What do you think is the best weapon in Splatoon?


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 6, 2016
Eh it depends. The Tentatek splattershot and the 52.gals are versatile. Splattershot pro is amazing but not as near as good as the .96 deco. The .96 is a more defensive weapon. The best closerange weapon is no doubt the krak-on or the carbon roller. But honestly none of that matters when there is a good .96 deco user that just steamrolls everybody. Because screw weapon balance..


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
They already did say that... about the original .96 Gal, that is. That's why it's always been an offbeat pick in Ranked. The .96 Deco is a different story, though. For the explanation, I'm going to reach into the Wayback Machine again.

Now, to be fair, this was back before the .96 Deco's kit got hit with the nerf bat. However, your claim that its poor accuracy makes it "not as amazing as they make it sound" is unfounded. People were aware of that problem all along. It's just that when the .96 was given a Splash Wall and a Kraken, they compensated for that flaw and allowed it to replace the Pro.

We already went through a period of people saying that the .96 Deco was dead because of the Splash Wall and Kraken nerfs. Those claims were exaggerated. It's no longer head and shoulders above every other shooter, but it's still one of the top weapons in the game, and it's still doing the Pro's job better.

The Pro's popularity has only been waning in recent months, not increasing. Barring the possibility of yet more balance changes, the Pro is not going to overtake the .96 Deco in the metagame.
Good explanations and detail. It's weird to me, because in terms of weapons that splat me, the 96 is one of the least often. But I'm weird like that, I rarely get hit by supposedly great inkzookas either. IMO, 52's get me more often than 96's, and I mostly look to weapons that often get me when I'm looking for "OP" weapons. Not that I don't ever get hit by them, but I'm more likely to be crushed by an ace Jr that's always bubbled than a 96d.

I don't dislike the Gals - I often think I do but then when I play them I have fun with them, but they're just so....boring. And personally I find I'm more mobile with a Pro. This coming from a defensive player...heck I can't complain if that's the meta - it's apparently something I'm good at dodging, and the wall stops me far less than the bloody bubbled Jr., so it's a win for me! But it's just a little sad that it's seen to have such an advantage
Jan 31, 2016
I personally like the splatterscope (I haven't played it a bit, so if I said it wrong then it's the sniper with a scope).
I used to be obsessed with using rollers like everyone else, they did lots of damage, one turns you into a kraken (Only the bravest, strongest souls have killed me in that mode), and it even does a lot of damage. I also really liked the inkbrush.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I personally like the splatterscope (I haven't played it a bit, so if I said it wrong then it's the sniper with a scope).
I used to be obsessed with using rollers like everyone else, they did lots of damage, one turns you into a kraken (Only the bravest, strongest souls have killed me in that mode), and it even does a lot of damage. I also really liked the inkbrush.

Anyone willing to main the inkbrush deserves both respect and ire. ;)


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Personally it's a tie between vanilla scoped E-Liter and .96 Gal Deco.
96. Deco has good range, decent enough inking ability, amazing firepower that only gets stronger the closer enemies get to you and an amazing sub-weapon that synergises greatly with the .96 itself and to top it off it has kraken aswell. The only strong downside i know of it is it's terrible accuracy.
Scoped E-Liter has near-infinite range, can take out targets instantly, sub weapon that helps defend itself from up close and a special that helps it pin down the entire enemy team. It probably has the most synergetic kit out of all weapons in the game. It's biggest issues are it's weak inking capacity and it's unforgiving difficulty curve.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Personally it's a tie between vanilla scoped E-Liter and .96 Gal Deco.
96. Deco has good range, decent enough inking ability, amazing firepower that only gets stronger the closer enemies get to you and an amazing sub-weapon that synergises greatly with the .96 itself and to top it off it has kraken aswell. The only strong downside i know of it is it's terrible accuracy.
Scoped E-Liter has near-infinite range, can take out targets instantly, sub weapon that helps defend itself from up close and a special that helps it pin down the entire enemy team. It probably has the most synergetic kit out of all weapons in the game. It's biggest issues are it's weak inking capacity and it's unforgiving difficulty curve.
Personally I prefer to just list "E-Liter" as a weapon rather than get specific on which one. IMO they all do the same thing in different ways for different situations, and if you're going to be an "E-Liter Main" it's best to main all 4 (or at least any of the for can be as viable.) I think of swapping eliters like swapping my hat to get the right attribute for the map/mode.

