Is it too late to join this? If not I got an OC ready. Copied from the Inksona Thread.
Edit: had to fix some parts that would've caused issues with the cannon, and had to leave out another character since it was 1 OC per person.
Name(s): [Lucas]
Age: [15 Years Old]
Race: [Inkling]
Appearance: [Lucas is an Inkling... who is not yet fully grown, so normally you'll just see him as mostly humanoid, but with a light blue squid head, and he has brown eyes. He is usually seen wearing a


Relations: [Has brother named Andrew, and also haves parents who often worry about the him since Lucas isn't fully grown yet and the he has a knack of getting into trouble via pranks and messing with people.]
Backstory: [On Lucas's 14th birthday, he discovered he would be having a humanoid form later then usual, but since his 15th Birthday has passed, his expected to have his full humanoid form soon enough, and while waiting to fully grow into his full humanoid form he usually stays home since he isn't fresh. He grew up in Inkopolis, near the Moray Towers, where mostly everyone knows about Lucas's "condition". He still lives in Inkopolis being a somewhat known due to his pranks and jokes. Lucas's reasons for pranking people is because he's not a full grown Inkling, and can't fight Turf Wars yet, and a Inkling has to do something with his time.]
Personality: Lucas is a social Inkling, and often at times crack jokes or make very snarky remarks at anyone mostly. Though deep inside, he habors jealously of other Inklings his age who are fully grown, and often feels lonely since doesn't have anyone to relate to about his issues with his stunted growth. He loves to voice act as he watch's a lot of TV Shows and often tries to do voices by himself as a hobby.