Recent content by Wosie

  1. Wosie

    Neymeyd välkommeyyyyd! <3 Vad kul att se dig här =*oD Har du besökt sidan ofta innan du blev...

    Neymeyd välkommeyyyyd! <3 Vad kul att se dig här =*oD Har du besökt sidan ofta innan du blev medleymd? ;o)
  2. Wosie

    Hi Zak! I'm doing OK, thanks, some health issues but nothing terrible xP I hope you're doing...

    Hi Zak! I'm doing OK, thanks, some health issues but nothing terrible xP I hope you're doing perfectly fine yourself?
  3. Wosie

    The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch

    Aww, squidhugs galore for you! Mean opponents!! I don't get why you would rub salt in somebody's wound like that.
  4. Wosie

    The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch

    Oh no!! I squidbagged. ;o I try my darndest to never squidbag, but today I happened to play in a 2v.4 in turf wars and the other team was playing as seriously as if it were some kind of tournament match, and by the end spawncamping us. I managed to get three of them with my Zink Mini Splatling...
  5. Wosie

    What is something you'd like to see in Splatoon 2?

    More details and information in Salmon Run (e.g. knowing what Profreshional rank people have) is a first! The Octo Expansion Pack already deals with a lot of things that will help prolong this game's freshness for sure! More gear, YUS! More story mode, yeeeehaaw! Other than that, hmm... I wish...
  6. Wosie

    Gear Exchanging Thread

    I have a White Inky Rider which is almost pure (one of the slots is Ink Resistance Up), as I barely use it it's low on my to-make-pure-priority list. xD Too cool for me, I mostly use cute and colourful stuff. Either way, if you haven't gotten it from anybody else, feel free to add my fc and I'll...
  7. Wosie

    The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch

    Someone please teach me how to use Splashdown... I have used the Dark Tetra Dualies almost exclusively since they were launched and I still can't seem to quite grasp this Special! It really hinders my progress with the Tetras I believe--as peeps who are skilled at using Splashdown splats me...
  8. Wosie

    Least Favorite Map?

    Mine are Moray Towers and Blackbelly Skatepark. I have other names for them, just 'cause I dislike them so much. :oops: They seem to be in rotation so often too (probably just feels like it, as I dread their appearances), and Moray Towers keeps getting chosen when it's available! D: Other than...
  9. Wosie

    Most Intimidating Weapon(s)?

    Just for reference, what are the best counter weapons for Blasters? *whistles innocently* ;D
  10. Wosie

    Most Intimidating Weapon(s)?

    Definitely Blasters... x_O;; Especially very skilled Blasters who get direct hits all the time, like there's no tomorrow! On second place we have skilled Splatlings. They can take over an area and it's near impossible to take it back, especially if I'm using a weapon without bombs!
  11. Wosie

    Grizzco Break Room

    I agree about the Undercover Brella, most definitely! It's very efficient when it comes to crowd control & turf and it's speedy to boot. However... I would love for it to get buffed as it deserves it. Such a cool weapon, both in looks and how it functions. Today's weapons are fine but the Dualie...
  12. Wosie

    The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch

    I'm not salty or anything, more... down. ;c I've noticed that when I play Splat Zones it seems to happen the same way--my team is in the lead in the beginning, then the other team wipes us and they get an awesome comeback which we can't stop. How do you play in such situations? HALP!! I mean, I...
  13. Wosie

    Grizzco Break Room

    Looking forward to tonight's loadout (N-Zap '85, Squeezer, Splat Roller, Goo Tuber). Finally we have a (easy to use) Roller again, hallelujah! :D It feels like something is truly lacking whenever there's not a Roller in Salmon Run for me. *^.^* And about the Welding Mask... It looks pretty...
  14. Wosie

    Grizzco Break Room

    I really enjoyed both video clips! I enjoy standing on that little egg box roof too, squid partyin', and see all the players down below trying to get up. xD Makes me giggle! But I don't always make the jump, it ain't that easy. ;o
  15. Wosie

    Your fresh moments in Splatoon 2

    Two fresh moments from yesterday. :D First I managed to pure-ify my pair of Turquoise Kicks with a Swim Speed Up drink. It has only happened once or twice before! Very lucky! I also reached my highest ever Salmon Run rank with Profreshional 880. It honestly surprised me, but I ain't complainin'...
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