I'm STILL trying to decide between scope/no-scope but my current thinking on it is: Both, it depends on map. Some maps the scope just interferes with too many otherwise good shots (kelp dome, museum. Not sure about Ancho-V but I think it's a wash. The scope allows peeking under signage, but can also stick signage in your view.) Other maps benefit from the added range of scope. And, somehow I just seem to play Custom a lot different than a lot of people do, but I tend to take Custom on the offensive knowing I can hop back to a beacon in an instant. It doesn't have the up-close defense (or quick inking of a wall) that burst bombs offer, but that means it also doesn't deplete it's ink supply and become stranded and defenseless if you miss a burst too. And vanilla has those lovely burst bombs. Right now I listed Custom in my sig, I'm focusing on it, but I still play vanilla too. But I'm getting a lot more out of Custom right now, and one thing about it is it FORCES you to be lethal with your aim, so you MUST be good at getting 2-shots close up. I'm not super at it, but it's making me work on it! ;)

Also, I don't know if it's the matchmaker that LOVES pairing the less used weapons with itself in matches, but I've been on teams of 3 Customs in matches a lot recently, usually Japanese players. And we WIN some of these 3-eliter rounds. If Custom is entering the Japanese meta...be warned...A team of 3 Japanese snipers with 9 beacons around the map who can be everywhere at once and may turn into a kraken at any time should terrify any squid. :D

BUT, much as I love my eliter, there are certain things it just can't do. Pushing being the main one. Taking on 3 squid assaults simultaneously is another. It may be my favorite weapon, but that's where "best" gets hairy. "Best" at doing what? :)


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Of course I know that the tentatek and .52 gal are some of the best, I usually get around 28 KO a round with these tools, while pushing the objective.

HOWEVER, I feel that more than anything the E-Liter is given too much credit due to everyone being terrified of it's range (not saying it's terrible but so many who use it have no idea how to use it and it has such a long charge time as well), personally I say the new squiffer and splat charger can easily make this charger irrelevant if they know how to position themselves.

Squiffers I feel are better since they have so much mobility and such a quick charge speed that they can pressure most other chargers into a corner and though they require you to go deep they prove to be really good in the hand of the few who know how to use it, plus the mind games pull off with a charger using a close range inkmine, is the most satisfying feeling you can get in this game

Splat chargers have close to the same range as a E-liter with less charge time and has either splat bombs (which are amazing subs) or sprinkler which help these this weapon charge up their special a lot quicker than most other chargers and because of this I feel that these weapons are the best charger tool available in this game


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Of course I know that the tentatek and .52 gal are some of the best, I usually get around 28 KO a round with these tools, while pushing the objective.

HOWEVER, I feel that more than anything the E-Liter is given too much credit due to everyone being terrified of it's range (not saying it's terrible but so many who use it have no idea how to use it and it has such a long charge time as well), personally I say the new squiffer and splat charger can easily make this charger irrelevant if they know how to position themselves.

Squiffers I feel are better since they have so much mobility and such a quick charge speed that they can pressure most other chargers into a corner and though they require you to go deep they prove to be really good in the hand of the few who know how to use it, plus the mind games pull off with a charger using a close range inkmine, is the most satisfying feeling you can get in this game

Splat chargers have close to the same range as a E-liter with less charge time and has either splat bombs (which are amazing subs) or sprinkler which help these this weapon charge up their special a lot quicker than most other chargers and because of this I feel that these weapons are the best charger tool available in this game
Where were you in my "when do you choose which charger" thread?? :p

I'm guessing you're in clan/squad tournaments with KO's like that, and probably talking TC specifically with that kind of splat count - even when I play S+ opponents, and even when I'm in an awful team against S+ opponents, NO player has splat counts that high! :scared: I think only once did I see a count over 20. And that was when shooting the scrubs on my team were like squids in a barrel...I'd have shot them if I could. :p

I've seen the argument before that eliter, post-nerf, isn't as favorable as splat charger/splatterscope now. Though I've seen for and against. What kind of problems do you see with a lot of people who use it that suggests they don't know what they're doing?)

I've seen the argument for splat chargers/splatterscope. There's some merit to that. I like those too, though they play differently. there are some maps/modes that I do prefer it to eliter (SZ on Hammerhead, anything on Mackerel, etc.) I don't think the range is really comparable though. You REALLY feel that loss in range when you normally use eliter and switch to splat charger. The range can be closed, and on paper it looks close, but in practice, but you do feel the loss. I found I tend to NOT perch as a sniper when I use splat charger though, and use it at ground level more times than not.

