The Bragging Thread


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
I've been the bait. Taking one on the chin for the team's always worth it in the end.

...then again I also used two teamos once to distract a sniper in Walleye so I could flank him, so...:rolleyes: 6/half a dozen?
I also remember when I took the aggro off a teammate being chased by a Kraken. Luckily enough I managed to escape and we both splatted the guy together. It's one of those moments where you wish you had voice chat :D


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
I picked up the Kelp Splatterscope again on a whim for the Urchin Underpass/Moray Towers Turf rotation. During one Moray Towers match, there were two E-liters on my team. We ended up dominating; none of us got splatted even once, and we went something like 4/0, 7/0 (myself) and 8/0. Having a team of mostly chargers can work out, or it can be horrible, but I guess this was the former for us!

After that, I brought the Custom Jet Squelcher into Ranked (Rainmaker on Walleye Warehouse and Arowana Mall, S rank). I have a non-zero amount of experience with the weapon, but it’s definitely not one I use often at all. I used this build:
:ability_inksavermain: :ability_inksaversub::ability_inksaversub::ability_runspeed:
:ability_specialsaver: :ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
:ability_damage: :ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
I’d like to trade the Run Speed Up sub for a Damage Up one, but this worked fine. I guess the Special Saver could be removed as well, but I just don’t want to deal with Spyke. :p

I was surprised at how naturally the playstyle came to me. My K/Ds weren’t that great; though I only went negative in two out of twelve battles, most of the time I went 1:1 or had only one or two more kills than deaths. I didn’t even win most matches, but I still had a lot of fun and felt like my performance was above average for my shooter standard. I felt pretty useful to the team and kept making good decisions. I was in a support mindset, and shooting at the Rainmaker shield or scaring people away was pretty exhilarating. Someone even tried to challenge my range at some point, and while I’m guilty of doing that myself at times, I couldn’t help but laugh ;)

Definitely going to keep the Custom Jet Squelcher in mind next time I feel like trying out something new. I want to see if I can make it a main or something.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 12, 2016
Killed some krakens recently in TC. Ride tower, lay ink mine. Wait for kraken. Kraken hits as we're going over a ledge or open water (this has happened at moray, mahi mahi, and arowana). Kraken gets on tower. I get off (or die). Inkmine detonates. Kraken falls into water or off moray towers due to resulting blast. Works for bubblers to.


Inkster Jr.
Jul 18, 2016
I recently got a triple-splat off of Killer Wailing the Rainmaker shield (not sure how many of the splats were from the Wail and how many were from the shield exploding). Immediately took the Rainmaker and managed to get the lead, which then gave us the win. Just one of the moments that deserves a Booyah.


Senior Squid
May 24, 2015
I have a Gold Mario amiibo.
Deal with it.
I'm sorry, the opportunity was just golden! *puts on sunglasses* Thank you, I will be here all night.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I made it back to S by getting a knockout in Rainmaker on Moray Towers! And in the game before that, I had gotten 17-5 and had one quad kill.
Also, I had someone on my team whose name was "naru" on the game that pushed me into S. That was sort of strange, as that's my name, but without an A.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
They can't keep a good squid down. Jumped back online yesterday and had a pretty swell run, only faltering once it got really late. The high point of the night was a match on Blackbelly Skatepark, a match that didn't start so well. Sure, I'd managed to countersnipe both of the enemy team's E-Liters in quick succession* early on, but for most of the match we took a huge beating, courtesy of their two shooters being frustratingly amazing at inking turf and splatting us.

Now as is the norm these days, our team got a second wind as the match drew to a close. I wasn't quite a part of it this time, which may have been the reason why it wasn't as effective as it ought to have been. But I made up for it: those shooter squids were up on the center platform, so I decided to assault them with a Splat Bomb. Unfortunately for me, they swam down to the side where I was and took me out... but fortunately for me, the bomb came down as well, splatting them both in one go. I'll admit freaked out a bit when it happened, because this was just late enough in the match that it could've allowed us to get some cheap extra ink in to skew the match in our favor. And it did! And thus I've been redeemed.

Also got a couple of last-minute Kraken splats (as in just before the special timer ran out), but those weren't nearly as epic.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
For those who posted in my "Disrespectful" Thread, you'd remember that I brought up charging into snipers without fear. I've managed to splat snipers on Moray Towers in the lastest rotation.
One match, I was managing to successfully avoid getting hit by an E-Litre's shots the entire match, but since it was Splat Zones, it made it hard for my teammates to snag the other zone.
So putting my kamikaze pants, I went up the building where the sniper was sniping and managed to taking him out while he was charging the gun.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
I used my teammate as bait to get a quad with a splat bomb... not sure if that's a good thing or not... :D
I've been the bait. Taking one on the chin for the team's always worth it in the end.

...then again I also used two teamos once to distract a sniper in Walleye so I could flank him, so...:rolleyes: 6/half a dozen?
It's a very VERY bad thing! You 'ought to be ashamed of yourself! >= /

I purposefully jump right in the middle of hot-spots to lure out enemies, and tends to net 1-3 enemy splats, I even live half of the time! =p

It's sprinkler/beacon bait 2.0 . Remember squids, never accept free candy from strangers.


