Deniz tilted their head with a noncommittal smile. "Ehh, I don't think I really know him that well, but we are friends." They waved their hand dismissively. "
Trust me, if you've ever met Wade, the first thing you'd learn about him is that he'd
marry a charger if the act of being betrothed to a weapon wasn't inherently
freaking weird."
Continuing to speak, Deniz started to pace around the area. "
Then, if you stuck around long enough, you might figure that '
no' he probably wouldn't marry a charger, because you'd find that he has eyes for one --
and only one-- person," they paused dramatically before rapidly finishing with a cheeky grin, "but that's none of my business."
don't fix the broken barrel," Deniz instructed. "I
need proof I did this. I might have totally freaked Wade out, but breaking a charger like this is impressive! I need cold, hard evidence, Lydia.
Because priorities," they joked.