I haven't rambled here, and frankly I was avoiding a ramble, but I've completely snapped during a string of completely unenjoyable matches and come to a realization. I'm not sure how much longer I'll play Solo Queue. Ever. I'm curious, how many of you find Solo queue to be one of Splatoon's highlights, and why? To me, Splatoon 2 has been one of the most amazing gaming experiences in a long, long time. The single player campaign and Salmon run are an absolute blast to play, and getting together with random players from the wonderful discord communities and teaming up for League creates one of the most thrilling competitive online experiences I've played in a long time. Then there's Solo queue. I find Solo Queue nearly impossible to enjoy. I've logged 160 hours into Splatoon 2, and have played a ton of Solo Queue, and I can't find anything fun about this mode. I feel like I'm carrying a team every time, playing the entire defense and offensive. There's no teammates to talk to and chat battle with, instead you get four completely silent blank faces that idle and disconnect quite literally every match. I think of all the casual players that don't use Discord to find other Splatoon players, and just play Solo queue on repeat to enjoy the game competitively, and I just wonder....how? I imagine I will play literally thousands of hours of Splatoon 2. I'm going to play the hell out of Private battles, League, and tournaments. It's pure perfection, and the teamwork is what makes the game so incredible to me. I honestly feel Solo Queue goes against everything that makes the game so great.