

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Fanfiction on Splatoon most likely
2. Eagle
3. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

1. *Shakes head violently*
2. Music, 'cause i'm a saxophone player
3. Yes

@Anaru @Magolor @G1ng3rGar1
1. Do you play an instrument?
2. Do you speedrun any games?
3. Undertale or FNAF? (Most cancerous fandom)
1. Used to play violin, tried to play piano a bit, and everyone played the recorder XD
2. No
I do try to finish NSMB2 levels quickly tho for fun
1. I know how to play pretty much every bass instrument.
2. Not really, though I do "speedrun" the arena modes for best time amidst people I streetpass in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
3. I was about to say I hate both of those games, primarily since I thought you were going to say "WHICH IS BETTER!". Nonetheless, Undertale's awful fanbase is 100% more trashy than FNAF... No offense to the calmer fans.

Free questions.
1. Are you hungry right now?
2. Favorite drink?
3. Favorite console game other than Splatoon?
1. I probably should be (I was earlier)
2. White grape juice
3. Uh
Affordable Space Adventures?


1. Do you like grape juice
2. Favorite way of transportation
3. Do you find yourself capable to take care of a pet


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016

1. Do you like grape juice
2. Favorite way of transportation
3. Do you find yourself capable to take care of a pet
1. Yes.
2. Plane or car is fine.
3. Yes.

1. Do you have more than one 3DS?
2. Favorite gum flavor?
3. How often do you shower?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I'm still tired so sorry if my questions are complete trash.
@Anaru @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Cuttleshock

1. Do you enjoy horror? I'm sure I already asked this but shrugs.
2. If you could choose an art related talent to be known for (whither or not you have that talent in reality), which would you choose?
3. Do you need prescription glasses?
There's an entire thread about this. I'm don't like games that are primarily horror games but I'm fine if there's horror in a game, and horror games don't scare me at all.
Being able to play some kind of music and not be bored doing it.
Not because of bad eyesight. My left eye is 20/30 and my right is 20/20 and that used to give me headaches for some reason, that doesn't happen anymore so I no longer wear glasses. I can see fine if I just use my right eye, and I hopefully won't ever be limited to only my left in real situations.
@Anaru @Magolor @G1ng3rGar1
1. Do you play an instrument?
2. Do you speedrun any games?
3. Undertale or FNAF? (Most cancerous fandom)
I answered these first 2 very recently so scroll up and maybe back a page or 2 for those. But simply no and yes, Mario Sunshine.
Wow, that's a tough question. This is another coin flip question H=UT and T=FNAF, got heads so UT.
3. I was about to say I hate both of those games, primarily since I thought you were going to say "WHICH IS BETTER!". Nonetheless, Undertale's awful fanbase is 100% more trashy than FNAF... No offense to the calmer fans.

Free questions.
1. Are you hungry right now?
2. Favorite drink?
3. Favorite console game other than Splatoon?
I'm a calmer fan (Of UTale, not FNAF) probably, although the game isn't really as great as people say it is, I never talk about it because of how awful a majority of the fans are.

Yeah but it's only 7 AM so I'll eat later.
It wouldn't be Splatoon anyways, it's Banjo-Kazooie.

1. Do you have more than one 3DS?
2. Favorite gum flavor?
3. How often do you shower?
Yes, I have a New 3DS XL and a 3DS XL, the XL is the gold+black LBW 3DS and the NXL has a Zelda-Themed cover. I had a red 3DS that I sold for about $100.
Once a day. I take showers in cold water which apparently is really unusual.

I'll make member-specific questions.
Which do you like better, Pokémon or numbers?

Did you ever play PM:TTYD? I know you played the first one, but the second is far superior, you should definitely play that if you haven't already.

What non-Kirby games do you play?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
Free questions.
1. Are you hungry right now?
2. Favorite drink?
3. Favorite console game other than Splatoon?
1. A little, though there's not much in the way of food lying around at the moment.
2. Brisk fruit punch or Ocean Spray Cran-Grape, I like both!
3. For the Wii U, the answer is obviously Super Smash Bros. For anything else, it's Super Mario Bros. 3...maybe I'll plug in my NES today and play that...

