Inkling Cadet
1. Sinnoh and ChimcharCalled trading. My big sister reset her game(White 1) twice and didn't want the additional Kyurem. So I ended up sending the additional Kyurem I got from my game to Pokemon X at some point, as it was gathering dust in the PC.
Now, that my question-making brain is back.
@Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @Cuttlefish @SurrealSquid
1. First pokemon game and starter picked?
2. Follow this link and tell me what power it gave you, then say what's your opinion of it. Trust me, it ain't malware or some crap. First time I did it, I got one that was stupidly OP. Variable collapse, which has something to do with negating, rejecting, destroying, or locking out possible choices, events, etc..
3. What's on your right?
2. The link didn't work. Sorry.
3. A couch