

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
Actually they would either be there in their current day(our time) form or are there in an evolved land-dwelling form and simply haven't been mentioned yet. So, unless you wanna be a fish that blows water to eat stuff or be something that hasn't been officially described by Nintendo. As the question is described

And since it seems like almost every aquatic creature has been brought to the surface for some reason or just became intelligent enough to be considered a sapient species. If a sea cucumber(possibly the fourth member of Chirpy Chirps) is a band member, I'm pretty sure a 'Leaf Sheep' or an 'Archer Fish' are considered semi-canon and could be mentioned at some point in either a manga, anime, or in a future game. 'cuz you know... Earth is pretty watery and doesn't have much land. I'm pretty sure Nintendo will acknowledge their existence in Splatoon, but won't fully be showing them.
As for your canon species argument, that is easily defused by looking at the band pictures.

Excluding the less racially diverse Squid Squad. What do you see in Hightide Era and Chirpy Chirps?
Chirpy Chirps band members appear to be a Lobster, an Inkling, an Anemone, and a strange, tall, thin creature that resembles celery.
Hightide Era appears to consist of a sea-floor living fish, an Inkling, and a possible swordfish or something.
Not to mention the names that some of the stages are called. Triggerfish for the Triggerfish fish, Moray for Moray Eels, Hammerhead for the Hammerhead Shark, Mackerel for well the Mackerel fish, and Ancho-V for Anchovy. Are they considered non-canon? No, for they are mentioned. Who knows, maybe we might get a map called Archer Heights.

As for the questions I've been tagged for:

1. Pears, they're juicy and fun to eat.
2. Wake me up.
3. Ghost, man. For that obligatory spooky ghost joke that will inevitably happen within my gym.

1. None, because I don't really go searching for weird facts.
2. Actual textbooks, because screw trees. Also it's more satisfying to write a note in the margins for the person to follow and find nothing. Can you do that with an electronic textbook? Not really, you probably could, but you're going to more effort.
3. No.

@Achamo @SleuthMechanism @G1ng3rGar1 @Zerul

1. Favourite Pokemon type?
2. Where is this quote from? "Go to, go to. You are a saucy boy."
3. What is the best thing to do in Splatoon in thy own opinion?
I did not completely think through my answer or look up all species mentioned in Splatoon
I wasn't even really thinking about the Chirpy Chips
But you know, thank you for your deep insight
(You also gave me a bit of an idea on a direction to go with an OC of mine)

1. Electric
2. No idea
Sounds like a meme/dog video
3. Squid party. *shot*
Winning is pretty nice, too

Nite, everyone!


Octobrush Crackerjack
Aug 4, 2015
1: Fighting, Dragon, Fire.
I don't know, but I had to look it up.
3: Slapping people silly with the Brushes. Very Satisfying.

@Agadez @ThatSquidYouKnow @MissingNumbers

1. Favorite Character from ANY fighting game?
2. If you could own ANY animal/Sea creature/Reptile as a pet, which would it be?
3: Would you rather be Mario, Luigi, Peach, or Yoshi?
You didn't answer the other one I tagged you in >:V

1. Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury
2. Doge :V
3. None of em >:/


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Okay, finally replying here!

2. Do you like gift cards? YES! I am impossible to shop for, I readily admit that, so gift cards are easy for them and useful for me :P
3. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving I guess? I don't really care about holidays anymore.

1. Big house or small house? Small house. Less maintenance.
2. Headphones or speakers? Speakers, when I can.
3. What time do you usually go to bed? IDEALLY 10 PM. Whether I actually stay asleep's a different matter.

1. Who is your favorite historical figure and why? Nikola Tesla! Father of electricity, foe to that giant jerk Edison, and unbelievably weird!
2. Do you prefer working on projects on the weekend or relaxing? Both, honestly.
3. Favorite Nintendo console? SNES, probably.

1. 2 minutes to midnight or Run to the hills? Run to the hills.
2. Choose a super power: A) Breath Fire & Ice B) Super Speed & Strength C) Flight. B, das practical.
3. What is the best christmas movie ever? :V Joyeux Noel struck a chord with me.

I tag @Aori @Agadez and @Ansible for awesome alliteration!