The one that interests me is squiffer - I love squiffer, that's what got me into chargers to begin with. But it's limited range does tend to put you in bad situations. I've seen good squiffers, but so very few of them. Personally though the one thing that kills Squiffer more than anything for me is the kit. Classic Squiffer's kit is great, but situational. I'd use it a lot more if New Squiffer had ANY other kit than what it has, but the ink mines don't really do it for me. I didn't try New for a long time, and one day I was feeling like I wanted to play squiffer, but didn't need the sensors. I bought New deciding to play with mines, and I just couldn't really get into any kind of groove with it. I'd love it if I could make use of them, but I think Squiffer would have been a lot more popular and a lot more fun with something else...disruptors, suction bombs, seekers, anything!


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Where were you in my "when do you choose which charger" thread?? :p

I'm guessing you're in clan/squad tournaments with KO's like that, and probably talking TC specifically with that kind of splat count - even when I play S+ opponents, and even when I'm in an awful team against S+ opponents, NO player has splat counts that high! :scared: I think only once did I see a count over 20. And that was when shooting the scrubs on my team were like squids in a barrel...I'd have shot them if I could. :p

I've seen the argument before that eliter, post-nerf, isn't as favorable as splat charger/splatterscope now. Though I've seen for and against. What kind of problems do you see with a lot of people who use it that suggests they don't know what they're doing?)

I've seen the argument for splat chargers/splatterscope. There's some merit to that. I like those too, though they play differently. there are some maps/modes that I do prefer it to eliter (SZ on Hammerhead, anything on Mackerel, etc.) I don't think the range is really comparable though. You REALLY feel that loss in range when you normally use eliter and switch to splat charger. The range can be closed, and on paper it looks close, but in practice, but you do feel the loss. I found I tend to NOT perch as a sniper when I use splat charger though, and use it at ground level more times than not.

The one that interests me is squiffer - I love squiffer, that's what got me into chargers to begin with. But it's limited range does tend to put you in bad situations. I've seen good squiffers, but so very few of them. Personally though the one thing that kills Squiffer more than anything for me is the kit. Classic Squiffer's kit is great, but situational. I'd use it a lot more if New Squiffer had ANY other kit than what it has, but the ink mines don't really do it for me. I didn't try New for a long time, and one day I was feeling like I wanted to play squiffer, but didn't need the sensors. I bought New deciding to play with mines, and I just couldn't really get into any kind of groove with it. I'd love it if I could make use of them, but I think Squiffer would have been a lot more popular and a lot more fun with something else...disruptors, suction bombs, seekers, anything!
Thanks for the compliment but I am not in a squad since my Wii U locked me out of my friends menu until Nintendo fixed it, I just had practice, got tips, and gained enough confidence to have 0 fear of being splatted.

However to address the ink mine problem this is all about reading the enemy or baiting them into traps, for example the center of flounder height squids are always coming up the ledge to ambush your team, so setting up a inkmine along this and narrow passages that work as flanks can either splat them or force them have to move right into you line of fire in an attempt to dodge it. Or you can simply stand in a obvious position (let them find you) and have the enemy charge or splat you only to be caught off guard by the inkmine that you hid behind you or around you
Also you can press the sub button as many times as you like and since it isn't seen, unlike with other tools, this can be used to place "fake" mines all over and further throw off players who will then have no idea where the real inkmine is... until they step on it :p

If you choose to not use it any of these option I suggest at least placing these in places outside of your ink since it can at least serve the purpose of charging your special a whole lot quicker an with the inkzooka this can be vital to changing the tide of the game in your favor


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Thanks for the compliment but I am not in a squad since my Wii U locked me out of my friends menu until Nintendo fixed it, I just had practice, got tips, and gained enough confidence to have 0 fear of being splatted.

However to address the ink mine problem this is all about reading the enemy or baiting them into traps, for example the center of flounder height squids are always coming up the ledge to ambush your team, so setting up a inkmine along this and narrow passages that work as flanks can either splat them or force them have to move right into you line of fire in an attempt to dodge it. Or you can simply stand in a obvious position (let them find you) and have the enemy charge or splat you only to be caught off guard by the inkmine that you hid behind you or around you
Also you can press the sub button as many times as you like and since it isn't seen, unlike with other tools, this can be used to place "fake" mines all over and further throw off players who will then have no idea where the real inkmine is... until they step on it :p

If you choose to not use it any of these option I suggest at least placing these in places outside of your ink since it can at least serve the purpose of charging your special a whole lot quicker an with the inkzooka this can be vital to changing the tide of the game in your favor
Wow, that's truly impressive. Among all the S+'s I see even on Splatfest days when I know the team they're against is so utterly useless that they might as well through THEMSELVES over the water I don't believe I've ever seen any player post a score that high. The two I saw get close, one was an eliter, one was a TTK. All I can say is the players must have been REALLY awful for an eliter to get >20. :D Doing with a squiffer might be most impressive of all!

