
Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
  1. If just one thing, it'd be (the option of?) the removal of RNG from gear rolling. Tonnes of systems have been suggested in other threads on this site so I won't go into detail, as most of them seem like they'd work well and fit Splatoon. Otherwise, I don't like to sound too greedy or get my hopes up on many things - I'll be happy with every new thing that comes, really.
  2. Wind Waker is my favourite because it is just so nice... also because it's the least scary of the 3D games that I've played (dunno about Skyward Sword, but I hope to get round to that this summer). Long story short, I can't even start Majora's Mask because it terrifies me and even if I got over the vague threats and fears earlier in the game, I know that I'd have an awful time trying to do the really creepy parts. Ocarina of Time... just doesn't appeal to me as much as TP or WW. Twilight Princess, I'm presently playing through and I'm up to my greatest test, the third boss (of the Lakebed Temple). I got up to it years ago and had to pause and shut down the Wii in its second phase because it frightened me too much; I'm now back with a vengeance although I could be overestimating myself. Will find out very soon. Of course, I haven't mentioned the top-down games. Link to the Past is, I find, utterly beautiful and it astounds me that it's only the third in the series. Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass and Link Between Worlds were all released with a limited-issue golden handheld of their time (GBA SP, DS Lite and 3DS XL) and I own all three! Of those, Minish Cap might be my favourite. I adore Four Swords Adventures for its bold level-based structure mixed with elements of LttP-looking exploration, but perhaps most of all because it's stupidly fun to play as a group. Another game mediocre in itself but which I find a lot more fun than most of the series: Link's Crossbow Training. Haven't mentioned a bunch of games but I own some official edition of almost every title other than the CDi games (thankfully), Spirit Tracks and either Hyrule Warriors.
  3. I'd like to say something about writing or drawing, but I'm sure that those are things that I could develop if I put enough time and effort into them. Uh... I guess I'd answer 'no', because I can't think of anything that I really miss and which isn't an outcome of dedicated practice.
Remember my question about talking about oneself vs. listening to others? I think it can be guessed which of those I'd answer, ahaha...
@Anaru @Mr. 9 @Brie_no.20
  1. Do you often stumble when walking?
  2. Have you got any interesting scars?
  3. Rock, paper, scissors!... which would you be most likely to choose at the start of a match? Try it with an invisible opponent and see which hand you most automatically throw out.

1) No, no, and no. However, I haven’t started playing Pokemon GO yet…

2) Well, there is a nice one on my elbow I picked up after a fall off of my bike while riding on a mountain. “Got” to see my elbow bone on that one, which tends to ruin one’s vacation.

3) TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!!! :scared:

@swamphox @G1ng3rGar1 @Green Waffles

1) dinner or dessert?
2) better superpower: teleporting or flying?
3) would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-size duck?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1) No, no, and no. However, I haven’t started playing Pokemon GO yet…

2) Well, there is a nice one on my elbow I picked up after a fall off of my bike while riding on a mountain. “Got” to see my elbow bone on that one, which tends to ruin one’s vacation.

3) TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!!! :scared:

@swamphox @G1ng3rGar1 @Green Waffles

1) dinner or dessert?
2) better superpower: teleporting or flying?
3) would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-size duck?
1. Um
I do love dessert though
2. Teleporting. Wouldn't have to fly so long to get places :)
3. What
Why am I even fighting them
I'd fight the horse sized duck with a flame thrower

@SgtUBER @Smashling79 @SyMag

1. Do you like eating meat
2. Do you like game shows?
3. Favorite number under 10


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
1. What's your favorite color and why?
2. Describe yourself in one word.
3. What's your favorite video game soundtrack (overall)?
1. Whatever Callie's color is. #TeamCallie #MarieBribedJudd
2. SquidNow.
3. Hmm...Hard call between Zelda, Halo, and Final Fantasy. I'll probably go with Zelda, but it's hard to choose against Uematsu's classics.

@Aori @DualQuelcher @Award
1. What is your definition of "the perfect day?"
2. At what time do you usually go to bed?
3. Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
1. No ohko Tentateks or Dynamos ANYWHERE, and assigned to a string of competent teams.
2. When's the next rotation? Maybe I'll just play one or two rounds....it's a good rotation....I'll only miss a LITTLE sleep.
3. Pepsi if it has real sugar. Coke if it's very cold (wait, is this the Pepsi Challenge? Is it 1988 again?)

@birdiebee , @Flareth, @Airi

1. What's your favorite game genre outside Splatoon?
2. What's your favorite console (home or handheld) of all time and why?
3. What's your favorite food.