Inkster Jr.
Jul 18, 2016
I decided to gear up my Forest Vest, which has Ink Recovery Up as its primary and Defense Up as its high chance of rolling. I managed to get all three defense ups without even needing to use a Sea Snail.


Full Squid
May 5, 2016
United States
Switch Friend Code
rainmaker museum, my team and i are getting spawn-camped while the opposing carrier carries it to the 25 range. i trade with the carrier and someone on my team killer wails the rm. i grabbed it trying to see if i can jump off the map and reset the maker, but seeing that it wasn't possible i decided i didn't care and made a run for it. somehow i managed to get a double kill w the maker while pushing it up to 39 before i got killer wailed in the face. eventually my teammates took the maker and we won with a knockout.

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Got a solid Quad Splat with my Octobrush on Blackbelly Skatepark. Get on kill, I see an enemy inkbrush trying to get to the top of the tower, I come from the other side, get them, my flicks wound up killing another player who was at the base of the tower, and after all that within the last seconds of the match, I jump off the tower, and splat the fourth teammate.

After a string of soul crushing losses in a set of previous matches, I really needed that.

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
Stayed in Ranked for the entire rotation and came out with a +40.0 Vibe Meter... That counts for something right?

Wait, did you go +40 in S+ alone? If so….then my vocal cords just stopped working… If I moved to the top of the Himalayas, and meditated with the Splatoon Dalai Lama for 12 hours, and then played Splatoon for 12 hours, every day, for 10 years, I wouldn’t be able to match that…

Yeah, so…you get a tip of the hat from me. However, I’ll throw out a (possibly obscure?) Dragon Ball Z reference. After the Cell battle, Vegeta, after becoming so strong, has just seen how much he has been outclassed by Gohan and Goku. He stays at the battle afterward on his knees and says (something like) “I’ll never fight again.” Well that’s pretty much where I am with this. Ha ha, you got talent bro! :p


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Wait, did you go +40 in S+ alone?
Note the 99. For comparison, a perfect win streak from S+30 to S+99 takes almost 20 games. On average, a loss during that requires, say, 1.5 more victories to even out your Rank score, keeping your Vibe level. In a four-hour slot, you don't have time for much more than, say, 80 games if you win by near-sweeping KO in loads of them. That means that you can only lose, ah, 16 games (and they'd have to be really quick losses) to get +40.0. More realistically, I'd imagine he played around 60, lost 7? Possibly fewer. The length of time it'd take to lose just bothers me, as if you're playing so dominantly already, you won't let a KO go by easily, especially with a weapon like that. Also, if you just barely maintain the 99, you'll have a cycle of two losses and five victories, and after every seven games, you'll be up 3.0 Vibe points. At that point, +40.0 almost doesn't seem that far removed from... regular human skill levels!
Last edited:

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
Note the 99. For comparison, a perfect win streak from S+30 to S+99 takes almost 20 games. On average, a loss during that requires, say, 1.5 more victories to even out your Rank score, keeping your Vibe level. In a four-hour slot, you don't have time for much more than, say, 80 games if you win by near-sweeping KO in loads of them. That means that you can only lose, ah, 16 games (and they'd have to be really quick losses) to get +40.0. More realistically, I'd imagine he played around 60, lost 7? Possibly fewer. The length of time it'd take to lose just bothers me, as if you're playing so dominantly already, you won't let a KO go by easily, especially with a weapon like that. Also, if you just barely maintain the 99, you'll have a cycle of two losses and five victories, and after every seven games, you'll be up 3.0 Vibe points. At that point, +40.0 almost doesn't seem that far removed from... regular human skill levels!
Thanks for the context! That makes somewhat more sense. I got into S+ on a +12, but only two of the victories were actually in S+. These days, I'm just happy to go positive. I can hold the rank, but that's it. There are frequently squids who are just straight up better than me (by quite a bit) in most matches, to the point where its tough to see how they got that good. Yeah I'm a Christmas noob and all, but I definitely respect their talent because I'm running out of strategies to get better in all honesty. Looks like ol' Rock' is one of them.


CEO of Rockenberg
Jan 27, 2016
Mahi-Mahi Resort: Room #529
@Cuttleshock @Mr. 9
I lost like 4 or 5 matches, but because it was Tower Control, the matches did end quicker. All I really remember was every time I saw a sniper on the other team, which was like every match, I targeted them. Like, I'm almost positive over half of them are never gonna use a charger in ranked, again.


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
For me its a slow crawl up S+. I guess its not technically worth bragging about since there's no single achievement, but lately I just play, I dunno, 5 matches a day or so and I've had a gradual but effective upward climb through S+. I'm currently at a comfortable 75. It's getting to the point where I'm very cautious on the map/modes that I play, but with this confidence I've got, there's not a lot I'm absolutely unwilling to play. Although I haven't played Rain Maker in ages, just bad timing I guess. Or good timing, depending on how you look at it.

Anyway. S+ 75. I'm so close to the top I can almost taste it!!! D:

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