge quickly


It really does seem like there's a momentum problem in the game. And it does feel like specials are active way too much. IDC if they're technically charging slower than in 2, their availability seems constant and relentless once you're on the wrong side of it. Specials should be just that: SPECIAL. An ace pulled out a few times in a match used wisely, not a constant spam used as a sub. I still feel like there's MULTIPLE problems going on and this is just one of them. Salamander did a good job of really digging into a level of detail I could never identify myself, but I also think it's slightly off the mark because it's very heaviliy leaning into comp meta level stuff that's not really in play in solo. But then there's the flip side, even if there's a momentum problem, it doesn't make sense it wouldn't afect everyone pretty much 50/50 in their favor or not in their favor, so it doesn't make that much sense that a player is ending up 30/70 on the wrong side of it. The obvious explanation is that that player is somehow the problem...but...when that player pretty constantly leads the k/d, objective defense or objective offense, that doesn't really hold either. Even if it is somehow my own fault, there's no way to understand how, when leading the stats, when changing my weapons, my tactics, my use of the objective.... so it's still a general problem. I know in the comp world it sounds like generally people are happy with things as they are, but from the non-comp-world the game seems unimaginably broken right now to me. The systems just don't work well together at all. I had a lot of complaints about 2 as well, and this game does seem like it fixed a lot of what I complained about with 2, but then it did so much that made it actaully worse.

It's like the Splatoon team does the opposite of what Sakurai does with Smash. In Smash the comp world is always angry because they focus on "fun" that makes the game completely unfair and unbalanced for comp. For Splatoon they seem so focused on comp metas that anyone not using the comp meta is just going to have a random, broken game. I'm sure they're rebalance it, and soon, and it will change everything, but I kind of don't have a ton faith that it will be better, and rather will swing to a wildly different meta that's equally broken. I can't shake the feeling they don't really understand themselves how the systems interact until they just watch the player data.

"'ey! Oh! I'm lurkin over here! Yuse can't go point sensoring people in public like that y'know?!</bad fake New York accent>

How'd I make it to S rank in this current mess? Hell if I understand how!

Started rank last week so I missed the initial, chaotic climbing rush—however I've still ran into highly skilled players and/or players possessing some level of competitive experience all throughout the grades working their way through ranked as well. And other than that chaotic element I feel like I exploited the poor habits of legit lower ranked players (e.g. standing still to shoot, poor stick aim, straight line movement, etc.) to breeze by.

Only real roadblock I've faced is the rank up battles into S rank. Handedly won the first two then immediately lose the next three. Single series for another promotion chance. Handedly won the first two then immediately lose the next three. Single series for another promotion chance. Third try I bought a 96 gal then unga bunga my way to three wins.

And in case any of yall are uninformed yet, or anyone you know: you can't rank down until the end of the season. Until then you just fall into point debt. You can still queue for rank, but still have to pull yourself out of the negative if you want to climb higher. I first came across that info skimming through Splatoon twitter and eventually found my way to some hololive vtuber who, last I checked, was S rank with -2,000+pts in the hole! o_O


Heck by the time I ever play with you I'm coming to you after like 3+ hours of enduring the grist mill of ranked, worn down, fed up and flipping my middle tendacle to pretty much everyone....I'm playing at like half-speed at that point, and generally messing around with various weapons/builds, and your S lobbies feel like easy mode in comparison. Yesterday I took out the main weapons just to get a feel for a "real" match again :P

Your rank-up match sounds like my every match. Only better because you get 2 wins and I usually get none. Yesterday I tried my idea of just roaming around and ignoring the objective. I ended up the k/d-leader *AND* the record-setter on the RM because I accidentally ran into it once and moved it 3 feet before getting splatted. After that I went try-hard and still lost. *shrug* I don't get it, why does this game hate me? :P

WAIT! They *ACTUALLY* implemented the seasons and ladder resets I wrote a whole text wall insisting they should implement, years ago on this very board?! I KNEW that uncle that works at Nintendo would come in handy some day!

Except.....they gave us the monkey's paw version, where the ladder resets with seasons, but the ranks don't actually rank down during the season no matter how bad you lose, and the matchmaking isn't actually matching based on the rank at all anyway...... Thanks, Nintendo!

How long are seasons? Since I'm clearly never escaping A this season as things are going, that encourages me to just screw around and experiment more in ranked. It can't really impact me in any way. Although, the irony is I still haven't gone negative, I gained some points during a lucky Clam Blitz run where we won 3 games in a row with my trusty brush. I thought we might even have a sweep, but alas the teams changed, and suddenly we were utterly dominated the next 3 rounds and it ended 3/3. But I gained so many points it gave back half of what I'd lost in the previous 25 losing games.

Which goes back to just how broken scoring is. A lucky 3 game win streak should not erase almost 12+ games of non-stop losing. I really don't know how anyone is enduring this mess to climb up. IDK if something about my hidden data is making them match me well above my real skill, consistently (but, if I'm losing all the time, shouldn't that correct itself?....though I'm also the splat leader usually), or if it has to do with the time of day I'm playing and I'm always getting matched in lag induced rooms or...I relaly don't know.

It feels like a team in disadvantage just usually remain at a disadvantage usually getting spawn camped or well more like objective camped
^^THIS^^ I've really taken to just giving up in dispair in a lot of matches. I see how it's turning with 1-2 minutes on the clock and largely started giving up. The rebound isn't going to happen. I haven't seen it happen once once you're overrun at that point, across probably 80 games or more at this point. I haven't gone as low as squid partying which isn't the problem it was in S2 so far, but....I've been tempted many times.

