Splatoon 3 Think Tank


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
One weapon. Not two to four versions of the same weapon. Just one version.

And then let us choose which skin and kit combination. Maybe even mix n' match? We can still level unlock a particular skin and kit as normal, it just now won't create a new slot in our inventory.

Let us choose, buy, or change whatever main ability we want for our gear instead of waiting forever and never for it show up onlne. Including the amiibo, story mode, etc. gear. And no more region exclusive gear!!

Maybe, just maybe, add rank matches to Splatfests--since they've created a "Normal" and "Pro" mode and this past fest had a psuedo-splatzones for Shifty Station. And they can be done solo and in teams... you know what, nevermind. That's a terrible idea---if you thought salt levels were high enough as is during a Splatfests then ranked mode Splatfests... wooo child~!


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2019
Brighton, TN
Switch Friend Code
And then let us choose which skin and kit combination. Maybe even mix n' match? We can still level unlock a particular skin and kit as normal, it just now won't create a new slot in our inventory.

Let us choose, buy, or change whatever main ability we want for our gear instead of waiting forever and never for it show up onlne. Including the amiibo, story mode, etc. gear. And no more region exclusive gear!!
I agree about the region exclusive gear. That's messed up. But if Nintendo allowed us to have choices like that, it would just lead to overpowered builds, everyone using the same thing, and rampant abuse especially in Ranked Matches and Splatfests.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 29, 2018
I agree about the region exclusive gear. That's messed up. But if Nintendo allowed us to have choices like that, it would just lead to overpowered builds, everyone using the same thing, and rampant abuse especially in Ranked Matches and Splatfests.
i'm still mad about the region exclusive gear...they should just release it for everyone..just want that Emperor gear still >.>


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
I agree about the region exclusive gear. That's messed up. But if Nintendo allowed us to have choices like that, it would just lead to overpowered builds, everyone using the same thing, and rampant abuse especially in Ranked Matches and Splatfests.
They can lock specific abilities to certain articles as it is now, such as stealth jump being a shoe only ability.

But if I want my favourite shoes in something other than stealth jump, give me options to change it outright instead of waiting forever for a preferred alternate ability to appear, if ever.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
They can lock specific abilities to certain articles as it is now, such as stealth jump being a shoe only ability.

But if I want my favourite shoes in something other than stealth jump, give me options to change it outright instead of waiting forever for a preferred alternate ability to appear, if ever.
Maybe they could implement another gear system for main abilities allowing you to add gear exclusive abilities or change them out for 50 gear shards
Actually thinking about it it would be cool to fuse abilities to create main abilities (for example to get stealth jump you have to fuse cold blooded and QSJ, or Quick respawn with speed buffs to create Comeback)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
One weapon. Not two to four versions of the same weapon. Just one version.

And then let us choose which skin and kit combination. Maybe even mix n' match? We can still level unlock a particular skin and kit as normal, it just now won't create a new slot in our inventory.
Would help organization if each main weapon just had a drop down for their sub-variants. But I'm still inclined to say that each skin should still be tied to kit given that is half the method you'd know their kit at first glance.


Jan 19, 2018
Switch Friend Code
bout it not working in match, I think it is alot easier than you would expect, cuz it is already in the game, Salmon run lets player jump back to a spawn and force the player to automatically swap weapons on reset....to implement this mechanic into matches they might have to tweak it a little (like allowing the player to choose instead of RNG) it is easily possible
Alright I see where you are coming from. However, I do think that this is a really bad idea to swap weapons at spawn. First, lets look at games that do have a similar option. Lets use Overwatch. In Overwatch, you are able to go back to spawn and switch which hero you want to use. Now Overwatch's pacing is way different than splatoon's. Splatoon is a game where every second matters and it isn't like overwatch where you keep pushing into the objective and it eventually works.

There is also the issue of customization. There are over 100 weapons in the game to start with so finding the right weapon to use in the fight could take forever. Not to mention gear is a really big part of the game where weapons like brella require a good set of gear to work well.

Now the only work around I can see to this is using the dpad at spawn to switch weapons and gear between maybe 2 pre-selected weapons and gear. The only downside to this I see to this is the amount of time it will take in private matches to get all of this gear ready for a 5 minute fight. I really think having only 1 set of weapons and gear keeps the game simple which is a big thing in good game design.