(Yay, I actually followed through on responding to one of these for once :) )

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
1: Do you have Pokèmon GO? (qωq I don't)
2: Favorite non-Nintendo game?
3: Your inkling's eye color?
1. Despite being a HUUUGE Pokemon fan, I don't have it yet. I plan to wait till the servers get better, and more stuff is added to the game.
2. Halo's my favorite non Nintendo series, so I guess that. Halo 3 in particular.
3. Brown, like mine. I wanted to do a little bit of RPing with my Inkling.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 12, 2016
1) No, no, and no. However, I haven’t started playing Pokemon GO yet…

2) Well, there is a nice one on my elbow I picked up after a fall off of my bike while riding on a mountain. “Got” to see my elbow bone on that one, which tends to ruin one’s vacation.

3) TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!!! :scared:

@swamphox @G1ng3rGar1 @Green Waffles

1) dinner or dessert?
2) better superpower: teleporting or flying?
3) would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-size duck?
1.Dinner. Nothing better than a big juicy Medium rare cheeseburger or some good sushi. Meat over Sweet!
2. teleporting. safer (no risk of falling if u lose your train of thought). you can go places flying cant get you (inside bank vaults) probably better paying (instant courier services), instant as opposed to having a travel time, you could effectively fly anyway by teleporting to diff.positions in the sky over and over again.
3. A hundred duck sized horses. Me and a baseball bat and a date with the glue factory


Senpai in the sheets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 27, 2015
being jello on my chair


Senpai in the sheets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 27, 2015
being jello on my chair
1. Um
I do love dessert though
2. Teleporting. Wouldn't have to fly so long to get places :)
3. What
Why am I even fighting them
I'd fight the horse sized duck with a flame thrower

@SgtUBER @Smashling79 @SyMag

1. Do you like eating meat
2. Do you like game shows?
3. Favorite number under 10
1: yep i like meat owo)/
2: i don't really watch TV lol owo
3: gotta be 5 owo)b


Senior Squid
Feb 16, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. No
2. Probably Hawaiian or the Pretzel Crust pizza from Little Caesars that had the pretzel cheese on it :D
3. The Pokemon? Yeah

1. *whines* I like them both…
But I write about Mario more than Luigi. So Mario.
2. Japan and a bunch of other places.
3. You already asked me this XD I know sarcasm and Woomy quite well :)

1. Prolly both, unfortunately XD
2. Plaid shirts :D my mom is displeased XD
3. Ice cream, cause I hate dry cake.

I think I did this already but this thing won't leave me so ???
1. In the country, yeah. Not out :(
2. Geez Louise (pay day)
3. Yep

1. Woomyges
2. Well that sucks

1. Um…Probably Affordable Space
Adventures. We keep on dying but it's so funny XD
2. ^^^^^ But it's probably Paper Mario
3. Octoboards. I've had it like this for a while.

@MajesticCheetos @BlackZero @Kidnacho

1. Do you like to sleep in late?
2. Who did you side with for Splatfest?
3. Have you completed Octo Valley?

1. YES
2. Marie :D
3. Yes, yes I have (and amiibo challenges)


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@Anaru, @PyrexO2, & @Aori you're up to bat!
  1. Attack with flying headbutt or flying dropkick? Is it super effective?
  2. Push the button and existence throughout the universe goes *poof*. Do you press it?
  3. Create a ridiculous song title that becomes the next guaranteed latest hit song worldwide.
1. Dropkick, and I suppose it depends!
2. No!
3. I am garbage at naming things so I can't answer this cleverly haha.

@G1ng3rGar1 @Dessgeega @Cuttleshock

1. What kind of TV do you have?
2. Do you primarily use a laptop or a desktop?
3. If you draw, what kind of tablet do you use?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Dropkick, and I suppose it depends!
2. No!
3. I am garbage at naming things so I can't answer this cleverly haha.

@G1ng3rGar1 @Dessgeega @Cuttleshock

1. What kind of TV do you have?
2. Do you primarily use a laptop or a desktop?
3. If you draw, what kind of tablet do you use?
1. A flatscreen, don't remember how many inches
2. Laptop. I love laptops ^^
3. Wacom Intuos when I use the laptop, otherwise it's my phone or some paper :/

@Aori @Flareth @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. Have you ever had White Castle?
2. Onion Rings or French Fries? (The true question, man)
3. Do you like corner stores?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. Have you ever had White Castle?
2. Onion Rings or French Fries? (The true question, man)
3. Do you like corner stores?
1. What's that? :0 Sounds interesting!
2. BOTH ARE SO GOOD I can't decide...
3. I feel like I know what those are, but I haven't been in too many.