If I were to summarize Splatoon 3 in a single sentence, it would be:
"A communication error has occurred."

If I were to summarize it in a second sentence it would be:
"We've lost the lead"

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You have such good analyses of these things! There's a lot of things I can get a sense of in general, but can't identify details about. I've noticed ninja squid appearing a lot. I've just kind of learned from habit to NOT run Ninja since the first game, but maybe when I play roller and brush I should try bringing it out, though minus the speed up to counter it since I also depend heavily on ink. I'm not sure, since I'm not often just hiding, it seems fairly dangerous to run and take the speed hit in solo since you're having to alternate so much between defense and offense. That's the one place I do have to disagree with some of your analysis, is a good chunk of that I can see applying in real squads, but not in solo. The advantages of cooler and booyeah for example evaporate a lot when there's not a strategy to use them (heck I run cooler on dynamo most of the time in SZ...doesn't help) I actually have NOT seen respawn punisher in my lobbies much at all. Coolers and ninja are becomming very common, but punisher not so much. I strongly considered running it myself since the majority of the time I have a good positive k/d, most of the time the best on my teams, but when I looked at the numbers, the penalty against yourself is so severe that in solo, you never know if you're going to need to be splatted a lot, and me staying off the map for so long, so often seems extremely high risk without necessarily that much benefit.
Your guys' experience with the game is so polar opposite to mine it's actually crazy. I go into ranked and don't see any Tacticoolers at all, every short range weapon is using ninja squid, and every charger is running respawn punisher. I remember something that I heard once (I think it was from Gem from Squid School) about how every individual rank has its own meta. What we as players commonly refer to as "the meta" is really just the top level meta. The A rank meta is wildly different than the S+ meta, or the C- meta, or so on. I suspect that a lot of weapons and strategies in this game work or don't work based on some sort of theoretical bell curve, where they are very/barely effective at low ranks and barely/very effective at high ranks. Here's a bad graph I made in 5 minutes to help explain this:

"Sharking" - is that what the kids are calling it these days? Back in my day that was camping, and sharking was zooming around under the ink looking for unsuspecting victims :p
Camping and sharking are kind of different things. Camping is standing on the sniper perch all game, whereas sharking is pushing up, hiding in ink, getting stealth kills on people, repeat.
But every push in a solo q is going to end in a near wipeout or wipeout. It's not always a wipeout because the first splat is often back on the board before the last splat, but a push is going to keep being attempted until you can't squeeze one more point out of it. Even if I hang back and stay on the board alone to defend, as you said, it's just going to mean I get overwhelmed by specials moments later, and then it's up to the other 3 to hold the line while I respawn. The cycle loops.
Can you post one of your replay codes? I want to get a better idea of what you're talking about here.

I don't have a video but you should see the one match I reviewed yesterday, something was *REALLY* wrong with that match. (Hax? Or Nintendo? Hard to tell.) The match did NOT count as a loss because a player DCd. But we were just butchered. There were 2 players on the other team that were a little too accurate. A bloblobber and a splattershot. The k/d on the other team was 22/8, 24/6, 6/7, 10/8. The k/d on my team was 17/12 (me), 4/10, 3/6, ----(disconnect). If you're doing the math, that means the disconnected player on my team got splatted 34 times!! That's every 8.8 seconds, which doesn't make sense, it takes that long to respawn.
It is easy to forget that assists also are added onto the total kill count of each player. An enemy could take 30 damage from a Splat bomb, get pinged by a point sensor, survive a roller flick, then get taken out by a .52 gal and everyone on the enemy team would get +1 added to their kill count. With a game as frantic as Splatoon, racking up assists and bloating your k/d is extremely easy.

It really does seem like there's a momentum problem in the game. And it does feel like specials are active way too much. IDC if they're technically charging slower than in 2, their availability seems constant and relentless once you're on the wrong side of it. Specials should be just that: SPECIAL. An ace pulled out a few times in a match used wisely, not a constant spam used as a sub. I still feel like there's MULTIPLE problems going on and this is just one of them. Salamander did a good job of really digging into a level of detail I could never identify myself, but I also think it's slightly off the mark because it's very heaviliy leaning into comp meta level stuff that's not really in play in solo.
Yeah that's kind of what I'm getting at when talking about each rank/specific player pool having its own specific meta. The problems that you guys are running into do not even factor into my games. I play this game and think about how special spam has gone down considerably from Splat 2, whereas you're having the complete opposite experience. The stuff that works in solo q does not always work in comp and vice versa. In casual I feel like you can make just about anything work if you try hard enough.

But then there's the flip side, even if there's a momentum problem, it doesn't make sense it wouldn't afect everyone pretty much 50/50 in their favor or not in their favor, so it doesn't make that much sense that a player is ending up 30/70 on the wrong side of it. The obvious explanation is that that player is somehow the problem...but...when that player pretty constantly leads the k/d, objective defense or objective offense, that doesn't really hold either. Even if it is somehow my own fault, there's no way to understand how, when leading the stats, when changing my weapons, my tactics, my use of the objective.... so it's still a general problem.
In Splatoon, games decided by whichever team makes the best push, not the team who makes the longest push, or gets the most kills, or paints the most turf, etc. etc.. You could get the most kills or push the objective the most and still lose because of one consistent bad habbit. Splatoon is not a game that can be accurately measured in quantitative data. it's too complex for that. The game is decided when specific players do specific things to gain an advantage. Again, this is where replays would be much appreciated.
I know in the comp world it sounds like generally people are happy with things as they are, but from the non-comp-world the game seems unimaginably broken right now to me. The systems just don't work well together at all. I had a lot of complaints about 2 as well, and this game does seem like it fixed a lot of what I complained about with 2, but then it did so much that made it actaully worse.
Comp players still have some major complaints, the biggest being the new maps, which @Saber talked about. Maps like Scorch Gorge and Eeltail Alley were actually larger in the early trailers than they are in the current game and comp players don't like the change. Undertow Spillway has the best spawn area of any map in Splatoon history but mid is too narrow and there are absolutely no flank routes at all. Other complaints include keeping Missiles in the game, bad netcode, wonky menus for Anarchy Open, and general lack of polish compared to the last game.