Jan 19, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Remember friends, be careful what you wish for. Simplicity is key.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code

Yeah I get where you are coming from, over complicating this can be a little much so here is just a bullet point of how it could ptential work in concept as well as a scenario describing how it would work

my original idea was to handle the weapon swap was this

1. Player chooses x amt of weapons (imo 2 was always the best option) they want to use, and can configure their gear accordingly (they only ever have 1 gear it never swaps only the weapon similar again to salmon run)

2. In match the player will use their primary weapon choice in battle until they are defeated, the moment they are splatted they can use a hotkey to switch to the other preselected weapon, or can switch to their other weapon while in their spawn

3. Players can also choose not to use the weapon swap which would reward them with special saver
however they run the risk of a team adapting to their playstyle and hard countering them

4. When weapons are swapped it will take special meter, therefore preventing players from swap spamming between weapons and rather, be a part of their strategy

Here is just a quick example of how it would work, I am a charger near the beginning of the game I realize I am starting to get flanked a lot by a carbon roller, which is making it hard to support my team from the back-line.
the roller manages to splat me as my team begin a push
So while I am in spawn I press the y button (just a random button) to swap over to the other weapon of choice a (put weapon name here) finishing off the flanking roller I can assist my team in gain map control for the push, then switch back to back-line as needed


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Here's something that would be awesome, letting us switch weapon skins, now off course that won't change subs and specials, but just the look of the weapon. It was really a shame that they didn't use Splatoon 1's Hero Shot look in Splatoon 2, the paintball gun look was so much better looking than the real gun look that the Splatoon 2 version had. In fact, the only way to see it in Splatoon 2 is through battling Agent 3, which is a shame considering the paintball gun look really fit the idea of shooting ink a lot more.

One FM

Inkster Jr.
May 10, 2018
I don't know if weapon swapping would work. With the dynamic of the game, there would be constant swapping, making a mess of the match.


Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2015
Seeing other teammates weapons in the lobby before the match starts and the ability to switch your weapon based on that is a great idea. The only issue is they'd have to figure how to make it clear if someone is changing their weapon and to what otherwise you could end up with the same issue of bad comps.

I think that and adding left and right d-pad callouts for each mode would go a long way in making solo much better. I'm surprised they didn't do that for 2.

Other things I'd like to see
- Revamp ranked system. It's so bad right now, none of it makes any sense in terms of how many points are gained or lost each match.
- Add more Salmon Run modes, it has a lot of untapped potential.
- Ability to customize the look of weapons more, like stickers or what not. Or maybe stickers can be added to weapons a player does really well. More customizations overall would be real nice.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Mar 8, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Ok it's about time I made a long thought out post about my predictions and wishes for Splatoon 3. I'm gonna address certain concepts I've seen in this thread, on Youtube, and my own ideas. First and foremost, I think the main selling point of the game will be weapon swapping. This would make for increased depth, strategie, and thus replay value, so I don't see why Nintendo wouldn't do this unless nobody on the dev team had that idea :U. It would either be its own mode altogether, in the main game, just an option in Private Battles, or in a second Ranked Battle rotation idk. Anyway, how would this work, you ask? You see, when you are on the equip menu, you'd pick two weapons. one would be your Primary Weapon, (the weapon you start with and are seen with at the end of a battle) and the other your Secondary Weapon. With the press of the A button (I know this can be used for throwing clams in 2, but you can also use the L button), you can switch from your Primary to your Secondary in about 40 frames. When you switch, you have access to the sub and special of the weapon you switched to. However, whenever you switch from your Secondary to your Primary, (or vice versa) the weapon you switched from's special gauge would be decreased by 50%. This would prevent using 2 specials back to back. Furthermore, you can't have a Secondary that is the same weapon class as your Primary. now the lore to it. When a scientist discovered a material that can shrink, he got it approved and now it's used in everyday weapons! Also, if Nintendo sees it unbalanced for some weapons to be switchable, they could always just have the excuse of that weapon not being able to be made in that material.

