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A moment of mourning for my Clams X power please. First two games were disconnects because of my sisters wifi. Third was just a plain old regular loss. I haven't played Clams X this season so this is for my initial X power. RIP </3
New Splatana looks REALLY fun... despite the fact I prefer quick kill up close weapons, I'm DEFINITELY going to try it out and see if I can get the hang of it. Would love to have a proper secondary main now I've fully dropped Dapples!
My sisters wifi is SO terrible, I got FOUR disconnects! In a row! FIVE if you count the one where a teammate disconnected and not me! Team Bucket List... you're on your own
Today, my nephew stood at my door waiting for me to get up ENTIRELY because he wanted to play Splatoon. I got up and first thing I hear is him asking if he's allowed to play Splatoon now LOL
I guess my 4 year old nephew gets to play Splat2 at the library, because ever since I've been here he's been BEGGING me to play Splat3. Learn the way of the squits, boy
Finally got stable enough connection to play some Splatoon! Not much, but I was able to play some Eggstra Work in the final rotation it was available. Can't WAIT until I'm back home and can play daily again
Day 3 of no Splatoon. I've started eating squid to cope with not being able to play. ...and by that I mean I ordered some calamari and remembered just how much I love calamari lol
I'm out of town right now and y'all would not believe how much self restraint I had to have to not bring exclusively my Splatoon shirts and nothing else. [Guy who always has Splatoon memorabilia with them] But how will people know I like Splatoon otherwise?
Just finished my final palette for hackless Side Order runs! By FAR the hardest was Splatling, and the easiest was Octo Shot. If there's a chip tierlist already out there I think I'll fill mine out for what chips I feel work best lol (Spoiler warning: Top place is GONNA be Mobile Special Charge). All that's left for me is a Drone only run!
Got thrown into a match against a streamer just now and managed to win! I thought it was an imposter at first until I tracked down their stream and yeah that's legit. Not the first time I've gotten matched against them even, but last time my team DC'd and the literal last moment in the game was my death LMAO
Just realized, while looking at the other KDRs I've posted here, I forgot to ever post the single most buckwild match I've played, Clams Hagglefish. Both disconnects happened with over a minute left in the game. I've never felt more insync with a solo teammate in my life like I did with the one teammate
Well... I'm pretty sure this is the best KDR I'll ever achieve. I've never seen a splat count this high in a match I've been in before in my life, much less my own. This is from a few days ago and I'm STILL in shock. I don't even care that we lost because this is literally the best game I've played in my entire life
Won my rank up series!! After a full year (and then some!) since my initial entry into S+, I am FINALLY back, and I'm ready to try and grind for S+10 so I never have to make the S to S+ grind again