

Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Tea
I really enjoy green tea and fruit and peppermint flavored tea, but then I can't put coffee creamer in it (which I put in black tea)
I also enjoy vanilla chai
So I like all those kinds
2. Ruuuuuurrrrraaaaaaaallll
3. I dunno
Maybe Cutiefly
Maybe Eevee
The world may never know

@DualQuelcher @Anaru @Quibblingsun86

1. Coffee or Tea?
2. Longest book you read
3. Dream job?
1. Tea. I despise coffee, no offense to anyone who likes it.
2. 20 thousand leagues under the sea
3. Being the best Smash and Splatoon player in the world that way I can get paid for doing fun work. It's not perfect, but it's what I want to do as of now, and it's the most fun thing that I do.
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Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Free for anyone!
1. Do you have a significant other / romantic partner?
2. Do you replay the final boss of Splatoon's singleplayer for fun sometimes?
3. If you eat fast food, what is your favorite place?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. Violent or nah?
2. Weirdest nickname you've heard.
3. Stupidest thing you've done. {Don't lie and say you didn't do anything stoopid owo}
1. Violent when provoked. Passive otherwise.
2. Sally, because of the fact I'm a guy I was quite displeased about it.
3. Can't remember any, most are blanked. And the act of stupidity would be me telling you a stupid moment, so no I will not answer this.
1.If you could make one species of animals go extinct to bring back an already extinct species, which animals would you chose?
2.What was the first pokémon team you ever used to beat the Elite 4 in your first pokémon game? Hopefully you've played at least 1
3.Mouse or Trackpad?
1. Dunno, man. :l
2. Well, that's a mighty fine question! But I remember my team clear as the high seas. It was a Serperior named "Slinky", a Reshiram, Volcarona, Kyurem, a Gardevoir(acquired from my Elder Brother), and an egg that later hatched into an Oshawott. Don't ask why I entered the Elite Four with an egg.
3. As I've never used a Trackpad, I would say Mouse.

Ah, bugger it all! I have no questions to ask.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Free for anyone!
1. Do you have a significant other / romantic partner?
2. Do you replay the final boss of Splatoon's singleplayer for fun sometimes?
3. If you eat fast food, what is your favorite place?
Nope, and I've never previously had one.
Yeah, I've done it about 7 times.

One question for everyone again:
What time to you usually go to bed/ wake up, and do you sleep at all during the day?
(I think I actually just put 3 questions in one sentence, oops)


...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
oof i got a bunch, i didn't even know this was a thing :'3

Mario or Luigi?
Where do you want to visit?
Know any other languages? :)
  1. Luigi....................
  2. probably America, but i also really wanna go to Paris haha
  3. Japanese and Spanish!

  1. Mushrooms... ?
  2. What's your favourite soup?
  3. When did you learn to touch-type (if you can)?
  1. I LOVE MUSHROOMS both as food and just in general. fungi are pretty
  2. noodle soups probably, but its hard to go wrong with soup (except chicken unless its chicken broth, that stuff's disgusting)
  3. hmm probably when i was around 8-9? i used computers a lot from a young age

1. What is your opinion on dehydrated water? https://www.amazon.com/Future-Essentials-Organic-Dehydrated-Water/dp/B00BQ1VD6W
2. What is your Splatoon rank?
3. What is your opinion on the number 80?
  1. isnt that just ice
  2. S+
  3. somehow, i get the sneaking feeling this is a rigged question :P

1. Day or Night?
2. Plaid or polka dots?
3. Favorite color
  1. i used to prefer night but now i prefer day! more to do and more people to talk to :)
  2. mmm plaid probably


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Do you like OCs
2. Have you ever made an OC
3. Favorite sports team
1. It depends on how good and original they are.
2. Nope.
3. I generally don't care for sports.

1. What is your favorite ink color in Splatoon.
2. Do you like / have you had Cherry Vanilla Pepsi? (I love it personally, it's my absolute favorite soda!)
3. Have you ever gotten a Nosebleed?
1. Dark blue, as you may be able to tell from my profile picture.
2. Never had it. I wonder if it is good though.
3. Yeah, at times. And I mostly seem to get them completely randomly.

What buttons do you press when you're trying to catch a Pokemon while the ball's doing its three shakes, if you actually do this?(most people I know do something like this)
I don't press any buttons, I just stare very intensely at the pokeball on the screen, hoping to intimidate the Pokemon enough so it stays in the ball. Hehe.
It's also nice to hear that other people only used their starter too. I did the same thing when I played Pearl for the first time (I chose Turtwig), but didn't even get past the first gym. Yeah... I dropped Pokemon for a while after that, and then proceeded to play the games in a very stupid way, that being catching a LOT of Pokemon and training every single one up to high levels before facing a gym, a pretty tedious and long process.
It was only after an embarrassingly long amount of time that I realized that strategy was useless, and then I started properly training only a team of 6 Pokemon. The first Pokemon game I ever beat like this was Pokemon Black, I think.