Now on to the single player campaign. I think that what they did with Octo Expansion was great. It had a decent story, introduced new characters and included old ones, and the stages were debatably all unique. Now, whether or not they could do it again only time will tell, but we can hope. I just wish Nintendo does what they think is best here like they always do, and in the end, Splatoon will always have a good multiplayer to make up for the single player.

Regarding Inkpolis itself, I feel like no major changes are required, but heck, it's Splatoon. One day a guy owns a shoe shop, and another he's broke and runs a food truck so, yeah literally anything is possible here. However, there is one kinda interesting change I thought of that would be really cool, and that's a movie theatre. As the Inklings found out more and more about human society, they discovered movies. They thought it was really cool so they decided to have a theater for themselves. When you visit the theater, you can watch the replays of the last 50 matches you've played IN SPECATOR MODE. That way, you could watch it from every point of view. This would allow you to see when and where you could've done something to greatly impact the game, see what other people where doing, what you did wrong, etc. to greatly better yourself as a player.

Now I'll address the pop stars that run the news. I personally think that there will be 3 stars. First of all, it would be another selling point of the game being that it is the third game in the series, but also it would allow for 3 team Splatfests. Now, I know what you're thinking "BUT ENPERRY, THAT WOULDN'T WORK BECAUSE THERE COULD B 3 WAY TIES", but there, my friend, is where you would be wrong. Splatfest would then have 5 was to get points - popularity, solo turf war wins, solo ranked wins, team ranked wins, and team turf war wins. There would still be a way to tie, however, and Nintendo can figure that out, but if it were up to me, if there were a tie, then the star representing the losing one chooses one. I really can't think of a better way to solve this so...

And if I can think of anything else, I'll add it. Thanks for reading this!
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
On the lore side of things, I want them to clarify the confusing parts of the lore before introducing new lore, that's only if the Artbooks don't clarify the lore themselves. It's undeniable that Splatoon has confusing lore all over the place, so maybe a DLC story that puts all the pieces together in order to organize the lore, at least a little bit. The examples of confusing lore can range from "Where is Deep Sea Metro?" to "Who is the king or queen of the Jellyfish?", since the Splatoon Jellyfish have some sort of hive mind according to developer interviews.
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Mar 10, 2019
los angeles
Switch Friend Code
2. Multiplayer story mode/ proper story mode
I loved octo expansion and it felt like this felt like a proper story for splatoon, and actually gave some amazing lore.
I would love to see alot more story modes carried out like this, the og story mode always served as a tutorial player wouldn't mind a mode that challenges the players outside of a weapon grind.
Plus playing with a friend can add more overall to level design, interactions, and replability which I would genuinely enjoy.
YES!!!! i 100% agree! i imagine some of the level designs could function for example kind of how portal 2 co-op did, that would be so rad!! it would also be nice if this had split-screen capability and playing with both joycons/multiple controllers (only 2, but different controllers like a pro controller and the double joycon holder) because that would be awesome, and kind of a missed opportunity if this was implemented... :9

DJ Particle

Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
8-way Battle Royale Turf War (any more than 8 and you could run into colors that are too similar), with special maps designed for it.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I know this is an old thread, but I want Splatoon 3's lobby to be moderated by a developer in order to prevent a lot of the mess that usually keeps happening, memes and in-game requests are fine, art is also fine as long as you follow the rules, but bringing in something political just shouldn't be okay at all, whether I support it or go against it doesn't matter in this context. For example, I am fine with people expressing their sexuality, but use a medium that isn't a kid's game. After all, I play Nintendo games to escape the harshness of real life, not see more real life stuff being forced into it.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Show me the effects of the weapon and gear I have equipped. Have base stats for your character and have them visually change as you adjust you gear and load-outs. You know like every other game in existence.


Feb 19, 2019
Switch Friend Code
We need mode specific pings, the "Help!" ping in Salmon Run really helped me see where splatted teammates were and allowed me to revive them before being splatted myself. Something like "Carry the Rainmaker", "Pass Clams to me" and "Ride the tower" can go a long way in improving team performance.
Or even something as basic as Follow, Jump, Enemy. The jump especially in modes like clam blitz, when you are near the oppositions base, and no enemy team members are around.

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