1. Have you ever earned a trophy or medal for something?
2. What's your favorite amusement park or other happy fun leisure place?
3. Do you like hugs?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. Have you ever earned a trophy or medal for something?
2. What's your favorite amusement park or other happy fun leisure place?
3. Do you like hugs?
1. Not really.
2. Disneyland.
3. Yes.

Can't think of anything right now. sorry!


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Freebie for freebie!

1. Favorite kind of cookies
2. Do you like knitting
3. Ice cream or cake
I just like chocolate chips in mine, I really like Ice Cream Sandwiches, but that's more than just a cookie so those don't really count
I've never tried
Ice Cream!

Another freebie!
1. What kind of medicine do you prefer to take? (i.e. gel caps, liquid medicine, chewables, etc)
2. Do you like protein bars?
3. Also, do you like protein shakes?
Chewables, some of them actually taste pretty good. Liquid sucks because it tastes awful, gel caps are pretty much tasteless and I have no problem swallowing them
They're alright

@G1ng3rGar1 @SleuthMechanism @Anaru

1) I asked this one before to others, but what major city are you closest to (I’m about an hour and twenty minutes from New Orleans).
2) Would you rather be able to survive just fine underwater, or in space?
3) One 1000 year life, or ten 100 year lives?
Los Angeles
Space, but only if I had a way to actually get around quickly
Ten 100 year lives, unless I didn't age after 30-ish/get less able to do physical tasks, and my 1000 year life could be really amazing, then I'd choose one 1000 year life

I'll just go right back to everyone who I quoted
@G1ng3rGar1 @Aori @Mr. 9
1.What's your highest score in bowling?
2.If you could make animals fully understand 15 different words you say to them, what would those 15 words be? Would last forever, and it'd be same 15 words for every animal. It doesn't have to be one full sentence, you could choose words that make a few short phrases, or words that would mix into many phrases.
3.If you could add one law to whatever country you live in, what would it be?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
You didn't answer the other one I tagged you in >:V
I almost forgot about that one! Sorry about that Laharl!

1. Favorite soda?
2. What video game series would you like to be resurrected to current gen from the genesis era? :V
3. Pick your weapon: A) Gunblade B) Shotgun Nunchucks C) Lava Supersoaker D) A raygun that makes ppl get brain freeze and tummy aches at the same time.
1: I haven't had soda in the longest time now, but if I HAD to drink it, it's probably be between Grape, Orange, or Cream Soda.
2: Sonic& Knuckles.
3: (LOL Those weapons..) Probably Gunblade.

@Agadez @SurrealSquid @Anaru

1. Which POKEBALL would you prefer to be caught in?
2. Would you prefer a game of dodgeball using Sliced juicy lemons or pineapples?
3. Would you do a backflip off a car for $500. Yes you need that perfect landing or it won't count! (Be realistic now!)


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@Agadez @SurrealSquid @Anaru

1. Which POKEBALL would you prefer to be caught in?
2. Would you prefer a game of dodgeball using Sliced juicy lemons or pineapples?
3. Would you do a backflip off a car for $500. Yes you need that perfect landing or it won't count! (Be realistic now!)
Heal Ball(Pretty bad in the games, but in real life, it'd make me perfectly healthy after being caught)
Lemons, pineapple skin would hurt if thrown at me
I would if I was able to do backflips, but right now, I would probably just end up leaping off the truck and falling on my back and hurting myself.

I'll make more questions but I don't want to spend time thinking of more interesting one's so I'll just make favorite stuff questions
@Cuttleshock @Rustic @Ansible
1.What's your favorite sound?
2.What's your favorite smell?
2.What's your favorite characteristic about yourself?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
@Achamo @SleuthMechanism @G1ng3rGar1 @Zerul

1. Favourite Pokemon type?
2. Where is this quote from? "Go to, go to. You are a saucy boy."
3. What is the best thing to do in Splatoon in thy own opinion?
1. Poison
2. ..no idea.
3. Trislosher in general

1. Mangoes :V Watermelon would be my second choice
3. Hm, I haven't been into pokemon in a while but prolly a music based electric type gym :V

1. 2 minutes to midnight or Run to the hills?
2. Choose a super power: A) Breath Fire & Ice B) Super Speed & Strength C) Flight
3. What is the best christmas movie ever? :V

EDIT: I forgot to tag, whoops lol

@Mr.9 (Since you answered lol) @SleuthMechanism @Dessgeega
2. Fire always.
3. I like how "It's a wonderful life" isn't so much a direct christamas
1) I was gonna say strawberries...but then I remembered blueberries and raspberries. So, uh…berries?
2) Ha ha, not just yet.
3) The encouraging kind
@G1ng3rGar1 @SleuthMechanism @Anaru

1) I asked this one before to others, but what major city are you closest to (I’m about an hour and twenty minutes from New Orleans).
2) Would you rather be able to survive just fine under water, or in space?
3) One 1000 year life, or ten 100 year lives?

