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  • Well, it's official! Bought my nephew Splat3 and the expansion pass for his birthday! He doesn't have NSO and he's a bit too young for online games anyways, so he won't be playing any online matches, but the story mode is big enough and fun enough that I think it was still a worthwhile purchase, and he's been really wanting it for a while anyways. So... WOO!
    I take back everything I said before I hate Salmon Run. Just got a disconnect after a WON GAME that banned me for 10 minutes. I don't know WHAT has been going on lately, but I've been getting DC after DC with NO rhyme or reason, my internet is fine and I didn't have these issues before
    that's so frustrating. I once got a disconnect just as we had defeated cohozuna and I was so sad :C
    NSO is a joke. You pay for the privilege of using ancient matchmaking servers that are worse than throwing random people together in a lobby, the way Pretendo does it with their NEX replacement at the moment. There's no Splatoon servers outside of that, they just facilitate players finding each other before they play between themselves peer to peer.
    Idiotic idea in a game where you play in groups of 4 or 8 people on a portable system, with people using the worst internet imaginable to play, while having their system hammer at up to 7 random IPs. Things get even funnier when you randomly get Japanese players while playing from Europe, the latency gets insane. True P2P netcode like Splatoon is the dumbest idea, on a platform like Switch.
    Finally. I have the second piece of Octoleet gear. All it took was countless hours, a good heaping of wrist pain, nonstop grinding, and the knowledge there's still a third piece I have to get. At the very least I got my best ever shift and individual wave yesterday, 178 eggs total and a wave that got 89 eggs!
    Eighty five is WILD congrats!
    Thank you!! It was a very fun wave, we got high tide Goldies with one person getting the Grizzco Roller, it was a really fun experience watching everyone sort of realize what the optimal strat was gonna be, let the roller handle everything while the rest of us just ferried eggs/got the next Goldie going
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    The twist at the end of the SGDQ Side Order run... my god.
    Bought the Gold Slopsuit! I mainly grind SR for bronze, I really want the Octoleet gear (And I'm currently only 115 away from the next! Still have the final piece to buy after ugh), but the process of getting bronze also means I get to work towards the other Grizzco items to buy while I'm at it. Technically I think I like the Iridescent Slopsuit more, but it just doesn't stand out the way the gold does
    Playing the Beakons challenging and remember oh yeah. This is why I stopped playing vDapples
    It's still REALLY funny watching both 1. People who don't have a bunch of time and experience with Beakons weapons either forget to place Beakons or have no idea where to place them, and 2. The increasing awareness of them throughout the match. It's incredibly funny going from "My teammates have placed exactly two Beakons and they're back in base" to "There is not a single inch of ground here that is not covered"
    My Splat1 Inkling Squid amiibo arrived in the mail today, meaning I've completed the Splat1 portion of my collection! ...kind of! If I want all figurines, then I'm still missing recolor girl, recolor squid, and Splat1 line girl, but just based on functionality, I now have the entire set! All I'm missing is Splat2 Inkling girl, Splat2 Octo boy, and octo, and I'm done!
    Autism comes with many joys (Stayed up late drawing some of my Splatoon OCs and having a great time) and many horrors (Stayed up VERY late.) Waking up to the sounds of my sister being asked if lunch is almost done being prepared is... never a good sign
    I beat a Triumvirate! I'm mainly grinding for scales currently (800 bronze a piece for the Octoleet gear was made to hurt me specifically), but I am VERY glad to have gotten that for that sweet sweet badge!
    Ohh good job! I got four of them but I haven't beaten them yet. The horror
    The horror indeed. Not gonna lie I am GENUINELY shocked I managed to even get the one I did (Especially given that I wasn't even participating in the final few seconds, I died to Joe lol. My death cam was still in the sky when my team got the win), but I'm both VERY happy that I did, and also NOT AT ALL expecting to get another LOL
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    Any of y'all gonna be on Artfight this year? I'm prepping for it now since it's a month away, and would love to follow anyone here if I'm not already lol
    I am! My user on there is 2bdamned. I didn't get to do much last year since I was travelling but I'm hoping to attack people back from 2023 and get some new people!
    i’ve done it once, back in 2022, and i’d like to do it again but i struggle so bad with making reference sheets…

    i’m sevenleaf on there (and i see you already found me lol), but no promises i’ll participate this year
    Hehe yeah my finding you was what prompted me asking here, stumbling onto your account made me figure I ought to actually ask everyone instead of just catching the occasional "Oh hey, I recognize you!" I hope you participate, but no worries if you don't, s'all about fun after all!
    Forgot to post my find from the final day of the con! Well, less "find" more "I'd been eyeing it the entire con and finally decided I HAD to get it", but I bought the Hero Shot zine! I hadn't the money to buy a copy of the zine when it first went up for sale, I thought I'd just never get one! However, the organizer for it was AT the con selling copies! As a fun touch, it was wrapped in an in-universe newspaper too!
    Todays lucky con find was the recolor Inkling boy amiibo! I don't have the recolor amiibos on my list for things I wanted to collect, but the price was ABSOLUTELY less than I was anticipating, so I picked it up! Got tons of other squid things too, to the extent I got stopped by several people JUST to compliment the sheer amount of Splatoon items I had on me!
    Attended a convention today! Not only did I buy an absurd amount of Splatoon charms (To which every vendor I bought from complimented my various Splatoon pins and charms I already had!), but I even found the Holy Grail. A sealed copy of the Splatoon 3 artbook!
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