

Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Called trading. My big sister reset her game(White 1) twice and didn't want the additional Kyurem. So I ended up sending the additional Kyurem I got from my game to Pokemon X at some point, as it was gathering dust in the PC.

Now, that my question-making brain is back.

@Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @Cuttlefish @SurrealSquid

1. First pokemon game and starter picked?
2. Follow this link and tell me what power it gave you, then say what's your opinion of it. Trust me, it ain't malware or some crap. First time I did it, I got one that was stupidly OP. Variable collapse, which has something to do with negating, rejecting, destroying, or locking out possible choices, events, etc..
3. What's on your right?
1. Sinnoh and Chimchar
2. The link didn't work. Sorry.
3. A couch


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. First pokemon game and starter picked?
2. Follow this link and tell me what power it gave you, then say what's your opinion of it. Trust me, it ain't malware or some crap. First time I did it, I got one that was stupidly OP. Variable collapse, which has something to do with negating, rejecting, destroying, or locking out possible choices, events, etc..
3. What's on your right?
1. Pokemon Pearl and Turtwig.
2. Is it randomized when you open the page?
I got reward granting. It is exactly what it sounds like-I have the ability to give and gain rewards when other people or myself do certain deeds. Sounds pretty good. I can bribe people so they do the things I want and give myself nice things.
3. A water bottle.

1. Do you have a significant other / romantic partner?
2. Do you replay the final boss of Splatoon's singleplayer for fun sometimes?
3. If you eat fast food, what is your favorite place?
1. Don't have one, don't want one.
2. I did it a few times, mostly because of the amiibo challenges. Fighting DJ Octavio with a roller actually was pretty difficult.
3. Gonna be boring and say McDonald's, but I also don't have many choices where I live.

No questions from me this time.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. Do you eat tacos, what do you put on them if so?
2. Do you draw on Miiverse?
3. Ranked or Turf Wars? Which do you feel is more rewarding? Which is more fun?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@SyMag @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher

1. Your major complaint about Splatoon, if you have one?
2. Would you rather be a spy in the current day or a ninja in Japan hundreds of years ago?
3. Sweet or salty food?
1. It's a tie between Dynamo Rollers being absolutely broken, and matches on Blackbelly Skatepark always ending with "A communications error has occurred." because of the lag...every. Single. Time.
2. Gimme an Aston Martin and call me James Bond!
3. I prefer sweet food usually, but salty is good too.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Sorry.1. What's your favorite food?
2.Do you have a favorite weapon in splatoon?
3. What's your worst map in splatoon?
1. Something that tastes good
2. Berry Splattershot Pro
3. Probably Flounder Heights or Port Mackeral. I'm good on them, it's just I'm looking behind myself and just expecting the unexpecting to many times.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
  • Bicycles?
  • Analogue or digital clocks?
  • Do you collect anything that, in itself, has no real use (e.g. buttons, rather than videogames)?
1. I have one. I use it time to time.
2. Digital clocks for me.
3. When I was younger, I was a huge fan of the Hot Wheels brand. I collected tons of toy cars that I stored in my room.
@Rustic @DualQuelcher @Aori
1. Favorite Voice Actor
2. Favorite Japanese band, if any.
3. What was the last book you read?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
1. Do you eat tacos, what do you put on them if so?
2. Do you draw on Miiverse?
3. Ranked or Turf Wars? Which do you feel is more rewarding? Which is more fun?
1. Yes Taco's are great. Uh.. i like cheese, lettuce sour cream Guacamole, and salsa on them.(and ofcourse there's ground beef in there)
2. Only poorly drawn Waluigis https://miiverse.nintendo.net/replies/AYMHAAADAAB2V0emlk3ZRw
3. I love turf wars. It's better than ranked IMO and is the definitive splatoon experience to me.