It's like the Splatoon team does the opposite of what Sakurai does with Smash. In Smash the comp world is always angry because they focus on "fun" that makes the game completely unfair and unbalanced for comp. For Splatoon they seem so focused on comp metas that anyone not using the comp meta is just going to have a random, broken game. I'm sure they're rebalance it, and soon, and it will change everything, but I kind of don't have a ton faith that it will be better, and rather will swing to a wildly different meta that's equally broken. I can't shake the feeling they don't really understand themselves how the systems interact until they just watch the player data.
The Splatoon devs are some of the best in the industry right now in terms of game balance. They are insanely good at balancing a game without nerfing top tier picks into the ground or boosting trash to the top. Splatoon 2 started out wildly unbalanced, with 3 Tri-Sloshers on every team, but by a few months into the game it was much much better already. I have complete faith that a few balance patches will fix most of the issues currently in the game.

I've really taken to just giving up in dispair in a lot of matches. I see how it's turning with 1-2 minutes on the clock and largely started giving up. The rebound isn't going to happen. I haven't seen it happen once once you're overrun at that point, across probably 80 games or more at this point. I haven't gone as low as squid partying which isn't the problem it was in S2 so far, but....I've been tempted many times.
You don't get the lead in the first half of the game so you throw the second half? No wonder you think it's impossible to make comebacks. In my experience a TON of my games are from-behind victories. Don't give up. Keep with it! Splatoon is a game where the entire ebb and flow of a match can switch in seconds if you play your cards right. Try and look at what you're doing and how that is (or isn't) affecting the game and adjust your playstyle based on that.
If I were to summarize Splatoon 3 in a single sentence, it would be:
"A communication error has occurred."
Factual, Brother.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
In Splatoon, games decided by whichever team makes the best push, not the team who makes the longest push, or gets the most kills, or paints the most turf, etc. etc.. You could get the most kills or push the objective the most and still lose because of one consistent bad habbit. Splatoon is not a game that can be accurately measured in quantitative data. it's too complex for that. The game is decided when specific players do specific things to gain an advantage. Again, this is where replays would be much appreciated.
Whoo~ boy! Tell me about it! First day attempting S rank and I'm in debt!

Wonder if I've gotten some of Award's teammates... And amid that nightmare session I kept noticing behaviours that should've been knocked out of them in previous ranks; e.g. grouping on the tower, face rushing direct lines-of-sight, staying inside the splatzone, fighting 1v2s/3s, ignoring surrounding during a rainmaker bubble fight, yoloing into a sea of enemy ink, etc.

And it's not like I'm strong enough to carry anyone, especially with my current ranked weapon experience being tri-stringer and splatana stamper, which I'm still learning about at the same time! The few wins garnered today I can only attribute to luck, being carried, players that can teamwork, and/or teammates that could fight rather than anything measurably on my part!

Barely a month in I know, but this chaotic concoction of skill levels and third-rate dark magic with fourth-rate ingredients created matchmaker can leave you doubting yourself, y'know?

WAIT! They *ACTUALLY* implemented the seasons and ladder resets I wrote a whole text wall insisting they should implement, years ago on this very board?! I KNEW that uncle that works at Nintendo would come in handy some day!

Except.....they gave us the monkey's paw version, where the ladder resets with seasons, but the ranks don't actually rank down during the season no matter how bad you lose, and the matchmaking isn't actually matching based on the rank at all anyway...... Thanks, Nintendo!

How long are seasons? Since I'm clearly never escaping A this season as things are going, that encourages me to just screw around and experiment more in ranked. It can't really impact me in any way. Although, the irony is I still haven't gone negative, I gained some points during a lucky Clam Blitz run where we won 3 games in a row with my trusty brush. I thought we might even have a sweep, but alas the teams changed, and suddenly we were utterly dominated the next 3 rounds and it ended 3/3. But I gained so many points it gave back half of what I'd lost in the previous 25 losing games.

Which goes back to just how broken scoring is. A lucky 3 game win streak should not erase almost 12+ games of non-stop losing. I really don't know how anyone is enduring this mess to climb up. IDK if something about my hidden data is making them match me well above my real skill, consistently (but, if I'm losing all the time, shouldn't that correct itself?....though I'm also the splat leader usually), or if it has to do with the time of day I'm playing and I'm always getting matched in lag induced rooms or...I relaly don't know.
Yeah, when I first noticed how the new systems worked, I couldn't help but cackle and think of you. Yet it seems that "league power" is still a thing even with the letter rankings, but I still can't comprehend how the matchmaking works after the session I've had!

If the season follows the same timeframe as our catalogs, it should conclude at the end of November. And hopefully the season reset will help sort things out (further)? Especially if there's a patch update that has them adjust matchmaking or ranking to make rank and turf less of a clusterduck?

