Splatoon 3 Think Tank


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Of course, when you get your special all the way up for one weapon, you'd have to start over with the other weapon when you switch if that makes sense.
Actually that would work too. Perhaps if each weapon saved the amount of special you charged up for them independently. That or it does just completely deplete your special.

Though if they were independent, that would also allow one to potentially store specials, unless it depletes when you get splatted on any weapon.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Something that can improve how we obtain gear is make the squid/octo phones function as a fictional online store, it won't be used for weapons, but for gear that can be found in other players' stores, this way, the selection of gear that wasn't bought doesn't have to dwindle because it's randomly generated every day. Now you may be thinking that this will require internet, but Splatoon stores already require internet to be able to buy stuff from them anyways.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Something that can improve how we obtain gear is make the squid/octo phones function as a fictional online store, it won't be used for weapons, but for gear that can be found in other players' stores, this way, the selection of gear that wasn't bought doesn't have to dwindle because it's randomly generated every day. Now you may be thinking that this will require internet, but Splatoon stores already require internet to be able to buy stuff from them anyways.
Actually speak to this subject, I would love for more unique gear in store, not just ability mashup of originals. For example how about instead of locking us out from special gear (cough manga exclusive gear), or special event gear so instead of using the news feed send it to use via the splatnet store.
It would make a lot of players happy.......like me

Plus I will always want more gear, some that I would like to see are splatoon mashups of the Smash bros roster gear, I saw a pic of a few of the BOTW and other Nintendo outfits, and I can't help but say I would love to see them in game
plus you know a wearable hoodies, bandannas, etc


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
-Customizable gear/weapon sorting. Let us arrange our equipment how we like.
-Weapon restructuring. Either have less weapons or customizable weapons, something to counteract the current situation where weapons are defined more by their kits than anything they can do with just the main weapon.
-Mode-specific stages. A possible improvement would be stages designed specifically for one or two modes, so that we get less of this homogeneous stage design where mode layouts usually differ via a block placement or two.
-A better firing range. Let us simulate the effects of different ability amounts without having to equip gear, apply run/swim speed/ink resist/bomb defense to moving dummies, and perhaps have robots instead of dummies that can be told to follow basic patterns, a la Smash Bros's training.
-Backend improvements. Aside from the usual comments of "fix the tickrate", make it so the game ACTUALLY tracks your performance and not just wins and losses.
-Ranked improvement. Bring back the points system of 1 and fine-tune it, or devise something new that improves over the bar system, maybe set up new disconnect rules and penalties.

There's my wishlist.


Inkster Jr.
Nov 9, 2018
Just my 2 thoughts on what I'd like to see in a sequel that wouldn't be just QOL changes in Splat 2

-Ability to see your teammates and their gear before an actual match. This way you can switch loadouts if necessary (IE: If there's already a charger on the team I'd be able to swap before the match)

-New Salmon Run mode which is more like a tower defense. Think MvM from TF2 where the enemy's main focus will be trying to destroy something you need to defend.

-A way to set your default ink color while in the hub

-A punk rock group for the NPC announcers and/or story (I can't be the only one who sees the playable Octolings and think they look like one can I?)

-A better way to tally splatfest results (Has there ever been an instance where team and solo weren't in the same category? Seems redundant)


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2019
Brighton, TN
Switch Friend Code
I already said this once and I shall say it again!

I want to be able to choose what kind of Ranked Battle to have instead of Nintendo choosing it. I only care about Splat Zones and hate the others. Same goes for Salmon Run. It should always be accessible. Basically we should have free will over what maps and modes to play instead of rotation in my opinion. Speaking of Salmon Run, I wanna choose my own weapon for the mode! Not have a random weapon thrown into my hand! It's annoying especially if it's a weapon I'm not accustomed to.

I also want to have voice chat available but Nintendo being the clueless idiots they are when it comes to online, I'm not holding my breath.