(Edit: Not tagging anyone this time!)


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
I'm exhausted after jogging, so simple answers and I won't bother tagging...
1. What kind of TV do you have?
2. Do you primarily use a laptop or a desktop?
3. If you draw, what kind of tablet do you use?
  1. A... biggish one? It's white? Wanna say it's a Sandstrøm model, as that logo flashes up huge and in blue every time it's turned on.
  2. Don't have a laptop.
  3. Don't draw.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
1. Have you traveled at all?
2. Do you have a favorite board game?
3. Do you like seafood?
  1. I've been around, yeah. Off the top of my head, I've been to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and thrice to Mexico; within the US I've visited New York, Virgina, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Colorado.
  2. Ah, it's been a while since I ever played a board game. If chess doesn't count, then I must go with Monopoly.
  3. Does a bear **** in the woods? I had to acquire a taste for it first, but now it's become a particular favorite of mine. Too bad I'm the only one I know that doesn't turn up his nose at the mere sight of fresh clams and octopus arms...
1. What's your favorite game genre outside Splatoon?
2. What's your favorite console (home or handheld) of all time and why?
3. What's your favorite food.
  1. Hmm, that's a tough call. I'd say it's probably platformers, judging by the amount of those games I've played over the years compared to every other genre (even if said titles are mostly Mario, Sanic, and Rare games).
  2. The N64, hands down. It's the console I grew up with, and it's what cemented my "destiny" (as it were) of being a gaming geek for years to come. (I'm not exaggerating here. Pokémon Stadium is what I started with, and I loved it enough to become a full-on Pokénerd, and later get Smash 64 because it had Pikachu on the cover; then I decided to see what was all the fuss about these other Nintendo characters was by buying their games...)
  3. Now I know I talked about seafood just a while ago... but nothing truly beats the taste of home-cooked spaghetti. It doesn't really matter if it's my grandma's my uncle's, my mom's, or even my ow; they're all pretty damn good equally.
1. Have you ever had White Castle?
2. Onion Rings or French Fries? (The true question, man)
3. Do you like corner stores?
  1. I've never been to one of their stores, but I've had White Castle-branded frozen burgers before. They weren't that great at the time.
  2. French fries. I can't stand the taste of onion rings.
  3. Well, for a few years those places were where we went shopping the bulk of the time, discounting the times I'd drop by the local 7-Eleven to get a Coke and inevitably never have enough change on-hand to pay for it.
(*whew* That took a lot longer than I expected.)

@ShinyGirafarig @Rockenberg @Ansible
  1. Have you ever gone to see a play before?
  2. What's the longest you've been without sleeping?
  3. What kinds of music do you like and/or dislike the most?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. Favorite video game at the moment?
2. What's your favorite eshop gem?
3. Squidboards theme?
1. I suppose Dark Souls III has had my attention for some time.
2. What's an "Eshop"?
3. Squidboards Dark Blue. It's less harsh on my eyes and I prefer blue over the other ones.

Welp, time to dole out some questions.
@G1ng3rGar1 @SurrealSquid @Cuttleshock @ThatSquidYouKnow @Rustic @Rustic

1. Dark Angels or Space Wolves?
2. Have you ever had a terrible teacher?
3. Did Marie plan the first Cats V Dogs Splatfest?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. I suppose Dark Souls III has had my attention for some time.
2. What's an "Eshop"?
3. Squidboards Dark Blue. It's less harsh on my eyes and I prefer blue over the other ones.

Welp, time to dole out some questions.
@G1ng3rGar1 @SurrealSquid @Cuttleshock @ThatSquidYouKnow @Rustic @Rustic

1. Dark Angels or Space Wolves?
2. Have you ever had a terrible teacher?
3. Did Marie plan the first Cats V Dogs Splatfest?
1. Space Wolves sound cool
2. Well, I wouldn't say terrible, but my
4th grade teacher. I liked her at first, but then that kinda…yeah. I ended up switching schools in the middle(?) of the school year (not because of her).
3. Um… *shrug*

@LMG @ThatBerkawitzSquid @ThatSquidYouKnow

1. Bacon or sausage?
2. Do you like sandwiches
3. Can you cook


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Dark Angels or Space Wolves?
2. Have you ever had a terrible teacher?
3. Did Marie plan the first Cats V Dogs Splatfest?
  1. ... ??? Uh, the latter, I guess.
  2. My Year 9 Physics teacher is legendary among those old enough to have been taught by him (as he's since left). He... manages not to remember a single person's name. If he takes homework in, you can wave goodbye to any chances of seeing it again. He's late for everything. He has a recording studio somewhere in town. He's arbitrarily stern and pays little to no attention to what anyone says (he never gives satisfactory answers to questions). Also, apparently (though I might doubt the validity of this rumour), it was only on the first day of a new school year that it was discovered that he had left - there was a Post-It on his desk to that effect and he was nowhere to be found.
  3. ... did she?


