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    Museum d'Alfonsino
    Image of Museum d'Alfonsino
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    Mode: Splat Zones

    Image of MakoMart
    Bluefin Depot
    Image of Bluefin Depot

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    Mode: Rainmaker

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    Image of Eeltail Alley
    Museum d'Alfonsino
    Image of Museum d'Alfonsino

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    Image of Hagglefish Market
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i actually do feel like a lot of folks (correctly!) recognize "the octarian domes are 100% BAD and EVIL and octolings down there are MIND CONTROLLED to fight" is a misconception but then overcorrect to "its all good down there, look side order says a lot of octolings liked it!" when i think the truth is more in the middle
we don't really have concrete word on the exact living conditions down there and under my set of loose headcanons it IS a lot more complex than "strict military dictatorship where no one is allowed to go against the herd". but people have plenty of reasons to be attached to a flawed home, no scifi mind control necessary
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could someone not like the domes, but not want to be a part of the surface society they'd learned were the ones who put them underground in the first place? could they have friends and family they aren't willing to leave? could they want to improve their home rather than leave it?
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Even now, Coral and Kelp are still thinking of potential names for their future Octoling and Octarian children. All of their children will be biological, and to them only, no third party needed or will be ever involved at all.
everyone call ogre STUPID and it TRUE! ogre barely even Literate! ogre finally finished playing SIDE ORDER but ogre can only identify surface themes like Lesbianism and can't comprehend deeper ideas like "Dome Octolings Aren't a Monolith and Have Conflicting Feelings on the Domes" that make S3's DLC a solid experience! ogre so dumb, it make ogre SAD!
As of late, I feel I've gone against better Devavitators, which are frustrating to go against sometimes, but since I follow people that use the weapon and is a weapon that I like, I feel more motivated to learn rather than angry, which is nice :]
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Decav's actually pretty fun to fight, so I'm glad that it's good
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