BTW, G1ng3rGar1, I think you said something earlier about olives being "disgusting little orbs". Ha ha, nice way to put it, I'll be using that in the future. ;)
1. on the outskirts of the city of austin which is apparently "major" now. Would not reccomend.
2. hm.. space since i can swim pretty decently and stuff and chances are if i'm in a situation where i can't something that can out-swim me is going to try to eat me. o.o;
3. Just the one.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
It's about a murder mystery writer from Cabot Cove who solves real life murders
I watch it a lot, maybe 1 episode a day? Sometimes not at all
That's how I learned that you breathe nitrogen just like oxygen until you die of oxygen deprivation

Because you guys were viewing the thread
@woomycheri @Rustic @Mr. 9 (it's fine ^^)

1. Weird fact you know
2. Do you like actual textbooks or electronic textbooks
3. Do you like pottery
1. Didneyland owns about 200 cats
2. None owo
3. It looks fun but I'm not skilled

@Quibblingsun86 @Rustic @Agadez

1. Violent or nah?
2. Weirdest nickname you've heard.
3. Stupidest thing you've done. {Don't lie and say you didn't do anything stoopid owo}


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@G1ng3rGar1 @Aori @Mr. 9
1.What's your highest score in bowling?
2.If you could make animals fully understand 15 different words you say to them, what would those 15 words be? Would last forever, and it'd be same 15 words for every animal. It doesn't have to be one full sentence, you could choose words that make a few short phrases, or words that would mix into many phrases.
3.If you could add one law to whatever country you live in, what would it be?
1. I haven't bowled before.
2. I dunno...
3. I don't know...


Octobrush Crackerjack
Aug 4, 2015
I almost forgot about that one! Sorry about that Laharl!

1: I haven't had soda in the longest time now, but if I HAD to drink it, it's probably be between Grape, Orange, or Cream Soda.
2: Sonic& Knuckles.
3: (LOL Those weapons..) Probably Gunblade.

@Agadez @SurrealSquid @Anaru

1. Which POKEBALL would you prefer to be caught in?
2. Would you prefer a game of dodgeball using Sliced juicy lemons or pineapples?
3. Would you do a backflip off a car for $500. Yes you need that perfect landing or it won't count! (Be realistic now!)
1. They're all the same :V
2. Yes please :V don't forget the oranges
3. I can't do that >:V so no.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1.What's your favorite sound?
2.What's your favorite smell?
3.What's your favorite characteristic about yourself?
  1. Music doesn't count, I guess. How about the 'direct hit' sound effect of Blasters, Chargers and the Sloshing Machine? It's immensely satisfying to hear.
  2. Maybe bread. I like bread and can honestly melt at the scent of baking or freshly-baked loaves.
  3. Not too long ago, I would've said my mathematical aptitude, and that is great, still. But now, it'd have to be my ability to laugh very heartily at loads of things (I'm serious when need be, don't worry). I was a really unhappy person one to two years ago, and this is a wonderful improvement!
@⭐️Latias @WeirdChillFever @SyMag
  1. Favourite major class of animals (birds, reptiles, mammals, fish, bugs or other invertebrates)?
  2. Did you use to do that... thing, where you're drawing a simple scene, like a house, and you leave a large blank space between the ground and the sky? That wasn't just me, was it?
  3. Any allergies?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I just like chocolate chips in mine, I really like Ice Cream Sandwiches, but that's more than just a cookie so those don't really count
I've never tried
Ice Cream!