Free questions because tired Sy doesn't feel like tagging anybody:
1. Do you have an idea of where you want to go college (or for anyone who is in/has graduated from college, was it your first pick)?
2. If you have any, what's your favorite souvenir that you got while on vacation and why?
3. What would you be trying to sell if you were a door-to-door salesperson?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
There's an entire thread about this. I'm don't like games that are primarily horror games but I'm fine if there's horror in a game, and horror games don't scare me at all.
Being able to play some kind of music and not be bored doing it.
Not because of bad eyesight. My left eye is 20/30 and my right is 20/20 and that used to give me headaches for some reason, that doesn't happen anymore so I no longer wear glasses. I can see fine if I just use my right eye, and I hopefully won't ever be limited to only my left in real situations.

I answered these first 2 very recently so scroll up and maybe back a page or 2 for those. But simply no and yes, Mario Sunshine.
Wow, that's a tough question. This is another coin flip question H=UT and T=FNAF, got heads so UT.

I'm a calmer fan (Of UTale, not FNAF) probably, although the game isn't really as great as people say it is, I never talk about it because of how awful a majority of the fans are.

Yeah but it's only 7 AM so I'll eat later.
It wouldn't be Splatoon anyways, it's Banjo-Kazooie.

Yes, I have a New 3DS XL and a 3DS XL, the XL is the gold+black LBW 3DS and the NXL has a Zelda-Themed cover. I had a red 3DS that I sold for about $100.
Once a day. I take showers in cold water which apparently is really unusual.

I'll make member-specific questions.
Which do you like better, Pokémon or numbers?

Did you ever play PM:TTYD? I know you played the first one, but the second is far superior, you should definitely play that if you haven't already.

What non-Kirby games do you play?
1. No, I have not! I have a GameCube around somewhere and a Wii(both are not used often) but I don't have TTYD. I've seen playthroughs of it and want to play it, I just don't have the game XD


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. Do you have an idea of where you want to go college (or for anyone who is in/has graduated from college, was it your first pick)?
2. If you have any, what's your favorite souvenir that you got while on vacation and why?
3. What would you be trying to sell if you were a door-to-door salesperson?
1. Not really! Probably something in the area i'm moving to- however I know the subjects I want to study are probably Japanese and Pharmacy Tech.
2. I don't have any.
3. I was seriously about to say something regarding an inside joke with a friend that nobody else would understand.

Free questions once again~
1. Smash for 3DS or Wii U?
2. Do you play ACNL?
3. How do you feel about your legal name?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Free questions once again~
1. Smash for 3DS or Wii U?
2. Do you play ACNL?
3. How do you feel about your legal name?
WiiU has better stages, but I can play 3DS at lunch at school with my friends. I have more playtime on 3DS so I'll choose that.
I have around 80-90 hours on it. I also have the GC Animal Crossing, which was my first GC game.
I think it's a nice name.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. Jungle Hat :)head_hat001: this one)
2. Any mythology book by Rick Riordan
3. None

@G1ng3rGar1 @Boil @woomycheri
1. Favorite Weapon?
2. Favorite youtuber?
3. Most embarrassing moment? (You don't have to answer this one)
1. Splat roller atm
2. I have a lot xD probably tyranitartube {spelling tho}
3. Too many

I have no questions since I just woke up sorry xD


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. What is your favorite candy?
2. What is your favorite band group other than Squid Sisters in Splatoon?
3. Have you ever been to a bakery?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
It's not wrong to use it for elision of 'evening'. I didn't think that the question was very meaningful at all.
Ah, sorry. I thought I googled Hallowe'en and checked if that was a thing but maybe not because I did it again just now and it's now telling me that is a correct spelling. And the question wasn't supposed to be meaningful, I had written a question that I didn't like and instead of deleting it I just replaced it with a dumb question.

