World-building of Splatoon


Pro Squid
Oct 17, 2015

That was my point with the execution of that last line.

I might be that Inklings may not be able to handl such pressure. After all, they are boneless.
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Banned (6 points)
Jun 27, 2015
Some of the brands are clearly supposed to be based off real life clothing companies

Zink is Nike: Basketball-focused product line with some misc. sports thrown in, Rolls favoring quick super jump
Krak-on is Converse: Practically the same shoes, similar logo to the All Star logo of Converse.
Takakora is Adidas: Soccer focused product line


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 25, 2015
Inkopolis, North Side
Finally, Zink is yet another sports-inspired brand with some emphasis on basketball. Thus, they compete heavily with similar brands like Firefin, Skalop and Tentatek. However, they also have to deal with accusations of pandering to the "hipster" crowd for some reason.
Update this in terms of the Zink Mini Splatling upcoming.

Also, Custom Power appears to have a collaboration with Ammo Knights in their redesign of the Custom Splattershot Jr., and perhaps they are behind the publicizing of the MK II of the Bamboozler as well. Perhaps some sort of way to revive the feel of the old ways, while still making it fresh. Why do i think this? The same symbols that decorate the CSSJR can be found advertised all over Inkopolis, such as on places in Flounder Heights. Therefore, it must still be in the hands of the company.

Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
All right, added the reference to the Zink Mini.

As for the CSSJr, I was thinking Custom Power would have sued Ammo Knights in the past for infringing on their use of "Custom" to denote their weapon variants, especially as the vanilla Jr. doesn't look much like their usual output. Then again, your headcanon also works; they probably made this exception as they knew of Sheldon's grandfather and wished to honor him on a certain anniversary of the end of the Great Turf War.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 25, 2015
Inkopolis, North Side
All right, added the reference to the Zink Mini.

As for the CSSJr, I was thinking Custom Power would have sued Ammo Knights in the past for infringing on their use of "Custom" to denote their weapon variants, especially as the vanilla Jr. doesn't look much like their usual output. Then again, your headcanon also works; they probably made this exception as they knew of Sheldon's grandfather and wished to honor him on a certain anniversary of the end of the Great Turf War.
(and perhaps they know of the secret fightings of the new Squidbeak Splatoon!)


Banned (6 points)
Jun 27, 2015
The Great Zapfish is sentient, but can't speak any languages. It gives it's power to whoever wants to use it because of a lack of understanding of the Inklings and Octolings.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Alright, here goes my headcannons.

  • Octolings are different from the rest of the Octarians in how new life is brought into the world (also using the Splatoon Artbook as reference). To get an Octoling offspring, a male and female Octoling must mate for that to happen while other Octarians are created when a tentacle is severed from the host, also, the Octoling is the only Octarian with 8 tentacles, this is because the second Octarian will always grow one tentacle less than the previous Octarian. Thus making the Octoling the most important Octarian subspecies.
  • A multiverse exists and no one in-universe knows about it. A few examples I can give: In one universe, Agent 3 is canonically female while in another universe, Agent 3 is canonically male, this also accounts for all possible combinations of gender, skin tone and eye color for Agent 3. Another example is an universe in which the Octarians won the Great Turf War. This one is pretty much self explanatory on what is different compared to the events that happened before Splatoon 1.
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May 15, 2018
All of you probably already know this, but here goes: (also, spoilers ahead, proceed with caution)
I think Octolings are actually good creatures. I mean, look at Marina! She's literally a pop idol. Not to mention Agent 8. When you were playing through the story mode, you probably noticed the Octolings are all wearing shades. The very same Callie was wearing while being hypnotized by DJ Octavio! So obviously the Octolings are being hypnotized by DJ Octavio, an evil individual from their species. My theory is that the Octolings are actually just like inklings except from a different race, and the only reason they're so bad is because they're being hypnotized. Of course, this doesn't explain how all the blue Octolings in the subway car with Agent 8 are wearing the shades and aren't hostile. Maybe they're hypnotized to only attack Inklings, or maybe those are just replicas? also to explain the Octarians not wearing shades, simple. They look like possibly an inferior form of their race and are probably brought up as children to act this way. or wait- maybe Octarians are actually genetic creations constructed by Octolings? Guess I'll never know.
also, quick thought: what if the boss in Splatoon 3 is Agent 3? I mean, they captured Callie and the shades obviously work on Inklings, so with sheer force of numbers the Octolings could probably overpower and kidnap Agent 3 and hypnotizes her (canon Agent 3 is an orange inkling girl)
Jul 24, 2018
Hello! Anyone mind if I jump in- I'm a little dazed about what the chat's talking about right now but I thought I'd toss in my two cents on some more domestic, small things that amuse me. These tend to be something more akin to fan-fiction consistency.

