Okay, to put the obvious stuff ahead of everything else so we get done with this as quickly as possible: I hate hate hate the new hairstyles they gave the bois. The Mohawk makes no sense in how it's supposed to work with everything we know about inkling hairstyle physiology (lol), and the other haircut is just plain terrible. Color me a confused and sad. I was really hoping they'd fix the lack of a male "long hair down" hairstyle similar to
I've been really hoping for such a hair option ever since the announcement of new hairstyles in Sploon 2 and was pretty bummed when this wasn't the case the first time around, only to be left even more disappointed in this update. Blagh. Not entirely a fan of the girl's styles too as they look oh so very painful, as if they mutilated their extremeties there but at least they look decent. Blagh again I say, blagh! :v
Now to the good news: I'm very happy about new gear coming out and already spied a handful of pieces in the video I'll hunt down to inkoroporate them in my gear loudout. Hyped for what else will make its return and come into the game. Took them long enuff!
Other things I'm particularly psyched about: New music. The new punk rock band already sounds amazing! Finally I won't be dreading the fact that I can't mute the music in order to bring something fresh to the mix! What I loved so much when playing Sploon 1 back when I started was the very diverse music that played and was pretty bummed that the standard battle music mix sounded so very similar that I was rendered unable to even disginguish between the songs. I can play Turf/ranked for hours and feel it's the same song over and over again, halp! So, thank you Ninty for bringing more genres back to the mix. Can't wait to hear it in the actual gameplay!
Now for the obvious things:
Raised levelcap: As already stated in another thread, I'm very happy they're finally raising the levelcap. Nothing is more dreadful for excessive players like me than to max out your level and be done with it - even if the level by itself doesn't mean much, since there's still ranks (ha...) and league leaderboards to worry about. Stil, it returns value to EXP tickets and gives us the incentive to keep leveling further, so that's a good thing.
New stages: Always a welcome addition though it seems to yet again favor close combat a lot, so I may end up hating them - still, they're completely new and I haven't tested them yet, so we'll see! A new SR map is always welcome on the other hand since we only have three of those so far and they grow stale after a while of long grinding.
Returning stages: Walleye is back! Everybody clap your hands and squid flop like you've never squid flopped before! Arowana on the other hand... oh sheesh, I can already foresee so many sniper duels again and Stingray gaining meta status there. :D We'll see, we'll see.
New weapons: IS DAT A HYDRA? Nevermind the new dualies, the light Brella or the Squeezer. I SAW THE HYDRA. .... kidding. Curious about how those'll play out especially since the light Brella seems to be able to shoot while guarding which makes me feel a bit eeeh about it but I'm willing to give Ninty the benefit of the doubt since Tenta Brella looked decent and ended up being trashy, lolz.
New ranked mode: I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet, but I'm all the happier that they're bringing a new ranked mode with the second big update. As an S1 veteran, I felt a bit disappointed that it's just our classic modes for ranked since it didn't add much to the new feel, other than the Rainmaker feeling more decent overall, lol. I'll have to see how Clam Blitz works out in practice, as it seems to require so much more coordinated teamwork than the other three modes and we know how well that works out in solo queue! It still looks like lots of fun to dabble in, so I'll definitely check it out and see how far I'll go before reaching a final verdict there.
And last, but not least: Changing gear in a lobby: Our prayers have been answered! Now nothing is stopping me from using confusion-fu on my opponents switching out weapons after each and every round!
E-Liter switched to Bamboozler! Haven't seen that one coming, ha! ....ha. orz
Overall verdict: Hype hype hype.!