Free Questions:
1. When you wash your hands, do you prefer using liquid soap or solid soap?
2. Do you prefer white grapes or black grapes?
3. Do you ever eat lemons? Like, just alone, similar to the way you'd probably eat apples or pears.
4. How often do you write handwritten letters to people?
5. If you had to participate in one of the sports in the Olympics, which one would you do?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Which do you like better, Pokémon or numbers?
Ooh, haha... easily Pokémon. You can still have maths without numbers, but you can't have Pokémon without Pokémon! Good question, nice idea (with the personalised questions).
1. Do you have an idea of where you want to go college (or for anyone who is in/has graduated from college, was it your first pick)?
2. If you have any, what's your favorite souvenir that you got while on vacation and why?
3. What would you be trying to sell if you were a door-to-door salesperson?
  1. As I keep harking on about, I'll find out for sure in two days, but if my grades are good, I'll be going to Cambridge! Which is good.
  2. Some stuffed animal; I've gotten several from gift shops. Raymond the ray is a darling and helps to keep some small animals organised (under his wings).
  3. ... sudoku books.
1. What is your favorite candy?
2. What is your favorite band group other than Squid Sisters in Splatoon?
3. Have you ever been to a bakery?
  1. I'm struggling here, as nothing really stands out to me... I am really fond of those long ropes of slightly hard marshmallow surrounded by gelatin.
  2. Who did Split And Splat? The Chirpy Chips, I think? Would have to be them, as that's my favourite battle track.
  3. I never really realised, but I guess I haven't. What a shame! Super-fresh bread is one of the ten Best Things.
1. When you wash your hands, do you prefer using liquid soap or solid soap?
2. Do you prefer white grapes or black grapes?
3. Do you ever eat lemons? Like, just alone, similar to the way you'd probably eat apples or pears.
4. How often do you write handwritten letters to people?
5. If you had to participate in one of the sports in the Olympics, which one would you do?
  1. Liquid soap is fine, but I do really like bar soap, as long as it lathers well. In public places, of course, those automatic bubble dispenser things are far preferred for hygiene reasons. But I'll avoid using a public toilet unless I'm stuck out of the house for a long time.
  2. White. Black/purple grapes taste too strong and winey to me.
  3. Aha, I'd almost forgotten about this little ritual, but I did use to love eating individual circular slices (including the peel, as it's quite nice), and specifically whenever I started a new file on Golden Sun: The Lost Age (I had the second game and not the first for, like, ten years or more). I'm fairly sure that this association was because of the important location in the game, Lemuria.
  4. Never. I think that I had to do so seven or eight years ago for school, and that's it.
  5. Architecture!... well, you didn't say one of the present events. Oh, but you said 'sports', not 'events'. 10km walking is an Olympic sport, right?
@yokokazuo @Splatfan 222 @DualQuelcher
  1. Open curtains or closed?
  2. New moon or full?
  3. How far are you from the nearest other country?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Free Questions:
1. When you wash your hands, do you prefer using liquid soap or solid soap?
2. Do you prefer white grapes or black grapes?
3. Do you ever eat lemons? Like, just alone, similar to the way you'd probably eat apples or pears.
4. How often do you write handwritten letters to people?
5. If you had to participate in one of the sports in the Olympics, which one would you do?
1. Foamy soap actually~
2. Black?
3. I want to try it, because I actually heard lemons alone are pretty damn good.
4. Not too often.
5. Uhh... swimming probably.

Eyy freebies for freebies.
1. Do you have a least favorite game ever?
2. I don't know if I already asked this, but do you like soda floats... or even juice floats? Basically, it's a drink with vanilla icecream in it!
3. Do you party in matches of Turf Wars?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Do you have a least favorite game ever?
2. I don't know if I already asked this, but do you like soda floats... or even juice floats? Basically, it's a drink with vanilla icecream in it!
3. Do you party in matches of Turf Wars?
  1. Do I have one? Probably... probably not!
  2. ... dragons. And it's best that I say no more.
  3. If I go into one and at least two players other than myself are partying, I'm apt to join them. However, I get really worried about the politics of squid parties so, unless almost an entire lobby is doing it, I tend to leave after one game (like, am I doing it right? does everyone else hate me? etc.).
Did questions last time.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Ooh, haha... easily Pokémon. You can still have maths without numbers, but you can't have Pokémon without Pokémon! Good question, nice idea (with the personalised questions).