Also I want the main campaign to be like the Octo Expansion but better. I literally never played the main campaign in Splatoon 1 or 2 but the Octo Expansion was just flat-out amazing. That's how story in a Splatoon game should be.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Another thing, harsher punishment against people who throw games, that's why a game tracking performance and value players who play should force players to actually play the game instead of throwing it. If not that then make the performance checking be tied to weapon freshness, for example, if one player has played the match like it was intended while the other player on the same team only fooled around and didn't play the match like it was intended, only the culprit player will be affected while the rest of the team wont, this same system should be used for Ranks.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Another thing, harsher punishment against people who throw games, that's why a game tracking performance and value players who play should force players to actually play the game instead of throwing it. If not that then make the performance checking be tied to weapon freshness, for example, if one player has played the match like it was intended while the other player on the same team only fooled around and didn't play the match like it was intended, only the culprit player will be affected while the rest of the team wont, this same system should be used for Ranks.
It's impossible for the game to necessarily tell if somebody it throwing a game. If they're AFK long enough, the game will forcibly disconnect them, otherwise they're playing. They may be doing virtually nothing to progress the objective, but they're still playing. But the game cannot necessarily distinguish if they're throwing, or they just suck. Like if the other team is so oppressive the entire team gets locked in spawn, nobody on your team is throwing, but they're all achieving very little.

I mean, best they could do is check if somebody is still inking turf but even that is a flawed metric since that would punish people who decide to camp a spot for a period of time.
Last edited:


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Idea 1: If someone disconnects, the match is rendered null. Nobody gains or loses points. Potential for abuse, no doubt, but there'd be some severe social stigma that would pile up from wasting 7 people's time so maybe something in this vein could work.

Idea 2: Scaling disconnect penalties. Start off with the 5 minute ban we have now, then once it's happened 2 or 3 times in a 24 hour period, double the penalty each time. This would assuredly upset people with poor internet, but in an ideal world Nintendo would up the tickrate and make the game more stable at the same time they did this.

Just a couple ideas that were bouncing around my head.


Jan 19, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I talked about a weapon swap system in a video of mine, check it out here. I think that a weapon swap system should be part of the game. However, it wouldn't make sense to have weapons swapped in then middle of a game, it just wouldn't work.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I talked about a weapon swap system in a video of mine, check it out here. I think that a weapon swap system should be part of the game. However, it wouldn't make sense to have weapons swapped in then middle of a game, it just wouldn't work.
I get where you are coming from, and I liked your idea for team composition and voice chat option, even being able to just see what your allies are picking before you hop in can do so much to improve the game

About it not working in match, I think it is alot easier than you would expect, cuz it is already in the game, Salmon run lets player jump back to a spawn and force the player to automatically swap weapons on reset....to implement this mechanic into matches they might have to tweak it a little (like allowing the player to choose instead of RNG) it is easily possible

It might be a little confusing and take some time to adjust to, but that is why I feel it would work so well in a game like Splatoon, they start us off with a bare bones frame of a game, giving us time to understand mechanics and slowly adding weapon, gear, map, and even game mode options to help us hone our skills and play style...slowly but surely adapting to the new changes

We saw this with the new tech of the roller, charger, and dulies, then as they add the brellas and some gimmick weapons that make use of these changes (ballpoint explosher, tenta, UC brella etc.) these are just seen as useful and fun additions to the game

So in short I do believe that it is both possible and easy to implement it is more or less a question of would nintendo be able to do it and whether they would desire to do it in game


Inkling Cadet
Apr 29, 2018
after today i really hope they would do something about the D/C problem,
cause today the game just hated me for some reason and kept putting me with that 1 player that would D/C,
those days the game just gives you the middle finger x.x

but i would also want the return of Octolings with more hairstyle choices
and other then that being able to choose the ranked mode you wanna play and more stage variaty cause playing on the same stages all the time in ranked get kinda boring after awhile...


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
after today i really hope they would do something about the D/C problem,
cause today the game just hated me for some reason and kept putting me with that 1 player that would D/C,
those days the game just gives you the middle finger x.x

but i would also want the return of Octolings with more hairstyle choices
and other then that being able to choose the ranked mode you wanna play and more stage variaty cause playing on the same stages all the time in ranked get kinda boring after awhile...
I'm pretty sure that Octolings will be available in the base game considering how Inklings don't even know Octolings are walking among them. What I want to see are other Octarian subspecies walking around Inkopolis.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2019
Brighton, TN
Switch Friend Code
Idea 1: If someone disconnects, the match is rendered null. Nobody gains or loses points. Potential for abuse, no doubt, but there'd be some severe social stigma that would pile up from wasting 7 people's time so maybe something in this vein could work.
Bad idea. Not only is that completely unfair but like you said, it can (and probably will) be abused to high hell. Especially in Ranked matches and Splatfests. Instead, have the disconnected player replaced with an AI and your second idea could take place although I recommend a permanent ban if the scaling gets out of hand. Also if someone disconnects too much, they should only be paired up with players who disconnect a lot. Kinda like most games these days only pair up cheaters with other cheaters.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 12, 2018
Switch Friend Code
These suggestions are great, but I'm so simple. All I want is a better online matchmaking system. lol Someone said more prompts for ranked. That's really needed, but people will still manage to ignore "get on tower". lol And as much as I wish Splat Zones was 24/7 and we picked our maps, I don't think it'd work as far as getting enough people in the various lobbies. Players picking their own map/mode combo would leave too many options for the player base imo. There might be someone wanting to play Clam Blitz on Shellendorf...god forbid, but they'd probably be waiting forever to find enough willing teammates lol. I hope when 3 comes out and they're still doing Splatfests that we get double the amount of sea snails for when they have 2 day Splatfests.