We all know that inklings change ink for terf wars and splatfest, but that would require changing all the pigmentation in their bodies... So that being said, I giggle thinking about inkling sitting around in a locker room like place as their ink is being switched out- either by some sort of "medication" or like a blood transfusion.
Also what if everyone had a "natural" ink color and that color usually returned naturally after time and inklings can accidentally spread their colors. Like, if someones does something intimate and just generally spends a lot of time together, how cute would it be if their yellow tentacles were tinted pink at the ends where the usually is.
That begin said, it then moves the notion that they could simply jump into a large ink vat instead of some hour long medical stuff. And that raises the idea that what if they don't have to do all that because body ink and war/terf ink are different? I think war/terf would be thicker but less persistent than natural ink, maybe like goop that dries and sticks everywhere when it dries but was really liquidus before hand.

But meh, just some INKuiries.


Inkster Jr.
Dec 31, 2015
Probably late, but figure I may as well necropost.

Something I've imagined is that an inkling's fourteenth birthday is sort of... a special birthday for them, like a Quinceañera. The birthday would mark a step into adulthood, and maybe it'd be customary to have a large party, too!

From that one sunken scroll featuring young Callie and Marie, I'd imagine that most inklings would have a mostly developed humanoid form before then, so this date is more of a rite of passage before inklings start ink battling.

I wonder about other traditions or special days in Splatoon-verse. Squidmas is a thing apparently, and Splatfest is pretty much just an excuse to party. Maybe there was a festival or something connected to Calamari Inkantation?
I could see the Inklings having some special significance around their 14th birthdays, although rather than a 'step' I think that it's just around when an Inkling is mature, thus they just grow up faster than Humans. I'd even be willing to wager they set 14 as the legal age of suffrage in whatever society Inkopolis is located. (For the purposes of my post, the same biological and legal rules apply to Octolings as well; but its hard to say on their culture)

Think about it, the celebrities we know like the SS and OTH are usually stated to be older than the player character by years. But they never actually look older whilst a Human at 14 is only just starting puberty. And we've never seen Inkling 'adults', we just assume they exist based on the squid/kid terminology. In world though, evidence seems to point towards the player character being as mature as Inklings ever appear.

They might even have a shorter lifespan in general judging by how young both the average Inkling and the general population seem compared to Humans. (not sure how to rectify that with Cap'n Cuttlefish though, but he may just be the exception judging by the distinct lack of other 'senior' Ink/Octolings) Based on what we can actually observe, I think the more rational assumption is that they just use the term 'kid' in place of 'humanoid'.

Hello! Anyone mind if I jump in- I'm a little dazed about what the chat's talking about right now but I thought I'd toss in my two cents on some more domestic, small things that amuse me. These tend to be something more akin to fan-fiction consistency.

We all know that inklings change ink for terf wars and splatfest, but that would require changing all the pigmentation in their bodies... So that being said, I giggle thinking about inkling sitting around in a locker room like place as their ink is being switched out- either by some sort of "medication" or like a blood transfusion.

Also what if everyone had a "natural" ink color and that color usually returned naturally after time and inklings can accidentally spread their colors. Like, if someones does something intimate and just generally spends a lot of time together, how cute would it be if their yellow tentacles were tinted pink at the ends where the usually is.
That begin said, it then moves the notion that they could simply jump into a large ink vat instead of some hour long medical stuff. And that raises the idea that what if they don't have to do all that because body ink and war/terf ink are different? I think war/terf would be thicker but less persistent than natural ink, maybe like goop that dries and sticks everywhere when it dries but was really liquidus before hand.

I think the natural ink colors makes sense.

But meh, just some INKuiries.
I would concur that having a 'natural' ink color makes sense. After all, what color is an Inkling when it's hatched, before having any opportunity to change color? Can an Inkling potentially not have a color, and what would that look like? Would they default to the black we see in real squids, or would they just not have ink?

Can they not have ink, and can they survive if so or is that life-threatening? (I don't mean 'out of ink' in the out-of-ammo sense. The 'hair' still retains color and if you stand still without swimming you'll replenish ammo at a slower rate. Clearly that's coming from somewhere)
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