  1. As I keep harking on about, I'll find out for sure in two days, but if my grades are good, I'll be going to Cambridge! Which is good.
  2. Some stuffed animal; I've gotten several from gift shops. Raymond the ray is a darling and helps to keep some small animals organised (under his wings).
  3. ... sudoku books.

  1. I'm struggling here, as nothing really stands out to me... I am really fond of those long ropes of slightly hard marshmallow surrounded by gelatin.
  2. Who did Split And Splat? The Chirpy Chips, I think? Would have to be them, as that's my favourite battle track.
  3. I never really realised, but I guess I haven't. What a shame! Super-fresh bread is one of the ten Best Things.

  1. Liquid soap is fine, but I do really like bar soap, as long as it lathers well. In public places, of course, those automatic bubble dispenser things are far preferred for hygiene reasons. But I'll avoid using a public toilet unless I'm stuck out of the house for a long time.
  2. White. Black/purple grapes taste too strong and winey to me.
  3. Aha, I'd almost forgotten about this little ritual, but I did use to love eating individual circular slices (including the peel, as it's quite nice), and specifically whenever I started a new file on Golden Sun: The Lost Age (I had the second game and not the first for, like, ten years or more). I'm fairly sure that this association was because of the important location in the game, Lemuria.
  4. Never. I think that I had to do so seven or eight years ago for school, and that's it.
  5. Architecture!... well, you didn't say one of the present events. Oh, but you said 'sports', not 'events'. 10km walking is an Olympic sport, right?
@yokokazuo @Splatfan 222 @DualQuelcher
  1. Open curtains or closed?
  2. New moon or full?
  3. How far are you from the nearest other country?
1. Closed
2. Full
3. The nearest country is Canada and I don't know


Pro Squid
Aug 21, 2015
WA, Australia
@Mendax @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Magolor
1. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
2. If you had to turn into an animal, which one would it be?
3. This has been asked before but hopefully not to any of you: What's your favorite word?
1. I've got way too many stories in my head to put it down to one thing. I like descriptive narratives that build on the location and universe within books, so maybe an adventure story? (EDIT: Yep, definitely adventure.)
2: Probably a Wolf. That said, any kind of canine or dog would be cool: doberman, utonagan, kelpie...something along those lines.
3: favourite word...maybe Zephyr? Zenith? Blitz? Not too sure: I've got a lot.


Inkling Cadet
May 10, 2015
Alberta, Canada


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 26, 2015
@shani @birdiebee @Ryuji
1. How many different countries have you been to?
2. Hunting monsters or capturing pocket sized monsters? (Monster Hunter or Pokémon)
3. Do you have siblings? If so, how many?
1. 21
2. Actually, neither. ^^
3. Two

Ok I don't know what has been asked already so I'll go with some pretty specific questions:

@ILikeKirbys @Gatsby @Floating Eyeball
1. Have you ever played Aperture Tag (a Portal 2 mod on Steam where you shoot paint)?
2. Do you have aphantasia (people with aphantasia don't possess a functioning mind's eye, i.e. they can't visualize the meaning of words or even the words themselves)?
3. Have you ever watched Young Justice?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. Do you like to watch critic / nitpicky channels like Nostalgia Critic and Cinema Sins?
2. Do you have a favorite game you're very defensive over?
3. Do you have work or school?


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
1. Open
2. Full
3. About a couple hour drive to the U.S. border

@shani @birdiebee @Ryuji
1. How many different countries have you been to?
2. Hunting monsters or capturing pocket sized monsters? (Monster Hunter or Pokémon)
3. Do you have siblings? If so, how many?
1. Ireland, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Australia. Malaysia if you count flight layover but i dont really.
2. Pokemon. Monster Hunter looks cool but havent gotten into it.
3. One brother

@G1ng3rGar1 @Award @yokokazuo
1. Coffee drinker? Y/n and why
2. What's one thing you are doing to better yourself? (In any way big or small)
3. What are you up to this summer?

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