In fact, not only are there players wanting to rank down, believing they aren't ready for a particular rank, but I know at least one person in C- who can't get a C rank series due to matchmaking timeouts.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Sooooooooo...... last night I go into ranked, and the matches all feel far more normal and less wildly unbalanced and unwinnable in the opponent's favor. We start winning..... 2-3 per series, though the total BS matches are still littered in there enough to follow @Ansible 's rank-up pattern of win 2 lose 3, win 3, lose 3, etc. But suddenly I'm not 90% of the time the top splatter. Sometimes I'm numerically #2 but all my badges are for objective defense/offesnse and not pure k/d/#1 target badges. 3 squids on the team actually all have similar high k/d (with one noticably less), while the other teams's are lower (vs all low with one (me) noticibly higher as it's been.) With the team holding the enemy back on their own, I have time to actually play the objective more rather than just constantly being on the defensive and non-stop splatting. I'm actualy the #3/#4 KD at times, playing a defensive role, with actual time of nothing going on, trailing the team as backup. We were probably the "overpowered" team in unbalanced matchups some of this time....the first time "on the other foot" all week that's more than one or two matches a day. We win through KO's several times. There was one or two series that was a total shut-out against with BS matches, but generally at least one win per series, and several times more. I end TC a lot of points ahead of where I started, in the 600's. It went from days of "TC is impossible to win ever, at all" to coming out ahead with multiple KO wins. And I didn't have to play like 2 players at once to do it, while normally I have to play like 2 players at once just to lose.

And then I play SZ, traditionally my best mode, but all week it's been as much a losing streak as every other mode. At first I lose, but I realized right away it's because the maps (Mahi/Inkblot) are not good maps for my usual dynamo. I wasn't feeling confident with chargers at all yesterday, so I just went with the "next best thing" to dynamo, my flingza (main for RM/sometimes TC, I hate using it for everything, but it's kind of a failsafe choice when the game doesn't hate me), and we start winning. Second or third series........we win straight through....5 wins....0 losses............... I'm not the k/d lead at all, but we're all close. Several times in matches there's just no enemy squid around at all while we control the zone. I actually start just camping (sharking?) at the zone without opposition and without 2-3 squids concentrating fire on me at all times.

.....and now I'm A+.....

Whaaaat the fuuudge.....

Did the wave of ultra-meta super-squids leave the game? Did the wave of noobs leave the game? Did Nintendo break something on the matchmaker last week and now they quietly fixed it server-side? Is it still broken and something in my invisible matchmaking data changed that now I'm not stuck in whatever nightmare "your place is to always carry weak teams against harder enemies" mode it had me in (until I inevitably get stuck back in that place at some point?) What changed is not me. What changed is either no hax, or the matchmaking changed. But did it change for everyone and was broken, or did it change for me because the magic invisible matchmaking data had me incorrectly flagged as some sort of X-rank Terminator squid that balances other otherwise unbalanced matches single handedly and now it (temporarily?) figured out I'm not? It's almost like it's realized there was an error and slotted me to be the one to get carried now. I went from like A220 to A+ in a handful of series after 4 days of relentless brutality and unyielding losses no matter what. It wasn't a lucky team...it was lucky teams all night long... (with some exceptions.)

And that's the weird part. We're not talking about randomness within the matchmaker. If it were random you'd find yourself 50/50 on either side of the imbalances. If you're consistently matched on one side of the imbalance night after night, for dozens of matches, it's not random or accidental, it's building that setup by design repeatedly. But...it's also not based on your actual skill or play if it then just throws you in the opposite direction and you're consistently matched on either balanced teams on on the "good" side of the imbalanced for numerous sets in a day. So there's something "mechanical" at work that's very broken (or evaluating people poorly, or lack of players), not just random bad matchaking by chance. Statistics proves it's not by chance.

Does what we do even affect ranks, or do we just get assigned winnable and unwinnable games to be positioned where the machine decides we'll be positioned? During the losing streaks it seemed like no matter what I did, super ultra tryhard pour all energy into splatting and pushing the objective, or go and paint corners, harass enemies, never bother with the objective at all yielded identical results. Yesterday I feel like I could have painted corners and still won. Maybe it wasn't THAT automatic, I did play tryhard, and there surely were some power plays by me that I'm sure contributed equally to others, but it FELT almost causal-TW level instead of tryhard high level ranked level.

Now, I will put one disclaimer in and say that after @The Salamander King 's conversation, I "went meta" and put on a Respawn Punisher shirt to go with Hydra for TC, and Ninja Squid + Speedup for Flingza in SZ. I'm certain that Ninja was somewhat helpful in SZ in particular, although my finsihing K/D's were LOWER than what they've been all week ,not necessarily because I played worse, but because the rest of the team was actually splatting squids much more, and therefore they didn't all fall in my lap. Which is good, because with Ninja and Respawn I had a lot less ink available than I normally have with ink up + ink saver main so I'd have been hosed if matches didn't go in my favor. I don't think Respawn Punisher really contributed anything at all other than having slower ink refill and less autobombs available. My k/ds were positive, but when you divide the difference of me out for extra seconds, and enemies down for an extra .75 seconds, and my lower splat totals than usual, along with the long idle periods where I stayed behind to stay alive when the pushes ended, more often, I really don't think that contributed meaningfully to any difference. I can say positively that these shirt changes would not have had any effect on the last 4 day's matches. I'd have been overrun and unable to retaliate instantly. That DID happen several matches yesterday as well, but it was the exception rather than the rule.