Still waiting for @Achamo to answer my questions so I can ask new ones...
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Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Free for anyone!
1. Do you have a significant other / romantic partner?
2. Do you replay the final boss of Splatoon's singleplayer for fun sometimes?
3. If you eat fast food, what is your favorite place?
2. I'll play it when the servers servers sre down sometimes just for a quick 5 minute fight.
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Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Think I'll ask questions after my next post.
1. Do you have a significant other / romantic partner?
2. Do you replay the final boss of Splatoon's singleplayer for fun sometimes?
3. If you eat fast food, what is your favorite place?
  1. Once had a long-distance relationship and I was bad at it. Now great friends with the same person and pretty happy being single - I'm terrible with jealousy issues and such, and platonic friendships are great anyway!
  2. If I did replay Octo Valley at times, I don't think that I'd focus on Octavio - I love the level design throughout, so I'd be more likely to kick back and play regular stages. Like, if you were replaying a completed file on Mario Galaxy (2), would you just do the final Bowser fight? It's not exactly the same thing, but that's how I feel about it.
  3. Virtually never go out to eat, so I have no strong opinions there.
How did you have that before the Elite 4? Or was this White 2?
quick 5 minute fight
Octavio... is not just five minutes. Take it from someone who took several tries to do the squid amiibo challenge, which has an 18-minute time limit.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Think I'll ask questions after my next post.

  1. Once had a long-distance relationship and I was bad at it. Now great friends with the same person and pretty happy being single - I'm terrible with jealousy issues and such, and platonic friendships are great anyway!
  2. If I did replay Octo Valley at times, I don't think that I'd focus on Octavio - I love the level design throughout, so I'd be more likely to kick back and play regular stages. Like, if you were replaying a completed file on Mario Galaxy (2), would you just do the final Bowser fight? It's not exactly the same thing, but that's how I feel about it.
  3. Virtually never go out to eat, so I have no strong opinions there.

How did you have that before the Elite 4? Or was this White 2?

Octavio... is not just five minutes. Take it from someone who took several tries to do the squid amiibo challenge, which has an 18-minute time limit.
It's 5-8 but I think it's about 5 if I'm not including any of the cutscenes or waiting for the portal to open or waiting for Octavio to more or stuff like that which is meaningless towards the battle.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
Octavio... is not just five minutes. Take it from someone who took several tries to do the squid amiibo challenge, which has an 18-minute time limit.
I think it's actually 15
I remember beating it with maybe 30 seconds to spare? I don't really remember, but I did beat it under 14 minutes


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
Free for anyone!
1. Do you have a significant other / romantic partner?
2. Do you replay the final boss of Splatoon's singleplayer for fun sometimes?
3. If you eat fast food, what is your favorite place?
1. Never have, never will.
2. Not really :/ though I did do it again for all the amiibo challenges recently.
3. I don't eat fast food too much because it messes my stomach up. But I'd say Five Guys


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
It's 5-8 but I think it's about 5 if I'm not including any of the cutscenes or waiting for the portal to open or waiting for Octavio to more or stuff like that which is meaningless towards the battle.
Perhapsss. Doesn't make it last any less time, though.
I think it's actually 15
Could well be. Definitely well over ten minutes.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
I'm here! Sorry for the delay!

1. Callie or Marie? (yes, I know, boring question, but it´s hard to come up with them...)
2. Your opinion on chargers?
3. This is more of a dilemma than a question. Ok, this is how it goes:

You are driving alone at night in a car. Suddenly, you drive past a bus stop with 3 people waiting there:
A: An old woman that looks very sick.
B: An old friend that once saved your life.
C. The man/woman of your dreams.

1: Callie.
2: Actually, I really enjoy chargers. I do remember giving them a try at some point. It seems like they require patience, which I do posses. ....Aiming however..
Perhaps I shall give it another try sometime.
3: I'm going to assume this is a scenario where I choose to drive one of these people to a desired destination? I'd actually go with both A, and B, but if only one then it would most likely be the first one. Would take her to the emergency room as soon as possible. then come back for the old friend, if he's still around!

i don't really have a man or woman of my dreams. I would go for anyone I can get along really well with.
Although this 3rd choice has given me idea on a new 'Game thread'

@SurrealSquid @Agadez @ThatSquidYouKnow

1: When brushing your teeth, do you prefer an automatic toothbrush or would you prefer brushing your teeth yourself?
2: You're hungry, and you want food NOW. Would you rather wait 30 minutes for your all time favorite Take-Out to be delivered, or make yourself a random sandwich?
3: Yogurt or Pudding cup?

