What Weapons do you feel need Buffs or Nerfs and how would they change them?


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Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
That's another thing I hate, the Kraken and the Bubbler keep getting nerfed! They were never overpowered in the first place! Right now the Kraken (which is the only one I have used since the nerf) is practically useless because it only lasts 5 seconds, and people can just shoot it to push it back, then kill you when you turn back into an inkling! It's so stupid!
They nerf ed it because people would take out a few players and jump away before anyone could be done to stop them or super jump in and ambush players.
Also even though they did nerf it but in doing so they sort of improved special duration up so it is a very viable ability now, extends it for 8 seconds max so overall it is still useful as long as you are skilled in how you use it


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
The only thing that changed is that if you want the old duration, or more, you gotta invest in it. Considering we're talking about invincibility, the ultimate effect in any game ever, I'm not seeing a problem.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
That's another thing I hate, the Kraken and the Bubbler keep getting nerfed! They were never overpowered in the first place! Right now the Kraken (which is the only one I have used since the nerf) is practically useless because it only lasts 5 seconds, and people can just shoot it to push it back, then kill you when you turn back into an inkling! It's so stupid!
i actually agree with the current duration, but it's certainly not helping me when i'm on fresh squiffer.

shorter duration on both will also make them less overpowered in TC for holding the tower (and people who invest in the longer duration will have to abandon some other stats for that).

the bubbler was already tougher to use as a squiffer because i'm usually a slight distance away from teammates. there've been a number of times i've seen trouble coming so i've pulled up to a teammate and started the bubbler but they suddenly slip away at the last second without noticing me only to die.

but yeah,
they've basically just nerfed the two best squiffer kits, which were already thirsty for a buff. :l

i just wished they would have nerfed the bubbler/kraken where it ACTUALLY matters by giving it a tiny lag on startup time so it can't be used as a free escape and must have SOME planning in advance.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
we also have both invincibility specials,
the bubbler and kraken






no, but, the OHKO does make a pretty big difference. on upper levels, players are extremely defensive/evasive and even a very quick chain of half-charged bamboozler shots can miss or blocked with invincibility (especially if they catch a glimpse of your weapon). having sure-fire death if your aim is flawless is a big deal (you also get that refreshing ocean-spray feeling when you've managed to pull off a shot against one of several shooters that rivals/surpasses your range).

the other big thing about the squiffer is that it inks... just a little wider. bamboozler needs a full charge to ink a consistently walkable path, and even then in the heat of battle you'll find yourself dragging against the sides of the path and sustaining minor ink damage (which makes you much easier to kill). squiffer can swim along the path of even completely uncharged shots easily, which keeps you fresh and mobile. the mk III has the life-saving burst bomb sub, but they use so much ink that sometimes you just don't manage to get away.

i DO think that all things considered the bamboozler is a more solid weapon right now (and that the squiffer needs some small buffs), but i wouldn't say the bamboozler straight up outclasses the squiffer or anything.

(by the way, guys, i'm now officially an S+ ranked squiffer~~ :3)
I WANT to love the squiffer, but it still comes down to: What can squiffer do that splat charger/splatterscope can't do better? A faster ohko I suppose, but it's not THAT much faster, the mobility isn't much better, and you don't have the ability to play close and far at the same time. I keep trying squiffer and ending up back on splatterscope which seems far more versatile and not much worse at the same range with some dmg up.