I think what @banyochan was talking about plays into it. Low player population. It may be that not many people, or not many geographically advantageous people were playing Sun-Wed, and then Thu the player population was larger. If that's happening it means they may not have enough squids of a given ability to match so it basically just matches together anyone, balanced or not, bad lag or not. There's not many explanations for how an "A" level lobby should have 3 good squids and then a (maybe Japanese?) mini-tri-string user that goes 2/11 and never gets near the tower.... why is that guy there? He's not helping the team, and he's surely not having fun in a lobby he's clearly dominated in.... nobody wins, the poor guy is just there as filler fodder to fill an empty 8th slot.

And now, it's time for another episode of "HAX, GLITCH, OR LAG! (applause)" There was only one match that I had some question about the legitimacy of it. We did get stomped badly but what seemed like an overwhelming team, but the final push felt wrong to me. There was a (Japanse, maybe? Not sure, didn't seem visibly laggy which I'd expect in Japan, translated kana name means nothing in English, though so possibly.) sloshing machine that went 10/0. 0 deaths in TC kinda stands out to me, that's virtually impossible even for a distance eliter let alone a sloshing machine. The fact that even I never splatted him also stands out to me. Watched the replay, and he's good, moves fast, his aim doesn't SEEM bot assisted or anything (those guys the other day anything they slightly glanced at died instantly, this guy was sloshing a lot and more shots missed than conencted), hyperactive moving around, so hard to splat, ok....but....near the end of the final push something had felt wrong, I'd saved my booyah bomb as a last chance defense for the tower, and used it on the tower. From his camera's perspective, sure enough he was INSIDE the bomb blast at the tower...but took no damage at all.... Could be lag, could be hacks, could be a glitch where the tower can be used to survive a booyah blast somehow? Either way that push should have failed, he should have been splatted, and the KO should not have happened there, and the invincible squid is the reason.

uys' experience with the game is so polar opposite to mine it's actually crazy. I go into ranked and don't see any Tacticoolers at all, every short range weapon is using ninja squid, and every charger is running respawn punisher.

Haha, yeah, I honestly assumed/expected you'd have a very different experience. That top rank/comp sphere in a game is always a world apart from the main game experience it becomes its own thing. Because the skill is so different the ability set is so different, and the way abilities are used/"exploited" in different ways at that level changes how the systems of the game even work, what abilities are considered useful, and it's really a whole other world up there. Splatoon, for better or worse, draws a lot of systems design from fighting games, and FG has always been that way.

Heck, there may be different metas by rank, but in Splatoon there's different metas by DAY! Not even joking, I've noticed that in general, whole weapon sets and strategies that work one day are continuous failure the next day. The map rotation is part of that, but it feels like from one day to the next the play is completely different. Although, does meta-by-rank apply to S3 since now a given "rank" isn't actaully giving you matches from within that rank? You don't really know if your "C+" game is actually a bunch of C+ noobs or if you're acually in the S/X/comp meta if the game feels you are.

LOL I love that graph! That should have been the box art for S2!

Camping and sharking are kind of different things
Have those terms always been used that way? I swear in S1 we called parking a carbon roller at the base of the ramp in Urchin Underpass "camping" and "sharking" was the carbon roller zooming around with ninja squid popping up anywhere at any time for the kill? The sniper standing on the perch was either " useless perch sniper" if on your team and you lost or "sensei" if on the other team and you lost. :P

Can you post one of your replay codes?
I'm sure I'll have another such set of matches coming up. Yesterday's streak of good matches overwrite the bad examples from my history, but I really have two places to go from here: I'll either have more replay examples of the push to post by the end of the weekend, or the lucky strek continues and I'll be S/S+0 by the end of the weekend? I'll post them if I go back to normal (which I probably will) :)

It is easy to forget that assists also are added onto the total kill count of each player.
Assists go into the kill count? Is that new for S3? In S2 I thought kills were just kills and for assists you had to check the phone app. Although that brings up another interesting point. Theres a lot, and I mean a *LOT* of times where I very definitely get the kill on someone, but the assit icon, not the splat icon pops up. That's definitely lag based, but the sheer frequency that a direct hit, without anyone else attacking yields an "assist" icon is insane. We're talking charger hits and rollers over the head where I get an assist icon and defintely don't have a teammate attacking with me. Unless I'm doing 99 damage and they get finished off by 1 damage from ink or something, that may have the assist icon too?

Really, it's kind of broken to not show the assists column by itself and to include it in kills. They showed it in the phone app on 2, idk about 3, but that's flat out stupid to not just put it in the game. It's not hidden data, it's in the app.

In Splatoon, games decided by whichever team makes the best push
"Best push" That' one's hard to define outside of comp/squad where "best" is defined by a strategy. Even in solo X rank is that really definable? What makes a "best push" - whoever got it the farthest pushed it the "best", but it's also, in solo, a form of chaos and reaction. There's no way to plan doing it "best" really, it's the moment to moment that figures that out and that's a mix of random chaos, team overall skill, and really.....splatting. Because there's no other way to control the other team other than to remove them (or zone them from the objective.) Real coordinated strategies is a whole other thing, more like (American) football, (and thus Clam Bliz was invented) where the execution is 30% and the strategy is 70% of the result. In Solo you usually can't coordinate with a team to make a "best" push if everyone has different ideas. Although in all those bad matches the OTHER team always seems to somehow do that and work like a special forces squad while my team is scattered everywhere. Yesterday for a change it was our team acting that way...which was weird. In multiple series/teams....

omp players still have some major complaints, the biggest being the new maps, which @Saber talked about. Maps like Scorch Gorge and Eeltail Alley were actually larger in the early trailers than they are
I'm surprised comp has a lot of the same complaints the peanut gallery does. I agree with the maps in gerneral (though does eeltail need to be bigger?) Undertow bothers me a lot, I can see that map becoming like Arrowanna where it's just out of rotation for 6 months while they try to figure out how to repair it. I feel guilty because half my mains have missiles and both the noobs and the comps hate the missiles, lol. I swear it's a coincidence, those weapons did not have missiles in the last game! :)

