discouraging cursing with the filter, imo, is important for trying to regulate site culture. a lot of people nowadays (me included, everywhere but here) are very casual with swear words but they’re still… words with vulgar or derogatory connotations that tend to come out when emotions are running high. even
with the filter we argue here sometimes; how unwelcoming would this site seem to new users if folks were given free reign to curse each other out without even looking silly having their posts be 50% asterisks? even with a toggle, i feel like most people would turn the filter off and take it as an OK to not self-censor at all, and we’d still be at risk for a much more toxic culture here.
arguably there’s other solutions like subjective “you can curse but
not too much” or “you can curse but not
at other people” rules (or “you can’t curse in normal conversation but you can post art/writing in the original content forum that has
characters curse”, that’d let me post my otherwise pg-13 writing here lol) but i don’t think that’s the right fit for this forum. best to just discourage using the words entirely. sometimes in life you need to have a filter, let this forum help you keep that filter functioning
if anything maybe the filter needs to be expanded. if i’m remembering right, why was that one guy able to call people the r slur uncensored