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
LOL Oh goodness, tagged three times in a row. You guys are murdering me here!
Alright, let's see..

1. When I was younger, I enjoyed singing a lot. Even now I do hum most of the time, but I don't believe I am a good singer.
2. I like music indeed.
3. I don't judge. either is fine as long as it has a interesting plot to it.

@G1ng3rGar1 @Marigi174 @woomycheri

1: What kind of super power would you like to have?
2: What would you do if you were being chased by a dog with a muzzle?
3: If you had the power to breakdance would you do it in a street show?
Been tagged too many times I can't keep up @.@

1. Being invisible already am so why not make it legit
2. Run like no tomorrow even though I do love dogs but getting chased is terrifying
3. Nope I'd just stick to the type of dancing I do now

Flying dropkick, super effective against normal/rock/ice
The Swirling Sizzler

@DualQuelcher @woomycheri @Aori
1.Explain to me how to fly
2.Worst book you ever read
3.Thunder or Lightning?
1. You get a jetpack and try not to die ^^
2. Twilight
2. Thunder
huh weird to see myself mentioned of all people...
1. Yeah, i use usb flash drives all the time to quickly save things when i'm too lazy to do a backup.
2. Listening. I don't have much to say, really.
3. Phone.

@Achamo @woomycheri @Zero Meddler
1. What is your favorite pie?
2. What colour underwear are you wearing?
3. Who would win in a fight: A beaver or a platypus?
1. I don't like pie.
2. Pink even though I own more dark ones xD
3. Perry the platypus.

I think that's all my tags. Uh another free for all because after all these tags I'm lazy

1. Do you like it when people type "u, ur, r etc" or do you prefer actual spelled out words.
2. Do you prefer to teaching or learning?
3. Kids or adults?


Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I was actually gonna summon you at some point, Roxy! But looks like someone beat me to it~

1: Pumpkin Pie!
2: Checked design underwear. Black&Red.
3: Platypus, I think..


1: Pokemon ORAS.
2: eShop gem? I don't think I've ever heard of this.
3: You mean the color scheme thing? Black/Orange.

@ThatSquidYouKnow @SleuthMechanism @Trieste Sp

1. It's a storming night, you need shelter. A legit Haunted mansion, or camp out with no sleeping bag?
2. What would you do if you saw a spider beside while in the shower?
3. What is your favorite type of Music?
I can hardly keep up with the thread
2. Just throw water on it and hope it drowns.
3. Hard to say, but classic rock is probably the one I listen to most.

1. Space Wolves sound cool
2. Well, I wouldn't say terrible, but my
4th grade teacher. I liked her at first, but then that kinda…yeah. I ended up switching schools in the middle(?) of the school year (not because of her).
3. Um… *shrug*

@LMG @ThatBerkawitzSquid @ThatSquidYouKnow

1. Bacon or sausage?
2. Do you like sandwiches
3. Can you cook

1. Who doesn't like bacon
2. I'll eat them if my life depends on it

I don't have any questions to ask so I'll skip that out for now. >_>


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
1. Bacon or sausage?
2. Do you like sandwiches
3. Can you cook
  1. I'll take sausage, I'm not a huge fan of bacon (at least raw, which is what I mostly see where I live)
  2. Yup, but I eat them a bit too often for my liking because...
  3. Not really. I can learn, but the people that teach me don't really do a good job at it (I still don't know how much "a little bit of milk" is). Sometimes I get lucky, other times my pancakes look like a banana :confused:
@DualQuelcher @Cuttleshock @Aori
  1. What's your favorite Splatling? (be it by looks, potential or power)
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. How much is "a little bit"? :confused:


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@DualQuelcher @Cuttleshock @Aori
  1. What's your favorite Splatling? (be it by looks, potential or power)
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. How much is "a little bit"? :confused:
1. I don't use splatlings, they're a bit too slow and heavy for my tastes.
2. A cat and a bird (not in the same house, my cat'd probably try and eat the bird.)
3. Depends. If we're talking about snacks there's a lot under "a little bit", especially japanese snacks since I adore those. However, moneywise.... it really depends on the item but $1-$5 is "A little bit" to me.

(not tagging again, i'll tag on the next one.)

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