I just want a male duo for the next game, just allow more diversity in important characters. My idea for a male duo is that they are a rock music duo, one focuses on Metal while the other is a Punk musician. My idea is that they are Octoling brothers who hate DJ Octavio for brainwashing them before.
Nice. A metalhead Octoling.....I love it. lol


Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2018
I wish to see the actual amount of damage i deal to someone, like in training room. Sometimes i wonder how that guy survived to 3 96 gal shots XP
And my current health, so i know if i can survive to an hypothetical direct him from rapid blaster etc

The change weapon in mid match is a great idea, and like someone already said, it's already in the game in Salmon run.

Last i wanna see... proper taunts! For now we have squidbagging, which is annoying or other silly tricks... but i wish there would be actual taunts like Team Fortress 2... partner taunts (high five) or group taunts (dance). They still haven't use the right and left direction on the dpad lol!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Bad idea. Not only is that completely unfair but like you said, it can (and probably will) be abused to high hell. Especially in Ranked matches and Splatfests. Instead, have the disconnected player replaced with an AI and your second idea could take place although I recommend a permanent ban if the scaling gets out of hand. Also if someone disconnects too much, they should only be paired up with players who disconnect a lot. Kinda like most games these days only pair up cheaters with other cheaters.
People always say just plop in an AI if that would be an easy thing or even at all a solution. It isn't. First and foremost AIs are never going to perform good enough for their inclusion to be consistently useful. Especially so when you have to consider they'd have to make the AI aware and function on each map, maps which have death pits, ramps, etc. Octoling AI or even Inner Agent 3 AI wouldn't even be close to serviceable.

I brought up this idea in the past, but if somebody disconnects, the game forces advantaged team into a death tag-team format. So all players are allowed to stay in the game, but if you're on the advantaged team, if somebody dies, they're benched till another person dies, so on and so forth. So even though there a 4 players, only 3 will be allowed on the field. Making it a 3v3.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Idea 1: If someone disconnects, the match is rendered null. Nobody gains or loses points. Potential for abuse, no doubt, but there'd be some severe social stigma that would pile up from wasting 7 people's time so maybe something in this vein could work.

Idea 2: Scaling disconnect penalties. Start off with the 5 minute ban we have now, then once it's happened 2 or 3 times in a 24 hour period, double the penalty each time. This would assuredly upset people with poor internet, but in an ideal world Nintendo would up the tickrate and make the game more stable at the same time they did this.

Just a couple ideas that were bouncing around my head.
Bad idea. Not only is that completely unfair but like you said, it can (and probably will) be abused to high hell. Especially in Ranked matches and Splatfests. Instead, have the disconnected player replaced with an AI and your second idea could take place although I recommend a permanent ban if the scaling gets out of hand. Also if someone disconnects too much, they should only be paired up with players who disconnect a lot. Kinda like most games these days only pair up cheaters with other cheaters.

Actually I like to point out from both of your ideas
First off you shouldn't punish with time....it is annoying but just takes waiting and is honestly not a harsh punishment in the long run, you should punish by removing ranking up of player who disconnects often with a hard reset being the highest punishment (I am not a fan of the rubber band)

Also instead of punishing everyone elses rank or forcing both team who worked for that victory (not matter how 1 sided) it should be calculated the way similar to league with a total score and ranking system D/C counting as ties for the disadvantaged team

Lastly in term of what to do if a player does DC, I liked the og Splatoon way of handing their tri league, if you had a team with only 3 players on it they received a re-spawn reduction and special saver in order to keep up with the enemy team (this was later removed due to QR stealth jump abuse) it gave both teams a chance to win without feeling unfair to either side

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