The Splatoon devs are some of the best in the industry right now in terms of game balance.
Will they ever fix the matchmaker though? It's been broken since 2015 and only gets worse with age. They can balance specials for comp players and LAN parties all they want, but if they're throwing X and C together and calling it "A" and pitting teams of 2 hydras a charger and an aerospray against a team of nzaps and splattershots in TC, there's nothing "balanced" about playing the game unless you're in comp/LAN party. :P Nintendo's myopic focus on that comp level play/balance/top players thing is strange for a company that doesn't even sponsor eSports outside 1 Japanese tournament a year, and actively pulls their only FG out of FG tournaments. "Reduced tentamissile charge rate by 15p" does little to fix a game that has players that stand still and shoot fighting comp players with mismatched weapon mixes and an 800 ping which is what 90% of the player population will play. It's cool that they DO want it to be competitive, but it seems like most of their focus lies there rather than the general player population and they're almost content letting the general play rot into disrepair while they obsess over perfect balance for comps.

You don't get the lead in the first half of the game so you throw the second half?
I think you have that in reverse, your point IS my point, a TON of my games are from-behind victories.......for the other team...! :) It's when you DO have the lead in the first half, and then the enemy takes the lead in the second half, that taking the lead back appears impossible and I have yet to see it happen once in any match, thus why I started more or less giving up to conserve energy for the next match. If the match did not have a timer until someone won it would be different, but at the moment, it appears that numerically, there is simply not enough time on the clock to mount a SECOND comeback in the same game. The patter that was looping is we have the lead early, then half way or just past half-way the enemy has an unstoppable push to the lead...we do stop them, but to reverse it and take the lead back against a capable opponent isn't possible within the remaining time, considering the push has to be even farther than either team has pushed it already. Particularly true in TC and SZ. RM and CB have more chance, especially CB. RM is debatable. The time reuqired to reverse the turf control to really sustain a push deep into KO territory against enemies skilled enough to take down the highlighted and slow RM carrier isn't very likely. There's an outside chance of a sneaky RM race through enemy ink...I've done it once or twice in S1, but the enemy honestly has to be kind of bad to not shut that down. Of course that all never factored in yesterday where suddenly only a handful of games went that way and we were clearly outmatched.

Specifically, if your team does NOT have the lead in the first half, I think it's possible, if not LIKELY to mount a comeback at the end, which is I think part of what's been happening, and part of the momentum issue @Saber talked about. For the team that HAD the lead in the first half, and can't shut down the resulting enemy comeback push in the middle to second half and lets them take the lead over, I think the liklihood of mounting a successful second-comeback in the allotted time without any OT and/or trading objective control in the OT (thus ending OT not in your favor), is infinitesimal. That's why one of my intended experiments was to actively try to PREVENT my own team from taking the lead early and see how that worked, but, insteady, my teams yesterday managed to simply hold the lead the whole match....

I think the only ways to "fix" that would be to solve the momentum problem (maps/specials related) or to get rid of the timer and partial win and change the modes to require a fight to the KO-death and not rely on clocks and OT. The clocks combined with the maps, turf control, and momentum are favoring whever takes the lead in the mid-to-second half, by making a comeback of both turf control and objective reversal a fight against the clock almost more than a fight against the other team, especially so in TC and SZ.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
(split due to forum character limit - wow it's been a few years since I've had to type this!)

Barely a month in I know, but this chaotic concoction of skill levels and third-rate dark magic with fourth-rate ingredients created matchmaker can leave you doubting yourself, y'know?
Sun-Wed: "I don't belong in A, I wish I could downrank into the B's which are my skill level."
Thu: "A's are noobsville, can't wait to get back to the S's so I can play at my level! Only 250p away!"

Kinda wish I didn't love the whole world and play feel of Splatoon, because it's so broken that playing Overwatch or R6, or CoD would really be a much less self-abusive use of my online play time..... :P

Some of what the matchmaker does isn't new. I thought during S2 and now I'm positive it's matching players up so that 1 (sometimes 2) squids on each team are the "power player" and everyone else is just there to assist. And I'm more than a little certain that a lot of that is designed to hide the fact there's not enough players to fill out the actual ranks particularly outside Japan all hours of the day. It's "popular" in Nintendo terms, but it's nowhere close to popular enough to be a proper online GaaS ladder-ranked game. Not even CLOSE. It's sold, what 4M copies, mostly in Japan? CoD sells that in a week. F2p pulls that in in an hour. But that might work in a solo shooter. Not in squad shooter. In setups (which seems VERY common) where there's 2 "power players" one per team, and 3 noobs per team, the game will swing based on who's the better power player, or who has the most advantageous weapon to carry the team's mix of weapons. Or it swings to which power player has the least noobish noobs. The only way the game can work is if all 8 squids have a similar skill level. IF it's trying to build teams based on "relative total combined skill levels" it will never - and I mean never - work. A fast team game can't function that way, but I think that's what Splatoon has been doing pretty much from the start and it only seems worse now.

