Where were you in my "when do you choose which charger" thread?? :p
I'm guessing you're in clan/squad tournaments with KO's like that, and probably talking TC specifically with that kind of splat count - even when I play S+ opponents, and even when I'm in an awful team against S+ opponents, NO player has splat counts that high!

I think only once did I see a count over 20. And that was when shooting the scrubs on my team were like squids in a barrel...I'd have shot them if I could. :p
I've seen the argument before that eliter, post-nerf, isn't as favorable as splat charger/splatterscope now. Though I've seen for and against. What kind of problems do you see with a lot of people who use it that suggests they don't know what they're doing?)
I've seen the argument for splat chargers/splatterscope. There's some merit to that. I like those too, though they play differently. there are some maps/modes that I do prefer it to eliter (SZ on Hammerhead, anything on Mackerel, etc.) I don't think the range is really comparable though. You REALLY feel that loss in range when you normally use eliter and switch to splat charger. The range can be closed, and on paper it looks close, but in practice, but you do feel the loss. I found I tend to NOT perch as a sniper when I use splat charger though, and use it at ground level more times than not.
The one that interests me is squiffer - I love squiffer, that's what got me into chargers to begin with. But it's limited range does tend to put you in bad situations. I've seen good squiffers, but so very few of them. Personally though the one thing that kills Squiffer more than anything for me is the kit. Classic Squiffer's kit is great, but situational. I'd use it a lot more if New Squiffer had ANY other kit than what it has, but the ink mines don't really do it for me. I didn't try New for a long time, and one day I was feeling like I wanted to play squiffer, but didn't need the sensors. I bought New deciding to play with mines, and I just couldn't really get into any kind of groove with it. I'd love it if I could make use of them, but I think Squiffer would have been a lot more popular and a lot more fun with something else...disruptors, suction bombs, seekers, anything!