If you use a charger with a scope, it Always goes a little further than the regular charger, and it has a target right at the end of the charger line to help you splat the thing that you are targeting.:) Also, they are most commom than chargers without scopes, you can use chargers about anywhere! and the kelp splatterscope is good with all clothes having the damage up ability. ( Good for using sprinklers, also if you don't get the chance to charge your charger up all the way, you can still knock out the person you are after within one shot.) And if you use the special up ability with all of your gear, you can get the killer wail more often. ( also good for rain maker and .. sometimes tower control, especially over water. :) ) AND, last but least, (bamboozlers, squiffers, are chargers for beginners) I recommend the kelp splatterscope for rainmaker, (splatterscope) for splatzones, custom E-liter for splatzones.( for camptriggerfish, mahi-mahi- resort, blackbelly skatepark.) and bamboozler and squiffers for fun! :)