For a team game like this, the matchmaker should be taking into account weapon mix (never putting all slow/ranged weapons on a team against fast mid-range weapons, etc.) Plus player skill/rank. But if there's not enough players, it can't do that so you get "close enough" matches. And I think in my case, and maybe now yours, you're good enough to qualify as the "ace" on your team, so you get assigned a weak team that you're supposed to carry against an average team, or you get pitted against another ace-carrier. But we're not necessarily good enough to rival the "ace" assigned to the other team, so it's just a massacre over and over again. For someone at ultra high level like Salamander, it might not be obvious because he really is super-good enough to carry those teams solo, because he's likely outplaying everyone else on a whole other level they can't keep up with. Your weapon mix makes it that much harder, like when I do dynamo/hydra, I can absolutlely make a rock solid bakstop for the team, but it's harder to push and impossible to carry a whole team with a weapon built around sustaining a team's position. And I can keep us from KO RELATIVELY well, but I can't necessarily keep us in the lead, solo. Those matches come down to you showing down against the other ace over and over, and if they're better than you, or if their weapon just counters yours easily, even if you DO figure out how to best them, you spend half the match learning and by then it's really too late to salvage the match. I also found the matchmaker during the bad days cursed me. I'd take a weapon and form a strategy that would win (say, Hydra as a backstop) and then the matchmaker would change the teams, and I'd suddenly be up against a team that Zerg-rushes the base and keeps me from ever being able to enter the match, mostly just running and dogfighting with squids and falling back, as though the matchmaking went out of its way to find a team that would counter my strategy on purpose. Maybe that's paranoia, but whatever strategy I'd find that would win a game or two, the new team would come in and explicitly have a strategy that countered it.

fact, not only are there players wanting to rank down, believing they aren't ready for a particular rank, but I know at least one person in C- who can't get a C rank series due to matchmaking timeouts.

Honestly as it is, especially ranked I'd rather just be told there's no matches available and time out than have to play these random 1-sided impossible matches all the time. The point of the game is to have fun, and even if I'm "failing upwards", there's absolutely no fun spending hours over days doing nothing but losing to unfun lopsided matches, even if it makes it up to me by then giving me one day of smooth sailing to the next rank. I loathe using a sports analogy to anything....Splatoon is the only sport I care about :P But it's like putting Ohtani on the local little league team and them pitting them up against the Yankees and saying "good luck, just try harder if you're losing!" No matter how amazingly X-rank he is as a player, he can't make the whole team match the Yankees by himself.

If I had unlimited time I'd fire up my japanese Switch account and see how rounds play on that account, but it would take too much time to go back through the A's on another account to see. I have a suspiscion the experience is very different for a Japanese account .


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
translated kana name means nothing in English
This is a wrong way of thinking, as there are plenty of Japanese words that are just borrowed from English.


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I'm getting a feeling that matchmaking in this game doesn't try to balance teams in any way, which could be why I either destroy people, or get destroyed. Not only have they managed to make it feel like a game that breaks sales records is played by no one, they also made every rank feel like C- or something. Add seeing things that you absolutely want to forget from the previous game (tenta, booyah being an overpowered panic special), and I'm not able to play this game for long without feeling salty about it. It's sad that I tend to end up on teams where I get about half a second of an opening to push, simply because the enemy team is spread out after killing the rest of mine. I've had a SZ match where I clutched a quad to retake the zone and tried really hard, yet we got knocked out in the end. Even turf war is not enjoyable, as I end up in sweaty lobbies, where people end up just torturing others. I had a team (probably of friends) who just used the weirdest comp possible: 2 e-liters and 2 splattershot pros.

The weirdest part is that once I got a good team today, I still ended up being the best player on it. Normally, I end up being a carry for a horrible team, or being the worst player on a team that's probably way above me in terms of skill.

By the way, I would love to see the statistics for this game, and how hard the population drops when clam blitz is in rotation. This approach simply needs to go, and there should be actual client-server netcode, as well as longer queue times. I wonder whether removing the rank of every player who matches up for anarchy is just a lazy attempt at masking how awful matchmaking is in this game. Imagine me missing a game that is already a step down from splatoon 1, with matchmaking running on Windows 98 servers (at least according to the rumors).


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
This is a wrong way of thinking, as there are plenty of Japanese words that are just borrowed from English.
Fairly true, but I do expect a lot of the kana names that are otherwise translated to English (or European) words are actually not Japanese players using loan words but are actually Western weebs using kana names because...let's face it, most of the Splatoon base is weebs, most of ourselves included :)

Japan REALLY did not like playing the West for the most part in 1, and the lag issue was terrible. I'm pretty sure that Nintendo takes care of the Japanese player base and give them (mostly) their own matchmaking for those reasons. Now, there are real Japanese players playing on Western accounts because they want to, just as I've been tempted to play on my Japanese account for similar reasons. And I'm pretty sure the matchmaker really is pulling in Japanese players when it absolutley has to because there's just insufficient players otherwise. But I do think it's set up to avoid that, because for Nintendo, Japan comes first, it's their core market.

Humorously you can usually tell real from fake Japanese players another way: Check their lockers. I can go from locker to locker and they look like average high school lockers, or staged fun props. Every time I see a JP player I think is a real JP player and check their locker, it's always this elaborately set up highly organized affair that I see from no one else, lol. I think in Japan the locker feature must be a huge highlight, they seem to in general spend a lot more time setting it up for show than most Western players. If nothing else they're just fun to see how they managed to cram so much, so organized, in such a tiny space. Though, that's a normal way of life there so it makes sense.

I'm getting a feeling that matchmaking in this game doesn't try to balance teams in any way, which could be why I either destroy people, or get destroyed. Not only have they managed to make it feel like a game that breaks sales records is played by no one, they also made every rank feel like C- or something. Add seeing things that you absolutely want to forget from the previous game (tenta, booyah being an overpowered panic special), and I'm not able to play this game for long without feeling salty about it. It's sad that I tend to end up on teams where I get about half a second of an opening to push, simply because the enemy team is spread out after killing the rest of mine. I've had a SZ match where I clutched a quad to retake the zone and tried really hard, yet we got knocked out in the end. Even turf war is not enjoyable, as I end up in sweaty lobbies, where people end up just torturing others. I had a team (probably of friends) who just used the weirdest comp possible: 2 e-liters and 2 splattershot pros.