Going to repeat my previously ignored ones..
@Achamo @SgtUBER @Aori
2. Lemon or lime?
3. Favorite videogame genre?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. Favorite Voice Actor
2. Favorite Japanese band, if any.
3. What was the last book you read?
1. None, although I'm curious as to who voiced the Gravemind in Halo 2-3.
2. None.
3. I can't even remember, it feels as though it was a century-- Nope. I read the Ranger's Apprentice and I think the final book of that series too.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
  1. WHY do Dynamos match the Squiffer in range?? I... I can stand a lot of things, but that just seems to go against the natural order of things!
  2. I'd hate to be either, but probably a present-day spy.
  3. Depends on my mood. Overall, I'm more likely to want something savoury, so salty.
@woomycheri @MacSmitty @Achamo
  1. Bicycles?
  2. Analogue or digital clocks?
  3. Do you collect anything that, in itself, has no real use (e.g. buttons, rather than videogames)?
1. I like riding bikes though I feel really sick afterwards.
2. Digital because I'm stoopid and I can't read roman numerals.
3. Do bad thoughts count?

@Anaru @Rustic @SleuthMechanism

1. Are you easy going?
2. Short temper or nah?
3. Can you make friends easily?


Octobrush Crackerjack
Aug 4, 2015
I'm here! Sorry for the delay!

1: Callie.
2: Actually, I really enjoy chargers. I do remember giving them a try at some point. It seems like they require patience, which I do posses. ....Aiming however..
Perhaps I shall give it another try sometime.
3: I'm going to assume this is a scenario where I choose to drive one of these people to a desired destination? I'd actually go with both A, and B, but if only one then it would most likely be the first one. Would take her to the emergency room as soon as possible. then come back for the old friend, if he's still around!

i don't really have a man or woman of my dreams. I would go for anyone I can get along really well with.
Although this 3rd choice has given me idea on a new 'Game thread'

@SurrealSquid @Agadez @ThatSquidYouKnow

1: When brushing your teeth, do you prefer an automatic toothbrush or would you prefer brushing your teeth yourself?
2: You're hungry, and you want food NOW. Would you rather wait 30 minutes for your all time favorite Take-Out to be delivered, or make yourself a random sandwich?
3: Yogurt or Pudding cup?

Always keeping at least one question simple and basic~
1. Manual mode :V
2. Most of my favorite food I like, I can make myself actually.
3. Yogurt :V goes good with granola and fruit.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@Anaru @Rustic @SleuthMechanism

1. Are you easy going?
2. Short temper or nah?
3. Can you make friends easily?
Nope, I'm awful at communicating with people in real life, and I prefer to just have a few close friends rather than many friends. And I'm awful at remembering names, even though I could probably say the name of over 350 Pokémon when shown pictures of them.

@Agadez @Achamo @DualQuelcher

1. How trusting are you of other people?
2. How fast can you run half a mile?
3. What kind of footwear do you usually wear?


Octobrush Crackerjack
Aug 4, 2015
Nope, I'm awful at communicating with people in real life, and I prefer to just have a few close friends rather than many friends. And I'm awful at remembering names, even though I could probably say the name of over 350 Pokémon when shown pictures of them.

@Agadez @Achamo @DualQuelcher

1. How trusting are you of other people?
2. How fast can you run half a mile?
3. What kind of footwear do you usually wear?
1. Usually depends how they are...work-ethic wise.
2. I used to run 7 minute 1 mile, 3:30? Now and days, probably way slower now lol.
3. Mizuno Waves :V my favorite brand of running shoes.

1. Favorite board game?
2. Who would win in a cage match? Bruce Lee Vs. Jackie Chan Vs. Tony Jaa Vs Donnie Yen?
3. If you could bring back a cancelled TV show/anime/Cartoon, what would it be?

@SleuthMechanism @Anaru @Rustic
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Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
1. I like riding bikes though I feel really sick afterwards.
2. Digital because I'm stoopid and I can't read roman numerals.
3. Do bad thoughts count?

@Anaru @Rustic @SleuthMechanism

1. Are you easy going?
2. Short temper or nah?
3. Can you make friends easily?
1. I used to be. But.. since a certain event happened over 2 years ago that i do not wish to talk about i've been more easily stressed out and anxious
2. Nah, i'm usually pretty calm and rarely ever get actually mad at people. There are particular things that will set me off ofcourse.
3. ...no T.T

@woomycheri @Anaru @DualQuelcher
1. WHERE ARE THEY!!!?????
2. Favorite ice cream flavour?
3. Do you like Donkey Kong Country?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
1. Favorite board game?
2. Who would win in a cage match? Bruce Lee Vs. Jackie Chan Vs. Tony Jaa Vs Donnie Yen?
3. If you could bring back a cancelled TV show/anime/Cartoon, what would it be?