I admit I haven't spent too much time with inkmines, but I bought New Squiffer because I got great ideas like those in my head, tried to put it in practice, and it just wasn't working out. The mines would explode before anyone stepped on them, or they'd cover them with ink and explode on their own and it wasn't getting much done other than drain me of ink. You make me want to go back and try it again. I like the squiffer, but the two kits just don't click with it for me. Bamboozler got the better kits IMO. Point sensors are great in the right situations though.


Pro Squid
Jan 21, 2016
I think the reason that the Gals, Poppers (refuse to call them their actual name) and Tentatek are regarded as the best is because they do well on every mode. However, in Turf War obviously the Aerospray does amazing, while it sucks in everything else (except debatably Zones). In TC and Rainmaker chargers destroy people, while IMO they are a little weaker in zones. The Jr. I find, at least in my (biased) opinion, OK at zones and good at Rainmaker. But they each have exploitable flaws or are bad in other modes. The Gals, Poppers, and Tentatek have hard to exploit weaknesses due to their versatility and you basically having to flank a good one to kill it (but if they're good, you'd probably trade). Just my take on it.

Oh, and I'm partial to the Splatterscope.


Feb 3, 2016
Now, I know that each weapon had it's own ups and downs, but I was just wondering what the majority would consider the "best weapon" to be.

Like I'd probably say the Gals or even the Blasters.
Believe it or not, my choice for the best weapon is the custom dual squelcher. It's a great well balanced weapon that is good for any game mode. It's large tank, and low ink usage allows you to shoot for long periods of time. The tracker sub can be used very effectively in the right hands, ad the killer wail special is amazing at killing snipers, or knocking enemies off the tower in tower control. But over all, the best part about this gun is it's range! It's super easy to kill rollers, and is even good at taking down snipers. The range also allows you to claim an absurd amount of territory in a matter of seconds. This weapon, combined with stealth tactics is almost unstoppable. Although it probably isn't for everyone, it's especially good for getting kills, and putting pressure on your enemies.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Believe it or not, my choice for the best weapon is the custom dual squelcher. It's a great well balanced weapon that is good for any game mode. It's large tank, and low ink usage allows you to shoot for long periods of time. The tracker sub can be used very effectively in the right hands, ad the killer wail special is amazing at killing snipers, or knocking enemies off the tower in tower control. But over all, the best part about this gun is it's range! It's super easy to kill rollers, and is even good at taking down snipers. The range also allows you to claim an absurd amount of territory in a matter of seconds. This weapon, combined with stealth tactics is almost unstoppable. Although it probably isn't for everyone, it's especially good for getting kills, and putting pressure on your enemies.
When you say "tracker sub" do you mean beacons? (which don't track?)

Custom DS has beacons & wail, vanilla DS has splat bombs and echolocator. Neither has point sensors. Personally I've never felt beacons fit the DS very well. DS is a fairly aggressive weapon since it has high mobility while shooting, and beacons are good either for stealthy or supportive weapons. The wail is nice, but for me the vanilla model is more balanced since it gives you a ranged shooter that kills fast close as well, but also gives a zoning sub AND the great echolocator to hunt down foes and support the team.

Regardless of which model you meant, I'll agree that it's balance is impeccable and is easily one of the most versatile weapons in the game. I'd take the DS or SSP/FSSP over a lousy .96 any day.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 17, 2015
I think the reason that the Gals, Poppers (refuse to call them their actual name) and Tentatek are regarded as the best is because they do well on every mode. However, in Turf War obviously the Aerospray does amazing, while it sucks in everything else (except debatably Zones). In TC and Rainmaker chargers destroy people, while IMO they are a little weaker in zones. The Jr. I find, at least in my (biased) opinion, OK at zones and good at Rainmaker. But they each have exploitable flaws or are bad in other modes. The Gals, Poppers, and Tentatek have hard to exploit weaknesses due to their versatility and you basically having to flank a good one to kill it (but if they're good, you'd probably trade). Just my take on it.

Oh, and I'm partial to the Splatterscope.
Poppers is freakin perfect. I'm gonna start saying that


Feb 3, 2016
When you say "tracker sub" do you mean beacons? (which don't track?)

Custom DS has beacons & wail, vanilla DS has splat bombs and echolocator. Neither has point sensors. Personally I've never felt beacons fit the DS very well. DS is a fairly aggressive weapon since it has high mobility while shooting, and beacons are good either for stealthy or supportive weapons. The wail is nice, but for me the vanilla model is more balanced since it gives you a ranged shooter that kills fast close as well, but also gives a zoning sub AND the great echolocator to hunt down foes and support the team.