The weirdest part is that once I got a good team today, I still ended up being the best player on it. Normally, I end up being a carry for a horrible team, or being the worst player on a team that's probably way above me in terms of skill.

By the way, I would love to see the statistics for this game, and how hard the population drops when clam blitz is in rotation. This approach simply needs to go, and there should be actual client-server netcode, as well as longer queue times. I wonder whether removing the rank of every player who matches up for anarchy is just a lazy attempt at masking how awful matchmaking is in this game. Imagine me missing a game that is already a step down from splatoon 1, with matchmaking running on Windows 98 servers (at least according to the rumors).
Most of those sales are in Japan though. Sure the game sells well enough, but for having enough players every hour of the day at the same skill level to make enough 8 player lobbies.....

Breaking down the ranks into S+# and X was a bad idea for a game without Call of Duty player numbers. There's too many ranks dividing people into far too small a pool of players in each at any time. The game really only had enough to sustain C-S+0, if that. S+ became a mess with pro squids in S1, but there really isn't enough players for, what do we have 15 different ranks?

So yeah, hiding the ranks is surely to hide the fact that the ranked lobbies aren't actually ranked. And if they're not ranked, what are they? We have words for it, but we're not allowed to say them here.... ;)


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Breaking down the ranks into S+# and X was a bad idea for a game without Call of Duty player numbers. There's too many ranks dividing people into far too small a pool of players in each at any time. The game really only had enough to sustain C-S+0, if that. S+ became a mess with pro squids in S1, but there really isn't enough players for, what do we have 15 different ranks?
I just want Nintendo to treat this franchise like Fortnite: a free to play live service that just gets constant updates. This way, you have a much easier time making more severe changes to balance, and upgrading the internals to make the game run better, and avoid periods where the game gets effectively no support, like Splatoon 2 did. This whole thing feels like Nintendo tried copying such games, but ruined it in their own way.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Actually thinking about it a lot of my complaints about these consisntent 50/50 within fights might have to do with the MMR

I think part of the issue is we are seeing at least in theory might be MMR Bloat
The data isn't fully complied yet so players are getting these 50/50 matchups because according to the data that is where all the players in the game should be...but in actuallity they are still too inexperienced and have just got for lack of a better word got the luck of the draw with their team.

I am trying to figure out how to explain this so forigve if it doesn't come out right.

A player is doing well with a team he is a 1v4 champ always getting the medals for the best splats, turf coverage and possibly 1st or second in special output. Right now he is gonna be a high MMR cuz the system seeing that they are top of their team and scoring well and places them with players with similar MMR

But all these players have one problem, they are good at just that, that player with that high MMR who is winning consistently good at flanking, and good at securing kills but none of that matters cuz they are never near objective, cuz the key flaw is they do not know how to work with their team.

From what I have seen alot of these player are good but they are good at their one thing, whether that be kills, coverage, or defense but they do not all know how to work as a team...this is realy really bad in CB. I have legit watched players just ignoring the objective rushing to toss a ball in when the enemy is pushing in, or have 12 clams between 3 players but no one sharing cuz they all are so focused on kills or coverage and not working together.

What seperate alot of X rank and S+ rank is they can coordinate seeing what their team needs and adapting their playstyles to work together...it seems like we got a lot of players for the lack of a better word all want to be the carry for the team instead of working together to carry the game

Right now everyone is playing this game for the 1st time....expect us vets imported our save data, which likely had alot of these MMR stats that have been or the game has some way to calculate MMR off our save data.
Which means to some extent it know where we are in terms of skill level partnering us in some capcity with other vets or people at a similar level to us in S2 (which is also why some of us are stuck in this squidgatory of not playing well yet not losing rank like we should be cuz the game is keep us near the rank we should be at) along all the fresh squids joining in and this MMR bloat who are doing well but do not have enough consistent data to put them in the skill cap they would be more suited for and the battle are these werid 50/50s cuz proably one team just has more players who actually have played before and know what to do.

Again there is no definate to this cuz I do not believe we can see the MMR calculations, but if this is the case as time progresses we will see players slowly shift into the positions they belong and hopefully make games feel less one sided


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Right now everyone is playing this game for the 1st time....expect us vets imported our save data, which likely had alot of these MMR stats that have been or the game has some way to calculate MMR off our save data.
Is there any evidence of the game taking your old matchmaking data and just applying it to S3? I don't recall seeing anything, and I think everyone who imported got a B- rank in anarchy regardless of their skill level.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Is there any evidence of the game taking your old matchmaking data and just applying it to S3? I don't recall seeing anything, and I think everyone who imported got a B- rank in anarchy regardless of their skill level.
I do not know most of this is all theoretical, maybe it just based off S3 MMR which imo would be worse (cuz then it would take longer for the MMR to correctly calculate without something as a baseline to differenciate vetran from newer players) but would still explain my theory of the MMR bloat

***Also side note go the Nintendo app> Splatoon 3>wandercrust
Unlike the previous mode that auto assigned your turf coverage you need to exchange your points

If you exchange all of them you get a free piece of gear for each journey you help him complete....along with wallpaper for you phone and new titles in game
(Small complaint that this isn't automatic like S2 but better rewards make it worthwhile)

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