(( Sorry for the very, very late reply
@Airmure ))
"Yup, that choice of coloring makes wonder who decided them in the first place." Terence said, sliding his phone back to his side, and then putting it back in his pocket. "Anyway, I'm done with these pancakes. They meet their end here." He ate the remaining pancakes, and slid the plate away from him.
"I'm gonna go now, it was nice talking with you. C'ya around, man." Terence waved good bye to Ras, and stood up.
@InkAmerica ))
He noticed a Pink Inkling girl sitting at one of the tables, munching on some cookies, and taking a look at her phone. Terence walked over to her, pulling out a chair and sitting down, curiosity struck him. "Hi! I'm Terence, and I don't recall seeing you around here." He asked her.
@Zerul for his introduction into the RP ))
Jack started to walk back from the bus before noticing yet another person coming out of the bus. "What is this? A clown bus?" He muttered, somewhat awed at the passengers that managed to fit into it.
"Uh... Hey! I'm Jack." He introduced himself, before getting back into the routine. "If you walk over that way, there should be a sign to the Mess Hall. I'm gonna go that way, cuz I'm starting to get very hungry." He added, and then he started to go to the Mess Hall.