The Salamander King

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Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I think the Jet Squelcher and the custom sould be buffed, so that they fire juuuust a tiny bit faster.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
I think the Jet Squelcher and the custom sould be buffed, so that they fire juuuust a tiny bit faster.
I'm going to disagree with you on that because the Jet Squelcher actually does more damage than the Dual. Plus it has more range than 2 snipers, the bamboozler and the squiffer. Suction Bombs should get buffed so that they explode a bit faster.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Yeah, I can pitch in that I'm probably splatted by Suction Bombs more than Splats, Mines or Seekers. Could have to do with their frequency as Subs, but it still feels to me that they're almost the most deadly as it is.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Yeah, I can pitch in that I'm probably splatted by Suction Bombs more than Splats, Mines or Seekers. Could have to do with their frequency as Subs, but it still feels to me that they're almost the most deadly as it is.
Is it mostly when you're on the tower? Also, you probably should he gettng hit by them more then seekers and ink mines becuase those are easy to dodge unless the seeker explodes near you.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Yeah, I can pitch in that I'm probably splatted by Suction Bombs more than Splats, Mines or Seekers. Could have to do with their frequency as Subs, but it still feels to me that they're almost the most deadly as it is.
I end up splatted by them somewhat often as well, but mostly it's because I try to play chicken with them :P Sometimes they get me and I really had no idea they were there. But in usage I tend to get a lot more splats out of splat bombs, that are actively targeted versus suctions where I feel my suctions are people just being unlucky to end up near them. Tower excluded of course. I get a lot of splat bomb kills...


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Is it mostly when you're on the tower?
No, in fact; I try to be very skittish when riding the TC tower, so keep a closer watch for bombs than usual. To be honest, it's probably more because I constantly underestimate their KO radius.
Also, you probably should he gettng hit by them more then seekers and ink mines becuase those are easy to dodge unless the seeker explodes near you.
Fair enough, yes; the comparison with Splat Bombs is the main thing.


Jul 4, 2016
. Suction Bombs should get buffed so that they explode a bit faster.
Suctions are already powerful enough.They can be great zoning tools and you can usually place clever traps everywhere.I can't tell you how many times I placed a suction somewhere to force someone right into my line of fire.I also like putting them on walls to splat squids moving in around corners or under or on top of grates to splat people running by or shooting from below.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
The fire rate of jet squelchers is fine. Gotta trade something for that almighty range. Same goes for suction bombs, they have the largest explosion radius of them all in exchange for that delay.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Suctions are already powerful enough.They can be great zoning tools and you can usually place clever traps everywhere.I can't tell you how many times I placed a suction somewhere to force someone right into my line of fire.I also like putting them on walls to splat squids moving in around corners or under or on top of grates to splat people running by or shooting from below.
Yeah, and I think the suction bomb rush is really good too, but I can't really pressure with them unless they're in a corner because otherwise the opponent can get away and just go in the direction of the suction bomb because it doesn't explode that fast. Also, I still don't know what to think of the squiffers. Can someone help explain tp me why you would use them over the bamboozler or the Splatcharger?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Can someone help explain tp me why you would use them over the bamboozler or the Splatcharger?
... Invincibility Specials, perhaps? I'm no Charger mogul but I find the general arguments against the Squiffer in and of itself to be pretty convincing, so it looks like that's the greatest advantage it has.

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
I think the game is pretty balanced at this point, so I don’t see much need for buffs or nerfs either way. BUT….there is a special someone who in my humble opinion is in desperate need of a nerf: DJ Octavio! I mean how many hits does it take to put that dude away? If beating a boss take longer than watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy then you have a problem. I just picked up the inkling boy amiibo for my birthday and worked through all the challenges. Now I just have him left, and I have to ask myself just how bad I want that hero roller replica…

Well that’s my mini rant for the day anyway.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I think the game is pretty balanced at this point, so I don’t see much need for buffs or nerfs either way. BUT….there is a special someone who in my humble opinion is in desperate need of a nerf: DJ Octavio! I mean how many hits does it take to put that dude away? If beating a boss take longer than watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy then you have a problem. I just picked up the inkling boy amiibo for my birthday and worked through all the challenges. Now I just have him left, and I have to ask myself just how bad I want that hero roller replica…

Well that’s my mini rant for the day anyway.
*shrug* He's a pretty classic Nintendo boss.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I mean in terms of his attack pattern. Nintendo games have been doing that kind of serially escalating final boss for decades. He's not exceedingly different from, say, Metroid Prime from Metroid Prime (heh) or Bowser in Yoshi's Island.

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