Regardless of which model you meant, I'll agree that it's balance is impeccable and is easily one of the most versatile weapons in the game. I'd take the DS or SSP/FSSP over a lousy .96 any day.
Yeah, I guess your right: the original is the best. I just like the custom duel squelcher because it's better suited towards my personal play style.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Yeah, I guess your right: the original is the best. I just like the custom duel squelcher because it's better suited towards my personal play style.
Nothing wrong with liking beacons, I'm a Custom E-Liter main! :D;)

I just think as a candidate for "most well rounded" weapon (because IMO there's no such thing as "best" weapon) the vanilla DS qualifies as a little more balanced, and I tend to pick a DS specifically when I'm looking for that "works in every situation" balance as opposed to my typically more task-oriented mains. :)


Brella Aficionado
Jul 31, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I think every team position has good weapons, like for attack/front lines, definitely what has been said, .52, .96 Deco, Luna Neo, Carbon Roller, Tentatek. I think arguments could be made for any of these.

For support though, no one has said any of the Splatlings, so I personally prefer the Zink Mini, and the original Heavy, since both are flexible. Especially the Heavy, which shoots with good distance and accuracy, and has a splash wall to protect yourself or allies, and the inkstrike to put pressure on objectives. The Zink has disruptors to lock down the enemy, and a bubbler to support team play. Both have a good DPS/TTK, but not at the same level as the front liners. Neither are the best weapon by themselves, but some of the best support weapons.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Played SSP again for a while, and IMO, it's still its own weapon that does not get "replaced" by the .96. It plays different, it moves different, it's not depending on hiding behind its wall, and IMO, in my hands, is a superior weapon. And splat bombs (or sensors) are ALWAYS useful. I still think it's premature internet group think to assume the .96D is the end all be all ranged shooter, especially when it arrived at that status PURELY due to it's splash wall when the main gun was previously considered kind of laughable.

For me it's a hard choice between SSP and DS for which is the all around most versatile shooter. They're both great, and play different. .96 is good too, but I feel I do better with the others.

I think every team position has good weapons, like for attack/front lines, definitely what has been said, .52, .96 Deco, Luna Neo, Carbon Roller, Tentatek. I think arguments could be made for any of these.

For support though, no one has said any of the Splatlings, so I personally prefer the Zink Mini, and the original Heavy, since both are flexible. Especially the Heavy, which shoots with good distance and accuracy, and has a splash wall to protect yourself or allies, and the inkstrike to put pressure on objectives. The Zink has disruptors to lock down the enemy, and a bubbler to support team play. Both have a good DPS/TTK, but not at the same level as the front liners. Neither are the best weapon by themselves, but some of the best support weapons.
I love the zink! I forgot to inlude that in my list of secondaries! It's just fun to use. And you can't rule out the Hydra. Thing's a beast, and best of all it's a Gal killer - a full charge will shred the splash wall and whoever's behind it. :D It's true support, you won't take the map yourself with it like a TTK, but as support it can be truly beastly.


Brella Aficionado
Jul 31, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Played SSP again for a while, and IMO, it's still its own weapon that does not get "replaced" by the .96. It plays different, it moves different, it's not depending on hiding behind its wall, and IMO, in my hands, is a superior weapon. And splat bombs (or sensors) are ALWAYS useful. I still think it's premature internet group think to assume the .96D is the end all be all ranged shooter, especially when it arrived at that status PURELY due to it's splash wall when the main gun was previously considered kind of laughable.

For me it's a hard choice between SSP and DS for which is the all around most versatile shooter. They're both great, and play different. .96 is good too, but I feel I do better with the others.

I love the zink! I forgot to inlude that in my list of secondaries! It's just fun to use. And you can't rule out the Hydra. Thing's a beast, and best of all it's a Gal killer - a full charge will shred the splash wall and whoever's behind it. :D It's true support, you won't take the map yourself with it like a TTK, but as support it can be truly beastly.
I have a hard time placing the Hydra between defense and support, it is almost a charger, but not quite. It really doesn't have quite enough ink coverage for me to be support as I think of it, more defense, putting enemies in bad positions, holding the line, but not the same level of map control I think of supports having. Still a good weapon, just hard to categorize for me, and I don't know if I call it the best, but I think Splatoon is way more about team comps, and team dynamics, than weapon choice of a single player, so this thread is a little silly to me anyway, but I love theory crafting! :D

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