Always keeping at least one question simple and basic~


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
3: I'm going to assume this is a scenario where I choose to drive one of these people to a desired destination? I'd actually go with both A, and B, but if only one then it would most likely be the first one. Would take her to the emergency room as soon as possible. then come back for the old friend, if he's still around!
3. Oh, uh... Well. I personally don't own a 2 seater car (I have one that'd be able to take all of them), but I'd have to to take the old woman mostly because if she needs immediate help I'd want to help her get to the hospital or home as soon as possible. If the friend is really my friend, they'll understand my concern and "The man/woman of my dreams" can wait if I don't know them personally yet.
3. B, the old friend. always. If they've been faithful to me for so long it is only right for me to do the same.
These are all some nice answers, but let me tell you the story of this dilemma:
It was made by a company as a survey sent out to about 300 applicants to a job so the company could figure out who to hire out of all of them. On one hand, the old lady certainly needs help, but on the other hand, this would be the perfect occasion to pay back your old friend. But getting to meet and know the man/woman of your dreams is also tempting.
Everyone chose one of the three options, except for one guy who they ultimately hired. His answer was:
"I'd give the car keys to my friend so he could drive the old lady to the hospital and stay at the bus stop with the woman of my dreams."
Pretty clever, right?
1: When brushing your teeth, do you prefer an automatic toothbrush or would you prefer brushing your teeth yourself?
2: You're hungry, and you want food NOW. Would you rather wait 30 minutes for your all time favorite Take-Out to be delivered, or make yourself a random sandwich?
3: Yogurt or Pudding cup?
1. I prefer automatic toothbrushes, they do a better job at cleaning your teeth than regular ones.
2. Sandwich. I don't eat take-out.
3. Chocolate pudding! But I also really like yogurt.

@SyMag @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher

1. Your major complaint about Splatoon, if you have one?
2. Would you rather be a spy in the current day or a ninja in Japan hundreds of years ago?
3. Sweet or salty food?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
These are all some nice answers, but let me tell you the story of this dilemma:
It was made by a company as a survey sent out to about 300 applicants to a job so the company could figure out who to hire out of all of them. On one hand, the old lady certainly needs help, but on the other hand, this would be the perfect occasion to pay back your old friend. But getting to meet and know the man/woman of your dreams is also tempting.
Everyone chose one of the three options, except for one guy who they ultimately hired. His answer was:
"I'd give the car keys to my friend so he could drive the old lady to the hospital and stay at the bus stop with the woman of my dreams."
Pretty clever, right?

1. I prefer automatic toothbrushes, they do a better job at cleaning your teeth than regular ones.
2. Sandwich. I don't eat take-out.
3. Chocolate pudding! But I also really like yogurt.

@SyMag @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher

1. Your major complaint about Splatoon, if you have one?
2. Would you rather be a spy in the current day or a ninja in Japan hundreds of years ago?
3. Sweet or salty food?
1. Home multiplayer SUCKS! I want to be able to play with my friends but we just end up playing Smash Bros which is perfectly fine, but I at least want to try.
2. Current day Spy for the USA I assume. No records or history on me, plus I have skills like a ninja. It's perfect.
3. Depends on the food, but probably sweet because candy is a thing.
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Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Your major complaint about Splatoon, if you have one?
2. Would you rather be a spy in the current day or a ninja in Japan hundreds of years ago?
3. Sweet or salty food?
  1. WHY do Dynamos match the Squiffer in range?? I... I can stand a lot of things, but that just seems to go against the natural order of things!
  2. I'd hate to be either, but probably a present-day spy.
  3. Depends on my mood. Overall, I'm more likely to want something savoury, so salty.
@woomycheri @MacSmitty @Achamo
  1. Bicycles?
  2. Analogue or digital clocks?
  3. Do you collect anything that, in itself, has no real use (e.g. buttons, rather than videogames)?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
How did you have that before the Elite 4? Or was this White 2?
Called trading. My big sister reset her game(White 1) twice and didn't want the additional Kyurem. So I ended up sending the additional Kyurem I got from my game to Pokemon X at some point, as it was gathering dust in the PC.

Now, that my question-making brain is back.

@Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @Cuttlefish @SurrealSquid

1. First pokemon game and starter picked?
2. Follow this link and tell me what power it gave you, then say what's your opinion of it. Trust me, it ain't malware or some crap. First time I did it, I got one that was stupidly OP. Variable collapse, which has something to do with negating, rejecting, destroying, or locking out possible choices, events, etc..
3. What's on your right?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Called trading.
Well, that was my guess, but you said that your Gardevoir came from your elder brother and didn't say anything about Kyu, which threw me off.
1. First pokemon game and starter picked?
2. Follow this link and tell me what power it gave you, then say what's your opinion of it. Trust me, it ain't malware or some crap. First time I did it, I got one that was stupidly OP. Variable collapse, which has something to do with negating, rejecting, destroying, or locking out possible choices, events, etc..
3. What's on your right?
  1. First game of my own was Ruby, with a Torchic. I probably gave it the wonderful nickname 'chic' or 'Chic'. Earlier, I mentioned sweeping the Ruby Elite 4 with a Swampert. That is true, as far as I can remember - I got the Level 100 mud fish from a friend or something similar.
  2. Haha, got the furry power, 'Other Soul' - I'm physically normal but have the soul of some species not corresponding to my body, which might give me, I dunno, sharper senses? Or perhaps magical abilities, if those come from the soul (and I have some magical creature's soul). But somewhat underwhelming, overall.
  3. A Pot Noodle. Then my entire desk/sofa/bed construct. My computer's not on the desk - I sit on one of those rocking gaming chairs, close to the ground.
Did questions last time.

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