Chewables, some of them actually taste pretty good. Liquid sucks because it tastes awful, gel caps are pretty much tasteless and I have no problem swallowing them
They're alright

Los Angeles
Space, but only if I had a way to actually get around quickly
Ten 100 year lives, unless I didn't age after 30-ish/get less able to do physical tasks, and my 1000 year life could be really amazing, then I'd choose one 1000 year life

I'll just go right back to everyone who I quoted
@G1ng3rGar1 @Aori @Mr. 9
1.What's your highest score in bowling?
2.If you could make animals fully understand 15 different words you say to them, what would those 15 words be? Would last forever, and it'd be same 15 words for every animal. It doesn't have to be one full sentence, you could choose words that make a few short phrases, or words that would mix into many phrases.
3.If you could add one law to whatever country you live in, what would it be?
1. I don't think I've bowled in a while
Prolly something like 111, but that might've been in Wii Sports
2. I have no idea (and those aren't the words) Maybe the standard yes, no, why, okay, and perhaps 'help me.' But that's obviously short of 15 words. *shrugs*
3. Prepare for controversy!
Perhaps a ban for abortion since there are two lives involved in the process, and the one that is impacted the most can't even decide. (Inspired by a commercial that just played on my TV)
Or…I dunno
Something helping the stupidity of Americans because it's really sad how much we don't know (that we should)
@Enker @SgtUBER @⭐️Zapfish⭐️
1. On a scale of 1-10, how sarcastic are you?
2. Do you go outside a lot?
3. Favorite school subject


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@⭐️Latias @WeirdChillFever @SyMag
  1. Favourite major class of animals (birds, reptiles, mammals, fish, bugs or other invertebrates)?
  2. Did you use to do that... thing, where you're drawing a simple scene, like a house, and you leave a large blank space between the ground and the sky? That wasn't just me, was it?
  3. Any allergies?
1. Birds or fish I'd say.
2. I never colored in the sky as a kid (too lazy/not enough blue crayon/other johns), so this blank space of which you speak was nonexistent ;) Unless I'm misunderstanding the question?
3. Dogs. Which works great as an excuse to stay away from them because of my phobia. Cats aren't as bad allergy-wise, but it can mess me up on occasion.

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Anaru @woomycheri
1. What's your least favorite Splatoon map and why? (and why is it Lagbelly Skatepark?)
2. What's something that easily frustrates you?
3. Whatcha listenin' to?


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Which POKEBALL would you prefer to be caught in?
2. Would you prefer a game of dodgeball using Sliced juicy lemons or pineapples?
3. Would you do a backflip off a car for $500. Yes you need that perfect landing or it won't count! (Be realistic now!)
1. Master Ball would be a boring choice, so I choose the Quick Ball. It´s one of my favorites.
2. ...? Probably lemons.
3. I´d most likely fail horrendously, but I´d go for it anyway.

@SleuthMechanism @Aori @Achamo

1. Callie or Marie? (yes, I know, boring question, but it´s hard to come up with them...)
2. Your opinion on chargers?
3. This is more of a dilemma than a question. Ok, this is how it goes:

You are driving alone at night in a car. Suddenly, you drive past a bus stop with 3 people waiting there:
A: An old woman that looks very sick.
B: An old friend that once saved your life.
C. The man/woman of your dreams.
Which one of them do you take into your car, considering you can only fit one passenger?


Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
1. Would you go into the Splatoon-iverse willingly by yourself even if it meant the rest of humanity was kaput? You won't be changing to any kind of race within the Splatoon-iverse.
2. What's your opinion of space, the grand ole cosmos, the black abyss above our heads?
3. Have you ever had a peculiar dream? If so, what was it about? If it's a bit personal, feel free to not speak(type) of it.
Additional questions due to repetition with certain Tagged peeps.
4. What kind of magical power would you like to have?
5. Which side do you typically take in choice-based video games? Good, Neutral or Bad?
1. Yes
2. I wanna be an astronaut when I grow up! - 6 year old me
3. Well I dreamed about like me and my entire family as like fish because I had seen finding nemo for the first time yesterday and then there was a weird vacuum thing that killed everyone except for me and then there was the shark dude from finding nemo but then he coughed everyone out and walked onto land and walked into a store and bought some salmon. Idk I was weird.
4. The magical power to get more magical powers
5. I'm currently playing through undertale and I'm stuck on
the spider woman
but so far I've only really killed like a froggit at the beginning of the game so idk.

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