@SleuthMechanism @Anaru @Rustic
I really like The Resistance, which could probably be played without cards or a board since it's really simple.
I don't know anything about boxing, so I'll just choose Jackie Chan since I prefer hitmonchan over hitmonlee.
I watch very few tv (although cartoons are almost all I watch), so I can't even think of any cancelled shows.

@woomycheri @Anaru @DualQuelcher
1. WHERE ARE THEY!!!?????
2. Favorite ice cream flavour?
3. Do you like Donkey Kong Country?
I'm not sure, but I bet I could guess at least one location where they aren't.
Cookies and Cream!
Yeah, I have the first 2 games for the SNES.

@woomycheri @Aori @Cuttleshock

1. What's your score on those vision tests with letters decreasing in size?
2. How many rooms are in your house?
3. What game do you have the highest play time on?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. I have one. I use it time to time.
2. Digital clocks for me.
3. When I was younger, I was a huge fan of the Hot Wheels brand. I collected tons of toy cars that I stored in my room.
@Rustic @DualQuelcher @Aori
1. Favorite Voice Actor
2. Favorite Japanese band, if any.
3. What was the last book you read?
1. Someone from either RWBY or Red bs Blue. Camp Camp is good too considering it had the voice Dante Basko (Zuko in Avatar Airbender) but that was only in one episode.
2. None
3. Gengis Kahn
Nope, I'm awful at communicating with people in real life, and I prefer to just have a few close friends rather than many friends. And I'm awful at remembering names, even though I could probably say the name of over 350 Pokémon when shown pictures of them.

@Agadez @Achamo @DualQuelcher

1. How trusting are you of other people?
2. How fast can you run half a mile?
3. What kind of footwear do you usually wear?
1. 50-50 based on what other people say
2. Close to 3 minutes
3. Slippers or none at all! It's Summer!
1. I used to be. But.. since a certain event happened over 2 years ago that i do not wish to talk about i've been more easily stressed out and anxious
2. Nah, i'm usually pretty calm and rarely ever get actually mad at people. There are particular things that will set me off ofcourse.
3. ...no T.T

@woomycheri @Anaru @DualQuelcher
1. WHERE ARE THEY!!!?????
2. Favorite ice cream flavour?
3. Do you like Donkey Kong Country?
1. I'm sorry I decided not to go to bed at 1:32 a.m.. This time at least.
2. Mint chocolate chip with oreo. Again.
3. Yes
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Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. What's your score on those vision tests with letters decreasing in size?
2. How many rooms are in your house?
3. What game do you have the highest play time on?
  1. I don't know! I've always wanted to take one but don't need glasses, unfortunately (I bet they'd look great on me).
  2. At least 8. 9 if you count the combined dining/living room as two. 11 if you count the upstairs landing and downstairs, uh, entry corridor.
  3. I've got several in the 300~500 hour range and none really go far beyond that. I think that Splatoon actually takes the peak position, perhaps at around 600 hours, but I haven't checked in a while. Most embarrassing one? Pokémon Shuffle, just over 490 hours, was never quite my record holder but is, I think, second only to Sploon.
@Jaden Yang @FlyingInk @SurrealSquid
  1. Favourite fictional ape (or just one that you particularly like)?
  2. Favourite fictional teacher/mentor/similar (or just one that you particularly like)?
  3. Favourite non-fiction book (or just one that you particularly like)?


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
  1. Favourite fictional ape (or just one that you particularly like)?
  2. Favourite fictional teacher/mentor/similar (or just one that you particularly like)?
  3. Favourite non-fiction book (or just one that you particularly like)?
1. Eh, I don´t know that many fictional apes. I´ll go with King Kong.
2. Favorite mentor? Same problem as before, I don´t know that many. Does the narrator from The Stanley Parable count as a mentor?
3. That´s another problem, essentially all books I like are fiction books. One I particularly like? Any book from the Percy Jackson or Heroes of the Olympus series.

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